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Are We Better Than Our Forefathers?

This remark is a puzzling one and so cannot

be answered categorically. Our forefathers lived much different lives than we do,
and this question can be answered in so many ways that none can be seen as
correct or incorrect. Opinion remains divided on this subject because today's
world is quite different, advanced, and much improved than our ancestors. If our
ancestors woke up from eternal sleep, one can agree that they would be struck
with wonder to see the marvelous changes brought by science and technology.
But there’s always another side to a coin. Wouldn’t they be disappointed to see
the destruction caused by us in the name of a better future? Wouldn’t they
question our morality? The morale of mankind can be put in question when it is
compared to our ancestors, the reason being not only morally but also physically,
spiritually, and mentally. To address these questions, we have to dig deeper and
weigh both sides, to truly understand our existence and move towards a better
future, which has always been mankind’s goal.
We are both better and worse than our forefathers. Take agriculture for instance,
we are far better than our ancestors in terms of agriculture and food production.
In the old days, mankind fought wars because of food scarcity. Nowadays, we can
produce food on a large scale to meet the demands of a fast-growing population.
This is possible because of the modern machinery and the scientific wonders of
genetic engineering.
Now, we are able to cultivate uncultivatable lands. Saudi Arabia has progressed
by leaps and bounds in this regard. The government, in particular, has aided with
this process by converting large areas of desert into agricultural fields. By
implementing major irrigation projects and adopting large-scale mechanization,
this has progressed in developing agriculture in the country, adding previously
barren areas to the stock of cultivatable land.
Although it is great news, it has a very dangerous impact on the ecosystem that
has been present for thousands of years. The Food and Agriculture Organization
(FAO) recommends in a report that paying extra consideration on creating and
nurturing the agro-system in the desert may lead to an interference in the
ecosystem which would lead to unpleasant results.
But to move towards a better future, we must ask questions and look for the right
answers. We have shifted toward mechanical agriculture methods and have
foregone the natural and organic methods that our ancestors used. The use of
artificial and hybrid fertilizers has not only changed the natural composition of the
earth’s soil but has been very disastrous to marine and aquatic life. Researchers
have shown undesirable effects caused by inorganic food that has led to
numerous diseases and medical conditions that didn’t exist before. Some
developed countries have realized this and are trying to move towards natural
and safe ways of agriculture methods, but it isn’t enough.
Generally, one could argue that we live a better life than our forefathers did.
Materially, we are much better than our forefathers. We have much more
facilities available when it comes to health, workplaces, traveling, and so much
We have progressed greatly in transport and communication. There was no postal
system, so letters were rare and costly luxuries; no telegraph, no telephone, no
wireless or broadcasting. The distances have been wrapped up, and our world has
become a global village.
When it comes to traveling, both short and longer lengths have become faster,
easier, and safer than during the times of our forefathers. In their time, there
were no railways or steamships or airplanes, no bicycles or motor cars, or even
good roads. They traveled slowly on horseback or in carts and carriages, and
sailing ships.
Technology is one thing that has progressed the most, computers and the
Internet have significantly changed and bettered our everyday life. Automatic
machines and robots have reduced labor in such a way that we have machines to
do the simplest and the most difficult tasks, even in such a way that it completely
replaces the role of humans.
Although technological, transport, and communication advancements have
greatly benefited us, it has also created a monster in the shape of GLOBAL
WARMING. Not only that, the use of robots and artificial intelligence has
increased the unemployment rate immensely. Our Earth is on the verge of
collapse and mother nature is being merciful and warning us of the coming
disasters. This is clearly evident by the untimely floods, wildfires, earthquakes,
and abnormal climatic change. Global warming has raised our Earth’s
temperature. It’s not only harming our forests and atmosphere but also our
oceans. Scientists estimate that roughly half of the oxygen production on Earth
comes from the ocean. Scientists estimate that roughly half of the oxygen
production on Earth comes from the ocean. The majority of this production is
from oceanic plankton — drifting plants, algae, and some bacteria that can
photosynthesize. The ocean’s temperature has increased up to 2 degrees
Celsius due to our activities which has resulted in a phenomenon known as the
bleaching of the Coral Reefs. This is very alarming as it’s sweeping marine
ecosystems entirely indirectly affecting humans and terrestrial ecosystems. This
needs attention for we will not have a safe environment to breathe and live in.

When it comes to the field of medicine, we have overcome the most significant
number of diseases that have ruined society at times. These are things like
tuberculosis, malaria, as well as the plague that were deadly diseases in the time
of our forefathers. Presently, they are not fatal diseases, and our vast knowledge
of medicine has increased our life expectancy and child mortality rate. Our
advancement in this field was clearly seen in the COVID-19 PANDEMIC when
mankind was able to find a vaccine for a global pandemic that has not been
possible before.
Scientific advancement has equipped us with many luxuries that were
unprecedented throughout the days of our forefathers. A modern man pleasures
himself in numerous ways. We have overcome the elements of nature, we have
tamed the atom, we have reached the moon, we have conquered space, and yet
we are not complete, content, or fulfilled.
At the expense of moral and ethical principles, we have acquired physiological
convenience. We dream of comforts of our own, not of others. We’re so
engrossed in the capital snare. We are wasteful, lazy, depressed, angry, and
susceptible to all manner of indulgences. We have so many expectations that
dissatisfaction and despair fill life. We have no recreation, no rest, no harmony,
and no joy.
Humanity today is arrogant, hypocritical, deceptive, disingenuous, and irritated
today. ⠀
A dividing line should be drawn between warmth, convenience, ease, and true
happiness. With the so-called marvelous gifts of scientific life, no doubt, it has
become very comfortable; the universe has just about transformed into a
supposed utopia, but satisfaction is a state of consciousness. It does not lie in the
warmth and ease of items. All these so-called amenities and miracles of life have
made our lives artificial, hollow, and devoid of true happiness.

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