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Task: Share your experiences or insights on how the youth today shows confidence

and interest in using their mother tongue. Do the youth still value the language they
were brought up with? Explain your answer.
I believe that the youth today have a strong confidence and interest in using their mother
tongue. This is because many of them are in tune with their cultural heritage and identity, and
they see the value in preserving their language. They also recognize the importance of being
able to communicate with their elders and other members of their community in their native

At the same time, the youth are becoming more and more exposed to different languages and
cultures, so they are more likely to be comfortable using multiple languages. This helps them to
bridge gaps between cultures and also allows them to communicate more effectively with
people from other backgrounds.

I think the youth still value the language they were brought up with, as it is a part of their identity.
Additionally, they understand the importance of being able to converse with their elders and
those around them in their native language. They also understand that speaking multiple
languages can help them to gain a better understanding of different cultures and develop
relationships with people from different backgrounds.

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