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Allison Ross

Dr. Ajunwa

Project 21st Century Teaching

Project Goal: Students will create and submit one word document composed of Section
A Lesson PlansandSection B. Justification of Digital Content.

Lesson Plan 1 ................................................................................................................................... 2
Justification of Digital Content_LP1 ............................................................................................... 6
Lesson Plan 2 ................................................................................................................................... 7
Justification of Digital Content_LP2 ............................................................................................. 10
Lesson Plan 3 ................................................................................................................................. 11
Justification of Digital Content_LP3 ............................................................................................. 14
Lesson Plan 4 ................................................................................................................................. 15
Justification of Digital Content_LP4 ............................................................................................. 19
Lesson Plan 5 ................................................................................................................................. 20
Justification of Digital Content_LP5 ............................................................................................. 23
Key Terms Section ........................................................................................................................ 24
Works Cited Section ...................................................................................................................... 25
Lesson Plan 1
Section A-Instructional Phase
Allison Ross
DCCC, EDU 206 Teaching with Technology
Instructor: Dr. Kelechi Ajunwa
Course-Grade Level: 2nd Grade
Subject: Math

PA State Standard(s): (PA CORE STANDARDS Mathematics)

• Standard Area- 2.4 Measurement, Data, and Probability

o CC.2.4.2. A.2 -Tell and write time to the nearest five minutes using both analog
and digital clocks.

Lesson Objective:
SWBAT recognize the time on an analog and digital clock and be able to reproduce a time
shown on the clock when prompted with 80% accuracy on a 10-question worksheet after a 60-
minute lesson.

Do Now: {5 minutes}
• TW point at the clock and ask the students, “what is this”
• TW explain that clocks help us tell time
• TW show students’ image of both an analog clock and a digital clock.

Direct Instruction:15 minutes

• TW will review what the numbers represent on the clock
o Minute marks
o Five-minute tally’s
o Hour marks
• TW describe the purpose of the second, minute, and hour hands on the clock

• TW describe the columns of the digital clock

o The place value of the “:”
o How minutes got eh the right of:
o How hours go to the left of:

Guided Practice: 15 minutes

• SW listen to the story Cluck O’clock (7 minutes, but repeated for students to write the
times with the prompts)
• SW fill out the worksheet identifying what time to the closest 5-minute mark each event
occurred. (CC.2.4.2. A.2)

Essential Questions Script--Questions That I Don’t Want to Forget to Ask (QTIDWTFTA):

• What is an analog clock? What is a digital clock?

• Which hand represents an hour? A minute? A second?
• How is 12 o’clock represented on an analog clock, how is 12 o’clock represented on a
digital clock?

Independent Practice: 20 minutes

• SW create using various materials their own clock with movable hands, including hour
and minute marks.
o Using glue, scissors, color pencils, color markers.

• TW will prompt students with different times

• SW indicate what time the teacher prompted and hold them up to show the teacher.
(CC.2.4.2. A.2)

Exit Assessment 5 minutes

• SW demonstrate on a 10-question worksheet how to tell time with an analog clock and
digital clock. (This will be evaluated for accuracy to obtain skills stated in learning


• SW demonstrate knowledge of telling time on an analog clock and a digital clock by

connecting the image of each of them to each other on a matching worksheet.
• SW record a list with the times of the bedtime routine and Draw clocks, analog (3
images) and digital (3 images) to match the times on their list.

Section B-Closing Achievement Gap

Assessment Strategy:
• During the exit assessment students will do a formal assessment on identifying time
on analog and digital clocks to the nearest 5 minutes. (CC.2.4.2. A.2) (SWBAT)
• Homework is returned the teacher will analyze the matching worksheet and the
written lists to identify student accuracy in answers as a qualitative assessment
((CC.2.4.2. A.2))

Academic Language:
• Minute- a period of time comprised of 60 seconds
• Hour- a period of time comprised of 60 minutes
• Digital- a format of time that is displayed with hours left of the colon and minutes on the
• Analog- a format of time that is displayed with 12 hours demonstrated on a circle with 3
hands, hours, minutes, and seconds.

Equity Measures/Differentiation:
• Through the use of worksheets, videos, games and teacher instruction I will be mindful of
information overload to not present too much information to the student at one time.
• I utilized high-engaged time with students have at least 20 minutes of the lesson to
create an explore in connection to the information that they are being taught throughout
the making a clock with movable hands activity.
• Within my objectives I wanted students to receive at least 80% accuracy on a 10-question
quiz allowing for some students to excel hire and some students to meet just at that level.
• IF this lesson needed to be differentiated for different levels students would be able to
complete more or less of the clocks in the guided practice section to ensure that they are
still receiving valuable instruction on attaining the objective to tell time do the five-
minute mark they were just have less or more questions to complete within the same time
Justification of Digital Content_LP1
Directions: Please write a 1-2 paragraph statement explaining why you selected this digital
Within this lesson I utilized a virtual story book which I thought added to the academic
potential of the lesson, because I would not have access to a book contain many of these times
that have clocks set at the five-minute mark in different hours on hand. I do not as though this
would take away from anything in the lesson as if I had read a book in person rather than
watching the book the read aloud. This Reese’s one that I would use throughout digital or
blended learning so a student could receive the same story whether in school or not in school. I
used the opportunity within this lesson to connect a virtual book rather than having a lesson be
completely virtual or completely in person.
Lesson Plan 2
Section A-Instructional Phase
Allison Ross
DCCC, EDU 206 Teaching with Technology
Instructor: Dr. Kelechi Ajunwa
Course-Grade Level: 2nd
Subject: ELA

PA State Standard(s): (PA CORE STANDARDS Mathematics)

• Standard Area- Reading Informational Text

o CC.1.2.2. B -Ask and answer questions such as who, what, where, when, why,
and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.
o CC.1.2.2.C -Describe the connection between a series of events, concepts, or
steps in a procedure within a text.
Lesson Objective:
SWBAT define the 5 W’s (what when where why) within a story and compare actions of the
characters in a story, while recognizing the sequence of events.

Do Now: {10 minutes}

• TW the teacher will read the 10-page book “Pig and bear go to the city” aloud
• Throughout the TW pause and ask students what is happening, and descriptions using the
5 W’s
• TW ask students the series of events in questions
o what came first?
o then what happened?

Direct Instruction:15 minutes

• TW define “Who”
• TW define “What”
• TW define ““Were””
• TW define “Why”
• TW define “When”
• SW write down in their notebooks for each:
o The word
o The definition the teacher gave them
o How they could remember it
o Draw a symbol
• TW will show for reinforcement

Guided Practice: 15 minutes

• SW when a be given a story where they need to mark up with their symbols of questions
who what when where and why, to identify within the story then they need to number
three different events in the story.
• TW call on students to read the story aloud and stop at each page for the students to mark
up the page.

Essential Questions Script--Questions That I Don’t Want to Forget to Ask (QTIDWTFTA):

Who is going to the city?

What are they doing?
Why are they doing that?
What do they do first?

Independent Practice: 15 minutes

• SW write their own story
o identifying the main events in a list sequence
o their characters (who)
o setting (where, when)
o the reason for the story (what, why)
• SW share with their table mates

Exit Assessment 5 minutes

• SW use scissors to cut out a work sheet of events within the story and paste them in order
of the sequence of events

• SW create another story to demonstrate mastery of the concept of the 5W’s and the
sequency of events and mark up with their labels.

Section B-Closing Achievement Gap

Assessment Strategy:
• A formative assessment will be formed out of the amount of correct placement of the
sequence of events during the exit ticket. CC.1.2.2.C
• A summative assessment of the homework returned to identify the 5w’s with accuracy.
CC.1.2.2. B

Academic Language:
• First – the beginning action
• Second- the sequential action after the first
• Next- after and action
• After- following the previous action
• Who- the person doing an action.
• What- the action, or object.
• When- the time of which an event occurs
• Where- the setting of which an event occurs
• Why- the reason a person or action is doing something.

Equity Measures/Differentiation:
• What’s in this activity are used balanced instructional time, between teacher instruction,
independent instruction and guided practice to allow the students to explore the
objectives of learning the 5W’s and sequential order through the continent in the lesson.
• I used rigorous objections for this grade level to challenge the students to gain most of the
lesson with multiple state standards.
• Within the objective I did not state how fluent students needed to display their learning of
the 5W’s in sequential order to allow for differentiation in the lesson and possibly
splitting up each of the Ws for some students who may need more focus to help them
understand the concept of each.
Justification of Digital Content_LP2
Directions: Please write a 1-2 paragraph statement explaining why you selected this digital
Within this lesson I used two digital content applications to help reinforce student
learning. I feel as though utilizing videos, while learning in the 21st-century should aid learning
without taking away from advances in the classroom, so I used a video for reinforcement to help
students remember the definitions on the 5W’s gonna give them a strategy on how to remember
each W. I also integrated the virtual story book where the students would be able to see a picture
and words that connected with the lesson, I decided to integrate this because I would not have
access to the book and if I use this resources, it would be accessible for all types of learning.
Lesson Plan 3
Section A-Instructional Phase
Allison Ross
DCCC, EDU 206 Teaching with Technology
Instructor: Dr. Kelechi Ajunwa
Course-Grade Level: 3rd Grade
Subject: Mathematics

PA State Standard(s): (PA CORE STANDARDS Mathematics)

●Standard Area- 2.1 Numbers and Operations
• CC.2.1.3. B.1- Apply place-value understanding and properties of operations to perform
multi-digit arithmetic.
●Standard Area- 2.4 Measurement, Data, and Probability
• CC.2.4.3. A.3 - Solve problems and make change involving money using a combination
of coins and bills.

Lesson Objective:
SWBAT identify the value of each form of American Currency and apply knowledge of their
worth to commutate transaction problems with an 80% accuracy on a 12-question assessment.

Do Now: {5 minutes}
• TW display on the screen an image of multiple types of US currency, penny nickel dime
quarter dollar bill five-dollar bill $10 bill $20 bill and $100 bill.
• TW ask students one at a time to approach the board to identify the value of each

Direct Instruction:15 minutes

• TW demonstrate how five pennies make one nickel; two nickels make one dime… up to
• TW show
• TW show combinations of currency to match the price of each object.
• TW write on the board the value of the currency being added. (CC.2.1.3. B.1)

Guided Practice: 20 minutes

• The teacher will display on the board:
• SW be asked to stand up at their seats and the room will be divided into two yes and no.
The prompts on the board will include the price of an item and students will be shown the
money that they have to spend and have to decide if they are able to buy the item.
o TW display the prompts of the subtraction problems on the screen.
o SW move to either side of the room to display their answer.
o TW call on one student from each side to defend their answer
§ repeated until each student has shared.

• TW will ask students when would we need to add or subtract money? (When we get more
money or when we are buying an object)
• TW have students write on paper $20.
• TW read a story out loud. Throughout the story SW subtract and add different amounts of
money that the characters are saving and spending within the story demonstrating the
transactions. (CC.2.4.3. A.3)

Essential Questions Script--Questions That I Don’t Want to Forget to Ask (QTIDWTFTA):

• “If I have 3 dollars, 7 dimes, and 5 quarters, and 5 pennies how much money do I have all
together?” (CC.2.4.3. A.3)
• “If I have seven pennies and two dimes how else could I show this value”
o 2 pennies 5 nickels, etc.
• “When adding dimes which place value do they add in” (CC.2.1.3. B.1)
o Tenths
• “What happens if I pay too much money?” (Receiving change)
• “If I pay $10 for an item that only cost five how much money will I get back?” “

Independent Practice: 15 minutes

• SW be shown prices of objects within the classroom

• SW will be given paper and pencil to write down their calculations, and a budget of $5.
• SW find the combination to obtain the most objects without repeating within their budget.
• SW demonstrate their subtraction of object price from their total budget. Objects will be
in varying prices such as $.15, a dollar, two dollars, $2.50 challenging the student to
correctly subtract using correct place value of money quality. (CC.2.1.3. B.1)

Exit Assessment 5 minutes

• SW be given a formative assessment with 12 subtraction problems where they must
display knowledge of place value and ability to make change.


• SW answer 10 questions on a money subtraction worksheet.

• SW answer 5 T/F questions if they are able to buy an object with an allowance.

Section B-Closing Achievement Gap

Assessment Strategy:
• SW be given a formative assessment with 12 subtraction problems where they must
display knowledge of place value and ability to make change. CC.2.4.3. A.3
• Teachers will use qualitative assessment by asking students of which place value pennies
belong in, dimes, dollars, etc., while incorporating addition by saying, “When adding
dimes which place value do they add in” (CC.2.1.3. B.1)

Academic Language:
• Dollar- the standard of US. Currency
• Cent- U S. Currency that is 1/100th of a dollar.
• Quarter- US. Currency that is 1/4th of a dollar, worth 25 cents.
• Dime- US. Currency that is 1/10th of a dollar, worth 10 cents.
• Nickel- US. Currency that is 1/20th of a dollar, worth 5 cents.
• Penny- Nickname of a Cent, U S. Currency that is 1/100th of a dollar, worth 1 cent.

Equity Measures/Differentiation:
• I utilized maximize rigorous engagement through yes or no answers in the guided
practice portion of the lesson.
• Are you guys many levels of blooms taxonomy through, apply, identify, and
communicate within the lesson objection to make them rigorous.
• As to see it on the lesson objective I was looking for 80% accuracy at least from the
students to display their knowledge in place value, subtraction and addition, and
identifying currency. Differentiation in this lesson could be limiting the number of
questions that are asked to a student within the same amount of time as others.
Justification of Digital Content_LP3
Directions: Please write a 1-2 paragraph statement explaining why you selected this digital
1. Within this lesson plan I utilize two digital resources to aid to the learning done in class.
Are you don’t like resources for convenience of students be able to see a clear picture of
money in front of them and it is selected specifically for the grade level where I limited
which forms of US currency are being displayed. Utilize the first resource to work as a
full class for students to work together to add the currency to demonstrate their
knowledge of place value. This resource I used is a more individual portion of the lesson
where students would answer yes, or no questions and I would get feedback from the
website showing the students answers. This allowed to get formative assessments from
the lessons and allowed the students to handle money without using real currency.
Lesson Plan 4
Section A-Instructional Phase
Allison Ross
DCCC, EDU 206 Teaching with Technology
Instructor: Dr. Kelechi Ajunwa
Course-Grade Level: 3rd Grade
Subject: Science technology engineering education

PA State Standard(s): (PA CORE STANDARDS Mathematics)

• Standard Area- Origin and Evolution of the Universe

o 3.3.3.B1.- Describe the changes that occur in the observable shape of the moon
over the course of a month.

Lesson Objective:
SWBAT differentiate the phases of the moon, distinguish images of moon phases, and correctly
describe the phases using terms Waning, Waxing, Crescent, Gibbous, New Moon, etc. with 75%
accuracy when presented with 8 questions.

Do Now: {5 minutes}
• TW present an image of the moon and ask the students what they see
• TW present a different phase of the moon an ask the students to identify the differences
between the images
• TW introduce the phases of the moon
• TW emphasize that the moon does not shrink though less is visible due to the shadow of
the earth

Direct Instruction:15 minutes

• TW show the students the video by bill nye on the moon phases,
• {1m07s-6m28s}
• TW Define words waxing and waning
• TW define the words Crescent and Gibbous

Guided Practice: 15 minutes

• SW play a round of Quizlet live (This is where student is matched into teams and need to
work together to answer questions. This being about the moon and the phases, after a few
questions the teams switch and the students rotate, and repeat.)
• TW present on the board an image of the moon (repeat 10x)
• SW write on white board the phase the moon is at
• TW will note the accuracy of the students

Essential Questions Script--Questions That I Don’t Want to Forget to Ask (QTIDWTFTA):

Which way does the shadow on the moon move across?

What is first in a new moon cycle a waning gibbous or a waxing crescent?

How long does a new moon occur?

Independent Practice: 20 minutes

• SW draw image of each phase of the moon

o Using black construction paper and white chalk

• SW label each phase of the moon.

Exit Assessment 5 minutes

• SW use online activity to name the moon phases and identify the order of which the
phases occur.
• TW evaluate the score of the student for accuracy


• SW for 1 month draw a picture of the moon in the night sky to document the changes in
appearance. (3.3.3.B1)

Section B-Closing Achievement Gap

Assessment Strategy:
• A summative assessment of understanding will be though students 1-month drawings of
picture of the moon in the night sky to document the changes in appearance. (3.3.3.B1)
• During guided practice teacher will do an informal formative assessment of the students
understanding of the moon phase names. (3.3.3.B1)

Academic Language:
• Waxing- to grow larger and increase in appearance
• Waning- to decrease in appearance and grow smaller
• Gibbous- when more than half of the moon is lit by the sun
• Crescent- When less than half of the moon is lit by the sun
• Full moon- when the whole moon is visible from the earth
• New moon - when the no moon is visible from the earth
• ¼ moon - when the ½ of the moon is visible, with the left side lit by the sun
• 3/4 moon- when the ½ of the moon is visible, with the right side lit by the sun
• Orbit- to move around another object synchronously.
• Cycle- the repeating period of an occurrence.

Equity Measures/Differentiation:
• I used to practice of multiple intelligences within my lesson plans, I had students use
multiple visual learning methods as long with auditory methods and literary methods.
• Within the homework assignment I allowed students to fully engaged with the moon
cycle and the concept that they were learning to see firsthand the materials they were
learning within the lesson
• Differentiation could be implemented within the exit assessment in the NASA resource as
I am able to control the questions that the students get and allow hints for students that
may need them or include more challenging questions.
Justification of Digital Content_LP4
Directions: Please write a 1-2 paragraph statement explaining why you selected this digital
Within this lesson I used two different forms of digital resources. The first essay used was
Quizlet live which is a collaborative quiz were students are paired multiple times for different
classmates to answer questions together about the content within the course. The status of digital
aid that I used was an online activity through NASA to track the students’ knowledge of the key
objectives and key terms in the lesson through a summative assessment. In the age of 21st
Century learning I feel as though these digital resources would aid the learning for students to
not have too much time being talked at but rather engaging with their learning.
Lesson Plan 5
Section A-Instructional Phase
Allison Ross
DCCC, EDU 206 Teaching with Technology
Instructor: Dr. Kelechi Ajunwa
Course-Grade Level: 7th
Subject: Science

PA State Standard(s): (PA CORE STANDARDS Mathematics)

●Standard Area- Reading informational text
• CC.3.5.6-8. C.
Follow precisely a multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking
measurements, or performing technical tasks.
• CC.3.5.6-8. G.
Integrate quantitative or technical information expressed in words in a text with a version
of that information expressed visually (e.g., in a flowchart, diagram, model, graph, or

Lesson Objective:
SWBAT design and construct an egg drop experiment working collaboratively within small
groups Students will be evaluated based upon their ability to measure data on a worksheet.

Do Now: {5 minutes}

• TW ask students “if I drop pin in this weather at the same time which will hit the ground
• TW prompt students that they will land at the same time because of gravity
• TW define Gravity
o According to Merriam-Webster, “the attraction of the mass of the earth, the moon,
or a planet for bodies at or near its surface”.
• TW show the video on Gravity by crash course.

Direct Instruction:10 minutes

• TW show the stents the myth busters’ video on the egg drop to begin sparking creativity.
• TW present students with a list of requirements in which their creation must abide by.
(CC.3.5.6-8. C.)
o Must weigh under 2 pounds
o Can only use 13 individual materials
o Can only use 2 feet of painter’s tape

Guided Practice: 10 minutes

• TW provide the materials to create a device that can hold an egg.
• TW split students up into groups of 3-4
• TW provide a worksheet to each group where they must record the weight of their
• TW describe to the stunts that they need to choose group roles,
o Technician- the main builder who will work on constructing the creation.
o Recorder- the student in the group record measurements and weight on the
o Droppers- this is who will be dropping the creation.
o Project manager- the student who will ensure everyone is staying on task, will
read the instructions, and be aware of limitations.

Essential Questions Script--Questions That I Don’t Want to Forget to Ask (QTIDWTFTA):

It more beneficial to us heavier or lighter materials to achieve a higher successful drop height?
What do heavier materials affect the speed at which the egg falls? (No because of gravity)
What do lighter materials affect the speed at which the egg falls? (No because of gravity)

Independent Practice: 35 minutes

• SW working groups to customize their parachute/egg proctor in hopes for achieving a

higher height during the drop, while securing the safety of their egg.
• SW drop their creation different heights recording if their egg survived
• Students will participate in a competition first in the egg from 1 ft, 2ft,5 ft, 10 ft, etc.
Until one group is left standing.

Exit Assessment 5 minutes

• SW write down strategies that they would use if they were to do this experiment again,
and why they think it would work better.
• SW turn in the worksheet containing the weight of their creation, drop heights with
successes or fails, and other measurable data.


• SW use their data table and worksheet from class to extrapolate the data to find if lighter
materials versus heavier materials lead to the egg surviving higher drop heights on a
graph. (CC.3.5.6-8. G.)

Section B-Closing Achievement Gap

Assessment Strategy:
• A summative assessment will be take on graphing data from the experiment form the
homework activity. CC.3.5.6-8. G.)
• An informal qualitative assessment on following the procedures of the process to execute
their experiment will be evaluated. CC.3.5.6-8. C.)

Academic Language:
• Gravity- the attraction of an abject to the earth due to the atmospheric pull
• Technician- the main builder who will work on constructing the creation.
• Recorder- the student in the group record measurements and weight on the
• Droppers- this is who will be dropping the creation.
• Project manager- the student who will ensure everyone is staying on task, will read
the instructions, and be aware of limitations

Equity Measures/Differentiation:
• I used a graphic organizer for the students hand out which allowed them to gather all their
information on measurements and weights for a more visual way of organizing their
• Are utilized project base learning technique and discovery for students to learn by trial
and error what is the most effective way to protect the egg while keeping the lightest
• I focused on group work within this activity and the roles of each student within the
group to help students with social needs to gain more interaction with others and work
within the team setting.
• I would comprise the group of many different students who could all work within the
different roles assigned to each group where students could be focusing more on the
building versus the recording to differentiate the levels of which students can work
Justification of Digital Content_LP5
Directions: Please write a 1-2 paragraph statement explaining why you selected this digital
1. I utilized two video resources within this lesson. I first use the first video by crash course
to explain how gravity affects objects on earth and how gravity impacts our daily lives to
show the students firsthand the importance of this concept. I’ve been used the video by
MythBusters to introduce the topic of our lesson and to allow the students to see an
example of the project that they were working towards. This is catering to more visual
learners who need to see the end goal of their experiment rather than just reading the
Key Terms Section: Please identify and define in your own words any essential concepts from
our course material (readings, videos, class notes etc.) that you used in this project. Make sure
your number each item.

1. Synchronously- Learning that is conducted at the same time.

2. Digital learning – Learning with the aid of digital resources.
3. Blended instruction- the combination of both face-to-face and non-face-to-face
4. Discovery- students researching and being emerged with in the concept world to find
new ideas and create their own questions to research.
5. Multiple intelligences- The different ways that students learn and obtain information,
developed by Howard Gardner the way that people learn whether it be linguistic,
mathematical, visible etc.
6. project-based learning- a learning strategy where students are challenged with a project
that they need to research and gain information outside of the curriculum to gain a fuller
7. Differentiation- Diversifying the lesson into many levels and understanding for students
to learn with different intelligences, and to create a more personal lesson.
Works Cited Section: Please identify the sources you used in creating this project. This includes
anything from our course material (readings, videos and class notes etc.). Make sure your
citations are in APA formatting.

Bill Nye the Science Guy - S01E11 The Moon. (2018, February 15). YouTube.
Cluck o’clock by Kes Gray. (2018, January 20). YouTube.
Defining Gravity: Crash Course Kids #4.1. (2015, March 24). YouTube.
The Five W’s Song | English Songs | Scratch Garden. (2013, December 10). YouTube.
IXL | Purchases - do you have enough money - up to $10 | 3rd grade math. (n.d.). IXL Learning.
MythBusters. (2016, February 2). MythBusters ---- Falling egg. Dailymotion.
Shopping Game - Online Practice for grades K-3. (n.d.). Math Mammoth Practice.
Star Child: Multidisciplinary Solar System Activities: Moonlight Madness. (n.d.). NASA.Gov.

Smaldino, S., Lowther, D., & Russell, J. (2018). Instructional Technology and Media for
Learning 12th Edition. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

I utilized information and gained assistance from each of the following course resources:
TEMPLATE_Project 21st Century Teaching_v1.docx
EDU 206_Tutorial_Section B_Project 21st Century
EDU206_Dr. Ajunwa's Lecture Notes-Project 21st Century
Lecture Notes_Lesson Plan Objectives
04_Equitable Classrooms-Addressing equity in your lesson planning.pdf
03_Equity Measures and Differentiation.pdf
Ajunwa_Effective Pedagogy_Blooms Taxonomy_v2.pdf
03_Type of Assessments - Formative and Summative_v1.pdf
05_Assessment Strategies Lecture Notes _v1.pdf
Lecture Notes_Designing Effective Lessons_v1.pdf
Lecture Notes-Effective Unit-Lesson_Plans.pdf

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