Tutorial 3

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EME1046 Principles of Thermodynamics

Tutorial 3 – Properties of Pure Substances

1. Complete the blank cells in the following table of properties of water. In the last column describe
the condition of water as compressed liquid, saturated liquid, saturated mixture, saturated vapor,
superheated vapor, or insufficient information; and, if applicable, give the quality.

P, kPa T, 0C v, m3/kg u, kJ/kg Quality, x Condition description

20 30
125 0
400 1.5493
300 0.500
500 3084.6
-32 Saturated vapor

2. Complete the blank cells in the following table of properties of refrigerant-134a. In the last
column describe the condition of refrigerant-134a as compressed liquid, saturated liquid,
saturated mixture, saturated vapor, superheated vapor, or insufficient information; and, if
applicable, give the quality.

P, kPa T, 0C v, m3/kg u, kJ/kg Quality, x Condition description

30 1
180 0.0700
320 -12
40 0.17794
200 249
1000 39.37

3. 4 kg of the water is contains in a piston-cylinder with initial volume 0.5 m3 and temperature
180 °C (State 1). It then undergoes an isobaric expansion process to state 2, where the
temperature increases to 400°C.
a) Determine the pressure in the piston-cylinder. [1002.8 kPa]
b) Determine the values of the specific volume at each state.
[v1=0.125 m3/kg,v2=0.30661 m3/kg]
c) Sketch the process on a T-v diagram with respect to the saturated liquid and saturated vapor
lines. Label both states and the path and use arrow to indicate direction of the process.
d) Sketch the process on a P-v diagram with respect to the saturated liquid and saturated vapor
lines. Label both states and the path and use arrow to indicate direction of the process.
EME1046 Principles of Thermodynamics
4. A piston-cylinder device initially contains 1.4 kg of saturated liquid water at 200°C. Now heat is
transferred to the water until the volume quadruples and the cylinder contains saturated vapor only.
(a) the final volume of the piston-cylinder, [V2=0.006479 m3]
(b) the final temperature and pressure, [T2=370.7 C, P2=21,223 kPa]
(c) the internal energy change of the water. [1892 kJ]

5. A 10 m3 rigid container is filled with water at a quality of 0.7 and a pressure of 5 MPa. It is then
cooled until its pressure is reduced to 500 kPa. Determine the mass of water that change from
vapor to liquid in the container due to the cooling process. [224.30kg]

6. Initially, 2 kg of water is saturated vapor at state 1 (3 MPa). It undergoes an isobaric

process to state 2 (350°C). It then experiences an isothermal process to state 3, where
the water exists as saturated liquid at state 3. After that, it is cooled via a linear process
(straight line on a P- diagram) to state 4 (220°C), where the specific internal energy at
state 4 is 10% higher than the specific internal energy at state 3.

(a) Find the numerical values of the specific volume and specific internal energy at each
of the four state points using the given tables. [10 marks]

(b) Sketch the processes on a P-v diagram with respect to the saturated liquid and
saturated vapor lines. Label all the states and use arrows to indicate the direction of
the process. [5 marks]

(c) Calculate the work done by the water and the heat transferred to the water in the
process from state 1 to state 2, in kJ. [625.758kJ] [10 marks]

7. 1 m3 tank containing air at 25°C and 500 kPa is connected through a valve to another tank
containing 5 kg of air at 35°C and 200 kPa. Now the valve is opened, and the entire system is
allowed to reach thermal equilibrium with the surroundings, which are at 20°C. Determine the
volume of the second tank and the final equilibrium pressure of air.
[ V=2.21 m3, P2=284.1 kPa]

8. A 20 m3 tank contains nitrogen at 23 oC and 600 kPa. Some nitrogen is allowed to escape
until the pressure in the tank drops to 400 kPa. If the temperature at this point is 20 oC,
determine the amount of nitrogen (mass) that has escaped. [44.6 kg]

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