World History Project

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Adventist International Mission School

Grade 10: World History


World Religions

Submitted to:

Jayaraj Chinniah


Chanitnan Ella Danielle Aguilar Encapas

Due Date:

September 23, 2022.

Name: Chanitnan Ella Danielle Aguilar Encapas Date: September 16, 2022

World History Project

 Answer page 233 #1–24

 Essay about the differences and similarities between Christianity, Islam, and

Hinduism (350 Words)


Reviewing Vocabulary

1. sect (ans: c.) a. belief that spirits inhabit natural objects

and forces of nature.
2. monotheism (ans: b.) b. belief in one god.
c. a subdivision within a religion that has
3. polytheism (ans: d.)
its own distinctive belief and/or

4. animism (ans: a.) practices.

d. belief in more than one god.
5. atheism (ans: e.) e. disbelief in the existence of any god.

Reviewing the Main Ideas

World Religions (p. 214-215)

6. Which religion has the most followers worldwide? Which has the fewest?

Answer: Christianity is the most with 33%, and Judaism is the least with 0.2%.

7. Analyzing Visuals Compare the maps at the bottom of pages 214 and 215. Which religions

have spread throughout the world? What factors may have contributed to this spread?
Answer: Religions that have spread across the world are Buddhism, Christianity,

Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism through factors like work, trade, war, and migration.

Buddhism (p. 216-217)

9. According to Buddhism, how can the end of suffering in the world be achieved?

Answer: Suffering can be ended by understanding Buddha's divine law (dharma).

10. What is Nirvana? According to Buddhists, who is most likely to achieve Nirvana and why?

Answer: Nivana is a state of peace in which the soul will be free from suffering forever.

Christianity (p. 218-219)

11. In what religion was Jesus raised?

Answer: Jesus was raised in Judaism.

12. Why do Christians regard Jesus as their savior?

Answer: Jesus died for humanity’s sins which saved people and gave them a chance to

achieve eternal life by faith through Him.

Confucianism (p. 220-221)

13. What is Confucianism based on? Why might some not consider it a religion?

Answer: Confucianism is based on the Confucius’s teachings; thus, some might not

consider it a religion, as it’s an actual philosophy grounded in ethical behaviour and good

14. What does yin-yang symbolize?

Answer: Yin-Yang symbolizes harmony. Yang, which is the light half, represents

creative, firm, and strong elements. Yin, which is the dark half, represents receptive and

weak elements. The Yin-Yang balance each other out.

Hinduism (p. 222-223)

15. What type of religion is Hinduism? Where did it develop?

Answer: Hinduism is made up of various Indian cultures and traditions. It spread as the

Indian cultures spread over the plains and forests of the subcontinent.

16. Describe reincarnation. What role do Hindus believe karma plays in this process?

Answer: It is a belief that souls are continuously reborn in different forms. Karma

determines the form to be reborn on the good or evil actions performed in the past.

Islam (p. 224-225)

17. What are the two branches of Islam? What is the main difference between the two


Answer: Although Sunni and Shiite Muslims are both sects of the Islamic faith, the

differences between these two groups stem from conflicting religious beliefs. Political

conflict separates the groups as well as Saudi Arabia, a Sunni nation, and Iran, a Shiite

nation, in which they continue to compete for regional influence in the Arab world.
18. What role does Makkah play in the Islamic faith?

Answer: While all three factors are important, it was Mecca's connection to global trade

routes that helped to spread the religion the most. It's central location allowed the city to

be a hub for the religion to spread to far away regions. The military conquered more

territory and brought more trade routes under their control.

Judaism (p. 226-227)

19. What is the Torah?

Answer: The Torah is the compilation of the first five books of the Hebrew Bible, namely

the books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. In that sense, Torah

means the same as Pentateuch or the Five Books of Moses.

20. What is the purpose of Yom Kippur?

Answer: This day of atonement marks the end of the Jewish high holy days—and offers a

chance for people to change their fate through prayer, repentance, and charity.

Sikhism (p. 228-229)

21. Where do most Sikhs live? Why?

Answer: The founder of the Sikh tradition, Guru Nanak was born in 1469 in the Punjab

region of South Asia, which is currently split between Pakistan and the northwestern

area of India. Most of the global Sikh population still resides in Punjab on the Indian

side of the border.

22. What other religions have contributed to the Adi Granth?

Answer: Hinduism and Islam.

Indigenous Religions (p. 230-232)

23. Many of the sacred stories in local religions explain the creation of people, animals, and

plant life. Why would religions feature such stories?

Answer: They feature stories like that because to them that is how they started. They

believe the Great Spirit created all things.

24. Which of the indigenous religions has the largest membership?

Answer: Shinto, founded in Japan, has the largest indigenous religion membership.
Similarities and Differences of Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism

Christians believe in one God, who created the world and all within it. They believe in the

teachings of Jesus Christ, who was a middle eastern preacher and healer who lived around

2000 years ago. Christians believe that Jesus Christ was sent to Earth to save people by

taking their punishment and dying on the cross. Muslims believe that there is only one God

called Allah. They believe Allah is the only ruler of the universe. The Word Islam means

submission and obedience to Allah. Hindus recognize on god Brahman. The gods of

Hinduism are different aspects of Brahman. The main three aspects are called Trimurti,

which are Vishnu, Brahma, and Shiva. The three main goddesses are Saraswati, Lakshmi, and

Shakti. Hindus can pray to different gods and goddesses for help with different needs.

The Bible is the holy book of Christianity. It contains the Old and New Testaments. The Old

Testament is similar to the Jewish Bible and was written before Jesus’ birth. The New

Testament contains stories about Jesus, written by those who knew him. The Muslim holy

book is called the Qur’an. Muslims believe it is a record of the exact words that Allah said.

There are many different types of holy texts in Hinduism. Shruti texts are knowledge from

gods. Smiriti were written by Hindu spiritual leaders. The most sacred are called the Vedas.

The Vedas guide people in their daily lives. They are written into the Sanskrit language.

Christians can pray in any place, but the most common location is a purpose-built building

called a church. Churches can be very different – old, new, plain, or highly decorated and can

vary depending on the denomination of Christianity which uses them. Common church

features include altar tables, lecterns, pulpits, fonts, and stained-glass windows. The
Christian’s most important day of worship is Sabbath, which begins when the sun goes down

on Friday and ends when the sun goes down on Saturday. The Muslim place of worship is

called a mosque. Services are held in mosques everyday. The most important service for

Muslims is on a Friday. Mosques often have a domes roof. There are no images of people or

animals in mosques. They are decorated with patterns and words from the Qur’an. Muslims

take of their shoes before going into the mosque and wash before they pray. Muslims pray

kneeling on the floor on a prayer mat. He wall of the musque which faces Mecca is called the

qibla wall. It has an empty arch to show the direction of Mecca. Hindus can worship at home

or in a mandir. In a mandir, Hindus can perform puja. Some mandirs are very tall buildings.

Hindus believe it brings them closer to heaven. In a mandir, there are shrines and lots of

murtis for different gods. Offerings of flowers are brought to the murtis.

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