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Luna Street, La Paz, Iloilo City

(for INHS classroom use only for SY 2022-2023)
Music 9
Quarter 3 - Week 1
At the end of the session, I would be able to:
MU9RO-IIIa-2-Describe musical elements of given Romantic period pieces.
MU9RO-IIIb-h-3-Explain the performance practice (setting, composition, role of
composers/performers, and audience) during Romantic Period.
MU9RO-IIIc-h-7-Relate Romantic music to other art forms and its history within the era.

"Romanticism" was brought about by the social and political stresses following the
French Revolution, and the resulting nationalistic trends. It was a period of dramatic thought
and action, also involving contradictions between capitalism and socialism, freedom and
oppression, logic and emotion, science and faith. This resulted in a change in the thinking of
people, especially creative artists. There was a general impatience with the rules and restraints
of Classicism, and music "revolted" against the practices of Mozart and Haydn. The goal was to
be different and individualistic. The ideal for the Romantic composer was to reflect his own
feelings and emotions in his compositions in order to instill in the listener certain preconceived
moods. The expression of emotion and the "sparking" of the imagination were a primary goal.

Romantic Period is described by some musicians, composers and researchers around the
world as a cultural movement that stressed emotion, imagination, individualism and freedom of
expression. It was characterized by expanding the formal structure within a composition and
making the pieces more passionate and expressive.
Nationalism is one of the main features of this era. This is evidently shown in some
compositions made by Romantic composers. One of which is the Polonaise of Frederic Chopin, a
dance composition for piano which is famous in Poland until today. In addition, the composers
focus mainly on individuality of style and expressive aims and subjects.
Emotions, variety of musical style in compositions, freedom of expression are only a few
things that characterized the music of the Romantic period. It was during the heights of
popularity of Ludwig Van Beethoven, one of the great composers during the Classical Period
made a great distinction to change the phase of composing music by bridging the music from
Classical to Romantic era.
The culture of extensive music education in Europe extends from the Classical Period
and explored more in this era. Orchestra grows in number and became limitless, composers
explored instrumentation and many compositions were inspired by emotions in addition to a
musical theme.
There are some facts about Romantic musical period that everybody should know. The
piano music is in free form such as fantasy, rhapsody, ballad and nocturne and program music
was expressed in tone poems and Symphony Fantastique. The music was used to tell stories
and express ideas. Most of the composers were proud of their country’s music and often use
folk songs in their works.
The music during this period used forms borrowed from Classical music and made them
bigger, longer songs and more instruments. The themes they wrote in their composition are
mainly about nature, literature, history and feelings.

Derequito,KE-Sernicula,KJ-Ferriol,RKA-Meterio, F, Consular, R,Pahila, D

Page 1
Luna Street, La Paz, Iloilo City
(for INHS classroom use only for SY 2022-2023)
The Main Characteristics of Romantic Music
It has freedom of form and design. It was more personal and emotional.
It has song-like melodies (lyrical), as well as many chromatic harmonies and discords.
There are dramatic contrasts of dynamics and pitch.
The big orchestras are due mainly to brass and the invention of the valve.
There is a wide variety of pieces (i.e. songs up to five hour Wagner operas).
It has programme music (music that tells a story).
Shape was brought to work through the use of recurring themes.
There is great technical virtuosity.
Nationalism is present (a reaction against German influence).
Musical Elements

Rhythm- refers to the flow of music through time; it can be regular or irregular pattern
Tempo- is the speed or pace of music; a tempo can be fast (allegro), moderate (moderato) or
slow (adagio)
Texture- refers to how many different layers of sound are heard at once, to what kind of
layers they are (melody or harmony), and to how they are related to each other
Monophony- one unaccompanied melody, having one sound or it could be many sounds
but in one melodic line or in unison.
Homophony-a melody accompanied by chords/ one melody with accompaniment
Polyphony-several simultaneous melody/ having many melodic lines sounding together
Melody- refers to the tune of the musical composition
Dynamics- refers to the degree of loudness or softness in music
Harmony- is the combination of simultaneously sounded notes to produce chord having
pleasant sound effect
Form- refers to the general structure of a composition
Instrumental Form: Piano, English horn, the clarinet, more brass and percussion
Vocal Forms: Lied, choral music (sacred and secular), Te Deums, Requiems, Beatitudes,
Opera (Italian, French, German Nationalistic), Oratorios
Rubato, (from Italian rubare, “to rob”), in music, subtle rhythmic manipulation and
nuance in performance. For greater musical expression, the performer may stretch
certain beats, measures, or phrases and compact others.
A problem in performance practice related to the Romantic period is found in Romantic
editions of earlier music. Such editions tend to include many expressive markings that were
never intended by the composer. The idea of rubato (mentioned earlier) wherein the tempo
varies is an important aspect of Romantic style.

There are some fundamental Romantic characteristics that should be noted to begin this
discussion. Classicism and Romanticism represent two opposing views of life and art. Whereas
classicism is objective, romanticism is subjective. Control of harmonic tension, balance between
dissonance and consonance, and the careful and complete exploitation of thematic development
give Classical music a definite and distinct formal structure. Conversely, the Romantic spirit
requires the loosening of formal constraints and the uninhibited expression of the individual
composer's ideas and emotions.

One way in which the Romantic spirit was expressed in the nineteenth century was
through nationalism. Whereas classical music tended to be universal in character, during the
Derequito,KE-Sernicula,KJ-Ferriol,RKA-Meterio, F, Consular, R,Pahila, D
Page 2
Luna Street, La Paz, Iloilo City
(for INHS classroom use only for SY 2022-2023)
nineteenth century certain composers and compositions paid tribute to their country of origin
through the use of folk melodies, dances, or instruments, or through the musical depiction of
some locale in the homeland.
Just as nationalism reflected a preoccupation with the composer's own national heritage,
exoticism was a Romantic fascination with music from other lands. An often cited example of
this tendency was Rimsky Korsakov's Scheherazade, depicting scenes from the Arabian Nights.
In fact, anything mysterious or exotic appealed to the Romantic mind. The writing of Poe
exemplifies this preoccupation with the mysterious or morbid.
Although the forms of the Classic period continued to be used by Romantic composers,
they took many more liberties with them, expanding and contracting them to suit their
individual tastes. During the Romantic period, both miniature and heroic forms became popular.
The lieder of Schubert exemplify the romantic spirit in a small and intimate form, just as
Mahler's Symphony of a Thousand does so by involving two four-part choirs, a boys' choir,
seven soloists, and a large orchestra in an undertaking so massive that it limits the
opportunities to hear it performed.
Function of Music
Romanticism still served a sophisticated and aristocratic society, as had been the case
with Classical music. Aristocratic patronage was smaller, but the intimacy of the exclusive salon
was still the ideal setting for performances. Performance, however, was no longer by mere
amateurs, for Romantic music was usually too technically demanding for unskilled performers.
Standing outside, the circle of the exclusive salon was a large, but unorganized and
unsophisticated, concert-going public, which loved music.
Romantic composers were constantly striving to gain recognition of this large audience
and, in an effort to win acceptance, they were very sensitive to the likes and dislikes of these
music-lovers. Performers, as well as composers, had the urge to be acceptable and to dazzle
audiences. Composers were often fine performers as well, such as Liszt and Chopin, who wrote
a large number of virtuoso pieces to thrill the public with technical display.
The Romantic composer expressed his own feelings and convictions, writing music to
express himself in personal "documents of art". The church was no longer considered a patron
of music, with very little music written for liturgical purposes. The teaching of music, however,
became an established profession. Many fine conservatories and schools of music were founded
for the education of the performing and creative musician.
Research in music history and theory was introduced into programs of many universities
by the end of the 1800's. Many prominent composers and performers such as Liszt,
Mendelssohn, Brahms and Schumann achieved wide recognition as teachers. Thus, to meet
pressing needs for pedagogical (instructional) material, such composers wrote etudes (studies)
and other short pieces for teaching.

During this period romantic music is also associated with romantic art which focuses on
emotions, feelings, and moods of all kinds including spirituality, imagination, mystery, and
fervor. The subject matter varied widely including landscapes, religion, revolution, and peaceful
beauty. The brushwork for romantic art became looser and less precise.

Derequito,KE-Sernicula,KJ-Ferriol,RKA-Meterio, F, Consular, R,Pahila, D

Page 3
Luna Street, La Paz, Iloilo City
(for INHS classroom use only for SY 2022-2023)
Romantic Composers

NICCOLO PAGANINI was born in October 27, 1782 in Genoa, Italy in a family
of six children. His musical skills started with playing the mandolin at the age
of five. He eventually transferred his training to the violin at the age of seven
with different renowned violin professors in Italy. His violin teachers could not
keep up with th
e progress of his violin skills that he kept on transferring from one violin
teacher to another and was therefore filled with all their influences.

FREDERIC CHOPIN was known as the “Poet of the Piano”. Born on March
1, 1810 in Zelazowa, Poland, he was considered as world renowned pianist
and composer. He was known for his originality in regards to piano. Chopin
composed almost primarily for the piano and some of his most well-known
compositions are Fantaisie in F minor, Op. 49, Revolutionary Etude, Op. 10,
No. 12 and 24 Preludes, Op. 28.

FRANZ LISZT the best word that describes the works of Franz Liszt is
“virtuosity”. He was known as the virtuoso pianist and composer and the
busiest musicians during the romantic era which include playing and studying
at Vienna and Paris at the same time touring throughout Europe by giving
Liszt was born in the village Doborjan, Hungary. He displayed
remarkable talent at young age and easily understands sight reading through
the effort of his father as the first teacher at age six. A turning point came when, in his early
twenties, Liszt heard the virtuoso violinist Niccolo Paganini performs so he decided to dedicate
himself doing piano music as what Paganini has done for the violin.

ROBERT SCHUMANN was one of the famous Romantic composers that

worked intensively between music and words. He was a composer, music
critic and considered himself as the heir to the original creative tradition of
Beethoven and Shubert. Robert Alexander Schumann was born in 1810 in
Zwickau. His father want his son to study law and in 1821 Schumann went to
Leipzig to study law but he spent most of his time in Leipzig's understanding
and enjoying musical and literary circles thru the effort of Friedrich Wieck who
took some time to teach Schumann to play piano.

HECTOR BERLIOZ is a French romantic composer born on December 11,

1803. At his young age, he learns to play guitar and flute but never became
skilled in any musical instruments. His father was a physician and he sent to a
medical school to be like his father but it ends up in studying music. One of the
famous musical compositions made by Hector Berlioz is a five movement
symphony called “SymphonieFantastique”.

Derequito,KE-Sernicula,KJ-Ferriol,RKA-Meterio, F, Consular, R,Pahila, D

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Luna Street, La Paz, Iloilo City
(for INHS classroom use only for SY 2022-2023)


Ballet according to is a theatrical entertainment
in which dancing and music often with scenery and costumes combine to tell
the story and establish an emotional atmosphere. Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky
music was known for his ballet music. Born on May 7, 1840 in Votkinsk, Russia,
he first studied law in his youth and became a law clerk in St. Petersburg in his
twenties. He rebelled and began to study music at the conservatory also in St.
Petersburg. His name was transcribed into English name and was called Peter Ilyich
Tchaikovsky’s Famous Compositions: Swan Lake, Sleeping Beauty, The Nutcracker, Romeo &
Juliet, and 1812 Overture.

Derequito,KE-Sernicula,KJ-Ferriol,RKA-Meterio, F, Consular, R,Pahila, D

Page 5
Luna Street, La Paz, Iloilo City
(for INHS classroom use only for SY 2022-2023)
Below is the sample format which you will follow in all the activity sheets all throughout the
Subject: Subject Teacher:
Name: Grade and Section:
Week No. Activity No.
Adviser: Score:

Week 1
Activity 1

A. Directions: Analyze the musical piece provided. ( “Waltz of the Flower” Peter Ilyich
1. Answer the following questions in your answer sheet. (25pts.)
a. What is the time signature of the given piece?
b. What do you think is the tempo of the musical piece?
c. What can you say about the melody of the given musical piece?
d. What emotion does the music evoke?
B. Directions:
1. Classify each KEY WORD/S on the concept inside the Word Box.
2. Once classified, use this key word/s to explain the performance practice during the
Romantic period. Make your explanation concise.
3. Write your answer in your answer sheet. (25pts)
Choral symphonies Aristocrats Three masses Exclusive salon
Franz Liszt Middle-class Choral symphonies Conservatories
Requiem Frederic Chopin Schools of Music liturgical
Choral music Folksongs Motet Locus Iste Hector Berlioz
Symphonie Fantastique School Choir Robert Schumann Oratorio

Setting Composition Artist Audience

C. Directions: Venn Diagram

Fill in the word/s that could relate Romantic music to other art forms and its history within the
era. Write your answers in your answer sheet. (15pts)

Other Art Forms Romantic Historical Events


Learners with Special Needs

Directions: Answer only letter A of activity 1.

Derequito,KE-Sernicula,KJ-Ferriol,RKA-Meterio, F, Consular, R,Pahila, D

Page 6
Luna Street, La Paz, Iloilo City
(for INHS classroom use only for SY 2022-2023)
Week 2
At the end of the session, I would be able to:
MU9RO-IIIc-h-8-Improvise appropriate accompaniment to selected music from Romantic
MU9RO-IIIe-h-6-Perform selected music from the Romantic period

During the romantic period, the orchestra had
become a great force due to its increasing size including
the following: strings - larger string section. Woodwind -
flutes and piccolo, oboes and clarinets, bassoon and
double bassoons. Brass - trumpets, trombones and
French horns (tuba added later in the period) Romantic
orchestras had as many as 100 players or more, and
featured greater use of brass and piano.
Romantic music as a movement evolved from the
formats, genres and musical ideas established in earlier
periods, such as the classical period, and went further in
the name of expression and syncretism of different art-
forms with music.
Romanticism does not necessarily refer to
romantic love, though that theme was prevalent in many works composed during this time
period, both in literature, painting, or music. Romanticism followed a path that led to the
expansion of formal structures for a composition set down or at least created in their general
outlines in earlier periods, and the end-result is that the pieces are "understood" to be more
passionate and expressive, both by 19th century and today's audiences. Because of the
expansion of form (those elements pertaining to form, key, instrumentation and the like) within
a typical composition, and the growing idiosyncrasies and expressiveness of the new composers
from the new century, it thus became easier to identify an artist based on his work or style.
The most obvious difference between Romantic and Classical symphonies is the
instrumentation. Relatively, Romantic symphonies have a much broader range of instruments
than Classical symphonies, especially for the brass, woodwind and percussion sections.

Derequito,KE-Sernicula,KJ-Ferriol,RKA-Meterio, F, Consular, R,Pahila, D

Page 7
Luna Street, La Paz, Iloilo City
(for INHS classroom use only for SY 2022-2023)
Philippine Romantic Song
Ngayon At Kailanman
by George Canseco
Ngayon at kailanman sumpa ko'y iibigin ka Bakit labis kitang mahal, pangalawa sa
Ngayon at kailanman hindi ka na mag-iisa Maykapal
Ngayon at kailanman sa hirap o ginhawa pa Higit sa 'king buhay
Asahang may kasama ka sinta
Naroroon ako t'wina Sa bawat araw ang pag-ibig ko sa 'yo liyag
Maaasahan mo t'wina, Ngayon at kailanman Lalong tumatamis, tumitingkad
Bawat kahapon ay daig nitong bawat ngayon
Dahil kaya sa 'yo ng maitadhanang Na daig ng bawat bukas
Ako'y isilang sa mundo
Upang sa araw-araw ay siyang makapiling mo Malilimot ka lang
Upang ngayon at kailanman Kapag ang araw at bituin ay 'di na matanaw
Ikaw ay mapaglingkuran hirang Kapag tumigil ang daigdig at 'di na gumalaw
Subalit isang araw pa matapos ang mundo'y
nagunaw na
Hanggang doon magwawakas pag-ibig kong…

Week 2
Activity 2
A. Directions:
Listen to George Canseco’s composition entitled “Ngayon At Kailanman “.
1. Along with the music played, make a simple accompaniment using your voice or any
material found in your house. You may sing syllable “ah”, you may tap, clap, snap,
do body percussion or combination of any creating sound.
2. Answer the following questions in your answer sheet. (20pts)
a. What improvisation have you done?
b. How did you do it? Elaborate your answer.
c. Which part of the activity did you like most?
d. What did you learn in the given activity?
Learners with Special Needs
B. Directions:
In your answer sheet, perform your own interpretation of the musical
characteristics of romantic music through painting, drawing, or sketching. Provide a brief
description of your artwork. (50pts.)

Derequito,KE-Sernicula,KJ-Ferriol,RKA-Meterio, F, Consular, R,Pahila, D

Page 8
Luna Street, La Paz, Iloilo City
(for INHS classroom use only for SY 2022-2023)
Week 3

At the end of the session I would be able to:

A9EL-IIIa-2 - Identify distinct characteristics of arts during the Neoclassic and Romantic
A9EL-IIIa-3 -Identify representative artists from the Neoclassic and Romantic periods.
A9PL-IIIh-1 -Reflect on and derive the mood, idea, or message from selected artworks.
A9PL-IIIh-4 -Compare the characteristics of artworks produced in the Neoclassic and
Romantic periods.
A9PR-IIIc-e-2 - Describe the influence of iconic artists belonging to the Neoclassic and
Romantic periods.

➢ The word ”neoclassic” comes from the Greek word “neos” meaning “new” and the Latin
word “classicus” which is similar in meaning to the English phrase “first class.”
➢ Neoclassicism is the name given to the Western movements in the decorative and visual
arts. Also, it applies to literature, theater, music, and architecture that draw inspiration
from the classical art and culture of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. The Neoclassical
movement coincided with the 18th century Age of Reason also known as Age of
➢ The art style was brought about by the renewed interest for Greek and Roman classics.
Neoclassical art pieces such as paintings, sculpture and architecture generally portrayed
Roman history which elevated the Roman heroes.
✓ rebirth of Roman history
✓ formal composition
✓ the use of diagonals shows the apex of emotion/moment (versus a regular moment)
✓ local color
✓ overall lighting
✓ classic geo-structure

Difference of Neoclassicism and Classicism

Neoclassicism Classicism
- This is the revived interest in classical ideals - This is the period in which Greek and
and forms that influenced European and Roman principles and styles were
American society through thought, politics reflected in society.
and fine arts during the 18th and 19th
century. This period is derived from the
Classicism movement.

Derequito,KE-Sernicula,KJ-Ferriol,RKA-Meterio, F, Consular, R,Pahila, D

Page 9
Luna Street, La Paz, Iloilo City
(for INHS classroom use only for SY 2022-2023)

JACQUES-LOUIS DAVID (1748-1825) France
- Jacques-Louis David is an influential French painter in the Neoclassical style, and
considered to be the pre-eminent painter of the era. His subjects of paintings are more
on history. He was the principal exponent of neoclassical art (flourished 1770-1830) - a
style that rejected the light-heartedness of the Rococo school in favour of the austere
spirit and ordered forms of classical art.
Famous Artworks:
The Death of Marat (J. David)
- David‟s masterpiece that show portrayal of a revolutionary martyr. This is a painting
of the murdered French revolutionary leader Jean-Paul Marat.
• Napoleon Crossing the Alps (J. David)
- This is the painting that shows a strongly idealized view of the real crossing that
Napoleon and his army made across the Alps through the Great St. Bernard Pass in
May 1800.
- Ingres is a pupil of Jacques-Louis David and is influenced by Italian Renaissance
painters like Raphael. His paintings are usually nudes, portraits and mythological
works. He is regarded as one of the great exemplars of "academic art" and one of the
finest “Old Masters” of his era.
Famous Artworks:
• Portrait of Napoléon on the Imperial Throne (J. Ingres)
- This painting depicts Napoleon in his decadent coronation costume, seated upon his
golden-encrusted throne, hand resting upon smooth ivory balls. During his reign, this
painting was owned by the Corps Legislatif which was a part of the French
Legislature. The painting is believed to be commissioned by Napoleon as King of Italy.
• The Apotheosis of Homer (J. Ingres)
- This painting was a state commission by Charles X to have him remembered in the
building works of the Louvre. The painting depicts an image of Homer, receiving all of
the brilliant men of Rome, Greece, and contemporary times.
ROMANTICISM, 1800s-1810s
➢ Romanticism is a movement in which the artists of Neoclassical period sought to break
new ground in the expression of emotion, both subtle and stormy.
➢ It embraced a number of distinctive themes, such as a longing for history,
supernatural elements, social injustices, and nature.
➢ Landscape painting became more popular due to the peoples‟ romantic adoration of
➢ Romanticism is a reaction to the classical, contemplative nature of Neoclassical pieces.
✓ shows the height of action
✓ emotional extremes
✓ celebrated nature as out of control
✓ dramatic compositions
✓ heightened sensation (life and death moments)

Derequito,KE-Sernicula,KJ-Ferriol,RKA-Meterio, F, Consular, R,Pahila, D

Page 10
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(for INHS classroom use only for SY 2022-2023)
- Géricault is the first French master and the leader of the French realistic school. His
masterpieces are energetic, powerful, brilliantly colored, and tightly composed.
Famous Artworks:
• The Raft of The Medusa (T. Géricault)
- The Raft of the Medusa portrays the victims of a contemporary shipwreck. The people
on this raft were French emigrants en route to West Africa.
• Charging Chasseur (T. Géricault)
- An Officer of the Chasseurs commanding charge.
• Insane Woman (T. Géricault)
- This is one of several portraits he made of the mentally ill that has a peculiar hypnotic
EUGÈNE DELACROIX (1798-1863) France
- Delacroix was considered the greatest French Romantic painter of all. He achieved
brilliant visual effects using small, adjacent strokes of contrasting color. He was the
most influential to the most of Romantic painters and eventually, his technique was
adopted and extended by the Impressionist artists.
Famous Artwork:
• Liberty Leading The People (E. Delacroix)
- This painting commemorates the July Revolution of 1830, which toppled King Charles
X of France. A woman personifies Liberty and leads the people forward over the
bodies of the fallen, holding the flag of the French Revolution.
FRANCISCO GOYA (1746-1828) Spain
- Francisco Goya is a commissioned Romantic painter by the King of Spain. He is also a
printmaker regarded both as the last of the “Old Masters” and the first of the
Famous Artworks:
• The Third of May (F. Goya)
- This is Goya‟s masterpiece sought to commemorate Spanish resistance to Napoleon's
armies during the occupation of 1808 in the Peninsular War.
• Saturn Devouring His Son (F. Goya)
- This artwork depicts the Greek myth of the Titan Cronus (Saturn), who fears that he
would be overthrown by one of his children, ate each one upon their birth.
• The Burial of Sardine (F. Goya)
- The "Burial of the Sardine" is a Spanish ceremony which is celebrated on Ash
Wednesday and is a symbolical burial of the past to allow society to be reborn,
transformed and with new vigor.

Derequito,KE-Sernicula,KJ-Ferriol,RKA-Meterio, F, Consular, R,Pahila, D

Page 11
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(for INHS classroom use only for SY 2022-2023)
Week 3
Activity 3
A. Directions: Below is the list of characteristics of arts during the Neoclassic and Romantic
Period. Classify each characteristic to the period where it belongs (Neoclassic or
Romantic) and answer the following questions in your answer sheet. (10 pts)

- rebirth of Roman history - emotional extremes - formal composition

- local color - dramatic compositions - overall lighting
- classic geo-structure - shows the height of action
- celebrated nature as out of control - heightened sensation (life and death moments)
1. Neoclassic -
2. Romantic –
B. Compare the characteristics and explain how Neoclassic arts differ from
Romantic arts. (10 pts)

C. Directions:
I. Matching Type. Match the name of the artist from the Neoclassic and Romantic
period in Column A to its description in column B to its famous artwork in Column
C by writing the letter and the Roman numeral only in your answer sheet. (10 pts)


1.Jean-Auguste- A.A commissioned Romantic painter by the King of I.Insane Woman

Dominique Ingres Spain; he is also a printmaker regarded both as the
last of the “Old Masters” and the first of the

2.Jacques-Louis B.He was the most influential to the most of II.Saturn Devouring His
David Romantic painters and eventually, his technique Son
was adopted and extended by the Impressionist

3.Jean Louis C.An influential French painter in the Neoclassical III.Napoleon Crossing the
Théodore Géricault style, and considered to be the pre-eminent painter Alps
of the era.

4.Eugène Delacroix D.His masterpieces are energetic, powerful, IV.Portrait Of Napoléon On

brilliantly colored, and tightly composed. The Imperial Throne

5.Francisco Goya E.He is regarded as one of the great exemplars of V.Liberty Leading The
"academic art" and one of the finest “Old Masters” People
of his era.
D. Describe the influence of iconic artist belonging to the Neoclassic. (10 pts.)
1. Jacques-Louis David –

Derequito,KE-Sernicula,KJ-Ferriol,RKA-Meterio, F, Consular, R,Pahila, D

Page 12
Luna Street, La Paz, Iloilo City
(for INHS classroom use only for SY 2022-2023)
E. Directions: Create your own neoclassic masterpiece in a short sized bond paper.
Explain the mood, idea, or message of your artwork below your drawing. (100 pts.)

Learners with Special Needs

Directions: Choose and answer only two out of the four (4) activities in Week 3.

Arts 9
Week 4

At the end of the session, I would be able to:

A9PR-IIIc-e-1 - Create artworks guided by techniques and styles of the Neoclassic and
Romantic periods (e.g., linear style and painterly style).
A9PR-IIIf-4 - Evaluate works of art in terms of artistic concepts and ideas using criteria from
the Neoclassic and Romantic periods.
A9PR-IIIf-4 - Show the influences of Neoclassic and Romantic periods on Philippine art forms.


General Features
- The ages of Neoclassicism and Romanticism both span approximately the late eighteenth
and nineteenth centuries. (Within this period, Neoclassical artistic activity peaked first, then
- Both movements flourished across Western Europe (especially in the north) and the United
States, and to a lesser extent in Eastern Europe.
- Following the extravagance of Baroque and Rococo, a general longing for the restraint of
classicism emerged, fueling the rise of the Neoclassical movement.
Meanwhile, many artists of this period sought to break new ground in the expression
of emotion, both subtle and stormy. This was the Romantic movement, which embraced a
number of distinctive themes, including historical nostalgia, supernatural elements, social
injustices, and nature. Indeed, the Romantic adoration of nature caused landscape painting to
flourish like never before. (Landscape painting can be defined as "painting in which the
environment is the primary subject; figures are absent or secondary".)

Derequito,KE-Sernicula,KJ-Ferriol,RKA-Meterio, F, Consular, R,Pahila, D

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Painterly vs. Linear Style
Neoclassical painting usually features a linear style (in which the outlines of objects
are sharply defined, thanks to carefully controlled brushstrokes), whereas Romantic painters
tended to favour a painterly style (in which freedom of colour takes precedence over sharply-
defined forms; brushstrokes are less restrained, resulting in somewhat "messy" outlines). The
painterly style often has visible brushstrokes, while the linear style features smooth areas of
colour, in which no brushstrokes can be seen.

Sandro Botticelli, The Birth of Venus (detail), c.1486, Othon Friesz, The Regatta at Antwerp, 1906, oil on
tempera on canvas, 172.5 × 278.9 cm, Galleria degli canvas, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston.
Uffizi, Florence.


Here in the Philippines, the ideology of Neoclassicism and Romanticism can be seen
through various major artworks such as paintings, sculptures and architectural structures. Some
of the well-known contributing artists express their skills and ideas on their own respective field
of specialization.


- Felix Hidalgo was acknowledged as one of the great Filipino painters of the late 19th
century and also as significant in Philippine history for having been an acquaintance and
inspiration for members of the Philippine reform movement.
Famous Artwork:
POPULACE (F. Hidalgo)
Metropolitan Museum of Manila
- This painting portrays two scantily clothed Christian
female slaves being mocked by a group of boorish
Roman male onlookers.
- Juan Luna is a painter and sculptor and he became one of the first recognized Philippine
artists. He was also a political activist of the Philippine Revolution during the late 19th
century. One of his famous artwork is the Spoliarium.
- Spoliarium is a Latin word referring to the
basement of the Roman Colosseum wherein
the fallen and dying gladiators are dumped
and devoid of their worldly possessions. The
painting features a glimpse of Roman history
centered on the bloody carnage brought by
gladiatorial matches.

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Famous Artwork:
National Museum of the Philippines
- The subject of Luna’s Spoliarium can be interpreted as an allegory of Imperial Rome
corresponding to Imperial Spain. The image of the Romans dragging the dead gladiators
symbolizes the colonial oppression of the indigenous populations.
Amorsolo is a National Artist in Painting. He was a portraitist and painter of rural
Philippine landscapes. Also, he was popularly known for his craftsmanship and mastery
in the use of light.
Famous Art:
Metropolitan Museum of Manila
1976)Tolentino is a Filipino sculptor who was
named National Artist for the Visual Arts in 1973, and
is hailed as the “Father of Philippine Arts.”
Famous Artworks:
➢ The Original Oblation at the 3rd floor of the
Main Library of U.P. Diliman
OBLATION (University of the Philippines) (G. Tolentino)


- Abueva is a national artist for Sculpture. He was
entitled as the "Father of Modern Philippine
Sculpture". Also, he is the only Boholano given the
distinction as National Artist of the Philippines in
the field of Visual Arts.
Famous Artwork:
There is an article on the internet by R.G. Chan & Associates that discusses some of the
Neoclassical and Romantic Architecture during the American colonization in the Philippines.

Week 4
Activity 4
A. Directions:
In your answer sheet, create your own artwork using Neoclassic or Romantic
techniques and styles (linear or painterly) and write a short explanation below your work.

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B. Directions:
Evaluate the given artwork
below in terms of: (20pts).
1. Concept
2. Art Style and technique
Write your answer in your answer

C. Directions:
Enumerate the influences of Neoclassic and Romantic periods on the artworks of the
Philippines. Write your answer in your answer sheet. (20pts)

P.E. 9
Week 5

At the end of the session, I would be able to:

PE9RD-IIb-h-4 - Execute the skills involved in the dance.

- Festival dances draw the people’s culture by portraying the people’s ways of life through
movements, costumes and implements inherent to their place of origin. Some of the
famous festivals in the country include Sinulog of Cebu, Dinagyang of Iloilo, Ati-atihan of
Kalibo, Aklan, Buyogan and Lingayan of Leyte, Bangus of Dagupan, T’nalak of South
Cotabato, Masskara of Bacolod City, Bambanti of Isabela, and Kadayawan of Davao. Many
others, especially from Luzon, are now paving their way to join the country’s festival of
festivals, the Aliwan Fiesta which is done in the month of April.
- Filipinos do festivals primarily to celebrate. There are a multitude of reasons for this
season. We celebrate our unity amidst the diversity of cultures and we celebrate our
industry bringing about a bountiful harvest.
- Basically, festivals are a form of entertainment that attracts foreign and domestic tourists to
visit a place eventually leading to the elevation of the Filipino’s quality of life.
- Whatever festival we celebrate, be it done to honor a religious icon or celebrate our
industry, festival dances are a reflection of the unity of the Filipino community that despite
the economic, social, environmental, cultural and political challenges we face every day,
there can be no other race more resilient than ours.
- Festival dances are cultural dances performed to the strong beats of percussion
instruments by a community of people sharing the same culture usually done in honor of a
patron saint or in thanksgiving of a bountiful harvest.
- It may be religious or secular in nature. But the best thing about festivals is that they add
to the merry-making and festivities where they are celebrated, the reason why they are
called festival dances after all.

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They are unique in terms of their movements and costume. All of those energetic
movements and steps they created it brings them to another kind of level of performances,yet
the basic fundamental of all movements are the basic locomotor and non – locomotor

Locomotor Movements

- These are movements that allow the body to move from one point in space to another.
It is canned from two words, “locos” which means place and “motor” which means
movement. They include the following:


Step - This is the basis of all locomotor movements. It prepares you to move in any direction
you wish to go. It is defined as transfer of weight from one foot to the other. Try one! Stand
with your weight equally distributed to both of your feet. Now, let your right foot carry it all.
You got it! That’s what you call a step.

Walk – These are series of steps executed by both of

your feet alternately in any direction. In executing a walk,
observe that there’s this moment when both feet are in
contact with the ground while one foot supports the
weight and transfers it to the other.

Run – These are series of walks executed quickly in any

direction wherein only one foot stays on the ground while
the other is off the ground.

Jump - This movement is simply described by having both feet lose its contact with the
ground. There five ways to do it:

• Take off from one foot and land on the same;

• Take off from one foot and land on the other;
• Take off from one foot and land on both feet;
• Take off from both feet and land on one foot;

• Take off from both feet and land on both.

Gallop - a forward slide movement: front foot steps
forward with a little spring followed by the transfer
of body weight to the back foot. The same lead foot
always stays in front throughout
the gallop.
Leap - jump or spring a long way, to a great height, or with great force;
take off with one foot and land on the opposite foot.

Hop – is a springing action that involves taking off

from one foot and landing on the same foot

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Skip – is a step of hop on one foot, followed by a step and a hop on the other foot.

Slide – similar to gallop performed with the right or left foot


Run - is the activity of moving fast on foot,

faster series of walk.


These are movements that are done in one point in space without transferring to another point.
They don’t allow you to move from one place to the other. These movements include:
➢ Flexion - It is the act of decreasing the angle of a joint. Another term for flexion is to
bend. If you bend a joint, like your elbow or knee, you are performing flexion.
➢ Extension - This is the opposite of flexion. You are extending if you are increasing the
angle of a joint. Stretching is another word for extension.
➢ Contraction - A muscle movement done when it shortens, narrows and tightens using
sufficient amount of energy in the execution.
➢ Release - A muscle movement opposite to contraction done when it let go or let loose of
being held into a shortening movement.
➢ Collapse - To deliberately drop the exertion of energy into a body segment.
➢ Recover - The opposite of collapse. This is to regain the energy exerted into a body
➢ Rotation - To rotate is to move a body segment allowing it to complete a circle with its
motion. It’s not only limited to circumduction which is done in ball and socket joints.
Rotation can also be done in wrists, waist, knees and ankles.
➢ Twist - To move a body segment from an axis halfway front or back or quarter to the
right or left as in the twisting of the neck allowing the head to face right or left and the
➢ Pivot - To change the position of the feet or any body part that carries the body’s weight
allowing the body to face in a less than 360 degrees turn.
➢ Turn - To move in a turning movement with a base of support, usually a pointed foot,
the other raised, while equilibrium is maintained until the completion of the turn.
Links for LOCOMOTOR & NON – LOCOMOTOR Movements:

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After learning the basic fundamental of all the movements that are used in festival
dances which is the locomotor and non-locomotor movements, let us learn the basic folk dance
steps, dance terms and fundamental position of the arms that are also used in Festival Dances.
Dance Terms:
1. Arms in Reverse T position – arms are horizontally
sideward, elbows at right angles, forearms parallel to
head, elbows are at shoulder level, fist slightly
closed, facing each other.

2. Arms in Lateral Position – Both arms are at one side, either Right or Left.

3. Hayon – Hayon – to place one forearm in front of

the waist and the other at the back of the waist.

Fundamental Position of the Arms:

1. 1st position - Arms -both raised forward in a circle in front of chest with the
finger tips about an inch apart.
2. 2nd position- Arms -Both raised sideward with a graceful curve at shoulder level.
3. 3rd position- Arms – One arm raised sideward as in 2nd position; another arm
raised upward.
4. 4th position- Arms – One arm raised in front as in 1st position. Another arm
raised overhead.
5. 5th position- Arms- Both arms raised overhead.

Link for Basic fundamental position of Arms & Feet.
BLEKING Step R. in place (1), Heel Place L in front (2)
WALK Step R forward (1), Step L forward (2)
CHANGE STEP Step R (1), Close Step L to R (and), Step R in Place (2)
CROSS CHANGE Cross R over L (1), step L sideward (and), step R in place (2)
HOP STEP Step R sideward (1), Hop R in place (2)
MINCING Point L in place (and), Step R in place (1), Point L in place (and),
Step R in place (ct. 2)
HEEL TOE, Heel place R sideward (1), point L close to R (2), change step with
CHANGE STEP the R (Maybe repeated with L) – link for Basic Folk-Dance Step

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Week 5
Activity 5

A. Directions:
1. Copy the table in your answer sheet.
2. Perform the following locomotor movements listed in the table below.
3. Record your heart beats/pulse rate after each activity
a. What part of the activity did you find difficult?
b. What were some of the most interesting discoveries you’ve made while
working on this activity?

Locomotor Movements Duration Pulse Rate

1. Hop with your left foot 5 times
2. Hop with your right foot 5 times
3. Skip forward 5 times
4. Skip backward 5 times
5. Slide to the left 5 times
6. Slide to the right 5 times
7. Leap forward 5 times
8. Leap backward 5 times

1. Create your own dance exercise using the basic Locomotor and Non – locomotor
movements for at least 2-4 minutes.

Answer the following questions in your answer sheet.

1. Which part of the activity did you find difficult?
2. How important are the locomotor and non-locomotor movements in real life? How
will I use what I've learned in the future?

C. Directions:
1. Perform the following basic folk dance steps and add the music of choice.
Basic Dance Steps Directions /Durations
BLEKING Make 4 quarter turn (Clockwise)
WALK Forward and back (4times)
CHANGE STEP To the right and left
CROSS CHANGE STEP To the right and left
HOP STEP To the right and left
MINCING To the right and left (4 counts for each side)
HEEL TOE, CHANGE STEP To the right and left

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Learners with Special Needs

Directions: Answer/perform only one (1) out the three (3) activities in activity 5.

Health 9
Week 6

At the end of the session, I would be able to:

H9IS-IIIb-37-Demonstrate the conduct of primary and secondary survey of the victim.
H9IS-IIIb-38-Assess emergency situation for unintentional injuries.
H9IS-IIIc.d-40-Explain the principles of wound dressing.
“Prevention is better than cure.” Practicing this principle advocates safety
awareness, which is essential in achieving quality of life. But our immediate environment
poses dangers to everyone. Nowhere is a place safe; not even the comfort of our homes.
Accidents may happen at any place, anytime to anybody. Thus, taking the right safety
measures greatly help to prevent accidents and injuries. It is therefore important to have
the knowledge and skills on how to deal with them. Having knowledge and skills in
safety education and injury prevention could help us, our loved ones and other people in
our community during emergency situations.
Primary & Secondary Survey:
The Primary Survey, or initial assessment, is designed to help the emergency responder
detect immediate threats to life. Immediate life threats typically involve the patient's ABCs, and
each is correct as it is found.
Life threatening problems MUST be identified first. This is to be completed in an order of
priority to ensure the most important steps are undertaken in a logical order ensuring nothing is
missed. This systematic approach uses the acronym DRABCD.
D: Danger:
Ensure safety for yourself and any others. Do not put yourself at risk.
Remove danger or move the patient.
Find out what has happened from witnesses if possible. Get information.
R: Response:
Assess the patient’s level of consciousness using the AVPU score (Alert, Voice, Pain, and
Note: The presence of dementia in the elderly patient can make it hard to accurately assess the
mental status and the responder should utilize family to obtain baseline information.

A: Airway:
Look into their mouth, if any liquid is found place the patient on their side and drain the liquid
(postural drainage). Place patient back onto their back and open the airway using a head
tilt/chin lift technique.

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B: Breathing:
Place your ear over the patient's mouth and look, listen and feel for 10 seconds.
Ask yourself is the patient breathing normally, and not taking occasional gasps of air.
If patient is breathing normally carry out a secondary survey.
Assess the patient's circulation (pulse and bleeding) if needed start chest compressions or
defibrilation (see below).
C: Compressions (
Start chest compressions. Depth 5-6cm. Rate of 100-120 per minute combined with two mouth-
to-mouth inflations.
Continue at 30 compressions then two mouth-to-mouth inflations (mouth-to-mouth is still the
gold standard treatment).
If unwilling to or unable to perform mouth-to-mouth continue with chest compressions only,
until paramedics arrive.
Remember that the elderly often has an irregular pulse which is rarely life threatening, however
the speed of the pulse i.e. too fast or too slow, can be life threatening.
Attach an AED (Automatic External Defibrillator) as soon as it arrives, if available at your
workplace. Follow voice prompts.
Patient should be on a hard surface to allow you to perform quality chest compressions, beds
are not ideal. Be careful not to injure yourself removing then from a bed.
Any resuscitation is better than no resuscitation at all.
A focused history and physical exam should be performed after the initial assessment.
It is assumed that the life threatening problems have been found and corrected. If that process
involved CPR you may not get to this stage.
The focused history and physical exam includes examination that focuses on specific
injury or medical complaints, or it may be a rapid examination of the entire body as follows,
which should take no more than 3 minutes.
The secondary survey is a systematic approach to identify any bleeding or fractures.
This system starts at the head and works down to legs.
Bleeding: Carryout out a head to toe check for bleeding.
Head & Neck: Clues to look out for are: bruising, swelling, deformity or bleeding (See Spinal
Shoulders & Chest: Place both hands on opposite shoulders, run them down comparing both
sides of the body. (See Fractures & Dislocation).
Abdomen & Pelvis: Place palm of hand onto abdomen and push gently checking for painful
responses from patient.
Legs & Arms: Using both your hands compare both arms and legs for fractures, dislocations,
look also for medic alerts.
Pockets: Look for clues, ID medical jewelry, such as medic alerts which might indicate any
existing medical condition.
Recovery Position: If patient is unconscious place those in the recovery position.
It also includes obtaining a patient history and vital signs and the acronym used for this is

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S = Signs & Symptoms
A = Allergies
M = Medications
P = Pertinent past medical history
L = Last oral intake
E = Events leading to the illness or injury

What are unintentional injuries?

As defined by the WHO, unintentional injuries occur in the absence of predetermined
intent, of which the leading causes are road traffic injuries (RTIs), falls, drowning, burns, and
Unintentional injuries are the result of actions that occurred with no purposeful intent.
One of the most common situations is the car crash. Driving over the speed limit can lead to a
car crash hurting other people and/or the driver, but he/she had no intention of causing
To take appropriate actions in any emergency, follow the three basic emergency action
steps — Check-Call-Care. Check the scene and the victim.

Take time to check the scene and answer these questions:

Is the scene safe?
What happened?
How many victims are there?
Are bystanders available to help?

Principles of Wound Dressings:

Dressing is an essential element of standard wound care. The main purpose of wound
dressing is:
a) provide a temporary protective physical barrier
b) absorb wound drainage
c) provide the moisture necessary to optimize re-epithelialization.

Importance of Wound Dressing

Wound dressings should provide the most optimum conditions for wound healing, while
protecting the wound from infection with microorganisms and further trauma. It is important
that the dressings be removed traumatically, to avoid further damage to the wound surface
during dressing changes.
The choice of dressing depends on the anatomical and pathophysiological characteristics
of the wound. Contemporary wound dressings provide additional benefits, such as antimicrobial
properties and pain relief. In this concise review, we discuss the principles of wound dressing,
highlight the features of basic and advanced types of dressings, and offer some practical tips on
the choice and application of dressings.

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Week 6
Activity 6
A. Direction: Group Presentation
Create a scenario/Role Play wherein you can perform the primary and secondary
B. Direction: List down and explain in chronologically the steps/mechanics on how to
conduct the primary and secondary survey. Write your answers in your answer sheet.
C. Direction: Explain how important the following questions are in relation to an
emergency situation.
Write your answers in your answer sheet. (20pts)
1. Is the scene safe?
2. What happened?
3. How many victims are there?
4. Are bystanders available to help?

D. Directions: In your answer sheet, explain the principles of wound dressing.(15pts)

Learners with Special Needs

Directions : Answer only activity B and C on your answer sheet.

Week 7
At the end of the session, I would be able to:
H9IS-IIIc.d-41-Demonstrate appropriate bandaging techniques for unintentional injuries.

Some of the most common types of unintentional injuries include: motor vehicle
accidents, suffocation, drowning, poisoning, fire/burns, falls and sports and recreation.
The top three causes of fatal unintentional injuries include motor vehicle crashes,
poisoning, and falls. Suffocation is the leading mechanism of unintentional injury death among

Why bandaging is important?

The purposes served by dressings include protecting
wounds; promoting healing; and providing, retaining, or removing
moisture. Bandages can be used to hold dressings in place, to
relieve pain, and generally to make the patient comfortable.

Bandages are used to apply pressure to bleeding; for covering wounds and burns; and
providing support for immobilization for broken bones, sprains and strains.

There are three main types of bandages namely: triangular, ace and tubular.
Triangular bandage is made from cloth and can be used as cold compress, padding,
support for pressure, or support sling. Ace bandage secures dressings in place. Tubular
bandage is used to support joints or hold dressings in place. Smaller tubular bandage is used
for finger injuries.

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Two Phases of Bandaging

A. An open phase bandaging is used for wounds on top and back of the
head, chest, back, hand, and foot, and as arm sling.
B. Cravat phase bandaging is used for wounds that need extra support
like wound on the eye, forehead, ear, cheek, jaw, shoulder, hip, arm,
leg, elbow, knee, and palm and for a sprained ankle. The narrower the
cravat is, the greater pressure it will give.

Techniques in Bandaging
1. Keep in mind the following:
a. Always use a square knot.
b. Keep the cloth sterile to avoid infection.
c. Always keep the ends.
2. Bandaging technique depends upon the size and location of the
wound, your first aid skills, and materials at hand.
3. Bandage firmly over bleeding and securely over the broken bone, not so tight so as not to
cut off blood circulation.
4. When wrapping bandages around the body, such as knees, ankles, neck, and small of the
back, uses its natural hollows to slide the bandage gently into place. Start from the part with
the smaller diameter to the larger diameter.
5. Since most injuries swell, check regularly to ensure that the bandage is still comfortable and
that it remains firmly secured.
6. Secure the bandage with a tape, clips or a bow or square knot. Ensure that the bandages,
especially the knots, do not touch the skin.

How to do a square knot: Right over left and

left over right.

Proper bandaging of different body parts


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Why should you carry an injured victim carefully?

An injured person should be carried carefully. Additional injury and pain are some of the
causes an injured person can suffer. With handling harshly, it may complicate the victim's
recovery in future. When a person gets hurts in an accident, it is impossible to examine without
any doctors help.


Never move a victim unless you know where you are going. Unless you are in danger,
never leave a victim who is unconscious or confused. If possible, send someone for help and
wait with the victim, rather than perform an exhausting and time-consuming solo or duo
extrication. Conserve your strength.
The shoulder pull is preferred to the ankle pull. It supports the head of the
victim. The negative is that it requires the rescuer to bend over at the
waist while pulling.
A. Grasp the victim by the clothing under the shoulders.
B. Keep your arms on both sides of the head.
C. Support the head.
D. Try to keep the pull as straight and in-line as possible.

This is the preferred method for dragging a victim.
A. Place the victim on the blanket by using the "logroll" or the three-person
B. The victim is placed with the head approx. 2 ft. from one corner of the blanket.
C. Wrap the blanket corners around the victim.
D. Keep your back as straight as possible.
E. Use your legs, not your back.
F. Try to keep the pull as straight and in-line as possible.
This only works with a child or a very light person.
A. Place your arms under the victim's knees and around their back.

This technique is for carrying a victim longer distances. It is very difficult to
get the person up to this position from the ground. Getting the victim into
position requires a very strong rescuer or an assistant.
A. The victim is carried over one shoulder.
B. The rescuer's arm, on the side that the victim is being carried, is
wrapped across the victim's legs and grasps the victim's opposite arm.

This is a good method for carrying victims up and down stairs or through
narrow or uneven areas.
NOTE: The chair used should be a sturdy one.
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Don't use aluminum beach chairs, resin patio chairs, swivel chairs, or lightweight folding chairs.
REMEMBER: Chairs with wheels can be used to roll the victim, but should not be used for a
1. Pick the victim up and place him or have him sit in a chair.
2. The rescuer at the head grasps the chair from the sides of the back, palms in.
3. The rescuer at the head then tilts the chair back onto its rear legs.
4. For short distances or stairwells, the second rescuer should face in and grasp the chair legs.
5. For longer distances, the second rescuer should separate the victim's legs, back into the chair
and, on the command of the rescuer at the head, both rescuers stand using their legs.
The most common unintentional injuries result from motor vehicle crashes, falls, fires
and burns, drowning, poisonings and aspirations. The Maine Injury Prevention Program focuses
its unintentional injury prevention efforts in the following areas: Home Safety. Traffic Safety.

How to prevent unintentional injuries

Many accidental injuries and emergencies can be prevented by taking another look at
your family's environment, lifestyles, and risks. Finding problems early and responding quickly is
vital. This can help keep situations manageable, and stop them from becoming an emergency.
It's important to be alert and to follow a program designed to help you and your family stay
Follow safety rules and guidelines
Tips to keep you and your family safe:
1. Supervise all children's activities, especially those around water, such as bathing or
2. Install safety devices in your home, such as smoke detectors, carbon monoxide
detectors, safety locks on cabinets and toilet lids, handrails, and fire extinguishers.
3. Maintain heating equipment. Unplug extra heaters when sleeping.
4. Keep electrical appliances unplugged when not in use. This includes hairdryers, toasters,
and curling irons. Check cords to be sure they aren't frayed.
5. Make a fire escape route and plan, and practice using it. Be sure each family member
knows what to do in case of emergency.
6. Set your water heater thermostat to 120°F (49°C) or below to prevent scald burns.
7. Wear appropriate safety equipment at home, work, or play.
8. Always insist that all car passengers are wearing seat belts. Be sure that children are
restrained in car seats correctly.
9. Make sure children age 12 and younger are always seated in the rear seat. Be sure they
are using appropriate restraints.
10. Read and understand the labels on medicines, vitamins, and food products.
11. Keep all alcohol in a locked cabinet. Alcohol can be toxic to children. Empty any
unfinished drinks right away.
12. Store medicines and potential poisons in a safe place, away from children.
13. Keep a well-stocked, first aid kit at home, work, and in the car.

Example of Unintentional Injury

A dislocation is an injury in which the ends of your bones are forced from their normal
positions. The cause is usually trauma resulting from a fall, an auto accident, or a collision
during contact or high-speed sports. Dislocation usually involves the body's larger joints. In
adults, the most common site of the injury is the shoulder. In children, it's the elbow. Your
thumb and fingers also are vulnerable if forcibly bent the wrong way.
Derequito,KE-Sernicula,KJ-Ferriol,RKA-Meterio, F, Consular, R,Pahila, D
Page 27
Luna Street, La Paz, Iloilo City
(for INHS classroom use only for SY 2022-2023)
The injury will temporarily deform and immobilize your joint and may result in sudden
and severe pain and swelling. A dislocation requires prompt medical attention to return your
bones to their proper positions.
Signs and Symptoms
A joint is where two or more bones come together. A joint may be dislocated if it is
swollen, bruised or red, painful, difficult to move and out of place.
First aid for dislocation (
1. Check scene safety.
2. Check level of consciousness.
3. Call for emergency help.
4. Check ABC and bleeding.
5. Immobilize injury.
6. Apply RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation).
7. Keep the victim calm.

Week 7
Activity 7
Group Presentation
A. Directions:
1. Perform the following bandaging with your partner.
a. Hand
b. Head
c. Arm sling
B. Directions:
Demonstrate the correct mechanics of the following carries with your partner
1. Shoulder pull
2. Blanket Pull
3. Chair carry

Learners with Special Needs

Directions: Perform activity A and B.

Alternative Learning Resource DepEd TV You Tube

MAPEH 9 - Tuesday Week3 Q3 ETUlay

Derequito,KE-Sernicula,KJ-Ferriol,RKA-Meterio, F, Consular, R,Pahila, D

Page 28
Luna Street, La Paz, Iloilo City
(for INHS classroom use only for SY 2022-2023)


GOAL: The goal is to create a headdress inspired by your favorite festival in the Philippines to
promote tourism of that locality, to promote culture and diversity as well as to have a safe and
peaceful environment.
ROLE: You are an artisan.
AUDIENCE: Open for people on the street to social media and within the school community
SITUATION: Everyone has a chance to exhibit artistry by submitting the best headdress of
chosen festival to promote culture and diversity.
Product/Performance and Purpose:
As a student you need to create a headdress of your chosen festival that promotes tourism,
culture and diversity, you have the chance to show artistry and creativity as a Filipino youth.
The content of the video must display the culture and traditions of Philippines Festival and that
would encourage visitors to experience the said festivals.

Materials: You will need bond paper and coloring materials or any available materials found
inside the house and in the community.


Standards: Rubrics

40% Content and Presentation

- Video/artwork presentation, well - organized and has a good content.
25% Neatness/tidiness
- Headdress durability and neatness. Has good presentation of work
35% Originality

Derequito,KE-Sernicula,KJ-Ferriol,RKA-Meterio, F, Consular, R,Pahila, D

Page 29
Luna Street, La Paz, Iloilo City
(for INHS classroom use only for SY 2022-2023)
- Has exceptional creativity and uniqueness in his/her work: outstanding craftsmanship
Music 9 References
Week 1
Week 2
Waltz of the Flowers - Pentatonix
Week 3
Department of Education, Music and Arts – Grade 9 Learner’s Material, Vibal Group Inc., Pasig City,
Philippines, First Edition, 2014.

Physical Education
Week 4
Department of Education, Teachers Guide Physical Education and Health –Grade 9 Learner’s Manual,
Teachers Guide In PE 9
Week 5
Teaching Guide in 9 Festival dances TG_PE%209.pdf
K – 12 MELCs - Final-K-to-12-MELCS-with-CG-Codes.pdf
Week 6
Week 7

Derequito,KE-Sernicula,KJ-Ferriol,RKA-Meterio, F, Consular, R,Pahila, D

Page 30
Luna Street, La Paz, Iloilo City
(for INHS classroom use only for SY 2022-2023)

Derequito,KE-Sernicula,KJ-Ferriol,RKA-Meterio, F, Consular, R,Pahila, D

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