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Module 5 The Untouched Barangays___________________________________________________


Spanish Missionary


 From Manila, missionaries dispersed searching
 MIGUEL LOPEZ DE LEGASPI for people in barangays, learning their ways
 His voyage in 1565 dropped the first anchor and language.
towards directly colonizing the Philippines  Learning the local language was more
 ARCHIPELAGO OF ST. LAZARUS efficient than teaching the natives
 Named given by Magellan to the Spanish for the purpose of Christianizing
Philippines in 1521; them.
 WESTERN ISLANDS (Islas del  Several dictionaries in Ilocano, Visaya,
Poniente) – how the Spaniards in Kapampangan and Tagalog were
Europe called the Philippines prior produced with the translation of
to renaming it during the voyage of Doctrina Christiana in these languages.
Ruy de Villalobos in 1542.  Doctrina Christiana
 One of this works was the
LEGASPI’S VOYAGE writings of Fray Juan de
 Between 1565 to 1572, Augustinian priests on Plasencia
board Legaspi’s voyage to work for the
conversion of the natives to Christianity.
 Fray Diego de Herrera, Fray Martin de
Rada and Fray Pedro de Gamboa.
 Conversion was done in a harsh manner.
 Legaspi‟s men ravaged Zubu with
artillery fire forcing the survivors to flee
to the grassy outskirts.
 They burned the idols but they found
the image of the infant Jesus given to
Juana the wife of Humabon.
 Upon the return of the Zubuanos to the
ravaged site, they were Christianized
and exacted with tribute

 Became capital of Islas Felipinas in 1572
 Missionary work began to have its home
 Missionaries were sent for conversion:
1. Franciscans (1577)
2. Jesuits (1580)
3. Dominicans (1580)
4. Recollects (1606)
Module 6 Raiders of Sulu Sea___________________________________________________

RAIDERS OF THE SULU SEA: They Were Considered

Pirates but Were They Really?

Christianization stopped along the fringes of the
islands of Visayas and did not effectively reach the
island of Mindanao.
• This was due to the ferocity of the Mindanao • These Sultans from Maguindanao and Sulu
tribesmen who inflicted undaunted resistance were sustained by external help due to
against the colonizers. blood ties and previous alliances.
• 1591 – The Spanish colonial government • Sulu with Brunei and Maguindanao
decided to colonize Mindanao to force its with Tarnate.
subjection under the colonial government. • Sulu and Maguindanao Sultans were
• Colonizing means Christianizing the also receiving help and insinuations
natives. from the Dutch challenging the
• This precipitated the Moro wars Spanish colonial foothold in Manila.
which took different turns. • In 1602, another attack was mounted on
the coast of Southern Luzon which took
MORO WARS 1,400 captives.
• The religious color of the conflict
• The commercial desire of the Spaniards MORO RAIDS
• To control the trade from Sulu to • Reached several parts of Luzon:
other parts of Southeast Asia • Not so much of religious but piratical
• To make Sulu a base to launch the attacks where the captives were
invasion of Molucas. then sold as slaves.
• The colonization of Mindanao would • Fray Joaquin Martinez de Zuñiga’s account:
subject the inhabitants of the island • “The new province of Bataan
to the tribute system of Spain and included absorbed the towns of
thereby depriving the Rajas of their Mariveles, Cabcaben, Bagac and
political control of their territories. Morong, but because of these towns
were so small and had dwindled
MORO ATTACKS very much in population as a result
• In April 1596, Esteban Rodriguez de Figueroa of Moro invasions, it was necessary
(governor in Mindanao) was hacked on the to incorporate with Pampanga
head by a kampilan while in Cotabato. portion big enough to form a town
• The Sultan of Tarnate (an island in Molucas) altogether.
launched a pre-emptive attack in Spanish held
pueblo in the Visayas before the Spaniards To stop the pillaging and plunder of Christian
could invade them. towns…
• Jesuit missionaries advised Gov. Gen. Juan
Cerezo de Salamanca to build a fort in SPANISH ASSAULTS…
Zamboanga • The three tribes known as Balangigi-Samal,
• Gov. Gen. JUAN CEREZO DE SALAMANCA Ilanuns, and Sulu employed sea-faring
• Approved the plan in 1635 as a warriors known as Tausugs who were at the
staging assault to Sulu forefront of the raids.
• Fray Melchor de Vera (April 1635) – • They posed as fishermen and hid
a Jesuit engineer with 1,000 Visayan themselves on mangroves or wait on land
and 300 Spanish construction and without warning draw their swords at
workers, embarked on to the unsuspecting fishermen.
Zamboanga and began the • They bore holes on their palms where they
construction of the fort in June 1635 were slung and tied together, loaded on
• Gov. Gen. SEBASTIAN HORTADO DE their boats and the fishermen sold as slaves
CORCUERA in Southeast Asian communities.
• Relieved Gov. Gen. de Salamanca in
1635; Continued the building of
• Brought with him laborers to as far
as Cavite, Bohol, Cebu and Panay to
quicken the construction.


• In order to finance the construction of FORT
PILAR in Zamboanga, the Spaniards imposed
an additional tax called donativo de
Zamboanga of ½ real.
• In addition, the natives of Bulacan and
Pampanga chose to pay an additional tax of
½ real more as protection of their coastline
from Moro attacks and destruction.

• On December 25, 1636, waged an
assault on Datu Tagal, the brother of
Sultan Corralat (Kudarat) of
Maguindanao and killed Datu Tagal
in the Battle of Punta de Flechas )
• The hero of the Battle of
Punta de Flechas
• Mounted assault on the brother of
Datu Tagal to finally subdue Sultan
Corralat and conquer Maguindanao
in March 1636 .
Module 7 Propaganda in Art___________________________________________________


• The laws of a republic must have a purpose:
The Juan Luna Paintings
– Keep the islands as Colony forever:
1. The Spaniards born in the
Spain in the 19th Century
Philippines must be reduced;
• French invasion of 1808
– Headed by Napoleon Bonaparte 2. The colored population must
– Introduction of liberal ideas voluntarily respect and obey the
• Mexican independence in 1821 whites;
– South American Spanish colonies fell
3. The administration must
into the hands of reformers and
undergo a thorough reform
revolutionaries who declared the
independence of these colonies DE MAS: Emancipation of the Philippines
After the defeat of the French…
• Reform in the economy
• (1813) Spanish authorities had to rethink
• Reform in the political administration
what had been left of their colonies around
the world – Predominance of the friars’ rule that
superseded the civil administration
– Philippines (the remotest colony
they had) was still within the Spanish • De Mas: “I think it would be infinitely much
orbit without any clamor for easier, more useful and more glorious for us
independence by the middle of to achieve the merit of the work, by
1800. forestalling it with generosity.”
– In 1841, under the reign of Queen EUROPE: Crossroads
Isabela II, the Spanish government
• Spain was under pressure:
sent a diplomat, Sinibaldo de Mas to
investigate on the condition of the – Either to adopt a purely democratic
Philippines. government without a king or have
a king under a constitutional
monarchy after the invasion of
• Investigated the condition of the Philippines France in 1808
• Arrived in Manila in 1841 • Joseph Bonaparte – headed
the puppet government;
– He was not well-received because
brother of Napoleon
his job might uncover the
Bonaparte, whose reign
irregularities in the colonial
ended in 1813
SPAIN: After the invasion of France in 1808
– He travelled around the colony and
went back to Spain in 1842 to hand • Spain was under the tug and pull of two
over his report entitled Informe. parties: the liberals and the conservatives
INFORME • The return of Ferdinand VII
– He handed over the reign to his status through legislative or policy
daughter Queen Isabela II in 1833 shift from colony to province.
• Spain plunged into a civil war – This would mean full assimilation of
(Revolution of 1868) which the Philippines to Spain.
deposed Queen Isabela II.
• This way, Indios will become
• Spain adopted a Spanish citizens and they can
government without a be afforded to select their
monarch representatives to the
Spanish Cortez.
– Alfonso XII the son of Queen
Isabella II was reinstituted in 1874 • This way abuses against
Filipinos would stop.
– Alfonso XIII (an infant)/ his mother
as regent, Queen Maria Christina – REFORM AGENDA
failed to rule
• The reform agenda through propaganda
– Through publication intended for
• GRACIANO LOPEZ-JAENA (1880) Spanish legislators, politicians and
bureaucrats who could be swayed
– Drew the ire of the friars when he
into crafting a law for the Philippines
wrote Fray Botod in which he
to change its status.
pictured them as stout, figuratively
meaning corrupt, abusive, and – Target: The Liberals
– Idea: Expose to Spain what really
– Ex-seminarian from Seminario de was happening in the Philippines
• 1889 – the birth of LA SOLIDARIDAD
– He studied medicine at Universidad
The Juan Luna Paintings
de Valencia but transferred to
Madrid. Spoliarium 1884
– Rather than studying medicine, he The Madrid Exposición Nacional de Bellas Artes had
engaged himself in public speaking the Roman gladiator arena as the singular theme.
arguing among Spanish friars and While other painters pictured the glorious victory
politicians the need to reform the of Roman gladiators above the amphitheater, Juan
colony. painted the desperate scene down below. This
painting won international recognition at a time
when the reformists were firming up their reform-
• (1882) agenda but without a publication yet as planned.
– JOSE P. RIZAL arrived in Spain to
pursue further medical studies
España Y Felipinas (Spain and Philippines)1886
– By that year, it is well agreed that
This painting was done when Juan was under
the reform agenda was not about
commission from Ayuntamiento de Manila. Also
independence, but the change of
titled España Guiando a Filipinas (Spain leading the
Philippines), the painting characterizes the reform
agenda of the propaganda movement. Juan drew marriage in 1892 while they were living in Paris.
this painting while shuttling on two cities, Paris and Juan accused his wife of having a relationship with
Madrid to finish several commissioned works. This a French doctor. In a fit of rage, Juan either
piece was painted at a time when the reform accidentally or intentionally shot his wife, his
movement was at its organization stage. mother-in-law and wounded Felix, his brother-in-
law. Juan was arrested and prosecuted for murder.
But he was acquitted in 1893 on his defense that
La Batalla de Lepanto (The Battle of Lepanto) the killing was a crime of passion. That year, Juan
1887 together with his youngest brother Antonio and his
son Andres returned to Madrid.
With the influence of King Alfonso XIII, the Spanish
Cortez approved the commissioning of a painting
depicting the Spanish victory against the moors.
Dissension rocked the movement from 1891-1892.
This piece was done within the year that Rizal
But with the tragedy that befell Juan Luna in 1892,
published his Noli Me Tangere. At this time the
tragedy also struck Rizal when he was accused of
reform movement has generated waves in Madrid
keeping a subversive material upon his return in
and which ripples had reached the Philippines
June of that year and was exiled in Dapitan. Though
when copies of Noli Me Tangere were smuggled
La Solidaridad continued on publication until 1895
into the Philippines. From 1887, Madrid had to wait
while the Katipunan was still working underground,
only two years before La Solidaridad would begin
the dwindling funds had made Jaena and Del Pilar
impoverished. They did not even attempt to go
home for they might receive the same fate as Rizal.
On January 20, 1896, Jaena succumbed to
Interior d’Un Café (Inside a Café or The Parisian
tuberculosis while Del Pilar died on July 4, 1896. By
Life) 1892
this time the propaganda movement had already
Also titled Inside a Café, was painted when Juan died.
Luna settled in Paris at a time when disarray had
rocked the propaganda movement and Rizal had
bolted out of La Solidaridad. Within this year, Rizal In the meantime, Juan and Antonio decided to go
would decide to go back to the Philippines would home with the outbreak of the revolution but got
have a few months stay in Hong Kong to put a clinic arrested in September 1896 while the
and practice ophthalmic surgery, then by June of revolutionaries in Cavite were winning series of
that year decide to finally decide to go home only battles. They were imprisoned and stayed
to be exiled to Dapitan. By this time the incarcerated when Rizal was executed on
propaganda is almost dead but back home the December 30, 1896. Juan still produced artworks
Katipunan had begun. This was also the time when which he gave to visiting friars. This became their
the Luna family was rocked with a tragedy. ticket to being pardoned in May 27, 1897 when
Aguinaldo’s forces were already on the run in the
mountains of Sierra Madre towards Biak-na-bato.
In 1886, at the height of Juan Luna’s artistic career, Juan and Antonio left Manila in July 1897 for
Juan married Maria dela Paz Pardo de Tavera, the Madrid.
sister of Trinidad and Felix a close friend and
associates in the reform movement. The marriage
bore two children Andres and Maria fondly called When Aguinaldo came back to Manila in May 1898
Bibi. Bibi died in infancy which rocked their from Hong Kong for the second phase of the
revolution, Antonio returned to the Philippines in
July 1898 to present himself in service of the
revolutionists while Juan also returned in
November 1898 to serve as diplomatic officer
abroad. Juan went back to Paris to head the
diplomatic delegation in order to acquire
recognition for the declaration of independence on
June 12, 1898 before the signing of the Treaty of
Paris in December 1898.

Antonio fought side by side with his brother

Joaquin against the Americans until Antonio was
recalled from Pangasinan to Cabanatuan in June
1899 where he was assassinated in the hands of
the Kawit company. Upon knowing the death of his
brother, Juan tried to return to the Philippines. He
stopped over Hong Kong to meet up with Joaquin
but died there of heart attack on December 7,
Module 8 Kartilya ng Katipunan_______________________________

Kartilya Teaching the Values of a Nation

HISTORICAL CONTEXT • Result of the Failure of the Propaganda
• Katipunan or KKK (Kataastaasang,
Kagalang-galang na Katipunan ng mga – Short of funds
Anak nang Bayan)
– Conflict of ideas
– The underground society was
– La Solidaridad was not able to
founded by Andres Bonifacio,
generate as much sentiment from
Valentin Diaz, Teodoro Plata,
the Spanish politicians and
Ladislao Diwa, Deodato Arellano
bureaucrats to craft and to make the
among others.
Philippines a province of Spain and
– Founded on the night of July 7, 1892 institute reforms.
the day of Jose Rizal’s arrest and
deportation to Dapitan
– For allegedly smuggling a subversive
black book upon his entry in Manila • Served as the mouthpiece of the
from Hongkong. Propaganda Movement
• Was still in operation by 1892, stopped its
printing by 1895
• Death of Marcelo Del Pilar and Graciano 4. Judicial Council (Sangguniang
Lopez Jaena in 1896 Hukuman) which tried members in
violation of its rules
– the aim of uniting the Filipinos with
one solid stand against Spain was
not fully attained
To those who wished to join the organization…
• Inspired the founding of Katipunan
• They had to be initiated and indoctrinated
– Rizal’s novels into its teachings.
– Bonifacio had his version of these
teachings, the Decalogue (probably
used from 1892 to 1894).
• Had to be taught of values it upheld
– Jacinto entered the organization in
– MEMBERSHIP PROCESS: 1894 and wrote his Kartilya.

– Triangular system - a secret • Became the official material

networking process where a to teach their doctrines for
member would recruit at least two reason of its beautifully
members who do not know each crafted language.
other except the recruiter.
• Kartilya, is not given for free
– Open Recruitment – since the but is given to new members
triangle system was slow upon payment of a
membership fee of 4 pesos.
Decalogue ni Andres Bonifacio
• Katipon/Anak ng Bayan –
new recruit 1. Ibigin mo ang Dios ng boong puso.

• Kawal/Gomburza – recruited 1. Love God with all your heart.

a number of members
2. Pakatandaang lagi na ang tunay na pagibig sa
• Bayani/Rizal - highest rank; Dios ay siya ring pagibig sa Tinubuan, at iyan din
once elected into a position ang pagibig sa kapwa.
2. Bear in mind that the love of God is also
love of Country, and this too is the love
one’s fellowmen.
3. Itanim sa iyong puso na, ang tunay na
1. Supreme Council (Katatastaasang kahalagahan ng puri ' t kaginhawahan ay ang ikaw
Sanggunian) – highest; composed of ' y mamatay dahil sa ikaliligtas ng Inang-Bayan.
the elected president, fiscal,
3. Engrave in your heart that the true
secretary, treasurer and comptroller
measure of honor and happiness is to die
2. Provincial Council (Sangguniang for the freedom of your country.
Bayan) – second highest
4. Lahat ng iyong mabuting hangad ay magwawagi
3. Municipal Council (Sangguniang kapag ikaw ' y may hinahon, tiyaga, katwiran at
Balangay) pag-asa sa iyong inaasal at ginagawa.
4. All your good wishes will be crowned sarili, sa iyong asawa ' t mga anak, sa iyong
with success if you have serenity, kapatid at mga kababayan.
constancy, reason, and faith in your acts
9. Diligence in the work that gives
and endeavor.
sustenance to you is the true basis of love
5. Pagingatan mo, kapara ng pagiingat sa sariling – love your own self, for your wife and
puri, ang mga pasya at adhikain ng K.K.K. children, and for your brothers and
5. Guard the mandates and aims of the
K.K.K. as you guard your honor. 10. Parusahan ang sinomang masamang tao ' t
taksil at purihin ang mabubuting gawa. Dapat
6. Katungkulan ng lahat na, ang nabibingit sa
mong paniwalaan na ang tinutungo ng K.K.K. ay
malaking kapahamakan sa pagtupad ng kanyang
mga biyaya ng Dios; na anopa ' t ang mga ninasa
tungkulin ay iligtas sukdang ikapariwara ng
ng Inang-Bayan, ay mga nasain din ng Dios.
sariling buhay at kayamanan.
10. Punish the scoundrel and traitor and
6. It is the duty of all to defend, at the risk
praise all good work. Believe, likewise,
of their own lives, and wealth, anyone who
that the aims of the K.K.K. are God-given,
runs great risks in the performance of his
for the will of the people is also the will of
7. Ang kaugalian natin sa ating sarili at sa
pagtupad ng ating tungkol ay siyang kukunang
halimbawa ng ating kapwa.
7. Our responsibility to ourselves and the
performance of our duties will be the
example set for our fellowmen to follow.
8. Bahaginan mo ng iyong makakayanan ang sino
mang mahirap at kapus-palad.
8. Insofar as it is within your power, share
your means with the poor and the
9. Ang sipag sa paggawa na iyong ikabubuhay ay
siyang tunay na sanhi ng pagibig, pagmamahal sa
Module 9 The General’s War Exploits________________________________________________


Memoirs of Aguinaldo and Ricarte


 August 24, 1896 Manila would take place on August 29,

 Andres Bonifacio while at Pasong Tamo,
wrote a manifesto to all provincial  Katipuneros were ordered to reinforce the
Katipunan councils that the assault of attack which will commence when the lights
in Intramuros were turned off.
 Capitan Miong, the gobernadorcillo of the chanted Heneral Miong - thus he
town, together with his men, waited for the got the rank from them Gen. Emilio
dimming of the lights in Intramuros, until Aguinaldo
dawn of August 30.
 But the lights kept ablaze
until the next day. Ascent of Middle Class Caviteños into Generals
– With no attack, the other leaders of  Members of the principalia and middle-class
Katipunan councils in Cavite braced men speedily assumed the ranks of generals
to attack their municipal buildings. and colonels only days after the outbreak of
 Gen. Mariano Alvarez, gobernadorcillo of the revolution.
San Francisco de Malabon (Gen. Trias)  These ranks were never
attacked its municipal office and declared commissioned from the Katipunan
the pueblo under rebel command. hierarchy.
 Cavite Viejo (Kawit) was declared under  Katipunan only had three ranks:
rebel territory of Magdalo as Katipon, Kawal and Bayani.
commandeered by Gen. Baldomero  It would be clear how these men of
Aguinaldo. power, men of means as belonging
 Under this condition, the heroics and to the middle class, and men of
controversies had begun. prestige, having educational degrees
or at least had entered San Juan de
Letran or Ateneo de Municipal, and
CAVITE men of rank would not bow down to
Bonifacio during the Tejeros
 Fell in the hands of the revolutionaries at
Convention of March 1897.
the outbreak of the revolution in August 30,
 The province was witness to the ascent of
several middle class Caviteños into
 The former cabeza de barangay of
Binakaya, the former
gobernadorcillo of Cavite Viejo or
 Capitan – the title was derived from
the office of gobernadorcillo or
 After the successful defense of Imus
on August 31, 1896 which defeated
the offensive of the Spanish
regiment under Gen. Ernesto
Aguirre, the rejoicing Caviteños
Module 10 Declaration of independence________________________________________________

The Declaration of Philippine Independence In the

Eyes of the Spaniards and Americans

HISTORICAL CONTEXT balance in two instalments, in exchange for

Aguinaldo and his men‟s exile to Hong Kong
• On December 27, 1897, Aguinaldo and his
– Created by Emilio Aguinaldo after
men left for Hong Kong carrying with them
Gov. Gen. Primo De Rivera stopped
pursuing them by June of 1897.
– A semblance of a true Republican
Outbreak of Spanish-American War
– Felix Ferrer and Isabelo Artacho
copied the Cuban constitution and 1898, April-August
took it as the constitution of the
– Result of U.S. intervention in Cuban War of
• The US warship Maine was
TREATY OF BIAK NA BATO attacked and sunk off
Havana, Cuba by the
• It was the treaty that ended the first
phase of the Philippine Revolution.
– U.S. attacked Spain’s Pacific Possession
• Signed in December 14, 1897.
which led to the involvement in the
• Instead of waging the last battle to Philippine Revolution.
the bitter end, Aguinaldo gave in to
– Commodore George Dewey aboard the
de Rivera’s offer of a truce.
U.S.S. Olympia sailed from Hong Kong to
• PEDRO PATERNO – served as a Manila Bay and led the Asiatic Squadron of
mediator between the Philippine the U.S. Navy.
Government headed by EMILIO
AGUINALDO and Spanish Colonial
Government headed by GOVERNOR Battle of Manila Bay
1 May 1898
• Emilio Aguinaldo decided to return to the
Philippines and helped Americans defeat
Provisions: • Aguinaldo arrived in the Philippines aboard
McCulloch on May 19 and assumed the
• ₱800,000; ₱400,000 at the moment of
presidency under the Biak-na-bato
departure from Biak-na-bato and the
• Spaniards were defeated THE PROCLAMATION OF PHILIPPINE
• Emilio Aguinaldo arrived in Cavite
(unofficially allied with the USA) • On June 12, 1898, at around 4:00 to 5:00 in
the afternoon – proclamation of Philippine
• Cavite-Viejo, Province of Cavite – the
• Aguinaldo assumed command of the hometown of the president
government he left behind
• Public reading of the Act of the Declaration
 Consolidated the command of the of independence (Spanish: Acta de la
troops he left during his exile proclamación de independencia del pueblo
• Though infirmed as a
paralytic, his knowledge of
law convinced Aguinaldo as
the right man for the job as
• He refused to write a decree
declaring June 12, 1898 as
the proclamation of
• sewn the flag way back from Hong
Kong to be unfurled
• composed the music of the anthem
which he wrote in 2/4-time
signature, a march entitled Marcha
Nacional Felipinas (originally titled,
Marcha Nacional Magdalo)
• wrote the lyrics
• penned the declaration of

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