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Republic of the Philippines

Romblon State University

Romblon, Philippines

Romblon State University

Curriculum Development

Date: April 23,2023

Name of the researcher: Catherine G. Prado

Professor: Teofilo Norombaba

Researched Topic: Three (3) Principles and Process of Curriculum

Development and give examples each.

examples of how these principles can be applied in curriculum
The term curriculum derives from the Latin word ‘currere’ which
means a kind of route which the learner travels or “to run the recacourse”.
Thus, currere is fundamental for understanding the meaning of curriculum
development. All the activities going on the school or outside of the school is
called curriculum.
Now a days, Curriculum is used fro the whole environment in which
a child is given education. Curriculum is the backbone of any education
system, without a good curriculum no nation can achieve quality in education.
Therefore, it is necessary for designing a balance curriculum to follow the
principles of curriculum development.
The Principles of the curriculum are norms, values, moralities,
and philosophies that will benefit teachers, students, and the whole
education system.


Republic of the Philippines
Romblon State University
Romblon, Philippines

 The curriculum should be relevant to the needs and interest of the
If the curriculum is designed for a group of high school students in a
rural community, it may be important to include examples and activities that
are relevant to their daily lives and experiences, such as agricultural
practices, local history, or community issues.

 The curriculum should be logically organized and presented in a way
that allows learners to build on their prior knowledge and skills.
 A mathematics curriculum may be designed so that learners first
develop foundational skills in arithmetic before moving on to more
advanced topics such as algebra and calculus.

Principle of Child-Centeredness
Curriculum is mainly for the students. And the purpose of curriculum
is to impart learning experiences ata particular age and grade level that suit
their age and mental level so, the age, interest, capacity, aspiration, needs
and psychology of the learner should be taken in to consideration.
It is an approach to education that emphasizes the needs and
interests of the individual child.
 Exploration of natural materials, such as rocks and plants, to foster
curiosity and an appreciation for the natural world.
 Opportunities for dramatic play and storytelling to encourage
imaginative thinking and language development


Republic of the Philippines
Romblon State University
Romblon, Philippines

 Activities that promote social and emotional development, such as

sharing ang taking turns, problem-solving, and self-expression

Principles of Community
The needs of community and the needs of the learner should be
taken in to consideration while developing curriculum. It is reflect of the
values of democracy and main concers of the country.
These are values and beliefs that guide individuals and groups to
work together for the benefit of all members.
 Respect: members of a community should treat each other with
respect, recognizing and valuing each person’s unique qualities and
 Collaboration: members of a community should work together to
achieve common goals and solve problems.
 Responsibility: members of a community should take responsibility
for their actions and work to make the community a better place. For
example, a community might encourage residents to participate in
recycling programs and reduce waste.
The Principle of comprehensive curriculum
 The curriculum must have complete details of the subject material, aids,
activities, and list of all topics and content, responsibility of teachers and
students should be clearly stated what is expected of them.
 It is an approach to education that aims to provide a well-rounded education
that covers a wide range of subjects and skills.
 Enrichment activities: such as music, art, drama, and foreign
languages. These activities would help students develop creativity, critical
thinking, communication, and cultural awareness
 Practical skills: includes such as financial literacy, health education, and
technology literacy


Republic of the Philippines
Romblon State University
Romblon, Philippines

 Social-Emotional leaning: these activities would help students to

develop the social and emotional skills needed to navigate relationships
ang life challenges
Principle of Balance / Integration
 The curriculum should be balance from all aspects; Cognitive, affective and
psychomotor objectives. Child and society need, these should be related to
the social environment of the students. Importance should be given to the
need of the child and balance between Child and Community needs.
The curriculum should be environmentally centered
 The content of the learning experiences for children should be linked to
students’ needs and environment in which the student lives. The difference of
rural area and urban area should be kept in mind while developing
Principle of Need
 Curriculum should fill all needs of the learner e.g. Physical, emotional and
social development. It should not be just the academic but also other
equally important activities too.

Principle of Utility
 Curriculum should provide very rich experiences, academic and social to
students, furthermore the activites, content, and experience of the
curriculum should be useful to the learner.

The Principle of practical work

 The curriculum should have activities because children are very active by
nature and they like activities, they like to do things by doing therefore
curriculum should be designed in such a way that it provides maximum
opportunity to the child practical work.
Principle of flexibility
 The curriculum should be flexible instead of rigid. The organization of the
curriculum should be based on the individual differences because every


Republic of the Philippines
Romblon State University
Romblon, Philippines

child is different from the other. Therefore, a flexible curriculum will

address the needs and aspirations of the society and students.
 The curriculum should be flexible enough to accommodate different
learning styles, abilities, and needs.
 A science curriculum may include a variety of activities, such as
experiments readings, and group discussions, to provide multiple
ways for learners to engage with the content. The curriculum may also
include differentiated instruction, such as providing extra support or
challenges for learners who need it.
Principle of Creativity
 The curriculum should have enough content which encourage discovery,
experimentation and provision of creative tyoe of activities.
 These are beliefs and values that guide individuals to generate new
ideas, approaches, and solutions.
 Curiosity: creativity begins with curiosity and a willingness to explore
new ideas and possibilities. A teacher might encourage students to
ask questions, conduct experiments, and explore new topics to spark
their curiosity
 Risk- taking: creativity often involves taking risks and trying new
things, even if they might take a risk by launching a new business or
developing a new product
 Persistence: creativity often requires persistence and determination to
overcome challenges and setbacks. For example, a musician might
practice for hours each day to develop their skills and create new
Principle of Preservation/ Conservation
 It should help in the preservation/ conservation and transferring of
knowledge, traditions, culture and norms to next generation. Teachers
allow students to access the curriculum through independent, small


Republic of the Philippines
Romblon State University
Romblon, Philippines

group, and large group. Teachers are curriculum planning for appropriate
levels which allows all students to develop their skills and understandings.
Teachers co-construct curriculum with students, parents and colleagues
to maximize expertise.
The process of curriculum development typically involves the following
1. Needs assessments: this involves identifying the educational needs of the
learners and determining what knowledge, skills, and attitudes they need to
acquire. (Stage 1: Assessing the educational needs)
2. Goal setting: this involves defining the learning outcomes and objectives of
the curriculum. These should be aligned with the needs assessment and be
measurable, specific, and achievable. (Stage 2: Formulating objectives
and learning goals)
3. Stage 3: Careful selection of learning experiences to accomplish these
4. Stage 4: The selecting the rich and valuable content through which
teachers can offer the learning experiences.
5. Satge 5: Organizing and integrating learning experiences with relevant
content keeping in mind the teaching-learning process
6. Design: this involves selecting appropriate content, instructional strategies,
and assessment methods to achieve the learning outcomes. The curriculum
should be designed in a way that is coherent, relevant, and flexible.
7. Implementation: this involves putting the curriculum into action by teaching
it to the learners. This may involve training teachers and providing
resources and support to ensure that the curriculum is delivered effectively.
8. Evaluation: this involves assessing the effectiveness of the curriculum in
achieving the learning outcomes and making adjustments as necessary.
Evaluation should be ongoing and use multiple methods to gather data on
student learning and teacher effectiveness. (Stage 6: Timely and accurate
evaluation of all the above phases)


Republic of the Philippines
Romblon State University
Romblon, Philippines

The principles and process of curriculum development provide a framework for

creating effective educational programs that meet the needs of learners and
society. By considering the individual needs and characteristics of learners,
promoting collaboration and responsibility among members of a learning
community, and providing a well-rounded education that includes core subjects,
enrichment activities, practical skills, career readiness, and social-emotional
lraning, educational programs can prepare learners for success in academics and

Curriculum Development - Types, Principles & Process Of Curriculum Development
Education: Principles of curriculum development (
Curriculum Development - Types, Principles & Process Of Curriculum Development



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