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Chapter 1 HTML 1.1 Introduction In this chapter, various component of HTML are discussed to design a web page. The basic structure for an HTML page is shown below ‘* Entries inside the are known as tags. Most of the tags has an opening and closing e.g. (opening head) and (closing head). Some of the tags do not have closing tags e.g. . We need to write the HTML codes inside the tags. «The comments are written between '" ‘¢ Here Line I gives the details of the ‘HTML ve ‘+ The ‘bead! tag (Lines 3-5) contains the header related tags e.g. ‘title for the page’ and ‘links for the ess files’ te ‘« The ‘body! tag (7-11) contains the actual HTML code whick is displayed on the web-browser. Also, we add ‘body>) sion’ to the web-browser. ‘The ‘himl’ tells itis version 5. all the JavaScript related codes just before the clasing body tag ( choml> ead> cto header related tegs e.g. title, Links ete 1.2 First code In below code, the message “Hello World” is displayed on the HTML page. The Fig. 1.1 i age ‘+ The title (Line 4) The tag < World!) ‘+ The tag

is called the ‘paragraph’ tag, which ean be used to write the paragraphs. .e resultant HTML appears on the top of the browser. h1> is called ‘header’ tag, which has the larger size than the normal text (see the size of ‘Hello TRE TT AT 13, Basic tags (continued from previous page) MTML Tutorial Helle Werta!

This is the first HTML code

€ B file://basic.html Hello World! This is the first HTML code Fig. 1.1: First code 1.3 Basic tags ‘¢ The Table 11 shows the list of tags which are required for writing the basic ‘HTML’ codes ic. without any style eg. bold, italics and numbering ete Table 1.1: List of basic tags [re Description Example BL, = BO | Header tag bl to HO ha> Wi =phe P ‘paragraphs (Line changes at the end) |


Spam 'No line change after span span> Hix /span> Bye div Tmake division between contents adivs
a Typerlink see Section 19 conten Move coi coater center> i by Tine break (no closing tag) TS oF
De preserve formatting
[liable insert table 300 Section 15,





‘* Let's soe the example of each of these tags,


Note: All the new codes are added below the previous codes in the ‘body’ tag. Therefore only newly added
codes ate showa in the tutorial.




 Heading 2 
Heading 6 Chapter HTML



inved from previous page)




This is paragraph

This is span. The ‘br’ tag is used after span to break the Line
The ‘div! tag can be used for formatting the tags inaide it at once using ‘atyle! and ‘classe:

This paragraph is inside the ‘div! tag

This span is inside the ‘div’ tag eer/>

Heading 3 is centered

cspan> Centered span inside the paragraph.

Two horsgontal Line ia drawn using two ‘hr’ tag er >

 ‘pre! tag preserve che formatting (good for writing codes)


4 Python code

print (x+y)

‘* Fig, 1.2 is the output of above code, Read the text to understand each tag, Heading 2 eading 8 ‘This is paragraph ‘This is span. The ‘br’ tag is used after span to break the line ‘The ‘div’ tag can be used for formatting the tags inside it at once using ‘style and ‘classes' etc. ‘This paragraph is inside the ‘div’ tag ‘This span Is inside the ‘lv’ tag Heading 3 is centered Centered span inside the paragraph. ‘Two horizontal line is drawn using two ‘hr’ tag. ‘pre! tay preserve the formatting (good for writing cofesd Pythan cote Fig, 1.2: Basic tags : Attribute ‘style’ is used in ‘div’ tag 1a, Attributes 1.4 Attributes In Fig. 12, we saw an example of attribute (Le. style) which changed the color of all the elements to ‘blue’ inside the ‘div’ tag. 1.4.1 Attribute ‘name’ and ‘value’ '* Attribute is defined insid is defined inside the ‘div’ tag. 10 opening part of a ‘tag’. For example, in the below code, the attribute ‘st
This is span vith class ‘blue' ‘ style : We already see the example of style attribute, which can be used to change the formatting of the text in HTML design. We can specify various styles which are discussed in Chapter 2,

Style attribute is used to bold and color

Note: Above three attributes are used with ‘CSS (cascading style sheet)’ and JavaScript/jQuery, which are the very handy tools to enhance the look and functionalities of the web-page respectively. ‘The CSS is discussed in Chapter 2, whereas JavaScript and jQuery are discussed in Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 respectively ‘* Also wo can define multiple attributes for one tag as shown below,

Multiple attributes

‘+ The other useful attributes ate listed in Table 1.2 Table 1.2: List of att Name] Values Description id wer defined names =pid—p_l> Mi

class [user defined names =p cass="p_class'> Hi <]p> CSS sty Pp siyle— color-red; Tont-weight-boldy'> Hi

align —[Teft, right, comer Thorizontal alignment width | numeric value or % value [ width of images and tables ete Taeight_[ numeric value eight of images and tables etc Chapter 1 HTML 1.5 Tables sributes which are discussed in Table 1.2, ‘Table 1.3 In this se mn, we will learn to draw tables along with some a shows the list of tags available to croate the table, which are used in Listing 1.1 ‘Table 1.3: Tags and attributes for ereating tables Tee Description ] Table Beginning and end of table ow of fable th header cell ta data coll ‘Attributes Towspan | number of rows fo marge ‘olspan | number of columns to merge order “width of border cellpadding | width of whitespace between two border ‘allspacing | width of whitespace within « border Dgcolor background color Tordercalor_| color of horder width width of table (wamerie or 7) | height height of table (numeric) | ‘caption | caption Tor table j '* Some of the attributes of Table 1.3 are used in below example, Listing 1.1: Table with border and color 2 [cable border="1" bordercoler="slack” width="450" height="100"> » |ccaption>Table 1 : Various tags of table 4 | ste bgcolorstred" > . > Colunn 3¢/¢h> a] cee . tr bgcolor="cyan"> . eeaodata 2¢ > cea>Data 3¢/ea> ap | " New Data 1 * New Data 2 / data > 2] ne [sto width an > ws [ Table 2 : Width is 80Z hesght="100"> a | ” » ehoColunn 2 * eehoColunn 3¢/th> ‘ ceapData 1e/ed> ‘« Pig. 1.3 is the output of above code Fig. 1.8: Table generated by Table 1.3 1.6 Text formatting In this section, we will see some of the text formatting options (see Table 1.4) e.g. bold, italic, subscript and strike ote Table 1: ‘Text formatting Tag Deseriation B ‘kd i italic ims__[anderine strike, de strike | aap supencript —] ub subseript_——] Tig big eine tazt small [small size text ‘+ Below are the some of the examples of text formatting, whose results are shown in Pig. Ll, beldc/o> vext

striked subseript text


1.7 Images Innage tag has two important attribues Le. ‘sre’ and ‘alt’ as described below, ‘* sre : tells the location of ‘image’ file e.g. in Line 2 the image 'logo.ipg’ will be searched inside the folder ‘img Chapter HTML This is bold text This is striked text This is subscript text Fig. 14: Text formatting found. For example, in Line 6, the name of the ‘Missing Logo.jpg” ‘salt ; is the ‘alternate text? which is displayed if image is not image is incorrectly written i.e. “logoa’ (instead of ‘logo’), therefore the value of ‘alt’ ie will be displayed as shown in Fig. 1.5 <= Twages > ing src=" ing/1ogo. jpg"
e="tMissing Loge. jpg" width="20%"/> @ [ing sre="ing/logoa. Jpg" 30 MASTERY & T Fig. 1.5: Images Note: We can use other attributes as well e.g. ‘height’, ‘align’ and ‘border’ etc 18. Lists 1.8 Lists There are three type of lists in HTML, ‘* Unordered list : bullet are used in it (see Lines 2 and 9) ‘¢ Ordered list : numbers are used in it (see Lines 15, 22 and 28) ‘* Definition list : This can be used for writing definitions in HTML (see Line 35) clos unordered List ==>