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1. Concept of Obligation
An obligation is an a-must duty that is expected to be observed by a party, the
passive subject, which is in parallel to another’s, the active subject, right to demand,
in which the activity constitutes the imparting of an object, performance of a
specified act, or restraining oneself to perform specified conduct. 
2. Elements of Obligation
The elements of obligation are active subject, passive subject, prestation,
and juridical tie. The active subject is the person who bears a legal right to ask for
the performance of an obligation. This creditor is granted a right of action in courts
which takes effect when the debtor fails to carry out what has been asked for him to
do. The passive subject is the person who is imposed to fulfill the prestation, which
is the behavior to be observed. The juridical tie or also known as the efficient cause
is what ties each party together. 
3. Meaning of Prestation
Prestation is not an object to be given or fulfilled by the passive subject. It is the
mere act of accomplishing what has been asked to be obeyed by the debtor. It
consists of the duty of giving, the duty of doing, and the duty of not doing.
4. Distinction between Natural and Civil Obligation
The natural obligation does not have the power of courts for it to be executed by
the debtor. It only relies on the good conscience of the person for its performance.
On the other hand, the civil obligation has the power of courts for it to be performed
by passive subject in case of noncompliance by the same. 
5. The sources of obligation
An obligation is created when it is mandated by the law itself. It means that
obligation arises when it is explicitly stated in sources of law. One example is the
payment of taxes. Next, it came from a contract that has the binding force of the law
between parties tied to one another. The contract serves as the law between parties
who entered it. Contractual obligations do not have any specific form unless the law
requires them to be in a form to establish validity and enforceability. Another source
of obligation would be quasi-contracts. It refers to an obligation of one to return what
has been parted to him by the other to prevent receipt of the unfair benefit of the
former that costs the latter. Quasi-contracts arise in many forms. The two particular
kinds are Negotiorum gestio and Solutio indebiti. The negotiorum gestio happens
when there is voluntary management of matters and properties of another without
the latter’s knowledge and authorization. Meanwhile, solution indebiti prescribes the
return of an object delivered by mistake, and the recipient does not have the power
to receive. Another source of obligations is when there’s a commission of a crime. A
criminal offense results in civil liability. However, there are exceptions wherein a
criminal offense does not correspond with civil liability. There are also cases where
subsidiary liability comes up. Subsidiary liability means that an obligation is passed
on to someone who supervises the perpetrator of a crime that takes place in the
performance of the injurer’s duty. Lastly, an obligation arises when damage is made
without criminal intention, quasi-delict.

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