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It is a wise man who said that there is no greater inequality than the equal

treatment of unequals.
Felix Frankfurter
Good mornig, my name is Jose Luis Flores. Reduction of inequalities is an initiative
that is focused on curbing the disparities of the entire population.
This goal seeks to promote the economic inclusion of minorities regardless of
race, ethnicity, gender, age, region of residence, financial status, disreduce
inequality within and between countries.
What does inequality mean? Inequality is not just about wealth, net worth, or
income, gross pay. It can also cover life expectancy, how easy it is for people to
access health services, quality education or public services. It occurs when a
person receives different treatment as a result of their social position, their
economic situation, the religion they profess, their gender, the culture they come
from or their sexual preferences, among other aspects.
The first goal is to ensure that the income of the poorest 40% of the population
grows at a rate higher than the national average; the second, prenote the social
and economic inclusion of all people, regardless of their race, ethnicity or economic
situation; and the third, to guarantee equal opportunities
What are the goals of reducing inequalities? Well, if we reduce inequality
1. we can reduce social exclusion
2. we guarantee equal opportunities and results for the entire population
You will think, why is it important to reduce inequality?
Ensuring that all people have equal access to food, health, and education is not
only a moral imperative; it's about human rights. People have the legal right to
demand them, and guarantors must comply.
I invite you to treat everyone equally in every way, to respect, help, care, and try to
be a good person.
Thanks for listening.

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