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Internship Report on East West University Library

Course title : Internship at Information Institutions

Course code : ISL499

Submitted To: Submitted by :

Dr. Dilara Begum Tasnim Ferdous Jebin
Chairperson, Department of ID : 2018-1-44-009
Information Studies
East West University.

Submission Date : 20 – 01 – 2023

Letter of Transmittal


Dr. Dilara Begum


Department of Information Studies

East West University.

Subject : Letter of Transmittal

Dear Madam,

It gives me great pleasure to hand over my internship report on East West University Library. This internship
program is also included in the BSS Honors curriculum.

I did my best to make this report as useful and relevant as possible.

This report’s material is primarily based on the East West University Library. It gives me great pleasure to offer
you with this report based on my internship experience from October 15, 2022 to January 18, 2023. During my
internship, I gained valuable experience and information that will serve me well in the future.

If you accept the report, I will be thankful. Please contact us if you have any question or need clarification or
suggestion that you would like me to explain.

Thanking you for your cooperation.



Tasnim Ferdous Jebin

ID : 2018-1-44-009

Department of Information Studies,

East West University.


First and foremost, I’d want to thank Almighty Allah. I couldn’t finish my internship report without His
permission. My heartfelt thanks go to respected supervisor Tahur Ahmed, Assistant Librarian, East West
University Library, for all of his advice and constant input throughout the working term. He was really
encouraging and provided good feedback on how I might enchance my report.

I would want to express my appreciation to my family and those seniors who worked tirelessly to carry out the
study. Finally, I would like to thank East West University’s library for providing me with the chance for self-
development via practical experience.

I obtained the majority of the material from various sources such as papers, journals, EWU library webside. EWU
library flyer, books and so on, as well as an unstructured interview and conversation with a few EWU library staff
member. Thank you to everyone who has helped me with my internship report, whether directly or indirectly. I
would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all of the assistant librarians at EWU Library who provided vital
information for the study. I appreciate their unwavering support.

Table of Content :

1. Chapter One
1.1 Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8
1.2 Background ……………………………………………………………………………….………………………………. 8
1.3 Objective of the internshi ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9
1.4 Scope of the study …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9
1.5 Time frame of the study ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 9

2. Chapter Two
2.1. Overview of East West University Librrary …………………………………………………………… 10
2.2. About East West University Library …………………………………………………………………….. 11
2.3. EWU Library Mission & Vision ……………………………………………….…………………………..… 12
2.4. EWU Library Committee ………………………………………………………….……………………………… 12
2.5. Acquisition and Processing Section ……………………………………….………………………….… 12
2.6. Circulation Section …………………………………………………………….…………………………………… 13
2.7. Reference Section ………………………………………………………………….……………………………… 14
2.8. Reserve Section ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 15
2.9. Liberation War Corner ……………………………………………………….………………………………… 15
2.10. Hridoye Bangabandhu …………………………………………………….…………………………………… 16
2.11. Information Desk ………………………………………………………….……………………………………… 16
2.12. Library Annex Section ………………………………………………………………………………………… 16
2.13. Newspaper and Journal Section …………………………………………………………………………… 17
2.14. EWU Library Collection ………………………………………………………………………………………… 18
2.15. Service ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 19
2.16. E-Resources ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 20

3. Chapter Three
3.1. Methodology ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 22
3.2. Data Analysis and Presentation ……………………………………………………………………………… 22

4. Chapter Four
4.1. Recommendation …………………………….................................................................... 23
4.2. Conclution ………………………….…………………………………………………………...................... 23

5. Reference ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 24

List of Abbreviations

East West University – EWU

East West University Library – EWU Library

Compact Disc – CD

Bachelor of Social Science – BSS

Information Literacy – IL

East West University (EWU)

East West University Library (EWUL)

Bachelor of Social Science (BSS)

Progoti Foundation for Education and Development (PFED)

Compact Disc (CD)

Digital Versatile Disc (DVD)

Read Only Memory (ROM)

Library Consortium of Bangladesh (LiCOB)

Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB)

Global Online Access to Legal Information (GOALI)

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

Content Management System (CMS)

Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC)

Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB)

Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)

George Mason University (GMU)

Electronic Books (E-books)

Electronic Resources (E-resources)

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

List of Figues :

1. East West Universty

2. Acquisition and Processing Section of EWU Library
3. EWU library Circulation Section
4. EWU library Reference Section
5. EWU library Reserve Section
6. Liberation War Corner
7. Hridoy Bangabandhu
8. Newspaper & Journal Section
9. EWU Library Service


To begin with, I am grateful to allah, the Almighty. BSS Honors Program includes a temporary employment. The
temporary work program is an essential component of ISL 499 course. To me, a temporary employment report is a
true working experience. I was given a three-month opportunity to internship in “East West University Library”.
East West University Library values specialized talents, authoritative abilities, scientific abilities and relational
abilities, among other things.

This experience enabled me to improve my abilities and get more information in the subject of library science.

1. Chapter One

1.1. Introduction :

A library is a collection of information and comparable resources that are made available to a specifit community
for reference or borrowing. An internship allows me to put the information I’ve gained from my academic studies
to use in a practical, working environment setting. Internships are essential for anybody seeking employment
experience in a real world setting. The internship is an excellent opportunity for students to learn, gain insight, and
develop plans. Whatever the expertise, if you’re learning and developing skills that will help you in your future
career, it’s considered an internship. In other respects, the internship has also taught me where I still fall short as a
human and as an employee. Internship help me discover my talents and weaknesses. “Practice without Theory is
blind, Theory without Practice is sterile,“ Karl Marx (1819-83) remarked.

Interns have some chances as a result of their internship. These are as follows :

 Integrate and apply theoretical information;

 Gather knowledge on real-world workplace enviroment;
 Get familiar with the many work situations in which such competence may be implemented.

1.2. Background:

As previously stated, internship is a requirement of the BSS degree, thus individuals who participate in it must
complete it. Each student who participates in the internship must submit an internship report. Students discuss their
activities and experiences throughout the internship time in this report. This internship program at East West
University Library was run from October 15, 2021 to January 13, 2022. During the three months of the internship
program, we learned how to buy books, journals, magazines, library materials, e resources, web construction,
website, news clipping, shelf reading and other things. We also learn how to compose an acknowledgment letter
and a library requisition letter.

The library plays an important role in our culture, environment. Without a library, no huamn group is considered
whole. “Education” and “Library” are two inseparable concepts that are both related to and continuous with one

According to UNESCO, the purpose of library education is to educate professionals who are capable of
establishing, managing, operating and evaluating user-oriented information systems and service (Large, 1987). The
curriculum should also familiarize students with the function of information scientists in society, as well as make
them completely aware information sources and build abilities for researching various information resources.

1.3. Objective of the internship:

The main objective of the study is to gain professional experience and know about every section services of East
West University Library more.

The following are objectives of the study:

 To gain practical experience

 To maintain official environment
 To build personal brand
 To understand the process of information collection
 To build up self confident throughout the whole process
 To know how to purchase books and subscribe E resources
 To present an overview of EWU library

1.4. Scope of the Internship

The internship covers:

 Acquisition section & Processing Section

 Circulation Section
 Reference Section
 Cataloguing Section
 Reserve Section
 Information Desk
 Annex
 Newspaper & Journal Section
 German Corner
 News Arrivals Section
 Liberation War Corner
 Hridoye Bangabandhu

1.5. Time frame of the Study:

Our internship starts on 15 October, 2022 To 18 January, 2023. This internship for last three months. A week
consists of five working days and two off days. Sunday through Thursday are working days, whereas Friday and
Saturday are off. Our office hours is 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

2. Chapter Two

2.1. Overview of East West University Library:

East West University Institutions is a prestigious private university in Aftabnagar, Dhaka, Bangladesh. It was
founded in 1996 as a part of the Private University Act of 1992. “East West University’s new campus library”
covers approximately 11000 square feet and includes a photocopy corner, reserve section, circulation section,
reference section, cataloging section, information desk, database research corner, liberation war corner, German
corner, newspapers display section, and so on. The main buildings library is on the fifth level. East West University
own research and development operations are supported by its library. The usage of library resources is essential
for furthering one’s studies and research. The EWU library keeps everything in a highly orderly manner.

It is an essential component of the institution, designed to support the information, research, and instructional
needs of its students and staff. It offers extensive collections to satisfy its consumer needs. Every day, numerous
customer come to the library for study and education. Students and faculty are borrowing resources from the
library. They may readily look for and borrow the resources they require.

The library offers a variety of services to EWU students, faculties, and employees. Every semester EWU library
conducted Information literacy class for students. This course is teach students and faculty how to recognize when
information is required and how to seek, and successfully use that information. It is required for all students who
wish to explore the EWU library’s resources and services. Every year, the EWU library hosts a variety of
conferences, seminars, trainings, and workshops.

2.2. About East West University Library:

EWU library was founded in 1996. The EWU library setting is safe, and there is a very pleasant reading area for
patrons. The employees are really cooperative and courteous. There is an acquisition section, a circulation section,
a cataloging section, a reference section, a reserve section, a newspaper and journal section, and a liberation war
section in the EWU library. Different services are offered to their areas. The library also offers a variety of
additional services to its patrons. Many technologies are used to maintain the library. They utilized the koha
integrated Library Management software. They used Drupal to create their website. They use my Athens to access
off-campus e-resources. They use DSpace to create their own institutional repository. The EWU library is the core
of the university. They have extensive collections. Every semester, the library purchase and subscribes to the large
number of papers, books, e-resources, and so on. There are around 30000 books at EWU. The library encourages
users to study, investigate, and be creative. Every day, a large number of users visited the library.

EWU Library delivers information and knowledge resources and services to its users that inspire, promote, and
support achievement in teaching, learning, and research. In Bangladesh, the EWU library were the first to use the
library management software Koha. Every year, the EWU Library observes National Library Day and
International Open Access Week. The EWU library is the best in Bangladesh.

East West University Library

2.3. EWU Library Mission & Vision:

Mission: East West University Library’s aim is to help the university community build abilities in innovative and
analytical thinking in research and information literacy. It also boasts some of the most distinctive collections,
service, facilities and activities. The University Libraries assist and improve teaching, research, and maintenance.

Vision: Providing deep knowledge, innovative service, and execptional collections to EWU’s research and
learning community, as well as allowing East West University employees, students,and faculty members to
connect effectively with the ever-changing information world. Libraries, as crucial members of thr educational
community, are involved in learning and discovery. The EWU Library generates, organizes, makes materials
available for use, and maintains them to satisfy the requirements of present and figure generations of academics
and students.

2.4. EWU Library Committee :

A committee oversees the EWU Library. The Pro-Vice-Chancellor chairs the EWU library committee includes all
deans, department chairs, and the register. The librarian is the member secretary. It the absence of Pro-VC sir, our
VC sir takes up his duties.

2.5. Acquisition and Processing Section:

The Acquisition and Processing Section buy books, monographs and presents for the EWU Library. The
Acquisition Sector Aids library employees with the acquisition and upkeep of information resources for the
research purposes. Material for a library collection, whether physical or digital, is typically acquired in five phases.

1. Request processing
2. Verification
3. Ordering
4. Report
5. Receiving orders

Acquisition and Processing Section

2.6. Circulation Section:

Circulation Section

The act of lending books to borrowers and then precisely reshelving them so that they may be retrived by the next
user is referred to as circulation in a library. In the circulation area of the EWU Library, the following services are

 Issurance of textbooks, Audio Cassettes, and CD-ROMs: This covers library material check-in and check-
out. EWU Library uses Koha software to check in and check out things. If a user wishes to check in or check
out an item, it may quickly add it to their profile. As the data for the book is loaded into the inegrated library
management software koha, the library personnel may simply access the book information by scanning the
 Issuance renewal of library memebership: This part handles the issuance and renewal of library
memeberships through the use of the koha software.
 Text materials: Text materials are checked in, checked out, and reserved in the circulating area

2.7. Reference Section:

Reference Section

The Reference Section houses all reference resources used to offer reference services. Readers are must find
regularly reference books resources such as dictionaries, encyclopedias, handbooks, Yearbooks, and the like for
facts or information. Normally , a reader do not need to remove such books from the Reading Room. As a
result, these books cannot be borrowed and are only used at the library and for photocopying.

2.8. Reserve section :

Reserve Section

This area contains confined books that users are not permitted to borrow. Users are not permitted to issue or
move these books from the reserve area to another section, although they are permitted to use them in the
reserve section. They can photocopy their relevant pages from restricted mterials if necessary. In the EWU
Library, there are two corners entitled Liberation War Corner and Hridoye Bangabandhu Corner, and books are
also labeled as a reserve or contained content.

2.9. Liberation War Corner:

Liberation War Corner

This shelf is about the literature of Banglladesh Liberation War. These are constraints the books. User may not
issues this book.
2.10. Hridoye Bangabandhu:

Hridoye Bangabandhu Corner

All the books are written by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and connected to Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
are kept in this part. These are also contraints the books. Users cannot issues these books, but they may use
them within the library and photocopy the pages they require.

2.11. Information Desk: The EWU Information Desk helps users by offering ifnoration and services relate to
the EWU Library. It also helps users identify and access library materials both inside the library and on the
library’s website. This desk other crucial responsibility is to get library memebership.

2.12. Library Annex Section:

This section is about the Information literacy and reader service. The library annex section is a component of
the EWU library, the computer lab is located in the library annex area.

2.13. Newspaper and Journal Section:

Newspaper & Journal Section

This is a newspaper and journal section of the library. There are nearly one hundred forty local and foreign
journals, periodicals, yearbooks, bulletins, and other publications in this division, as well as 18 national
newspapers. A vast number of contributions, periodicals and publishers; are not available for borrowing. Users
can read and obtain copy of the materials they need from library staff.

The following facilities are available in the library:

1. Study Space
2. Thesis Collection
3. UN Corner
4. UNESCO Collection
5. Bnegal Foundation Collection
6. Audio Visual Corner
7. Foreign Magazines Corner

2.14. EWU Library Collection:

The EWU Library offers a large collection to satisfy the demands of its users. The EWU Library has a diverse
collection of printed books, digital resources, maps, media, and historical artefacts. The library’s digital
collection is continually growing. The EWU Library’s core collecton includes subject such as computer,
electronic, materials, mechanical civil, and environmental engineering, mass communication, business, banking
and accounting, hisotry, literature, humanities, art and design, biological and life sciences, Bangladesh studies,
and so on.

EWU library collection at a glance:

EWU Library Collection

2.15. Service :

The following services EWU library are provided:

 Circulation, Membership and Clearance Services.

 Current Awareness Service.
 Internet Service/ Library Wi-Fi Zone.
 Journal and Newspaper.
 News Clippings Service.
 Online Journal and E-Book Services.
 Photocopy Service.
 Purchase Suggestion.
 Readers Service.
 Citation Management
 Social Networking through Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter.
 Article Request Service
 Virtual Reference Services

East West Service


EWU library subscribes world reowned E-Resurces, usually accesible from the university premise.


The approach for performing the study is based on many methodologies. My job experience is reflected in
the internship report. I used some approach when writing the report. Data were gathered from the EWU
library and its website.
I used the observation approach since it is particularly useful when combined with solid facts. I went to the
EWU library and gathered information for my report. During my internship, I got opportunities some
different works on various areas and worked physically. It is useful for gathering information and learning
more about the EWU library.
To explain my notion, I gathered information through face to face engagment. I used an unstructured
interview to acquire data from the library. The majority of the information came from the EWU library flyer
and the EWU library main page. For my internship report, I gathered various example reports and studies

Data Analysis and Presentation:

During the intership program, we have learnt a lot about the EWU library. The internship program is not the
same as academic knowledge. It aids in the maintence of the office atmosphere, critical thinking, confidence
building, and self-promotion.

In the internship program we have learn following these things:

Book shelve reading: During the internship program, we were assigned to conduct shelf reading. We
checked all the books based on the categorisation number, author markings, call number, and year.
Cataloging : Using koha, we learnt how to catalog books. We study the Bangle and English, and both books
are entered into Koha. We also learnt about card catalogs.
DSpace Entry: We learnt how to enter dissertations and newspapers in DSpace throughout this internship
program. It is a vital component of the EWU library. The EWU library keeps its students, faculty’s and
staff’s news and thesis papers on DSpace.
Journal and Magazine: During the internship program, we learnt how to physically and digitally enter
journal and magazine entries.
Book cover image upload: We have uploading book cover images to Koha. First and foremost. We
identified those books on Koha that do not have cover image. The books were then labeled with their biblio
number and call number. Following that, we gathered those books various parts, scanned the entire
collection, and uploaded the image to koha.
Mendeley/Zotero: We have discovered Mendeley and Zotero. We learnt how to referencing and cite using
Mendeley and Zotero, both manually and digitally. Mendeley and Zotero are citation management systems.
Greenstone Digital Library: The Greenstone Digital Library software was introduced to us. We learnt how
to install and set up Greenstone Digital Library, as well as how to preserve papers.
 We learnt how to creates article for newsletters, bulletins, convocation brochures, yearly report,
meeting minnutes, sending acknowledgement letters, requisition forms, scanning dissertations and
reports, and other publications.
 We were familiar with photocopy service, computer and accessory management, citation management
software, store management, maintainance and reference service, newspaper management, acquisition
process, budget preparation and implementation, e-resource subscription, promotion and so on.
 On Canva, we learnt how to make a library poster. We discovered more about Canva.


Because of its holding service, the EWU library is regarded as one of the best in Bangladesh. However, this library
has certain draw backs.

 Increasing the amount of reading space

 An RFID system must be isntalled at the library
 Wi-Fi should be enhanced
 To increasing workforce
 A bag drop-off area should be established next to the library
 A separate area should be set up for interns
 The setting up a lot of PCs must be updated


East West University Library is one of Bangladesh’s most well known libraries . The EWU library provides a
suitable and comfortable setting, and facilities for the use of library materials. It also expands access to digital
collections while continueing to improve a collections in all media to satisfy the univeristy’s research and
teaching needs. The EWU library is well-known for its collection, service and technology.

I finished my three-month internship at East West University library. I discover new information regarding the
EWU library. Their employee were quite helpful. They are quite benefited during the internship period. During
my internship , I worked hard to improve myself and utilize my academic knowledge.

I belive, the internship program will be very benefited to my fututre employment. As a result, it is a very good
chance for students from the Department of Information Studies to participate in an internship program at the
East West University library and gain hands-on experience with library operations.


 East West University Library: Gateway to knowledge (2023, January19) Retrieve Janauary 18,2023 from
 East West University (2023) Retrieve January 14, 2023 from
 Helen, A. (2012). Libraries and information institutions: A case study of Dhaka univeristy library
(Intership Report). Retrieved from University of Dhaka, Dhaka University Institutional Repository


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