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Raj Yamuna School Denpasar 2023





1. Below is the importance of plants to Humans, …

(berikut manfaat tumbuhan bagi manusia, adalah …)

a. As food source c. as protecting the land

b. As material industrial d. as medicinal material

2. The benefit of plants for our growth is … (Manfaat tumbuhan bagi pertumbuhan kita
adalah …)
a. As food source c. as jewelry
b. As clothing material d. as medicinal material

3. Based on the picture beside, it can be used for …

(Bedasarkan gambar disamping, digunakan sebagai
a. Jewelry c. clothing material
b. Building material d. medicine

4. This plant is used to make soy sauce, tofu, and tempeh. The plant is … (Tanaman ini
dimanfaatkan untuk membuat kecap, tahu dan tempe. Tanaman ini adalah …)
a. Coffee b. soy c. spinach d. sweet potato

5. Teak and mahogany can be used as … material. (Pohon jati dan mahoni dapat
dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan …)
a. Clothing b. food c. jewellery d. furniture

6. To take care of the plants, we need to remove … around the plants. (Untuk merawat
tanaman, kita perlu membersihkan … dari sekitar tumbuhan utama.)
a. Flowers b. leaves c. weeds d. branches

7. Below is ways of taking care of plants, except … (berikut adalah cara merawat
tanaman, kecuali…)
a. Water the plants c. removing the flowers
b. Removing the weeds d. give fertilizer

8. The benefit of animals to protect our body from cold is … (Manfaat hewan bagi
pelindung tubuh dari kedinginan adalah …)
a. As clothing material c. as medical material
b. As a food source d. as building material

9. Sheep is useful for their … and … (Domba dapat dimanfaatkan … dan …)

a. Eggs and skin c. fur and meat
b. Eggs and fur d. fur and skin

Final Test of Semester II

Raj Yamuna School Denpasar 2023

10. Animal below that has benefit for their eggs is … (Hewan berikut yang
dimanfaatkan telurnya adalah …)
a. Worm b. silkworm c. horse d. chicken

11. The animal on the picture is useful for …

(Hewan pada gambar dapat dimanfaatkan untuk …)

a. jewelry
b. clothing material
c. food source
d. furniture

12. Horse is usually used as a … (Horse biasanya

digunakan sebagai …)
a. Food source c. furniture
b. Carrier d. jewelry

13. The correct way of taking care of animals is … (berikut adalah cara merawat
hewan adalah…)
a. Water the animals c. removing the flowers
b. Removing the weeds d. give shelter

14. When our animals are sick, we need to … (Ketika hewan kita sakit, kita perlu …)
a. Give shelter c. take them to play
b. Take them to vet d. clean the animal

15. We need to provide shelter for animals as a … (Kita perlu menyediakan hewan
tempat tinggal sebagai …)
a. Place to eat c. place to play
b. Place to rest d. place to grow

16. An animal that can fertilize soil is a … (Hewan yang menyuburkan tanah adalah
a. worm c. caterpillar
b. snake d. silkworm

17. In order to create a bond between a pet and its owner, it can be done by … (Untuk
mengakrabkan diri hewan dengan pemiliknya, bisa dilakukan dengan cara …)
a. Give shelter c. take them to play
b. Take them to vet d. clean the animal

18. This thing belong to … matter (Gambar berikut termasuk jenis wujud benda …)
a. solid
b. liquid
c. gas
d. a and c are correct

19. Egg when it is cooked, it turns into … (Telur ketika dimasak, berubah menjadi
a. Solid c. gas
b. Liquid d. b and c are correct

Final Test of Semester II

Raj Yamuna School Denpasar 2023

20. The change of state matter from liquid to gas is called … (Perubahan wujud
benda dari liquid menjadi solid adalah …)
a. Evaporation c. Melting
b. Condensation d. Crystallize

21. Chocolate will melt when heated. This is an example of … (Coklat akan meleleh
ketika dipanaskan. Berikut adalah contoh dari …)
a. Freezing c. Crystallize
b. Melting d. condensation

22. In the making of palm sugar, the change of state occurs from …. (Pada proses
pembuatan gula palm, perubahan yang terjadi adalah ….)
a. Solid into liquid c. gas to solid
b. Solid into gas d. liquid to solid

23. The daily condition of the atmosphere during short period of time is called…
a. Season c. climate
b. Weather d. spring

24. The symbol of the weather is … (symbol berikut adalah

cuaca …)
a. Rainy c. thunder storm
b. Clear night d. cloudy

25. Putu looks at the weather around, the wind blows so hard. It means the weather is
… (Putu melihat cuaca sekeliling, angin bertiup kencang. Menandakan cuaca ….)
a. Sunny c. windy
b. Cloudy d. rainy

26. The sky covers with a lot of clouds. It means the weather is … (Langit ditutupi
oleh banyak awan. Artinya cuaca sedang …)
a. Sunny c. cloudy
b. Partly cloudy d. rainy

27. When we go outside when the weather is rainy. We should wear… (ketika kita
pergi keluar saat cuaca rainy. Kita harus menggunakan
a. Shirt c. sunglasses
b. Raincoat d. sweater
28. Condensation is the process of changing state from gas into … (Kondensasi
adalah proses perubahan wujud benda dari gas menjadi ….)
a. Liquid c. gas
b. Solid d. a and b are correct

29. When we boil the water, the changing of matter is … (ketika kita merebus air,
perubahan wujud benda yang terjadi adalah …)
a. Evaporation c. crystallization
b. Condensation d. freezing

30. What is the changing of state matter happens in the process of making salt? (Apakah
perubahan wujud benda yang terjadi pada proses pembuatan garam?)
a. Gas to liquid c. liquid to solid

Final Test of Semester II

Raj Yamuna School Denpasar 2023

b. Gas to solid d. liquid to gas

31. The sky covers a half by the sun, the weather is … (Langit ditutupi separuhnya oleh
matahari, cuacanya …)
a. Partly cloudy c. sunny
b. Cloudy d. rainy

32. Below is the correct weather, except … (berikut cuaca yang benar adalah, kecuali…)
a. Winter c. cloudy
b. Sunny d. rainy

33. Below is the correct changing of state matter of freezing is … (berikut proses perubahan
wujud benda freezing adalah …)
a. Heating butter c. making salt
b. Cooling water into freezer d. heating chocolate

34. The air in the balloon belongs to … matter (Udara dalam balon termasuk wujud benda
a. Gas c. solid
b. Liquid d. air

35. A perfume belongs to … matter. (Parfum termasuk wujud benda …)

a. Liquid c. solid
b. Gas d. water

Final Test of Semester II

Raj Yamuna School Denpasar 2023

Name : .................................................................. Class : IIi(Three)
Subject : Science Bilingual

I. Please choose the best answer by crossing A,B, C or D on the sheet provided.

No a b c d

No a b c d No a b c d
21 31
22 32
23 33
24 34
25 35

Final Test of Semester II

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