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The table illustrates the number of cocoa beans produced in six different regions from1992

to 1998.
Overall, between 1992 and 1994, South America was the top producer of cocoa beans
however it was replaced by Asia in four years later. And the production in Asia was the most
significant raise in the given period.
Looking at the detail , in 1992 Asia produced the highest number at 143000 then rose
steadily to reach a peak of 436000 in the final year. South America’s production started at
143000 and this figure dropped to a low of 113000 in 1996 before increasing considerably to
389000 in 1998. Similarly, the Oceania region also saw a dramatic rose in production
although the figure was much lower at 40000 in 1992 and 77000 at the end of the period.
Initially, Africa was the lowest producer at the beginning around 30000 and hit a high of
43000 before plunge to 25000 in 1998. In North and Central America, the quantity of cocoa
being produced started and ended with the same figure at 46000, while in England, the
figure witnessed a dramatical drop from 56000 to 49000 in 1998 and got highest in 1994 at

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