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Character Trait Analysis

Diane Huang

English 1B

Dr. Pan

10 March 2023

Kim’s Ma

Ma’s journey is a testament to the power of a strong will, unwavering resilience, and

selfless dedication in the face of daunting obstacles. In the novel "Girl in Translation'' by Jean

Kwok, Ma is one of the main characters who play a significant role in shaping the story. Ma’s

personality is multidimensional and complex, which makes her an interesting character to

analyze. Ma’s personality in "Girl in Translation" is defined by her determination, resilience, and

selflessness, which allows her to overcome obstacles, adapt to new challenges, and prioritize the

needs of others over her own.

Ma’s unwavering determination in 'Girl in Translation' is evident through her tireless

work ethic, her refusal to give up in the face of adversity, and her unrelenting pursuit of a better

life. She is a hard-working individual who never gives up despite facing numerous obstacles.

Ma’s determination is evident when she works tirelessly in the sweatshop to support herself and

her daughter. “Ma had a goal and nothing was going to stop her" (Kwok 42). Even though the

working conditions are terrible, Ma continues to work and save money to ensure a better life for

her daughter. For instance, when Kim receives a scholarship to attend a private school, Ma does

everything in her power to ensure that Kim gets the best education possible. Ma’s determination

is also evident when she saves enough money to start her own business. Her determination and

hard work pay off in the end, as she becomes a successful businesswoman.
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Ma’s remarkable resilience is exemplified through her ability to bounce back from

setbacks, her strength in the face of discrimination, and her unwavering determination to

persevere through even the toughest of challenges. Ma has gone through numerous challenges in

her life, but she never lets them break her spirit. For example, when she first arrives in America,

Ma struggles to adapt to a new culture and language. “Ma spoke almost no English and struggled

to make herself understood" (Kwok 8). However, she never lets this discourage her and

continues to work hard. Ma’s resilience is also evident when she faces discrimination in the

workplace. “Ma never missed a day of work, no matter how sick she was or how cold it was

outside because she knew that the cost of missing a day of work was too high" (Kwok 64).

Through sheer determination and an unyielding work ethic, Ma persisted through sickness and

harsh conditions, knowing the consequences of missing a single day's work were too great to

bear. Despite facing discrimination and unfair treatment, Ma refused to surrender to the

challenges and instead worked tirelessly to prove her worth. Ma’s resilience is an admirable

quality, and it inspires those around her.

Ma’s selfless nature is evident through her unwavering devotion to putting the needs of

others before her own, and the sacrificial actions that demonstrate her deep love and care for

those around her. She is a caring and loving mother who sacrifices her own needs for the

well-being of her daughter. "She worked hard, sacrificed everything, and did without so that I

could have a chance at a better life" (Kwok 4). This quote shows that Ma is willing to sacrifice

her own needs and wants for the sake of her daughter's future, which demonstrates her

selflessness and deep love for Kim. She relinquished her dream of becoming a fashion designer
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and instead took a job in a sweatshop to provide for Kim. As Ma notes, "I gave up my dream of

fashion...So that you can have a better future" (Kwok 104). This quote highlights Ma's

willingness to forego her own aspirations for the sake of Kim's future. Additionally, Ma goes

above and beyond to ensure that Kim receives the best education possible, even if it means

working long hours and sacrificing her own free time. Ma's selflessness is an admirable quality,

as evidenced by her statement: "I'll do whatever it takes to make sure you get the best education"

(Kwok 190). This quote shows Ma's deep love and affection for her daughter, and her

willingness to prioritize Kim's education above all else. Ma’s selflessness is an admirable quality,

and it shows her deep love and affection for her daughter.

In conclusion, Ma is a multifaceted character who possesses numerous personality traits.

Her determination, resilience, and selflessness make her an admirable and inspiring character.

Ma’s surface shows the importance of hard work, perseverance, and putting the needs of others

before our own. Overall, Ma is a character that readers can relate to and be inspired by, and her

story is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit.

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Work Cited

Kwok, Jean “Girl in Translation” published by Riverhead Books 2010



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