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Gracell M.

Professional Development and Applied Ethics
Personal Development and Self Esteem
l Personality is the traits that differentiate a person from others. Our personality can be
influenced by heredity, environment, parental characteristics, culture, and persons
l Self-concept is our specific understanding of who we are, embracing all of our
thoughts and feelings about ourselves.
l Having a self confidence and self esteem is very important to all of us. If we have this
we believe on our abilities and what we are capable of. We know our self worth and
know how to value ourself.
l Having a positive character enables us to develop a good personality. Despite the
fact that you are super attractive but you don’t know how to behave many people
will ignore you. There is nothing more important than your character and moral
l Virtues that will help to build our character are self discipline, responsibility, honest
and integrity, loyalty, compassion and mercy, motivation, hard work, and
perseverance. If we know all of this its easy for us to have good character that will
help us to achieve our goal and be successful in life.
Self Development, Attitude and Image
l Self development is the process of learning new things and acquiring new skills. It’s a
commitment to do better in everything you do.
l Attitude is an expression on how we feels on a situation or in a person. Our attitude
changes depending on who we talk to. When we are in bad mood it can affect our
l With a positive attitude you see the good side of life, and expect the best to happen
which will lead you to success and happiness.
l Image is how you present yourself. It is the perception of others about you on how
you look, speak, behave, and walk.
l When a persons meets you for the first time they easily make an opinion about you
based on your appearance thats why image is so important.
Wardrobe, Accessories and Grooming
l All of us has freedom in what we wear but let us not forget the boundary between
appropriate clothing in every occasion we attend to. Like don't be under dressed or
over dressed.
l We have different types of clothing it is the casual, informal, semi formal and formal.
We need to know the difference of this four so its easy for us to follow the dress
code of an event.
l Accessories enhances your looks it gives life to your outfit. If you don't have
accessories it has a high chance that your outfit will look boring. But always
remember that the accessories you worn should be appropriate to the occasion, age
and your workplace.
l Every person have a different face shapes, so its important to know ours so that we
can know the hairstyle that will suits us. If we have bad hairstyle our face will look
Communication Essential
l In communication message are transmitted through various channels in written we
have letter, memos, and electronic messages. In oral communication we have radio,
television, voicemail and etc.
l We use communication in our daily life it helps us share information, express our
feelings and help build relationship.
l To have effective communication a sender and receiver are needed. Sender is where
the information are coming and the receiver is to whom the information is
l When the message has been received the sender will wait for the feedback to know
the message is understood or not.
l In communicating to someone even if we don’t speak the gestures, body posture and
facial expression that we do while we communicate conveys a message and it is
called non verbal communication.
l Listening is understanding what you hear while hearing you only recognize the
message being sent to you.
l A letter is a written or printed message that delivers a message from one person to
another. The letter have to categories the business letter and personal letter.
l  Passive communicator avoid saying what they want. They always agree with others
opinion even if they don’t like it. Their decision is held by other people.
l Aggressive communicator always want their decision to be followed even if only they
will benefit from it and not everyone.
l Assertive communicator is the opposite of aggressive communicator. They want you
to express yourself and willing to listen in your opinion or decision. They make other
people feel valued.
Critical Work Skill, Customer and Diversity
l Customers is the heart of your business if they are not satisfied on your products and
services that your company’s may offer  your business will die or become bankrupt.
l In order for customers to buy again, it is important that you meet their expectations.
And always build a good relationship to your customer and avoid arguing to them so
that your business will become successful.
l Diversity is the differences and what makes each of us unique it includes our
personality, beliefs, backgrounds and life experiences.
l Culture refers to the characteristics, belief  and knowledge of a particular group of
people. To prevent discrimination and cultural conflict, it is important that we
understand and respects one another culture.
l Fairness and equality in the workplace are an important part of mitigating conflict and
ensuring that employees are provided with an environment that promotes
productivity and opportunities.
l One of the biggest benefits of time management is that it allows us to be more
efficient by controlling how we spend our time.
l Procrastination have a negative effect not only in students but on everyone. For this
reason we cannot complete our work on time.

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