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Arranged by :
1. Bella Julia Rizki Puteri T.
2. Yunita Ratih Wijayanti
3. Zhuniart Ayu Perdanasari

Brawijaya University, Indonesia


<INTRODUCTION> ........................................................................................ 5
1.1. BACKGROUND ......................................................................................... 5
1.2. OBJECTIVES .............................................................................................. 5
1.3. ADVANTAGE............................................................................................. 6
1.4. PROBLEM FORMULATION .................................................................... 7
1.5. WRITING METHOD .................................................................................. 7
A. IPA Analysis ........................................................................................... 7
B. TOPSIS Method ..................................................................................... 8
<CONTENT> .................................................................................................... 10
2.1 OVERVIEW OF TRANSPORTATION IN JAKARTA .............................. 10
A. Urban Transportation Issues of Jakarta ................................................... 10
B. Related Policy .......................................................................................... 10
2.2 DETERMINING RESEARCH AREA......................................................... 11
A. The Characteristic of TransJakarta Passengers ........................................ 11
B. Load Factor.............................................................................................. 12
C. Headway .................................................................................................. 12
A. Transjakarta Bus ..................................................................................... 14
B. Bus Stop/Shelter...................................................................................... 18
2.5 TOPSIS ANALYSIS .................................................................................... 24
<CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION>........................................................ 26

Table 2. 1 Load Factor Bus Transjkarta Corridor 8 (Lebak Bulus-Harmoni) .... 12

Table 2. 2 Corridor 8, Harmoni Central Busway - Lebak Bulus
Route (Tomang Mandala) ................................................................. 13
Table 2. 3 Sub Variabel Evaluation Of Equality On Urban Transport .............. 14
Table 2. 4 IPA Result Equation According to TransJakarta Bus User .............. 16
Table 2. 5 Equation of IPA Results According to Bus Transjakarta
Bus Stop Users ................................................................................... 20

Figure 1. 2 Importance Performance Analysis ................................................... 7

Figure 2. 2 TransJakarta corridor 8 route .......................................................... 11
Figure 2. 3 The Number of Passengers Between Peak Hour............................. 12
Figure 2. 4 Importance Performance Analyisis (IPA)
Results Transjakarta Bus Users ...................................................... 15
Figure 2. 5 Importance Performance Analyisis (IPA) result on
TransJakarta bus stop users............................................................. 19

With all the praise and thanks to God the Almighty, who has given His love and mercy so
STUDY: TRANSJAKARTA CORRIDOR 8 " can we finish well. The paper is structured to
competition CENS UI. On this occasion, we would like to thank profusely to all those who
have helped us in completing the writing of this paper, to Ir. Ismu Rini Dwi Ari, MT., Ph.D
as supervising lecturer for the support and motivation and also to friends who have
contributed their ideas and motivation for writing this paper. We are fully aware that the
many flaws in the writing of this paper. Therefore, we expect criticism and constructive
suggestions to further refine the writing of this paper. Finally, we hope that the writing of this
paper can be useful for readers.

Malang, 10th Sept 2017

The Writer

Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia number 22 of 2009 about traffic and Road
Transport ensures equality for citizens in public transportation. Problems Current transport
generally only focus on the conformity of passenger capacity and does not take into
consideration needs of the community. Whereas needs transportation of the users of
disability, children, the elderly and other communities are different. Equality in urban
transportation is organizing an affordable transportation for all walks of life, uphold healthy
business competition, the Division of the use of space and utilization infrastructure equitably,
and transportation in any retrieval policy (Siti Aminah, 2006). One example of the problem
of equality of transport is public transportation Bus Rapid Transit-based in Jakarta. Based on
the results of the survey are there 24 road corridor Bus Rapid Transit but user interest corridor
8 (the Lebak Bulus-Harmony Central) Transjakarta is inversely proportional to the path
length of 26 km (the longest), so get the predicate of the lowest value. Therefore the need to
evaluate the operational and service of Transjakarta users, using Headway and Loadfactor
analysis for operational, analysis IPA for service performance, and TOPSIS as a determina nt
the priority direction. Samples obtained of 115 people use methods of linear time functio n.
The results obtained that user general public need ease of passenger movement between
shelters, special treatment with other vehicles at the intersection, and two way bus stop. Kids
need more air conditioning and information facilities. Elderly and disbility users need
entrance doors, parallel floors and fused with hardwood floors and ease of passenger
movement between shelters.

Keywords : Equality, Transjakarta, analysis IPA, analysis TOPSIS


In transportation planning, transportation equity is a distribution of transportation systems and its cost
which considered fairly and conveniently suits the society’s needs. Therefore, evaluation on urban transport
tends to have an impact on economic and technical. This case is commonly found in developing countries
where income disparities and social disparities are very large, additionaly people with middle-high income
use private transportation for their daily activities in which could harm the pedestrian, cyclists, public transport
users, and generally the lower-income society couldn’t get the whole urban transportation facilty because
their domicile are far from the city centre and couldn’t afford the transportation costs.
Transportation problems can be seen from mass public transportation based on road, that is Bus Rapid
Transit (BRT). Based on ITDP (2015), the average number of passengers of Transjakarta Bus each day is
only reach to 360 thousand passengers. If it is referring to the number of similar services in other country,
such as Bogota Columbia, the amount of Transjakarta passengers is unsatisfying. The success od
transportation companies can be assessed from the number of passengers, if the facility provided cannot
attract its passengers interest, it is possible that the equality has not been felt by each of its users. One of the
case example is TransJakarta Bus corridor 8.
The diversity of land uses contained in Corridor 8 allows users to come from among children to the
elderly. Each of these users has different needs. Generally, TransJakarta Bus Corridor 8 users are working in
the centre of Jakarta city and domicile in the suburbs. If it is associated with transporttion equality, all operatios
and services must be suitable with the needs of each user groups of TransJakarta Bus Corridor 8. The existing
problems are the uneven distribution of transportation in TransJakarta, the low level service, the insufficient
condition of facilites and infrastructure of TransJakarta for all users, and even its human resources. In the
transportation distribution system, the time between (headway) for each user of TransJakarta Bus Corridor 8
is different. For example, 30 minutes bus waiting among the general public is not a big deal, however it is not
the same thing with the elderly, they cannot wait for the bus to come up to 30 minutes long. The level of
services in terms of transportation costs per circle also need to be evaluated, whether it suits the ability to pay
for each group or not. Additionally, the policy of creating the special ticket prices for certain day will impact
the increasing of interest of TransJakarta Bus users.
Thus, the research on Equality Evaluation in TransJakarta (case study: Corridor 8) is
very important to involve society in order to improve the equality or justice that perceived
by each community group. This will alsi affect the interest of each community to use
TransJakarta corridor 8. This research will discuss whether the services proved are in
accordance with the needs of TransJakarta users in terms of distribution system and
transportation cost system provided, so it can be a solution to overcome the problems of
urban transportation.
Based on the background related to evaluation of equality on urban transport, case
study: transjakarta corridor 8, the aim of this research is to identify and evaluate the
performances of TransJakarta services, the details are as follow Figure 1.1.
Figure 1.1 flow diagram of research
Figure 1.1 shows that in the first objective is identifying operational performance.
Headway, load factor, ticket price and information system are indicators to be identified
respectively. The second goal is to identify the performance of services observed from
safety, security, tranquility, comfort, convenience, and equality.
Service performance indicators will be analyzed using IPA analysis. Then equality can
be divided into two things namely equality in the mode and infrastructure measured by using
scoring and alternative recommendation to improve equality obtained after performing
TOPSIS analysis in which the input is the result of operational performances, IPA analys is
and scoring.
The results of this research are expected to be useful to many parties, those are:
1. For the researcher
The benefits gained from this research for the researcher is to give new insight in
the development of science in the field of transportation, especially in big cities and
discovers the needs and quality of TransJakarta Corridor 1 and 8 bus services as
BRT-based public transportation, so as to improve equality for the community.
2. For PT. TransJakarta
The results of this research are expected to be considered as inputs in order to
improve TransJakarta Bus Corridor 1 and 8 service and all busway corridors.
3. For user
The results of the evaluation conducted in this study is able to improve the service
desired by each user group, so the function of TransJakarta could be efficient and
1. How is the operational performance and service quality of Bus TransJakarta
Corridor 8?
2. How is the level of equality in terms of operations and services to TransJakarta
Corridor 8 users?
This research used qualitative-quantitative. The qualitive research aimed to knowthe
performance of TransJakarta service corridor 8 based on user perception. Quantitative
research uses analytical analysis method of IPA and TOPSIS analysis.
A. IPA Analysis
This analysis can be used to know the ranking of various elements and services and
identify the actions to be taken. According to Zeithaml et al (1990) said that the use of this
method in measuring the level of satisfaction of a service. In the IPA analysis has 4 indicators
for all variables that affect the quality of service. The distribution of quadrants in the IPA
analysis can be seen as follows:

Figure 1.2 Importance Performance Analysis

Source: Supranto (2001)
As the result of this, four quadrants namely Concentrate Here, Keep up the Good Work,
Low Priority, and Possible Overkill are created.
1. Quadrant I (High Importance/Low Performance) is labelled Concentrate Here.
Attributes that fall into this quadrant represent key areas that need to be improved
with top priority.
2. Quadrant II (High Importance/High Performance) is labelled Keep up the good
work. All attributes that fall into this quadrant are the strength and pillar of the
organisations, and they should be the pride of the organisations.
3. Quadrant III (Low Importance/Low Performance) is labelled Low Priority. Thus,
any of the attributes that fall into this quadrant are not important and pose no threat
to the organisations.
4. Quadrant IV (Low Importance/High Performance) is labelled as Possible Overkill.
It denotes attributes that are overly emphasized by the organisations; therefore,
organisations should reflect on these attributes, instead of continuing to focus in this
quadrant, they should allocate more resources to deal with attributes that reside in
quadrant I.
B. TOPSIS Method
TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) was developed
by Yoon and Hwang (1981). The concept of TOPSIS method is that the selected alternative
should have the shortest distance to the positive ideal solution and the farthest distance from
the negative ideal solution (Triantaphyllou, 2000). The advantages of TOPSIS methods are
simplicity, rationality, comprehensibility, good computational efficiency and ability to
measure the relative performance for each alternative in a simple mathematical form (Eza
Roszkowska, 2009). In general, the procedure of TOPSIS method follows the following
1. Calculate the normalized decision matrix.
𝑟𝑖𝑗 = , i = 1,2, 3 … m and j = 1,2, 3 … n
𝑚 2
√∑𝑖−1 𝑥 𝑖𝑗
2. Calculate the weighted normalized decision matrix.
The weighting of the normalized matrix is given the weight of W = (w1, w2, w3, ...
𝑦𝑖𝑗 = 𝑤𝑖 𝑟𝑖𝑗, i=1,2,3,...m and j=1,2,3,...n
Thus the normalization of the weighting matrix V can be generated as follows: 𝑉 =
𝑤11 𝑟11 ⋯ 𝑤1𝑛 𝑟1𝑛
[ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ ] , i = 1,2,3, … m and j = 1,2,3, … n
𝑤𝑚1 𝑟𝑚1 ⋯ 𝑤𝑛𝑚 𝑟𝑛𝑚
3. Determine the positive ideal and negative ideal solutions.
𝐴 + = {(max 𝑣𝑖𝑗 |𝑗 ∈ 𝐽)(min 𝑣𝑖𝑗 |𝑗 ∈ 𝐽′), 𝑖 = 1,2,3, … 𝑚} = {𝑣1+ 𝑣2+ ,… 𝑣𝑚

𝐴− = {(max 𝑣𝑖𝑗 |𝑗 ∈ 𝐽)(min 𝑣𝑖𝑗 |𝑗 ∈ 𝐽), 𝑖 = 1,2,3, … 𝑚} = {𝑣1− 𝑣2− , … 𝑣𝑚

Vij = the matrix element V of the i is row and j is column
J = {j=1,2,3...n and j related with benefit criteria}
J’ = {j=1,2,3, ...,n and j related with cost criteria}
4. Calculated the Separation Measure
Separation measure is a measure of the distance from an alternative to a positive
ideal solution and a negative ideal solution.
𝑆𝐼+ = √∑(𝑣𝑖𝑗 − 𝑣𝑗+ ) , i = 1,2, 3 … m

𝑆𝐼− = √∑(𝑣𝑖𝑗 − 𝑣𝑗− ) , i = 1,2, 3 … m

5. Calculate the relative closeness to the positive ideal solution

𝐶𝑖 = − 𝐼 + 𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑎𝑛 0 < 𝐶, < 1 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑖 = 1,2,3, … , 𝑚
6. Rank the preference order or select the alternative closest to 1.
A set of alternatives now can be ranked by the descending order of the value of Ci.
Therefore, the best alternative is one of the shortest distance to the positive ideal
solution and furthest away with the ideal negative solution
Data collection is done by primary survey and secondary survey. Secondary data obtained
from PT TransJakarta. The primary data obtained by observation and questionna ire.
Sampling is required due to time and energy constraints. Evaluation of Equality on Urban
Transport, (study case: TransJakarta Corridor 8) research uses Linear Time Function
sampling method. The number of samples (n) is calculated using the following formula:
𝑇 − 𝑡0
n= number of samples selected
T= time available for research
t0= fixed time (sampling time)
t1= time used for sampling unit
T = 5 days = 5 days x 24 hours = 120 hours
t0 = 16 hours/day = 16 hours/day x 5 days = 80 hours
t1 = 10 menit = 14 jam x 14 hari = 2,33 hours

120 − 80
𝑆𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑒𝑙 = = 23 𝑅𝑒𝑠𝑝𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠

Based on the calculation of Linear Time Function, it is known that the number of samples
required in 5 days is 23 respondents Transjakarta users in the corridor. There are 5
characteristics of land use in Corridor 8 those are office, education, health, entertainment,
and residental, so the total sample:

23 respondents x 5 land use in corridor 8 = 115 respondents.



A. Urban Transportation Issues of Jakarta
TransJakarta is an urban transportation which aims to reduce the congestion on the main
streets of Jakarta. TransJakarta is expected to be an alternative public transportation that can
break down the traffic jam with the support of fast and safe service, and also suitable with all
groups of society needs. Based on Jakarta Transportation Statistics (2015), the number of
TransJakarta users is 9,386,787 people. This large number of users in Corridor 8 has not
entirely attracted the public to use public transportation, especially TransJakarta, proven by
the number of private vehicle users that reached 75%, while the public transportation users
is 2%. Here are the differences between the number of vehicle usage in Jakarta
Bus , 2% Other,
Car load, 1%

Passenger car,


Figure 2.1 Percentage of Vehicle Users

Source: DKI Jakarta Transportation Statistics (2015)
The choice of private transportation is larger compared to public transportatio n
especially TransJakarta corridor 8 due to several factors, such as lack of comfort in terms of
queing to enter the bus, overcrowd during peak hours, lack of bus efficiency, the diffic ulty
of reaching busstop, lack human resources in serving Bus users, the condition of facilities
and infrastructure that has not been suitable with the entire need of all user groups, to the
infrastructure for people with disability that has not been comprehensive yet. As a result, a
further evaluation needed to achieve equality for all TransJakarta users.
B. Related Policy
Dasar hukum dalam penelitian “Evaluasi Kesetaraan TransJakarta (Studi Kasus:
Corridor 8), yaitu sebagai berikut. The legal basis of “Evaluation of TransJakarta Equality
(Case Study: Corridor 8), as follows.
1. Law of Republic of Indonesia no. 22 year 2009 concerning traffic and transportatio n
2. Regional Regulation of DKI Jakarta no. 4 of 2014 about the establishment of
Regional-owned enterprise of PT TransJakarta
3. Regional Regulation of DKI Jakarta no. 12 of 2003 about traffic and road transport,
railways, rivers, and lakes as well as crossings in the Special Capital Province of
4. Governor regulation no. 26 of 2017 about TransJakarta free service and free bus for
This is research was conducted in TransJakarta corridor 8. The consideration in selecting
the corridor 8 was because the it is the second longest route (26 km) from the 12 existing
corridors (TransJakarta, 2016). Additionally, the diversity of the land use by bus allows
busway users which come from various society group. Below is a map of thr TransJakarta
corridor 8 route.

Figure 2. 2 TransJakarta corridor 8 route

Source: TransJakarta (2016)
A. The Characteristic of TransJakarta Passengers
From 115 respondents that has been given a list of statements, it shows the TransJakarta
transportation service users based on gender at the most 59% female, 41% male. This shows
that TransJakarta bus is quite comfortable and convenient for women. However, during the
peak hours the conditions inside the bus are crowded and the entrance is safeless. So, it needs
a women’s special exit door for convenience and criminality prevention.
Passengers At Peak Hour

5000 22%
19 % 18%
2000 13%
Pagi Siang sore
Female Male

Figure 2. 3 The Number of Passengers Between Peak Hour

Source: Primary survey result, 2017
According to figure 2.2, it is found that usually the TransJakarta user during the peak
hour is ladies with 19% average in morning time, 18% in the day time, and 22% in the
evening time. Based on these result, it can be seen that the majority of Transjakarta bus users
are women because during peak hours there is density, so men tend to choose private vehicles
to do their daily activities.
B. Load Factor
Load factor is the capacity of passengers every single trip. Calculation of the load factor
is used to determine whether the vehicle on each route or the route has either been ready or
not to fulfill the number of passengers who will use the BRT service. The load factor
calculation is based on secondary data, the number of buses and the number of passengers
per month in corridor 8.
Table 2. 1 Load Factor Bus Transjkarta Corridor 8 (Lebak Bulus -Harmoni)
Number of Number of
Capacity Load Factor
No. Month passengers fleet
/person (% )
1. January 25.864 140 41 45
2. February 26.320 140 41 46
3. March 27.133 140 45 43
4. April 25.378 140 35 52
5. May 25.661 140 36 51
6. June 21.663 140 30 52

Source: Analysis Results, 2017

Tabel 2.1 Explained that the highest load factor in corridor 8 was at 52% in April and
June. While the lowest load factor is at number 43%. The lower the load factor rate, then the
TransJakarta bus could still fulfill the number of passengers.
C. Headway
Headway is the waiting time of passenger for the next bus arrival. BRT Transportatio n
has different headway. Each path has its own headway. Here is the calculation of
TransJakarta headway for Corridor .
Table 2. 2 Corridor 8, Harmoni Central Busway - Lebak Bulus Route (Tomang Mandala)

Lebak Bulus - Harmoni Central

Harmoni Central Busway - Lebak Kilometers Headway Kilometers Headway
No Busway (Via Tomang Mandala)
Bulus (Tomang Mandala) Bus Stop Traveled (Minutes) Traveled (Minutes)
Bus Stop

1 Halte Harmoni 748,10 2 Halte Lebak Bulus 1.195,40 3

2 Halte Petojo 772,70 3 Halte Pondok Pinang 1.220,80 3
3 Halte RS. Tarakan 1.365,40 4 Halte Pondok Indah 1 2.351,60 6
4 Halte Tomang Mandala 1.031,40 3 Halte Pondok Indah 2 1.197,20 3
5 Halte Central Park Arah Pluit 1.119,40 3 Halte Tanah Kusir Kodim 472,40 2
6 Halte Grogol 2 346,70 2 Halte Kebayoran Lama Bungur 1.615,50 4
7 Halte Jelambar 1.324,70 4 Halte Pasar Kebayoran Lama 640,20 2
8 Halte Indosiar 2.157,10 5 Halte Simprug 1.943,00 5
9 Halte Kedoya Green Garden 1.172,00 3 Halte Permata Hijau ITC 706,60 2
10 Halte Kedoya Assiddiqiyah 1.231,90 3 Halte RS. Medika 860,20 3
11 Halte Duri Kepa 1.009,50 3 Halte Pos Pengumben 1.873,70 5
12 Halte Kebon Jeruk 1.248,60 3 Halte Kelapa Dua Sasak 1.248,60 3
13 Halte Kelapa Dua Sasak 1.873,70 5 Hallte Kebon Jeruk 1.009,50 3
14 Halte Pos Pengumben 860,20 3 Halte Duri Kepa 1.231,90 3
15 Halte RS. Medika 706,60 2 Halte Kedoya Assidiqiyah 1.172,00 3
16 Halte Permata Hijau ITC 1.943,00 5 Halte Kedoya Green Garden 2.157,10 5
17 Halte Simprug 640,20 2 Halte Indosiar 1.324,70 4
18 Halte Pasar Kebayoran Lama 1.615,50 4 Halte Jelambar 346,70 2
19 Halte Kebayoran Lama Bungur 472,40 2 Halte Grogol 2 1.119,40 3
20 Halte Tanah Kusir Kodim 1.197,20 3 Central Park Arah Pinang Ranti 1.031,30 3
21 Halte Pondok Indah 1 2.351,60 6 Halte Tomang Mandala 1.263,00 4
22 Halte Pondok Indah 2 587,30 2 Halte RS. Tarakan 772,70 3
23 Halte Petojo 748,10 2
Source: PT TransJakarta, 2017
Tabel 2.2 Explained that the total number of headway for Harmoni Central Busway -
Lebak Bulus (Tomang Mandala) route is 24 minutes while for Lebak Bulus - Harmoni
Central Busway (Via Tomang Mandala) route is 28 minutes. After getting the total number
of headways from each Bus Stop located in corridor 8, the distribution is based on the number
of Bus Stop that is 22 and 23 Bus Stops. After the split, it is found 24 minutes for Harmoni
Central Busway - Lebak Bulus (Tomang Mandala) and 25 minutes Lebak Bulus - Harmoni
Central Busway (Via Tomang Mandala).
The evaluation of public perceptions related to TransJakarta service performance on
Corridor 8 is using the analysis method of Importance Performance Analysis (IPA). The
following sub variables are used to spread the questionnaire on Bus and Bus Stop of
Transjakarta users.
Table 2. 3 Sub Variabel Evaluation Of Equality On Urban Transport
Transjakarta Bus Service Performance Bus Stop Service Performance
Priority seats for children's users, pregnant women The easiness to reach Transjakarta bus stop from
and the elderly are well attached domicile
The easiness facility to alighting passenger The distance between Bus Stop >500 m
Easy to find Transjakarta bus stop near public facilities
hygiene facility available on the bus
(schools, hospitals, malls, offices, etc)
There is a clean facility or trash bin available at the bus
There is air conditioner available on the bus
There is a handrail available for standing The ease of transfer for passenger in bus stop has been
passengers good
There is Health facility available such as first aid Special treatment for the other vehcle at the
box intersection
Information about the Bus Stop name, arrival schedule,
There is call center information available in case of
departments / routes, corridor / Bus Stop displacements
disruption in the bus
are installed properly
Comfor seats grip for standing passengers Ease of payment system
Entrance and exit door for women and people with
Bus stop for 2 way bus
Transjakarta bus operating hour until midnight Bus Stop floor parallel and merges with the bus
Source: Analysis Research, 2017
A. Transjakarta Bus
Transjakarta has been operating since 2004. Currently, there are two corridors operating
those are corridor 1 and 8, but the focus of research is corridor 8 only. After 13 years of
operation, research is needed to find out the public perception about their satisfaction and
interest of Transjakarta operations, as well as the equality of public transportation in
TransJakarta bus. To find out the public perceptions on TransJakarta, the researcher use
Importance Performance Analyisis (IPA) as the method.
The following is an analysis using the IPA method on the Transjakarta operational
system with a total of 115 respondents. IPA questionnaire addressed to bus users:
1. Public user: 98 persons
2. Children user (12-15 years old): 11 persons
3. The elderly user: 4 persons
4. People with disability: 2 persons
Figure 2. 4 Importance Performance Analyisis (IPA) Results Transjakarta Bus Users
Source: Analysis Research, 2017, 2017
Table 2. 4IPA Result Equation According to TransJakarta Bus User
Score Children Score Elderly Score Disability Score
Public user (Tki) (Tki) (Tki) (Tki) Equation
user user user
There is a The equation of IPA results
Boarding There is
health on Quadrant 1 is the public
and Easy ticket handrails
facility user and disability keeps on
alighting 74.8 91.3 system in 68.42 available for 77.78
available wanting to maintain the
facility for bus standing
such as first holding facility for standing
passenger passenger
aid box passenger, because according
There is Entrance to the passenger there is no
handrails and exit seat available during the peak
available for 76.7 door for 74.5 77.78 hour.
seat rail for
standing ladies and The second equation
passenger disability according to public users and
TransJakarta disability is to maintain the
bus current ticket system because
operating Easy ticket it is easier now.
hour 85.1 system in 74.0
available bus

Easy ticket
system in 98.5


A The equation of IPA result on
There is There is There is
comfortable quadrant II according to
handrails hygiene hygiene
seat and 83.4 95.6 public user, elderly and
available for facility 123.08 facility 87.50
handrails for disability is the air
standing available in available in
standing conditioner facility in the bus
passenger the bus the bus
passenger is already good.
Terdapat The other result is call centre
fasilitas number information in case
There is air There is air
There is call of interference in the bus,
conditioner conditioner
centre 100.00 according to them, the
88.4 facility 109.09 facility
number information of call centre has
available in available in
information been available in every bus.
the bus the bus
available in The next is, TransJakarta bus
case there is operating hours available
Score Children Score Elderly Score Disability Score
Public user Equation
(Tki) user (Tki) user (Tki) user (Tki)
interference until midnight, according to
in the bus users, TransJakarta bus
There is call operating hours has been
A centre good because serving 24
There is
comfortable number hours.
77.8 handrails
seat and information
available for 58.82 87.50
handrails for available in
standing case there is
passenger interference
in the bus
There is call
TransJakarta TransJakarta
bus bus
operating operating
information 92.86
hours 102.5 hours 100.00
available in
available available
case there is
until until
midnight midnight
in the bus
Priority The equation of IPA result on
seats for quadrant III, according to
There is children’s public users and children
hygiene user, users, the one that is low
facility pregnant 64.4 - - priority is hygiene facility in
available in women and TransJakarta bus because
the bus elderly are currently there is trash bins
well and janitor available.
There is air The
conditioner convenient
facility facility for 57.8
available in alighting
the bus passenger
There is a
There is
facility 76.7
63.3 facility
available in
such as first
the bus
aid box
There is call
available in 61.3
case there is
in the bus
Score Children Score Elderly Score Disability Score
Public user Equation
(Tki) user (Tki) user (Tki) user (Tki)
Priority Priority Priority The equation result on
seats for seats for seats for quadrant IV according to
children’s There is air children’s children’s public user, elderly and
user, conditioner user, user, disability which is a main
63.3 51.1 47.37 40.00
pregnant facility pregnant pregnant priosity is priority seats for
women and available in women and women and children’s user, pregnant
elderly are the bus elderly are elderly are women and elderly are well
well well well attached, eventhough the
attached attached attached priority seats are well
Entrance attached, but there is lack of
The The
and exit seat during the peak hour
convenient convenient
door for 45.3 55.56 22.22 because sometimes it is
facility for facility for
ladies and occupied by some public
alighting alighting
people with users.
passenger passenger
disability Next, entrance and exit door
There is a There is a for ladies and people with
health health disability, according to users,
facility 35.00 facility 40.00 the entrance and exit door for
available available ladies and disability is very
such as first such as first important due to their safety
aid box aid box and avoid criminality.
There is call Lastly, the one that has been
A centre a main priority is a
comfortable number convenient facility for
seat and 58.82 information 87.50 alighting passenger,
handrails for available in especially for disability that
standing case there is use wheel chair.
passenger interference
in the bus
and exit
Easy ticket
door for 25.00 30.00
system in
ladies and
the bus
people with
and exit
door for 30.00
ladies and
people with
Source: Analysis Research, 2017
B. Bus Stop/Shelter
Corridor 8 has 19 bus stops that have been functioning since 2009. In this research, it is
discussed about the services in busway bus stop, the facility itself, and payment system or
ticket system in bus stop. Assessment of service quality was carried out using questionna ires
to 4 groups, ie general, children (12-15 years old), elderly, and disfigured. The results
obtained are then processed using an IPA analysis. The following is an assessment of the IPA
Figure 2. 5 Importance Performance Analyisis (IPA) result on TransJakarta bus stop users
Source: Analysis Research, 2017
Table 2. 5 Equation of IPA Results According to Bus Transjakarta Bus Stop Users
Score Score Score Score
Public User Children User The Elderly User Disability User Equation
(Tki) (Tki) (Tki) (Tki)
Information about bus stop Equation of IPA result that must be
TransJakarta bus stop is name, arrival schedule, TransJakarta bus stop is maintained according to the first
Hygiene facility / trash
convenience from the 74.1 track/route, corridor/bus 80.00 convenience from the 52.6 60.0 Bus Stop user is the easiness to
bin available at Bus Stop
domicile stop movement has been domicile reach Transjakarta bus stop.
installed correctly According to public user and
Transjakarta bus stop is elderly, Transjakarta bus stop is
Transjakarta bus stop is Transjakarta bus stop is
convenience and close to close to the residence and easy to
convenience and close to convenience and close to
75.7 50.0 public facilities (school, 70.0 find them near education facilities ,
public facilities (school, public facilities (school,
hospital, mall, offices, perjas and offices. The second
hospital, mall, offices, etc) hospital, mall, offices, etc)
etc) equation is about the information
Hygiene facility / trash bin Hygiene facility / trash bin of Bus Stop name, arrival
82.0 66.7 schedule, corridor/bus stop
available at Bus Stop available at Bus Stop
Information about the Bus movement has been installed
Stop name, arrival correctly. According to public and
schedule, departments / children user, there is bus schedule
75.3 installed already in every
routes, corridor / Bus Stop
displacements are installed TransJakarta bus stop.

A convenient Payment
system /ticket purchasing
Score Score Score Score
Public User (Tki) Children User (Tki) The Elderly User (Tki) Disability User (Tki) Equation


TransJakarta bus stop is Giving special treatment to TransJakarta bus stop is The equation IPA analysis of
- convenience from the 80.95 other vehicle at the 92.9 convenience from the 55.6 excessive tendency according to
domicile intersection domicile the user is that Transjakarta bus
Distance between each Bus Distance between each stop is easy to reach. According to
84.62 Bus Stop for 2 way bus 70.6 116.7
Stop >500 m Bus Stop >500 m children user, the bus stop is close
Transjakarta bus stop is to school so it is convenience to
Giving special treatment find one.
convenience and close to
76.60 to other vehicles at the 100.0
public facilities (school,
hospital, mall, offices, etc)
A convenient transfer for
passenger between each 80.95 Bus Stop for 2 way bus 55.6
bus stop
A convenient Payment 71.43
system /ticket purchasing
Score Score Score Score
Public User (Tki) Children User (Tki) The Elderly User (Tki) Disability User (Tki) Equation


Distance between each Bus Hygiene facility / trash bin Distance between each Bus 61.5 The low priority of IPA equation
114.6 61.70
Stop >500 m available at Bus Stop Stop >500 m result is the distance between bus
Giving special treatment to stop is >500m. According to
other vehicle at the 48.65 public user and the elderly, the
intersection distance between each bus stop
Bus Stop for 2 way bus 51.16 should be closer because in fact
Bus stop floor is parallel 67.50 there is a bus top that has ±2000 m
and merge with the bus distance
A convenient transfer A convenient transfer for A convenient transfer The main priority of IPA equation
between passenger and 64.6 passenger between each 92.9 between passenger and 20.0 result is the ease of passenger
each bus stop bus stop each bus stop transfer between Bus Stop is good.
Information about the Bus Information about the According to the current
Stop name, arrival Bus Stop name, arrival Transjakarta bus users the
Giving special treatment to
schedule, departments / schedule, departments / passenger movement during peak
other vehicle at the 57.3 42.1 30.0
routes, corridor / Bus Stop routes, corridor / Bus hour is still jostling and irregular.
displacements are installed Stop displacements are The second equation is the Bus
properly installed properly Stop Floor parallel and merge with
50.3 A convenient Payment A convenient Payment the bus floor, the Bus Stop floor is
Bus Stop for 2 way bus 45.0 40.0
system /ticket purchasing system /ticket purchasing currently not parallel to the
Score Score Score Score
Public User (Tki) Children User (Tki) The Elderly User (Tki) Disability User (Tki) Equation
50.6 Transjakarta bus, it is sometimes
difficult for disability users to get
in and out of the bus.

Bus stop floor is parallel Bus stop floor is parallel Bus stop floor is parallel
25 20
and merge with the bus and merge with the bus and merge with the bus

Source: Analysis Research, 2017

Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to an Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) is one
of the multicriteria decision-making methods. Criteria used in this case include the results of
analysis of IPA, Headway, and Load factor. There are 21 alternatives used and divided into
categories of modes or infrastructure, the results of TOPSIS analysis as shown in Table 2.6.
Table 2.6 TOPSIS Analysis Result
Priority seat user for children, pregnant
0,637 0,490 0,521 0,595
woman, and the elderly
Convenient facility for alighting
0,417 0,426 0,423 0,526
Hygiene facilitiy is available in the bus 0,233 0,426 0,000 0,204
Air conditioner/AC is available in the bus 0,233 0,690 0,000 0,204
There is handrails available for standing
0,544 0,218 0,289 0,595
There is a health facility available such as

0,233 0,593 0,542 0,526

first aid box
Call center number information is
0,233 0,222 0,000 0,526
available in case of interference in the bus
Comfortable grip seating for standing
0,323 0,218 0,289 0,595
Entrance and exit door for ladies and
0,535 0,593 0,542 0,615
people with disability
Transjakarta bus operating hour until
0,544 0,320 0,289 0,328
Bus ticket system is easy 0,417 0,593 0,423 0,526
Transjakarta bus stop is easy to reach
0,417 0,222 0,423 0,204
from home
Distance between Bus Stop is >500 m 0,233 0,222 0,237 0,000
It is easy to find TransJakarta bus stop
near public facilities (school, hospital, 0,417 0,426 0,423 0,204
mall, offices, etc)
Hygiene facility/trans bin available in bus

0,417 0,593 0,423 0,526

A convenient transfer for passenger
0,677 0,343 0,542 0,615
between each bus stop
Giving special treatment to other vehicles
0,677 0,510 0,381 0,405
at the intersection
Information about the Bus Stop name,
arrival schedule, departments / routes,
0,417 0,690 0,423 0,526
corridor / Bus Stop displacements are
installed properly
A convenient Payment system /ticket
0,417 0,222 0,423 0,526
Bus Stop for 2 way bus 0,677 0,510 0,381 0,405
Bus stop floor is parallel and merge with
0,535 0,426 0,542 0,615
the bus
MAX SCORE 0,677 0,690 0,542 0,615
Source: Analysis Research, 2017
According to Table 2.6, it can be seen that each user group has their own needs
priority. Handling priority is preferred more on infrastructure instead of modes which
can be seen from the number of each user group that need it.
Public users need more:
(1) A convenient transfer for passenger between each bus stop;
(2) Special treatment to other vehicles at the intersection; and
(3) Bus Stop for 2 ways bus
It is different with children user in which they need more air conditioner (AC)
facility and information system.
The elderly and difable need more:
(1) Entrance exit door;
(2) Bus stop floor is parallel and merge with the bus; and
(3) A convenient transfer for passenger between each bus stop

Urban transportation has service quality aspects that must be fulfilled in the
procurement of transportation service, one of the aspect is equality. The equality concept
is needed to solve urban transportation problem, such as access to urban transport that
can be distributed to all society groups and urban transport conditions related to rights /
equity, security, convenience, efficiency, environment, and cost in accordance with
community mobility. In the assessment of transportation equivalence especially
Transjakarta, there is evaluation of the success of each Transjakarta corridor. Aspects
used are service planning, infrastructure, station design and bus-station interface, service
quality and passenger information systems, integration and access (Weinstock et al,
The research result shows that Handling priority is preferred more on infrastruc ture
instead of modes which can be seen from the number of each user group that need it.
Public users need more (1) A convenient transfer for passenger between each bus stop,
(2) Special treatment to other vehicles at the intersection, and (3) Bus Stop for 2 ways
bus. In the convenience of passenger transfer between each bus stop, it is suggested to
add more number of bus capacities by adding more railway coach. It aims to increase
the comfort among passengers and to transfer passengers comfortably and safely from
Bus Stop to mode and vice versa. The increased capacity of passenger by adding more
railway coach wil be more effective in reducing peak hour density if it is supported with
bus lane widened. It can also reduce the intensity of private vehicle users as the public
lanes are scaled down and the bus lanes widened to be used into 2 lanes of buses. In
addition, it is expected to give a special treatment at the intersection as there is a barrier
that blocks vehicles other than buses into the busway lane.
Unlike children who need more air conditioner facility and information about bus
stop location, in information facility or directioner in corridor 8, children group are still
confused to read it. This is considered as reasonable because the children group has not
familiar in reading the travel map. Therefore, it is expected that the form of informa tio n
about Bus Stop / bus more understandable by TransJakarta users from groups of children
to adults.
The elderly and difable need more (1) Entrance exit door, (2) Bus stop floor is
parallel and merge with the bus, and (3) A convenient transfer for passenger between
each bus stop. Users with disabilities and elderly need special treatment at bus entrance
and bus stop. The special treatment is obtained with a strict treatment by human
resources to let difable and elderly to enter and exist first. Another thing that can be
applied is the presence of a special entrance and exit door for difable and elderly. In the
passenger transfer convenient between each bus stop, it needs sufficient human
resources for difable and elderly to access the bus stop or bus. Based on the survey
result, difable and elderly group need more human resources to help them to access the
TransJakarta facility. In fact, the bus stops in corridor 8 is commonly found 1 human
resource only in each bus stop, this is not sufficient yet to help them in using
TransJakarta, even when the users are not accompanied by their relatives. One example
is a user with a visual impairment. In terms of reading the bus route, it is hoped that
there will be a friendly board of difable information such as available information boards
using braille. This is expected to facilitate one of the disability groups in accessing
Based on the conclusions and suggestions above, it is expected to be an input or
policy for PT TransJakarta in order to improve the service quality on bus or TransJakarta
bus stop, so that the equity can be perceived by all users of TransJakarta, expecially in
which located in corridor 8.
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Name : Bella Julia Rizki Puteri Thani

Gender : Female

Date of Birth : 18th July, 1996

Hometown : Jakarta

House Address : Komp. Kodam Jaya Jl. Peralatan H89 Jatiwaringin

Jakarta Timur

Email : bellajuliarizki@gmail.com

Handphone Number : 081381200204

Educational Background :

Riwayat Pendidikan
Jenjang Pendidikan Nama Institusi
Masuk Lulus
SDN 03 Pagi Cipinang
Elementary School 2004 2010
Melayu Jakarta
Junior High School SMPN 109 Jakarta Timu r 2010 2012
Senior High School SMAN 42 Jakarta Timur 2012 2014
Urban and Regional
Planning Departement,
University 2014 now
Engineering Faculty,
Brawijya University

Academic Achievement(s) :

lolos seleksi PKM Dikti (2014)

Non-Academic Achievement(s) :
Gebyar Festival Tari XXIV tingkat seluruh universitas se-Indonesia sebagai pengisi acara


Seminar Internasional ICPEU 3rd 2017 sebagai pengisi acara (2017)

Organization and Committee :

Seminar and Training

Name Position Year
ARCGIS 10.2 Participants 2014
ICPEU II Participants 2015
Seminar Upgrading Participants 2015
3rd Urban Social Forum Participants 2015
3rd ICPEU Participants and performer 2017

Experience of the committee

Name Position Year
PWK Fair Member of consumtion 2015
Engineering week Member of decoration 2016
Brawijaya Market Festival Member of creativity 2016
Pasar Brawijaya Member of creativity 2016

Motivation in joining CFI : Cens UI is my first experience in participating in a writing

competition. In this competition, i want contribute my ideas
to make the infrastructure of transportation in Indonesia that
fits the needs of the commumity. The other reasons that
could be my reference in working later.

Name : Zhuniart Ayu Perdanasari

Gender : Female

Date of Birth : Sidoarjo, 30 June 1996

Hometown : Sidoarjo

House Address : Simogirang RT:01 RW:01

Email : zhuniartayu@gmail.com

Handphone Number : 085755753001

Educational Background :
Education Name of Institution
Enter Finish
Elementary School Cangkringturi, Elementary School, 2004 2009
Junior High School SMPN 01 Wonoayu 2009 2012
Senior High School SMAN 04 Sidoarjo 2012 2014
University Urban and Regional Planning 2014 now
Departement, Engineering Faculty,
Brawijya University
Academic Achievement(s) :

Seminar and Training

Name Position Year
ARCGIS 10.2 Participants 2014
ICPEU II Participants 2015
Seminar Upgrading Participants 2015

Non-Academic Achievement(s) :

Experience of the committee

Name Position Year
Earth Day Project 2015 Member of Decoration 2015
PWK Fair 2015 Member of public relation 2015
Probin Maba 2015 Member of monitoring 2015
Panitia KKM XXXVIII Member of devotion 2016
Experience of the committee
Name Position Year
PWK Fair 2016 Member of decoration 2016
Probin Maba 2016 Member of public relation 2016

Organization and Committee :

Treasurer – Bank Sampah PWK-UB 2016-2017
Department of science – Himpunan PWK UB 2017-2018

Motivation in joining CFI :

My motivation in joining the competition held by CENS UI I would like to convey my idea
about the transportation in Indonesia especially DKI Jakarta and I hope this research is
beneficial for the society and for the government as a consideration to plan the
transportation infrastructure

Name :Yunita Ratih Wijayanti

Gender :Female
Date of Birth :8th February 1996
Hometown :Ngawi
House Address :Hayam Wuruk st number 6,
Email :yunitaratih61@gmail.com
Handphone Number :081946022031

Educational Background :
Education Name of Institution
Enter Finish
Elementary School Pelem II Ngawi 2002 2008
Junior High School Junior High School no 2 Kabupaten Ngawi 2008 2011
Senior High School Senior High School no 2 Kabupaten 2011 2014
University Urban and Regional Planning 2014 now
Departement, Engineering Faculty,
Brawijya University

Academic Achievement(s) :
Name Level Year Position
Earth Sains Olimpaid Region 2012 1
Geography Olimpaid - UNESA Java-Bali 2012 20 Winner
Australian National Chemistry Quiz National 2013 High
Earth Sains Olimpaid Province 2013 2
OSN (Olimpiade Sains Nasional) Bidang Kebumian Region 2013 2
Geolympic ITS National 2014 Semifinal
Olimpiade Brawijaya Cabor Catur Cepat Beregu University 2015 3
MTQ Brawijaya University 2016 3
International Student Design Competition Kitakyushu Fukuoka International 2016 Proposal
Jepang (Digital City Kokura and Smart City) Subsmission

Non-Academic Achievement(s) :
Name Level Year Position
Chess Competition University 2015 3

Organization and Committee :

Committe Record
Name Position Year
Peluang dan Tantangan Penerapan Dynamic Governance Member of PDD 2015
BNPB Confference
Probinmaba Member 2015
Earth Day Project Member 2015
Mahasiswa Mandiri Confferene Member 2015
Brawijaya Olimpaid Manajer 2015
PWK Fair Member 2016
Engineering Week Member 2016
3rd International Conference Planning in the Era of Liaison Officer (LO) 2017
Uncertainty (ICPEU): Sustainable Nation

Organization Record
Name Position Period
OSIS Junior High School no 2 Ngawi Leader of Politic and 2009-2010
Leadership Division
Dewan Seni SMPN 2 Ngawi Treasure 2009-2010
SMADA English Club (SEC) Member 2012-2013
Surplus Training and Motivation Member 2014
Plano Research Member 2015-2016
Turun Tangan Malang Member of Research 2015-2016
and Development
Bank Sampah PWK Leader of Publc 2017-2018
Relation division
Himpunan Mahasiswa PWK FT-UB Member of Internal 2017-2018

Motivation in joining CFI :

To be productive people

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