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Written Assignment Unit 2

Department of Computer Science, University of the People

PSYC 1205-01 Emotional Intelligence - AY2022-T411:24 PM

8 February 2023

I didn't know enough about or care about the idea of personality types, but after starting the course in
the first week, I became really passionate about the topic. I came to the realization that taking this
course will really benefit my ability to better understand who I am, identify my strengths and
shortcomings, deal with social challenges at work or in school, and become more accepting of other
people's viewpoints and responses. ISFJ has been validated as my MBTI type based on the Jungian test.
It was not much different from the first test I took a year and a half prior. INFJ and ISFJ personality
traits can be applied, according to recent Jungian results. In fact, the INFJ personality was the first
outcome 18 months ago.

ISFJs are very thoughtful, devoted, disciplined, practical, affectionate, and caring personalities. They
are diligent and responsible, which helps them to complete their tasks. ISFJs get energised by their
alone time and concentrate on facts and details rather than thoughts and concepts.

My MBTI personality type, which has been confirmed, is ISFJ, which means that, for the most part, I
was not particularly extroverted while I was studying and working. I also tend to have very few close
relationships, meaning that I prefer to be more open and liberal with only my close friends and family.
Thus, I might come across as a little antisocial to some people. Sometimes, I don't want to stand out.

I also have a strong sense of sensuality (S) and firmness (J). I have to have a well-thought-out plan for
every project, and the work needs to be fairly divided among the team members. I can't operate in
disarray. Each step must be carefully considered. Some people may believe I am excessively rigorous
at times, but the truth is that when I start working or even just my day without a plan, I become so
disoriented that I am unable to complete my tasks. I occasionally realize that my habitual strong
devotion to and love of excellence is one of my flaws. When I am hired by a team or even when I
volunteer, I consider it my duty to do the task assigned to me and my colleagues wonderfully and
impressively, even if it is at the expense of myself or my relationship with my families, the majority
They see it as a strength, not a weakness.

I discovered that my anti-personality is ENTP after reading about various personality types. The
communicator or combatant is the name of this character. She is extroverted, likes to socialize,
concentrates on ideas and concepts rather than specifics and details, and bases her decisions on logic
and reason. She is regarded as a character as well. One who is spontaneous and adaptable, who dislikes
planning and organization, and who is known to be passionate about fresh and original ideas. ENTP
Evasion Weaknesses The character is naturally creative and has a hard time committing to one thought,
which contributes to his erratic behavior. Second, by disregarding the rules, people with this disposition
are more likely to encounter conflict with superiors at work since they want to address issues their own

The first incident happened when the project for high school graduation was turned in. Naturally, there
were ten people on the team. Regarding team leaders, our personality types are different. I made a list
with each person's duty and the due date for completion. I am aware that my demeanor at work is
typically fresh, extremely disciplined, and rigorous (from Do a deed, let him master it). Because I was
unfamiliar with personality types, one of my female coworkers and I had a major personality clash. Her
demeanor was erratic and disorganized, and she lacked accuracy and competence at work.
She left the team after a heated argument, and our friendship deteriorated. Two years later, I see that I
needed to exercise kindness, patience, and adaptability. Additionally, one of the options was to give her
a task that suited her personality.
I experienced the second circumstance while I was a university student.

The doctor took extremely thorough notes on my responsibilities. He only gave me partial
grades throughout the semester rather than a whole one. During that time, I personally coped
with the circumstance, which had a significant impact on me. I couldn't think of any other
explanation, so I assumed it had something to do with my race or religion. When I finally took
a second look at it and was better able to control my emotions, I saw that the material's
doctor is one of the more analytical or elaborate characters. I might use the observations to
my advantage and focus on strengthening my weaknesses. I now have better emotional
control, can take criticism well, and I anticipate that the growth of culture will be beneficial.

Strategies I'll employ in trying circumstances :

i. Keep calm: Reactions in a fit of rage will exacerbate the situation, but what you do once
you've calmed down will be the right response because it comes from logical reasoning rather
than an impulsive act that will aggravate the situation.

ii. Acceptance: Recognize that everyone differs from one another. Not everything I see has to
be accurate. It should be viewed the same way by everyone. Each person has their own
opinions, and personality types vary.

iii. Listening is an essential skill and tactic in challenging circumstances. I must listen to the
other side and give him the opportunity to voice his thoughts and opinions before I pass any

iv. Neutrality: Since the workplace is my area of expertise and the responses might not be
indicative of your personality, don't take it personally.

v. Acknowledgment: The problem can be solved in part by everyone acknowledging the line
and not insisting or denying it. Acceptance and solution-finding are aided by recognition.

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