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MLOC Productions Inc is extremely excited to present the Victorian premiere of Keeping Up
Appearances, the play written by Roy Clarke, the writer of the original television series which
incorporates all your favourite characters and includes all those situations we loved.

Hyacinth is social climbing at every moment and steamrolling Richard, Emmet, Liz and everyone
around her. Onslow is very much the cynical slob, his wife Daisy loves her husband and flirtatious
Rose has a new beau called Mr Milson.

We are also excited to return to MLOC’s original home of the Town Hall where we originated 76
years ago. Plus we are presenting this premiere in the beautiful Grand Hall at the Kingston Arts

Emmet with the help of his sister Liz is directing a ‘Who Dunnit’ for the local dramatic society,
running into conflict with the local Arts society who have their annual art show in the same local hall.

Hyacinth Bucket (pronounced ‘Bookay) has entered her painting on fine quality, genuine silk ‘Willow
by Moonlight’ into the arts show and discovers that there is vacant role called Lady Malvern in the
play. Naturally she insists on taking on the role “Emmet, I will be a Lady Malvern you will never

Hyacinth is shocked to discover her relatives, Onslow, Daisy and Rose are also in the play and Daisy is
playing a Duchess! She is further horrified to discover her role is also that of the cook and she is
expecting Councillor Mrs Nugent to soon arrive and offer her a position of importance

All your favourite Keeping Up Appearances are also present, long-suffering husband Richard, the
Vicar, Daddy and new characters of Fuddleton plus Hyacinth now has a mobile phone “You have
reached the personal mobile of Hyacinth Bookay. This is she speaking!”

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