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Prepositions of place Cambiar de cuenta

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* Indica que la pregunta es obligatoria


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* 1 punto

The cat is in the box.

The cat is under the box.

The cat is on the box.

The cat is behind the box.

* 1 punto

The dog is in the box.

The dog is under the box.

The dog is on the box.

The dog is behind the box.

* 1 punto

The bookshelf is on the clock.

The bookshelf is next to the clock.

The bookshelf is behind the clock.

The bookshelf is below the clock.

* 1 punto

The cat is behind the blanket.

The cat is on the blanket.

The cat is above the blanket.

The cat is under the blanket.

* 1 punto

The girl is on the curtain.

The girl is above the curtain.

The girl is in the curtain.

The girl is behind the curtain.

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