04-23 Caee Board Minutes

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Board of Directors Meeting

April 21st, 2023
1:00-3:00 pm Meeting

Vision: All Coloradans are environmentally literate and make choices that support the health and well-
being of all life on our planet.
Mission: CAEE’s mission is to advance environmental education in Colorado by fostering collaboration,
mobilizing support, and driving excellence.
Values: Collaboration, Community, Equity and Inclusion, Leadership, Impact Oriented
Ways of Being: We are present. ~ We are imperfect. ~ We are transparent, empathetic
communicators. ~We actively engage and welcome meaningful participation. ~ We value process. ~ We
are better together.

Present: Katie, Maya, Sherry, Kathryn, Lisa, Brianna, Erin, Chris A, Liz, Chris C

Presenter Presenter Action Time

Welcome and Introductions
 Member Moment: Gabi Morey, Montezuma Inspire Gabi Morey Update 15
- Connecting Youth to the Outdoors! 9 partners that
work together to get kids outside.
- MIC is a Gen Wild community, although Gabi currently
works for Montezuma Land Conservancy she
represents and advocates for the whole coalition
- Have a gear lending library that has increased over
2000% since 2019!
- Integrates elements of SEI skills into their programs
- Coalition covers the cost of youth corps labor for local
- Fozzie’s farm provides a Pathways program for Ag
career for youth to explore
- Partnership works well together with mutual respect
and willingness to help each other out
 Check in and Board Community Building:
o How is everyone doing? Share personal or
professional update.
 Review ways of being Kathryn Update 10
Approval of Board Minutes from last meeting Kathryn Motion 5
: Liz H
1536 Wynkoop St. #314
Denver, CO 80202
Ph. 303.273.9527
all pass
Financial Report Katie/Sherry Review 10
- Program Revenue is the only category with a
significant shortfall
- Conferences have continued to be small over the last
two years, in part due to free registrations for
members, and numbers are not back to prepandemic
levels; will be interesting to see if this year grows with
it being back in Denver

1536 Wynkoop St. #314

Denver, CO 80202
Ph. 303.273.9527
New Business & Discussion Items
 Strategic Planning
o CAEE Program Panel CAEE Staff Discuss 30
o Driving Excellence:
 Professional Development
 eeCourses, Professional
Learning Leaders Cohort,
Webinars, Guidelines
workshops, Project Learning
Tree, Certification Program
 eeCourses are going well now
that they are built, cohort
model is nice to not have to
recruit for each session,
strong PLT facilitator network
 challenges: is it enough, what
are our goals, how do we
meet the needs of different
audiences, how to include ECE
 Awards
 Working: Awards program
helps CAEE staff connect with
new organizations across the
state, celebrating EE
 Challenges: can be difficult to
make changes due to
longevity of program,
increasing equity within the
committee and within the
o Fostering Collaborations
 West Slope Conference: 1 day
 Working: desire for it,
outreach to members on the
W slope
 Challenge: fewer members on
the W Slope so attendance is
an issue
 Main Conference: 2-day conference at
new location this year
 Working: Receive positive
feedback from participants,
highly innovative
 Challenges: location changing
a lot hoping to start to stick

1536 Wynkoop St. #314

Denver, CO 80202
Ph. 303.273.9527
with a constant location, lack
of diversity which they are
hoping to increase
 Careers In Natural Resources:
Longstanding partnership with CO
Youth Corps
 Working: continued
conversations that are
connecting youth to careers
 Challenge: time to keep it
moving forward, distribution
of the resources
o Mobilizing Support
 eeCorps: AmeriCorps program that
places members with orgs throughout
the state
 working: expanding capacity
for orgs, positive feedback,
expand career skills for
 challenge: equity and
accessibility, living allowance
can cause issues recruiting, etc
 EE Plan: over 10-years-old now, 4
councils are in charge of it
 NE council struggling with a
chair, SE focused on teachers,
NW focused on networking and
PD, SW focused on networking
and PD as well
 Small amount of funding
 New plan launched in 2022
 Collective Outcomes: evaluation
 Pisces Funding has allowed for
significant progress on
evaluation tools; training
sessions, cohort model (not
successful), EE in a Box
 How do we collectively
continue this work without
addl funding
o Q&A
 Are we limited in time and resources?
 Have we considered contracting a grant
o Brainstorm: Over the next five years how should we CAEE Staff Discuss 10
advance (or cut back) on current programs?

1536 Wynkoop St. #314

Denver, CO 80202
Ph. 303.273.9527
 See Brainstorming document:
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aPsh All Discuss 20
 We will continue this conversation next time
as well
o Review What we Call our Work
 Next Meeting: May 22nd- IN PERSON from 1-3pm
o Will be in the Denver metro; details TBD
o There will be some homework ahead of the next Katie Discuss 15
meeting so keep an eye out for that Kathryn Update 5
Executive Session (If Time Allows) Kathryn 10

Link to Attendance

1536 Wynkoop St. #314

Denver, CO 80202
Ph. 303.273.9527

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