Book 67-Verb To Be Word

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Bee Smart materiales digitales

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Bee Smart

Diseño: Leticia Martínez

BEE SMART materiales digitales
Verb To Be:
Color the image.

What is a verb?
A verb is one of the
main parts of a sentence.

A verb is a word that

expresses an action or
a state of being.
BEE SMART materiales digitales
Verb To Be:

Verb TO BE
Color the image.

The verb to be is used to say

something about a person, thing, or
state, to
show a permanente or
temporary quality, state,
job or occupation,
nationality, etc.
BEE SMART materiales digitales
Verb To Be:

Verb TO BE
Color the image.

The verb to be means

SER and ESTAR in Spanish.

BEE SMART materiales digitales

Verb To Be:

Verb TO BE
Color the image.

The verb to be is conjugated in 3

different forms:

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Verb To Be:

Verb TO BE
Color the image.

BEE SMART materiales digitales
Verb To Be:

Verb TO BE ContraCtionS
Color the image.

I am a
are he
is she
is it is
we are
you are
I’m you’re he’s she’s
it’s we’re you’re
BEE SMART materiales digitales
Verb To Be:

Verb TO BE
Color the image.

BEE SMART materiales digitales

Verb To Be:
Color the image.

Verb TO BE
I am

I am
I am
I am
I am
BEE SMART materiales digitales
Verb To Be:

Verb TO BE
Color the image.

I am

BEE SMART materiales digitales

Verb To Be:

Verb TO BE
Color the image.

BEE SMART materiales digitales

Verb To Be:
Color the image.

Verb TO BE
you are

you are
you are
you are
BEE SMART materiales digitales
Verb To Be:

Verb TO BE
Color the image.

you are

BEE SMART materiales digitales

Verb To Be:

Verb TO BE
Color the image.

BEE SMART materiales digitales

Verb To Be:
Color the image.

Verb TO BE
he is

he is
he is
he is
he is
BEE SMART materiales digitales
Verb To Be:

Verb TO BE
Color the image.

he is

BEE SMART materiales digitales

Verb To Be:

Verb TO BE
Color the image.

BEE SMART materiales digitales

Verb To Be:
Color the image.

Verb TO BE
she is

she is
she is
she is
BEE SMART materiales digitales
Verb To Be:

Verb TO BE
Color the image.

she is

BEE SMART materiales digitales

Verb To Be:

Verb TO BE
Color the image.

BEE SMART materiales digitales

Verb To Be:
Color the image.

Verb TO BE
it is

it is
it is
it is
it is
BEE SMART materiales digitales
Verb To Be:

Verb TO BE
Color the image.

it is

BEE SMART materiales digitales

Verb To Be:

Verb TO BE
Color the image.

BEE SMART materiales digitales

Verb To Be:
Color the image.

Verb TO BE
we are

we are
we are
we are
BEE SMART materiales digitales
Verb To Be:

Verb TO BE
Color the image.

we are

BEE SMART materiales digitales

Verb To Be:

Verb TO BE
Color the image.

BEE SMART materiales digitales

Verb To Be:
Color the image.

Verb TO BE
you are

you are
you are
you are
BEE SMART materiales digitales
Verb To Be:

Verb TO BE
Color the image.

you are

BEE SMART materiales digitales

Verb To Be:

Verb TO BE
Color the image.

BEE SMART materiales digitales

Verb To Be:
Color the image.

Verb TO BE
they are

they are
they are
they are
BEE SMART materiales digitales
Verb To Be:

Verb TO BE
Color the image.

they are

BEE SMART materiales digitales

Verb To Be:
Color the image.

Am is used with the pronoun “I”

I a girl

I in the school

BEE SMART materiales digitales

Verb To Be:
Color the image.

We use “is” with the pronouns: he, she and it.

It a yellow crayon

He my

father She
my sister
BEE SMART materiales digitales
Verb To Be:
Color the image.

“Is” is used if the noun is singular (one person,

animal or thing)

The car blue

He a boy
BEE SMART materiales digitales
Verb To Be:
Color the image.

“Are” is used with the

pronouns: you, we and they.

We friends

BEE SMART materiales digitales

Verb To Be:
Color the image.

“Are” is used if the noun is plural (two

or more people, animals or things)

The bananas sweet

BEE SMART materiales digitales

Verb To Be:
Color the image.

The pear The pears

is green are delicious

BEE SMART materiales digitales

Verb To Be:

Verb TO BE
Color the image.

The verb to be, has a

complete structure
contraction, and can be used
in an affirmative, negative
and interrogative form.
BEE SMART materiales digitales
Verb To Be:
Color the image.


She is beautiful

He is tall

I am in my
We are children
BEE SMART materiales digitales
Verb To Be:
Color the image.

I a student

BEE SMART materiales digitales

Verb To Be:
Color the image.

You in the school

BEE SMART materiales digitales
Verb To Be:
Color the image.

He my

BEE SMART materiales digitales

Verb To Be:
Color the image.

She my

BEE SMART materiales digitales

Verb To Be:
Color the image.

It my dog
BEE SMART materiales digitales
Verb To Be:
Color the image.

We from
The United
BEE SMART materiales digitales
Verb To Be:
Color the image.

You at the party

BEE SMART materiales digitales
Verb To Be:
Color the image.


BEE SMART materiales digitales

Verb To Be:
Color the image.


The pencil is not new

I am not a doctor

You are not from

Megan is not here
BEE SMART materiales digitales
Verb To Be:
Color the image.


is + not = isn’t

are + not = aren’t

Contraction of “am not” is not

possible amn’t

BEE SMART materiales digitales

Verb To Be:
Color the image.

The chairs new

BEE SMART materiales digitales
Verb To Be:
Color the image.

They friends
BEE SMART materiales digitales
Verb To Be:
Color the image.

It a
red flower

BEE SMART materiales digitales

Verb To Be:
Color the image.

a boy

BEE SMART materiales digitales

Verb To Be:
Color the image.


Am I a good danCer ?

Is she at the park ?

Are the oranges juiCy

? Is it

your pet ?
BEE SMART materiales digitales
Verb To Be:
Color the image.

the Children at
the playground?
BEE SMART materiales digitales
Verb To Be:
Color the image.

materiales digitales
Verb To Be:
Color the image.

I a good
BEE SMART materiales digitales
Verb To Be:
Color the image.

he in the

BEE SMART materiales digitales

Verb To Be:
Color the image.

BEE SMART materiales digitales
Verb To Be:

Verb TO BE
Color the image.

for IdentifiCation

I am María
He is José Luis
She is Karen
BEE SMART materiales digitales
Verb To Be:

Verb TO BE
Color the image.

for OCCupation

He is a She is I am
police officer a photographer a bus
BEE SMART materiales digitales
Verb To Be:

Verb TO BE
Color the image.

the flower is blue

the fish is blue

the bananas are yellow

the apple is red the grapes are purple
BEE SMART materiales digitales
Verb To Be:

Verb TO BE
Color the image.

for EmotionS

He is happy I am excited

She is scared He is surprised

s digitales
Verb To Be:

Verb TO BE
Color the image.

for PlaCe / LoCation

The restaurant is
on Morelos
BEE SMART materiales digitales
Verb To Be:

Verb TO BE
Color the image.


BEE SMART materiales digitales

It is a circle It is a square

It is a triangle

It is a heart It is a star
Verb To Be:
Color the image.

Verb TO BE
for Weather

It is cold It is windy It is hot

BEE SMART materiales digitales
Verb To Be:

Verb TO BE
Color the image.

for Time

It’s eight o’clock.

It’s five past four.

BEE SMART materiales digitales
Verb To Be:

Verb TO BE
Color the image.

for Age

He is 9 She is 5 He is 35 He is 65
months old years old years old years old
BEE SMART materiales

Verb To Be:
Match the images with the correct verb to be form.
Verb TO BE
you are

She iS

he iS

I am

BEE SMART materiales digitales

Verb To Be:
Match the images with the correct verb to be form.
Verb TO BE
it iS

they are

we are

you are

BEE SMART materiales digitales

Verb To Be:
Glue the correct images.

I am you are

he iS She iS
BEE SMART materiales digitales
Verb To Be:
Glue the correct images.

it iS we are

you are they are

BEE SMART materiales digitales
Verb To Be:
Write the correct name of the following
verb to be conjugation.
she is he is you are I am

BEE SMART materiales digitales

Verb To Be:
Write the correct name of the following
verb to be conjugation.
it is we are you are they are

BEE SMART materiales digitales

Verb To Be:

Verb to be
Glue the correct images.

BEE SMART materiales digitales
Verb to be:
Look at the picture and choose verb to be conjugation.

am iS are am iS are am iS are

we you


am iS are am iS are am iS are


am iS are am iS are
BEE SMART materiales digitales
Verb To Be:
Match with lines the image with the correct conjugation.

BEE SMART materiales digitales

Verb To Be:
Match with lines the image with the correct conjugation.

I am You are He is She is It is We are They

BEE SMART materiales digitales
Verb To Be:
Glue the correct images.

you are I am She iS

he iS you are they are

it iS we a
BEE SMART materiales digitales
Verb To Be: you are we are I he
Write or glue the name of the following
verb to be conjugation. it isyou areshe isthey are am is

BEE SMART materiales digitales

Verb to be:
Glue the words in the correct place.
iS are

BEE SMART materiales digitales

Verb To Be:

( + ) I am in the school
( - ) I am not in the school
( ? ) Am I in the school?

( + ) She is my friend
( - ) She isn’t my friend
( ? ) Is she my friend?
Verb To Be:

( + ) You are a police officer

( - ) You are not a police officer
( ? ) Are you a police officer?

( + ) He is an doctor
( - ) He isn’t a doctor
( ? ) Is he a doctor?
Verb To Be:
Write or glue the correct verb to be form.
Verb TO BE Affirmative SentenCeS

The appleS deliciouS.

The StrawberrieS red.

You a good friend.

The bananaS yellow.

Milo my dog.

My favorite food

pizza. We in

The chef in the reStaurant.

BEE SMART materiales digitales

Verb To Be:
Write or glue the correct verb to be form.
Verb TO BE Affirmative SentenCeS

My School SupplieS in the backpack.

Your houSe big.

The cowS in the farm.

I a boy.

They on the School buS.

He a good Soccer player

Karina in another

The doll pink

BEE SMART materiales digitales

Verb To Be:
Write the affirmative sentences in negative form.
Verb TO BE Affirmative to negative

The appleS are deliciouS

I am in the School

My parentS are at home

My crayonS are new

Alex iS my beSt friend

BEE SMART materiales digitales

Verb To Be:
Write the affirmative sentences in negative form.
Verb TO BE Affirmative to negative

The train iS long

The bananaS are Sweet

We are at the park

I am very intelligent

ThiS cheeSe burger iS deliciouS

BEE SMART materiales digitales

Verb To Be: Negative to negative
Write the following negative sentences
into negative contraction form. Verb TO BE ContraCtion

My old car iS not


My mother iS not at home

The children are not at the playground

My notebook iS not new

I am not on vacation
BEE SMART materiales digitales
Verb To Be: Negative to negative
Write the following negative sentences
into negative contraction form. Verb TO BE ContraCtion

The elephant iS not Small

She iS not tall

The pearS are not red

I am not a bad Student

You are not at the party

BEE SMART materiales digitales

Verb To Be:
Change the following sentences

into affirmative form.

Verb TO BE Affirmative to interrogative

I am on the School buS

My favorite color iS purple

The cat iS at the park

The animalS are at the zoo

My bycicle iS new

BEE SMART materiales digitales

Verb To Be:
Verb TO BE
Change the following sentences
Affirmative to interrogative
into affirmative form.

The car iS expenSive

She iS my EngliSh teacher

it iS hot today

John and Charlie are friendS

The orangeS are juicy

BEE SMART materiales digitales

Verb To Be:
Draw of glue the correct symbol according
to the type of sentence.
(Affirmative, Negative or Interrogative)
1. She iS not in The United StateS

2. The doctorS are in the hoSpital

3. IS thiS your pencil?

4. CarloS iSn’t at home

5. My toyS are in the box

BEE SMART materiales digitales

Verb To Be:
Draw of glue the correct symbol according
to the type of sentence.
(Affirmative, Negative or Interrogative)
6. The flowerS are beautiful

7. It iS not rainy today

8. ThiS iSn’t my book

9. I am not at the park

10. Are the appleS red?

BEE SMART materiales digitales

Verb To Be:
Draw of glue the correct symbol according
to the type of sentence.
(Affirmative, Negative or Interrogative)
11. Are you happy?

12.IS She a veterinarian?

13.Alexa iS intelligent

14.My parentS are not young

15.The beeS are in the garden

BEE SMART materiales digitales

Verb To Be:
Draw of glue the correct symbol according
to the type of sentence.
(Affirmative, Negative or Interrogative)
16.My dog iSn’t big

17. You are Scared

18.Jack iS Smart

19. Are you from Mexico?

20. ThiS coffee iS not hot

BEE SMART materiales digitales

Verb To Be:
Write or glue a
if the sentence is correct or
if the sentence is incorrect. Verb TO BE

1) I are in my School 6) SuSy iS beautiful

2) She iS not a teacher

7) My houSe aren’t green

3) We am not friendS
8) I iS very tall

4) They are StudentS

9) The dog iS brown

5) My backpack iS new
10) My cat am not Small
BEE SMART materiales digitales
Verb To Be:
Write or glue a
if the sentence is correct or
if the sentence is incorrect. Verb TO BE

1) Are you married? 6) He iS ChriStopher

2) Am iSn’t your 7) The pencil iS yellow


8) GrapeS am not big

3) I am in Canada

4) She aren’t in my claSS

9) ISn’t you a doctor?

5) It iS your cat?
10) You are not old
BEE SMART materiales digitales
Verb To Be:
Write or glue a
if the sentence is correct or
if the sentence is incorrect.
Write the sentence corrected on the line
Verb TO BE

1) I are in my School

2) She iS not a teacher

3) We am not friendS _

4) They are StudentS

5) My backpack iS new _
BEE SMART materiales digitales
Verb To Be:
Write or glue a
if the sentence is correct or
if the sentence is incorrect.
Write the sentence corrected on the line
Verb TO BE

6) SuSy iS beautiful

7) My houSe aren’t green

8) I iS very tal

9) The dog iS Brown

10) My cat am not Small

BEE SMART materiales digitales

Verb To Be:
Write or glue a
if the sentence is correct or
if the sentence is incorrect.
Write the sentence corrected on the line
Verb TO BE

11) Are you married? _

|2) Am iSn’t your dog?

13)I am in Canada _

14) She aren’t in my claSS

15) It iS your cat?

BEE SMART materiales digitales
Verb To Be:
Write or glue a
if the sentence is correct or
if the sentence is incorrect.
Write the sentence corrected on the line
Verb TO BE

16)He iS ChriStopher _

|7) the pencil iS yellow

18) GrapeS am not big

19) ISn’t you a doctor

20) You are not old

BEE SMART materiales digitales

Verb To Be:
Glue the sentences in the correct order. Verb to be

BEE SMART materiales digitales

Verb To Be:
Glue the sentences in the correct order. Verb to be

BEE SMART materiales digitales

Verb To Be:
Glue the sentences in the correct order. Verb to be

BEE SMART materiales digitales

Verb To Be:
Write a sentence and draw it. Verb to be

BEE SMART materiales digitales

I You

He She
BEE SMART materiales digitales



BEE SMART materiales digitales

BEE SMART materiales digitales
BEE SMART materiales digitales

I am She iS You are

You are It iS He iS

We are They are

BEE SMART materiales digitales


the elephant the appleS the carS my mother Juan the fruitS

Kate it the notebook you we the animalS the computer

they Alex and CriS the fiSh She the boyS my grandparentS

he my family the bananaS the StudentS the cat and the dog

the pear the girl the crayonS the T.V. the Strawberry love

the School the houSe the pencil the clotheS

BEE SMART materiales digitales
Cut and glue IS or ARE.

BEE SMART materiales digitales

Cut and glue IS or ARE.

BEE SMART materiales digitales

CUT-OUTS SECTION Symbols for the sentences




BEE SMART materiales digitales

CUT-OUTS SECTION Symbols for the sentences

am iS are am iS are

am iS are am iS are

am iS are am iS are

am iS are am iS are

am iS are am iS are

BEE SMART materiales digitales

Ordering sentences

I am in the CirCuS not ?

She iS a good girl not ?

he iS at the beaCh not ?

it iS a naughty dog not ?

we are at the playground not ?

you are happy not ?

the treeS are old and high not ?

my grandma iS Caring not ?
BEE SMART materiales digitales
BEE SMART Materiales Digitales

Bee Smart Materiales Digitales

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Diseño: Leticia Martínez

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