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Article 1 Lesson Plan

Teacher’s Name:
Allison Ross
Name of Article:
Shared Reading and Guided Play for Vocabulary Instruction with Young Children by Anna
Learning Objective:
Students should be able to identify specific words (Spring, Fall, winter, and Summer) within a
storybook, be able to use the words and show understanding of their definitions using verbal
explanation and show comprehension by correctly using the words in conversation with the
correct context. Students will also be able to verbally communicate the expected weather of each

Standard: 4.1.K.E

Identify how the changes of seasons affect their local environment.

Pre- Instruction:
- Opening (estimated time: 2 minutes) In this section identify how you will gain the
student’s attention and provide motivation to learn and/or participate:
To gain the student attention I will show them four pictures representing one for each of the
seasons included in the lesson
This will be of a snowflake (winter), leaf (fall), Sunshine (Summer), flower (spring)
I will ask the students if they recognize what is unique to each of these four objects.
Do they appear with a certain type of weather?
- Activate Prior Knowledge (estimated time: 3 minutes) In this section, identify any links
to background knowledge or experiences that could facilitate new learning:
I will ask the students if they remember the last time they saw snow on the ground, how did it
feel? Was it warm, or was it cold?
Then hold up the leaf asking the students if they could identify it, prompting leaf.
Ask where they commonly find theses objects? Where do they grow? And what happens to
them as the weather changes?
Next hold up the sunshine. Ask the students how they feel when the sun is shining, is it warm
or is it cold?
Finish with the flower, ask the students to identify the object, and prompt what happens when
it rains? Does the rain help anything grow? Prompting flowers

- Pre-Teach/Introduce Vocabulary (estimated time: 3 minutes) Introduce any words that

the students will need to know:

I will introduce the word weather, Fall, Spring, Winter, And Summer, and provide explanatory
activates that commonly happen in each season from book to follow.
Fall- after summer and before winter when it begins to get cold (the leaves begin to fall,
pumpkins grow)
Winter- when it is cold (when it snows, ice skating, and snowmen)
Spring- after winter when it begins to start warming up (the birds come back from the south,
flowers grow)
Summer- when it is warm (going to the beach, corn grows)

Instruction (estimated time: 10 minutes) In this section, describe how the instruction will be
provided. You could include step by step procedures of what you will do. Include how you will
model/demonstrate the content. What activities will you do?
For 5 minutes I will read “four seasons makes a year” to the students emphasizing the activates
we have previously talked about tin each season. I will also stop at the start of each season.
I will then have the students create a season wheel showing how the seasons progress throughout
the year.
This will include giving each student a 4 arrowed circle chart with 4 boxes for the 4
I will tell the students that I am going to place the materials in front of them and ask them
to keep their hands in their laps until instructed to use them.
I will give each child a marker and a season wheel.
The students will have space to draw and have creative liberty to choose a picture that
represents each season to them within the box located on the season wheel, they do not have to
follow the direct example.
We will go through each season together, recalling the information that we had form out
previous knowledge, and what examples were given for each season in the story.
For students who need an extra challenge: They will include the names of each season written
under the picture drawn to represent the season.
For students who need more support, they will be given a work sheet with the seasons written in
order on them and they will draw the picture that corelates with the season.

Checks for Understanding (estimated time: 3 minutes) In this section, describe how you will
know if the students are understanding the content:
I will assess the students’ knowledge by asking them questions about when flowers begin to
grow what season would we be in? what would the weather be like for the flowers to grow?
Point at each of the season on their color wheel when I ask questions such as “what season does
it snow, or for a more challenging question, what seasons can we make snowmen”
Lesson Review:
In review, after the lesson the students should be able to identify the 4 seasons and describe
weather pattern and activities that they commonly do within the season and create a season
wheel demonstrating their knowledge.
For the second day of the lesson to follow the shared reading and guided play I would read aloud
another book about the weather patterns and have a guided activity to connect different weather
patterns to seasons.

Reflection: How did it go? What went well? What would you do differently?
I believe the lesson went well, I was targeting this lesson more to a kindergarten learning level,
but I was able to demonstrate to my peers how to apply the information that we learned about in
article 1. I think having options with the 3 lessons created to adapt for different learning levels
was helpful to show my peers how to change a lesson to help students learning needs, and how to
be adaptive. If I were to do the lesson again, I would definitely have more materials for each
student such as each of them have their own box of markers to use different colors to draw with.

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