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Lesson 5

Topic: The Aspects of Gene Therapy


1. Describe Gene Therapy and its various forms.

2. Assess the issues potential benefits and detriments to global health.

Class Lecture Proper:

Gene Therapy is a method that may treat or cure genetic related human illness. In 1971 Gene
Therapy was 1st realized when the 1st recombinant DNA experiments were planned. It was viewed as
mention foreign DNA into a patient issue that hope to successfully eradicate the targeted diseases.

There ae two forms of Gene Therapy. One is Somatic Gene Therapy which involves the
manipulation of gene in cells that will be helpful to the patient but not inherited to the next generation.
The other is Germline Gene Therapy which involves the genetic modification of germ cell or the origin
cell that will pass the change to the next generation.

There are many ethical issues on gene therapy. Some of these issues are about questions on
whose authority or power to decide which human traits should be altered; other concerned are on the
discriminatory effects of those who may not or cannot avail gene therapy.

Teaching/Learning Modality/Strategies

- Home-based activity with learning modules/activity to be distributed through social media

- Or hard-copy to be picked-up in designated area i.e school guard or CAS Department.

Reference: Science, Technology and Society

Author: Serafin, Pawilen, Caslif Jr., Alata



Date: May 10,2023 Time: GE417 GEN ED 6 STS (TF 11:30-1:00 P.M)

Answer the following:

1. Would you subject yourself for Gene Therapy without its 100% assurance of effectiveness or
future negative side effects? Explain your answer.
Answer: Gene therapy is a potentially life-saving procedure, but its efficacy cannot be assured. It
is crucial to take action to advance and test the results of future research on gene therapy.
Though gene therapy may be unsettling, one shouldn't be afraid of it because it may one day be
used to treat conditions including cancer, diabetes, and sickle-cell anemia.
2. Should gene therapy be limited to medical concerns only or could it be used for aesthetic
Answer:Given that this scientific advancement in the realm of medicine might be used for
cosmetic objectives as well, I firmly believe that gene therapy should not be restricted to
medical issues. We can only provide individuals information about the underlying factors of
subjecting themselves to something if they can afford it and are willing to do so, and then we'll
let them make their own decisions. But this surgery should nevertheless be carried out in
conformity with the moral standards of the medical profession.

Lesson 6

Topic: Climate Change


1. Identify the causes of climate change.

2. Understand the effects of climate change on the society.
3. Illustrate how the community helps in integrating the hazards caused by climate change.

Class Lecture Proper:

Climate change is referred as statistically significant climate variation persisting for an extended
period of time. It can be able to many factors like, natural internal process, external process, persistent
anthropogenic change in the composition of the atmosphere or in land use or contributed by acts of
human being, or it could be natural cause and by human activities.

Natural causes can be by volcanic eruption and orbital changes, while by human activities we
mean for example – burning fossil fuel – which releases. Coz gas to the atmosphere like transportation
use, healing, cooking, manufacture of cements and other goods, deforestation, high methane emission
related to agriculture and the like.
What are the effects of climate change on the Society?

- It affects the basic elements of people lives like water, food, health, use of hand, the
- Melting glaciers will increase flood risks during the wet seasons and strongly reduce dry-season
water supplies to one.
- There will be declined crop yields due to drought.
- Ocean Edification – a direct result of rising carbon dioxide levels, which will have a major effects
or marine ecosystem. Climate change will increase worldwide death from malnutrition and heat
stress and many more.



Date: May 10,2023 Time: GE417 GEN ED 6 STS (TF 11:30-1:00 P.M)

Answer the following:

1. What significant contribution can individuals make in response to climate change?

Answer:For me, the significant contribution can individuals make in response to climate change
are, Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle and plant a tree to help rescue the environment. No to fishing
with dynamite. Invest on local goods and services. Most importantly, keep your environment
clean and non-polluting, and educate those around you about climate change so that they do
not contribute to damaging global warming.
2. It climate change preventable?
Answer: Yes, there are numerous things that we as humans can do to lessen or even stop the
effects of climate change. Respect for the natural world is essential. We must safeguard
ecosystems that are essential to the fight against climate change because they absorb enormous
amounts of carbon, which slows warming, in rivers, wetlands, oceans, forests, and mangroves.
Wetlands absorb extra water from floods, while mangroves act as a barrier against tropical
storms, both extreme weather occurrences made worse by climate change. In terms of
conservation and restoration, we're in a race against time, and we're already starting to see
alarming natural phenomena, like forests so degraded they're losing their ability to absorb
carbon. Healing the natural system is the most practical, realistic, and fair option because it
would benefit humanity and all species.
3. What should be the important contribution of the society as well as the government in
mitigating the hazard caused by climate change?
Answer: The government provides mitigating measures to combat climate change by enacting
various bills and acts, such as the Climate Change Act of 2009, which was enacted in response to
the global phenomena of climate change. Climate change mitigation is also supported by clean
and green programmers.
Prepared by:

Zaida Q. Ladrera

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