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Flowers for Algernon Activation script Act I (2022)

Cast If this is your dialogue: Dialogue If you hear this dialogue, what is your reaction:
What is your purpose/ intent? 1. As it is being said
2. After it is said
3. What is your reaction
(face, body, emotion)?
Scene 1 Strauss and Nemur meet with Alice to discuss Charlie – page 5
Strauss I notice you Oh, there you are, Professor Nemur
Nemur I tell you She’s here, Doctor Strauss
Strauss I ask you Good.
Ask her to come in, please.
Nemur I invite you Will you come in, Miss Kinian
Alice I greet you How do you do, Dr Strauss?
Strauss I greet you Miss Kinian.
I ask you Have you bought him with you?
Alice I tell you Yes
Nemur I tell you Burt’s taken him up to the laboratory to run the tests
Strauss I berate you Without my meeting him?
Nemur I dismiss you I thought it would save time.
I lead you Miss Kinian, can fill us in on his background
Strauss I expose you I see.
I probe you Well, Miss Kinian?
Alice I name him His name is Charlie Gordon
I apprise you He’s thirty-two
About 5 feet, ten inches
I admire him Rather nice looking
I stereotype/ categorise And he’s…mentally retarded
Strauss I question you Do you happen to know his IQ?
Alice I enlighten you Sixty-Eight
Strauss I query you How did you meet him?
Alice I inform you I teach a night class for retarded adults
Someone at the bakery where he works heard about it and told him
The first night Charlie came
I connect you Of course, he couldn’t read or write
But he bought a newspaper on the way to school
Thinking he could read it on his way home
I educate you
Nemur I tell you Our subject must be able to read and write
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Flowers for Algernon Activation script Act I (2022)

Cast If this is your dialogue: Dialogue If you hear this dialogue, what is your reaction:
What is your purpose/ intent? 1. As it is being said
2. After it is said
3. What is your reaction
(face, body, emotion)?
I enlighten you We want him to keep a journal of his reactions
Alice I educate you Oh, he can now
At about a third grade level.
He’s slow
I illuminate you And sometimes he forgets what he’s learned already
Its rather like those Moslem pilgrims
Two steps forward and one step back
But he works very hard
He’s so anxious
So very eager to learn
I advise you That’s why I wrote to you
When I heard about this project
Strauss I query you Has he any family?
Alice I prepare you If he has, he’s lost track of them
There was a younger sister
The family lived in Brooklyn
She may still be there
Strauss I alert you If there is a family
We need permission
If something should go wrong during the operation
Nemur I dismiss you So we look for them
I disparage you How big is Brooklyn?
Alice I ask you Exactly, what kind of operation is it?
Strauss I warn you It’s very new
Nemur I caution you So far, we’ve only done it with mice
Alice I doubt you Mice!
Nemur I counter you But it’s been very successful
I teach you There’s a mouse in the laboratory now
Whose intelligence has been increased three-fold
I alert you And is still growing
Alice I inquire you Can you explain it?
The operation?
To me?

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Flowers for Algernon Activation script Act I (2022)

Cast If this is your dialogue: Dialogue If you hear this dialogue, what is your reaction:
What is your purpose/ intent? 1. As it is being said
2. After it is said
3. What is your reaction
(face, body, emotion)?
Nemur I belittle you It’s too complicated for a layman to understand
Strauss I edify you Put very simply,
We remove the damaged portion of a retardate’s brain
By surgery
Then by chemical injection
Revitalise the remaining brain tissue permitting it to produce brain proteins
at a super-normal rate
Alice I confirm you You’re right
It is too complicated for a layman
Nemur I edify you If it’s successful, the operation would increase the patient’s mental capacity
Perhaps to the level of genius
And we think it would happen very rapidly
I sell you
Alice I quiz you Genius?
And he’ll stay that way permanently?
Strauss I answer you We have every reason to believe so
Nemur I tell you It’s worked so far on Algernon
Alice I question you Who’s Algernon?
Nemur I elucidate you That’s what my lab technicians call the mouse
Alice I grill you But what happens if the operation isn’t a success?
Strauss I inform you It may have no effect at all
Or his intelligence might improve temporarily
Or it might make him worse
Alice I ask you What would happen to him then?
Nemur I dismiss you He’ll be taken care of
Alice I question you How?
Nemur I rebuff you Miss Kinian
I endorse you We would not proceed with this operation
If we were not reasonably sure of success
I validate you However, we are aware of the possibilities of failure
And the Wellberg Foundation, which is sponsoring us
Has taken steps to secure the patient’s future in that event
Alice I reject you Perhaps I shouldn’t have brought Charlie here
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Flowers for Algernon Activation script Act I (2022)

Cast If this is your dialogue: Dialogue If you hear this dialogue, what is your reaction:
What is your purpose/ intent? 1. As it is being said
2. After it is said
3. What is your reaction
(face, body, emotion)?
Strauss I elucidate you There is inevitably some danger in exploring new fields
Miss Kinian
I persuade you But in every scientific advance,
There must be someone who is first
Alice I advocate him I know
It’s just a little upsetting
When the first person isn’t someone faceless in a newspaper
But someone you know
Someone you care about
I appeal you
Strauss I buoy you If Charlie is chosen and we succeed
He will have more than a new life
He will have a life
I warn you And even if we fail
I persuade you He will have made a greater contribution to mankind
I encourage you Than most normal people can ever hope to do
Alice I implore you I know that
It’s just Charlie’s like a loveable boy
All he wants….all he ever talks about
I impassion him Is to be smart
He’s quite incapable of making a decision like this
I caution you And I’ve taken it on myself
I beseech you I hope I’m doing the right thing
Scene 2 Burt tests Charlie and shows Algernon – page 9
Burt I relax you Just make yourself comfortable, Charlie
Charlie I ask you You want I should open my mouth and say ‘ah’?
Burt I inquire you Why would I want that?
Charlie I rationalise you That’s doctors. ‘Open your mouth and say ‘ah’’
Burt I educate you I’m not a doctor, Charlie
Charlie I rationalise you You got a white coat
Burt I soothe you Well, that’s just because I work in a laboratory.
Now just relax
Charlie I question you It … it … hurts when they say relax

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Flowers for Algernon Activation script Act I (2022)

Cast If this is your dialogue: Dialogue If you hear this dialogue, what is your reaction:
What is your purpose/ intent? 1. As it is being said
2. After it is said
3. What is your reaction
(face, body, emotion)?
Burt I comfort you It won’t hurt Charlie
There’s nothing to be scared of
Charlie I acknowledge you I know. I know
I educate you I got my rabbit foot
Burt I support you Good
I tell you We’re just going to run some tests
Charlie I tell you When I was a kid
I allus failed tests
I educate you You know… in school
Burt I reassure you Well this is different
I educate you It’s called the Rorschach test
Charlie I query you Raw Shock?
Burt I confirm you Yes.
I instruct you You just look at these cards and tell me what you see
Charlie I mistrust you That’s the test?
Burt I confirm you Yes
I instruct you Look at this Charlie
I question you What might it be?
I interrogate you What do you see in this card?
I instruct you People see all kinds of things in these ink blots
I guide you Tell me what it makes you think of
Charlie I answer you Somebody spilleded red ink on a white card
Burt I instruct you Charlie, people see pictures in these ink blots
Charlie I ask you Where?
Burt I answer you No
I help you You have to find them
I push you Think, Charlie
I help you Imagine there’s something there
Charlie I confuse you I imagined…
I imagined….
I frustrate you A ink blot!
Burt I instruct you Look at this, Charlie….
I support you Does it remind you of anything?

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Flowers for Algernon Activation script Act I (2022)

Cast If this is your dialogue: Dialogue If you hear this dialogue, what is your reaction:
What is your purpose/ intent? 1. As it is being said
2. After it is said
3. What is your reaction
(face, body, emotion)?
I implore you Pretend it’s something.
Charlie I exasperate you Oh. I p’tend…I p’tend
Burt I entreat you Yes?
Charlie I annoy you I p’tend a bottle of ink spillded all over a white card
Burt I judge you All right
I ask you Let’s try another one
I bid you Doris, will you bring in Algernon?
Doris I assent you Right away Burt
Burt I instruct you We’re going to play a game, Charlie
I coach you This is called a maze.
Charlie I doubt you I don’t see no pictures
Burt I confirm you No.
I support you This isn’t a test.
I educate you It’s a sort of race.
I help you See, there are all these little alleys here and a mouse starts here
I instruct you And he has to find all the openings in all the walls and get through to here
That makes this bell ring
And then he gets prize
I finalise you
Charlie I distrust you No mouse’d find all them holes
Burt I return you Thanks
I instruct you Charlie, this is Algernon
Charlie I greet you Hiyah….
I describe you He’s cute.
Burt I patronise you Now, watch
I start you OK Algernon, go!
Charlie I react you Boy,
I counter you That’s a smart mouse
Burt I bolster you Would you like to race him?
Charlie I misunderstand you Awww,
I couldn’t fit in there
Burt I answer you No.
I ratify you I’ll show you how we do it.
pg. 6
Flowers for Algernon Activation script Act I (2022)

Cast If this is your dialogue: Dialogue If you hear this dialogue, what is your reaction:
What is your purpose/ intent? 1. As it is being said
2. After it is said
3. What is your reaction
(face, body, emotion)?
I instruct you Arrangement 2 (to Doris)
I patronise you See, Charlie,
I explain you This arrangement is the same as Algernon’s maze
I instruct you You take a pencil and draw a line from here till you reach the end here,
But you mustn’t go over any of the printed lines.
I frame you
Charlie I query you And who gets to the end first,
I check you wins?
Burt I confirm you Right
Charlie I puzzle you But I don’t like cheese
Burt I approve you That’s alright
I settle you We’ll just see who wins
Charlie I answer you Ok
Burt I start you Ready, set, go!
Charlie I confuse you But….
I can’t ….
Burt I help you Go back.
I corroborate you Find the way
Charlie I require you Uh….oh….here…
I espouse you I didn’t know mice was so smart
Burt I inform you Well,
This one’s had a lot of advantages
Charlie I request you Does that mean I won’t get the operation?
‘Cause I lost?
Burt I stop you No, Charlie
I instruct you This is just to test your perception….
to test you
Charlie I aspire you I can do better…
I want you I want that….
I want to be smart
I will you I could watch and learn how to finish the amazed

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Flowers for Algernon Activation script Act I (2022)

Cast If this is your dialogue: Dialogue If you hear this dialogue, what is your reaction:
What is your purpose/ intent? 1. As it is being said
2. After it is said
3. What is your reaction
(face, body, emotion)?
Even if it takes me a long time,
I persuade you I could do it
Burt I solace you We’ll have to see what Professor Nemur says, Charlie
Charlie I refute you ‘Cause I ain’t afraid of the operation
I ain’t afraid o’ nuthin’
‘cause I’m very strong
And I allus do good
I fortify you And ‘sides, I got my rabbit’s foot.
Scene 3 Nemur, Strauss and Burt discuss if Charlie is the best candidate – page 13
Nemur I contemplate you I don’t know
I simply don’t know
Burt I report you He didn’t do too well on the tests
Strauss I dispute you From a man with a 68 IQ,
You don’t expect responses you’d get from Dr Salk
Burt I inform you He passed the physical
The doctor says he was as strong as a horse
Nemur I dismiss you This is not a tryout for the Olympic team
I redirect you It’s a serious scientific experiment
Strauss I debate you I know Charlie is not what you had in mind, Professor
For the first of you new breed of intellectual supermen
I elucidate you But most people of his low mentality are hostile and uncooperative
They’re usually dull, apathetic and hard to reach
Burt I update you Charlie’s good natured and interested….
And he’s eager to please
Nemur I denounce you It’s not a popularity contest, either
I enlighten you He’ll be the first human being ever to have his intelligence increased by
Strauss I endorse you Exactly
I convince you Where will we find another retarded adult with his tremendous motivation
to learn?
Burt I coax you He reads and writes very well for his mental age
Nemur I diverge you So he reads and he writes
I question you Does he understand?

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Flowers for Algernon Activation script Act I (2022)

Cast If this is your dialogue: Dialogue If you hear this dialogue, what is your reaction:
What is your purpose/ intent? 1. As it is being said
2. After it is said
3. What is your reaction
(face, body, emotion)?
I warn you Does he understand what we’re going to do to him?
I counsel you What could happen?
Strauss I tell you I think he does
I inform you We explained very carefully when we interviewed him
Burt I entreat you Please, let’s use him, Professor
Nemur I cross-examine you Why does it mean so much to you?
Burt I illuminate you Because he wants it so much
I convince you He wants to be smart so badly, you can feel it
If this project has any chance to succeed,
It will succeed with Charlie Gordon
Nemur I yield you Maybe you’re right
I acquiesce you We will use him
Scene 4 – Alice talks to Burt about Charlie and the operation – page 14
Alice I greet you Yes?
I announce you Oh… Burt
I inform you No…I’m just making breakfast
I ask you It is over?
I proclaim you How is he?
I question you Oh, thank God…
I quiz you But can they tell what effect it had on his mind?
I answer you When you do think they’ll know?
I ask you …I see…
I implore you Can I come and see him tonight?....
I thank you Well, will you let me know just as soon as he can have visitors?...
Thank you Burt…
And thank you so much for calling.
Scene 5 – Charlie wakes up after the operation – page 15
Strauss I wake you Charlie….Charlie
Nemur I entreat you? Is anything the matter?
Strauss I inform you The anaesthetic hasn’t quite worn off…
I alert you Charlie….Wake up, Charlie
Charlie I answer you Oh….oh….

pg. 9
Flowers for Algernon Activation script Act I (2022)

Cast If this is your dialogue: Dialogue If you hear this dialogue, what is your reaction:
What is your purpose/ intent? 1. As it is being said
2. After it is said
3. What is your reaction
(face, body, emotion)?
I question you When is the operation?
Strauss I tell you It’s all over, Charlie.
Charlie I ask you Over?
Strauss I confirm you Yes.
I inform you You’ve been asleep eighteen hours.
I update you Pulse normal
Charlie I request you You did it while I was sleeping?
Strauss I confirm you Yes
Charlie I solicit you That’s a funny thing to do.
Strauss I re-join you We put you to sleep
Charlie I confirm you Oh…yeah.
I inform you That thing on my nose.
Smelled funny.
You was all dressed up like the doctors on the TV
Strauss (to Nemur) Respiration normal.
I update you
Burt I request you How do you feel, Charlie?
Charlie I answer you I feel fine….but….
I implore you Am I smart?
Burt I answer you That’s not the way it works.
I inform you It comes slowly and you have to work very hard to get smart.
Charlie I probe you Then what did I need the operation for?
Strauss I inform you So that when you learn something, it sticks with you.
Not the way it was before.
Charlie I counter you Oh. I thought I’d be smart right away
I notify you So I could go back an’ show my frien’s at the bakery…
An’ talk smart with ‘em…
I enlighten you Like how the president makes dumb mistakes an’ all….
I tell you If you’re smart, you have lotsa frien’s to talk to an’ you never get lonely by
yourself all the time.
Nemur I approve you You will, Charlie.
In time.
I tell you Now, see I’ve brought you a present
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Flowers for Algernon Activation script Act I (2022)

Cast If this is your dialogue: Dialogue If you hear this dialogue, what is your reaction:
What is your purpose/ intent? 1. As it is being said
2. After it is said
3. What is your reaction
(face, body, emotion)?
Charlie I thank you Gee, thanks!
I ask you What is it?
Nemur I answer you It’s a notebook.
I educate you And every day I want you to write in it.
Charlie I ask you Write what?
Nemur I tell you We’ll call it a progress report
Charlie I query you Pogriss report?
Nemur I improve you Progress report.
I request you I want you to put the date on the top and write all the things you feel and
think about and remember from the past everyday
Charlie I inform you I don’t remember so good
Nemur I support you Do the best you can.
I motivate you It’s very important.
I influence you By reading this, we’ll know what’s going on in your mind.
Charlie I query you I don’t know what’s goin’ on in my mind, so how can you?
Nemur I decide you Take my word for it.
Just do it.
Strauss I specify you I would like to check his motor responses.
I ask you Do you feel able to walk, Charlie?
Charlie I reply you Sure
I educate you I kin walk good since my operation.
I confirm you I could allus walk good.
Strauss I request you Would you take him for a walk down the corridor, Burt?
Burt I acquiesce you Sure, Doctor.
I demand you Come on, Charlie.
Charlie I question you Kin I go back to work soon, Doctor?
Strauss I query you You want to?
Charlie I answer you Yeah.
I enlighten you We have lotsa fun at the bakery
I explain to you ‘N’ maybe I could go find my Mom and Dad, too
I edify you My Mom allus wanted me to be smart.
N’ maybe they wouldn’t send me away no more if they saw how smart I got
Strauss I patronise you We’ll see.
pg. 11
Flowers for Algernon Activation script Act I (2022)

Cast If this is your dialogue: Dialogue If you hear this dialogue, what is your reaction:
What is your purpose/ intent? 1. As it is being said
2. After it is said
3. What is your reaction
(face, body, emotion)?
I order you Try to walk now, Charlie
Charlie A acquiesce you Sure
I ask you Burt, after Algernon was operationed, did you have to walk him like this?
Nemur I invite you Should we send him back to work?
Strauss I confirm you I think.
I augment you In a few days.
He seems perfectly fine.
Nemur I probe you What about the tests?
The therapy?
The progress reports?
Strauss I answer you He’ll have t come to the laboratory after work
I satisfy you I can see him for therapy and Burt can continue the tests.
Two hours a night should do it….
And the progress reports he’ll do on his own time
Nemur I pose you Do you think it’s too much activity for him?
I debate After all, he’s had a serious operation.
Strauss I answer you He may be tired for a while but I think on the whole,
I pose you It's better for him to remain in his own environment.
We mustn’t change his life completely….all at once.
He feels at home at the bakery.
His friends are there.
Nurse I ask you Doctor, may I change the bed?
Nemur I demand you Suppose Charlie doesn’t want therapy?
Suppose he doesn’t want to come in for tests?
Strauss I counter you Charlie?
I assure you Charlie’ll want to.
I counter you Besides, we’ll pay him.
There’s money in the budget for that.
Nemur I concur you I suppose you're right.
I forewarn you One thing though.
I advise you I think we must warn Charlie not to tell anyone the exact nature of the

pg. 12
Flowers for Algernon Activation script Act I (2022)

Cast If this is your dialogue: Dialogue If you hear this dialogue, what is your reaction:
What is your purpose/ intent? 1. As it is being said
2. After it is said
3. What is your reaction
(face, body, emotion)?
I caution you People might not understand.
It might make life even more difficult for him.
We don’t want his friends acting as though he were some kind of freak.
Strauss I unease you Which, of course, is what we may have made him.
Nemur I counsel you That’s not a very scientific attitude, Doctor.
Strauss I beg pardon you Forgive me.
I sometimes slip back and think like a human being.
Nemur I direct you That’s sentimentalising.
I advise you What we have done, if it works, will push forward the boundaries of human
Will help untold numbers of people.
Strauss I acknowledge you Yes, yes, of course.
I warn you It just seems that a man’s life is a more delicate thing to deal with than a
Scene 6 – Charlie’s first progress report - page 19
Charlie I tell you March fifteenth
I name you Pogriss report
Progress report
I report you When I wakeded up this morning,
I expect you Right away I thought I was gonna be smart, but I’m not.
I worry you Maybe it didn’t work an’ they’ll give up on me.
Leas’ then I wouldn’t have to run the amazeds any more.
I hated you I hate Algernon!
I understand you He can’t help he’s a smart mouse
I defeat you He had the same operation as me.
I name you I could probably do the amazed faster than a reg’lar mouse
Burt says don’t be dis….dis…
I tell you Burt says it took a long time Algernon got smart.
I kin go back to work today but I dassn’t tell nobody whut kinda operation
they done, ‘cause they would maybe laugh.
Your friend, Charlie Gordon.
Scene 7 – Charlie at the Bakery with his friends – page 20
Joe I call you Frank!

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Flowers for Algernon Activation script Act I (2022)

Cast If this is your dialogue: Dialogue If you hear this dialogue, what is your reaction:
What is your purpose/ intent? 1. As it is being said
2. After it is said
3. What is your reaction
(face, body, emotion)?
I demand you Frank, what did you do with my eclairs, Frank?
Frank I enjoin you I filled ‘em like you told me.
I reject you How many times I gotta will ‘em?
Mrs I call you What is it?
Donner I command you What is it, already?
I entreat you With all the screaming you’ll frighten away my customers….it shouldn’t
Joe I enlighten you Mrs Donner, with a second baker like Frank, I don’t need enemies.
What are you doin’?
I accuse you You workin’ for the bakery down the street?

Frank I oppose you I filled the rotten eclairs.

Joe I reproach you Yeah, you filled ‘em!
With the lemon meringue pie filling!
Gina I tell you I keep tellin’ you, Frank.
I needle you Keep your mind on your work.
Joe I attack you What mind?
I denounce you You pulled a real Charlie Gordon that time, Frank.
Mrs I censure you You shouldn’t say that Joe.
Donner I illustrate you He’s one of God’s creatures.
I command you Gina, make a sign,
It should say, “Special! Lemon Cream Eclairs”.
I finalise you It's all settled.
Joe I challenge you And what am I gonna do with all that meringue?
Gina I announce you Hey, look!
Speak of the devil, it's Charlie.
Mrs I hail you Charlie, darling!
Donner You're back!
I nurture you Would you like a cuppa coffee and a jelly donut, maybe?
Hot from the oven?
Joe I greet you You're looking good, kid.
Frank I accost you What they do, Charlie?

pg. 14
Flowers for Algernon Activation script Act I (2022)

Cast If this is your dialogue: Dialogue If you hear this dialogue, what is your reaction:
What is your purpose/ intent? 1. As it is being said
2. After it is said
3. What is your reaction
(face, body, emotion)?
Put some brains in?
Mrs I reject you Look who’s got a big mouth.
Donner Maybe you need an operation, Frank, you’ll put the custard where it
Joe I command you C’mon, Frank, I got six birthday cakes.
I mock you And this time, try to remember, birthday is spelt with an ‘i’.
Frank I welcome you Glad to have ya back, Charlie.
I mock you The place ain’t got half the laughs with you gone.
Charlie I thank you Thanks, Frank.
Gina I admire you You really lookin’ good, Charlie.
I query uou What they do to you?
Charlie I avoid you Well they…
I paraphrase you They put me to sleep, an’ then they operation on me.
Mrs I nurture you You're all right, darling, tell me?
Charlie I answer you Sure.
I advise you I’m already to work.
I ask you Where’s the deliveries at?
Mrs I deflect you Make the sign, Gina.
Donner I advise you Charlie, darling, you're not gonna deliver any more.
Charlie I question you I allus delivered.
Mrs I support you And delivered good.
Donner Never a mistake.
I advise you But while you were gone, I needed someone go drag the cakes around.
I got a nice boy, Ernie, you’ll like him.
I tell you So, I thought you should rest up from your operation, you’ll sweep up like
I guide you always and Ernie’ll drag.
Charlie I satisfy you I'm ok Mrs Donner
I assure you I can do the deliveries and clean up.
I canvass you what do you need an Ernie for?
Mrs I edify you He needs the money, Charlie.
Donner I appease you I’ll keep him on as an apprentice to learn him to be a baker.
You can be his assistant and help him on deliveries when he needs it…

pg. 15
Flowers for Algernon Activation script Act I (2022)

Cast If this is your dialogue: Dialogue If you hear this dialogue, what is your reaction:
What is your purpose/ intent? 1. As it is being said
2. After it is said
3. What is your reaction
(face, body, emotion)?
You know, like Saturdays and Thanksgiving and all.

I limit you
Charlie I reproach you I was never a assistant
Mrs I question you How long you been here, Charlie?
Donner I answer you Seventeen years ago,
I reveal you Your Uncle Herman brought you to my Sam, God rest his soul, and asked
him to let you work here, to look after you.
When Herman died and your mother committed you to the Warren place,
Sam got you out.
He signed for you and Sam’s promise is my promise, Charlie.
From the bakery business, I’ll never be a millionaire, but you got a job here
for the rest of your life.

I assure/comfort you
Charlie I name you Mrs Donner…
I request you Could I learn to be a ‘prentice baker, like that Ernie?
Mrs I dismiss you Don’t worry about it, Charlie
Donner I comfort you Just remember, you’ll never have to go back to that Warren place.
Not for my worst enemy, that place
Scene 8 – Strauss and Nemur meet with Charlie in his rooms and introduce the machine -page 23
Strauss I accuse you Charlie, you haven’t been to the lab in more than a week.
Nemur I persuade you It’s very important to you and our work, Charlie.
I question you Do you understand?
I interrogate you Don’t you want to come into the lab?
Charlie I oppose you I don’ wanna race that Algernon no more.
Nemur I settle you All right.
For a while you won’t have to.
I apprise you But you’ll have to start going to therapy sessions with Doctor Strauss.
Charlie I question you What’s theripy?
Strauss I interpret you Well Charlie, you come to my office and you just lie down on my couch and
you talk….
About what you think,

pg. 16
Flowers for Algernon Activation script Act I (2022)

Cast If this is your dialogue: Dialogue If you hear this dialogue, what is your reaction:
What is your purpose/ intent? 1. As it is being said
2. After it is said
3. What is your reaction
(face, body, emotion)?
What you feel…
About your dreams.
Charlie I reject you Don’ have no dreams
Strauss I assure you You will.
I explain you A therapy session is…
Well, when you feel bad, you talk and that makes it better.
Charlie I enlighten you I don’ feel bad….
An’ I do plenny talkin’ all day,
So whatfor I gotta come to theripy?
Nemur I order you Because we say so!
I provide you Now, Charlie, we’re loaning you this teaching machine.
Charlie I ask you Machine?
I limit you If I’m gonna be teached,
I demand you I wanna go back to Miss Kinnian’s class
Strauss I assuage you Miss Kinian will be coming to the center to teach you specially, Charlie.
Charlie I ask you Yeah?
Strauss I answer you Soon.
Nemur I instruct you Meanwhile you’ll use the machine.
It works something like a TV set.
It shows pictures and it talks.
I want you to put it on just before you go to sleep.
Charlie I reject you You’re kiddin’!
I ask you Why should I turn the TV on before I go to sleep?
Nemur I reiterate you Just do as we say, Charlie.
Charlie I deny you No.
I mistrust you Explain me why.
Strauss I edify you He’s beginning to question authority.
Nemur I educate you This machine can do many things for your mind.
It can teach you things while you’re sleepy….
I coach you And as you fall asleep it will make you have dreams…
Make you remember things from your past.
Charlie I question you What good is getting’ smart in my sleep?
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Flowers for Algernon Activation script Act I (2022)

Cast If this is your dialogue: Dialogue If you hear this dialogue, what is your reaction:
What is your purpose/ intent? 1. As it is being said
2. After it is said
3. What is your reaction
(face, body, emotion)?
I entreat you I wanna be smart when I’m awake.
Strauss I assuage you Charlie, you’re getting smarter all the time.
It’s moving so slowly now,
You can’t see it,
I compare you Like the hour hand on a clock,
But it’s moving.
I bolster you Soon you’re going to be a very intelligent young man, Charlie
Nemur I press you And use the machine!
Charlie I complain you I never learned nothin’ watchin’ the late movies…
An’ they was more innerestin’ than you!
How’m I gonna sleep with you yellin’ numbers at me all night?
Machine Recorded Remember…remember…remember…
Scene 9 – Strauss gives Charlie his first therapy session and Charlie begins to remember his family – page 25
Charlie I update you My Uncle Herman was a house painter.
He used to sleep in our house when he was outa work… on the ol’ sofa in
the parlour
Flashback 1 – Mother, Young Charlie, Little Norma, Father (acting out Charlie’s memories)
Charlie I love my Uncle Herman…
I really loved him.
Once I telled my mom---
I wanted to be a painter like my Uncle Herman.
My sister Norma said---
“Charlie’s gonna be the artist in the family”
‘N’ she laughed.
My Dad slapped her face---
‘n’ tole her not to be so nasty to her brother.
I don’t know what a artist is,
But if Norma got slapped for saying it,
I guess it’s not a nice thing.
I always feeled bad when Norma got slapped for bein’ mean to me.
When I get smart, I’ll go visit her
Scene 10 – At the bakery everyone has noticed Charlie is getting smarter – page 28
Gina I astonish you I wouldn’t have believed it if I saw it with my own eyes

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Cast If this is your dialogue: Dialogue If you hear this dialogue, what is your reaction:
What is your purpose/ intent? 1. As it is being said
2. After it is said
3. What is your reaction
(face, body, emotion)?
Mrs I disbelieve you So?
Donner So?
I admonish you So, what’s going on in the kitchen?
The Russian Ballet is maybe performing Swan Lake?
Joe I alert you Look at this, Mrs Donner
Mr I disbelieve you I’m looking, I’m seeing,
Donner But I’m not believing.
I question you How come Charlie is working the dough mixing machine?
Joe I inform you I was out to lunch.
It was Frank’s big idea of an April Fool joke.
Mrs I scold you I pay you to make April Fool with expensive machinery?
Frank I contest you Well, Oliver quit yesterday…
The machine was just sitting there.
I thought it was….
I appeal you Ah, where’s your sensa humor?
Joe I inform you It took Oliver six months to learn…
And he went to baker school
Mrs I importune you But how could Charlie…
Joe I follow you I only know what I see.
I question you Did you get a new man?
Mrs I answer you The Union said maybe next week.
Donner I abjure you You really think he could do it?
Joe I confirm you He does it better than Oliver.
Mrs I doubt youI Charlie!
Donner Charlie, what you doin’?
Charlie I appease you I didn’t mean nothin’, Mrs Donner….
I onny…
I tell you Frank said…
Mrs I comfort you Nobody said you meant something.
Donner I query you How did you learn that?
Charlie I satisfy you I always watched Oliver…

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Cast If this is your dialogue: Dialogue If you hear this dialogue, what is your reaction:
What is your purpose/ intent? 1. As it is being said
2. After it is said
3. What is your reaction
(face, body, emotion)?
So I done it.
Frank I deplore you I told you there is something peculiar about Charlie, lately.
Mrs I order you Go take the cheese cake outa the oven.
Mrs I proclaim you Mrs Donner, seven years I’m coming here already,
Feldman I complain you So I’m free to complain about the noodle pudding you sold me Friday.
Mrs I acknowledge you What could be the matter with the noodle pudding?
Mrs I attack you Too many noodles!
Mrs I rebuff you What were you expecting in noodle pudding?
Donner Macaroons?
Mrs I salvo you Raisins!
Feldman Where were the raisins I ask you?
Mrs I placate you Gina, give Mrs Feldman a piece of noodle pudding on the house
Mrs I request you And a cupcake for my cleaning girld.
Feldman I inform you What does she know from what’s good to eat?
Mrs I compliment you Charlie, I don’t know how you done it,
Donner But it looks like you finally learned something.
I support you I want you should be careful and do the best you could do.
I promote you You got a new job…
And a five dollar raise.
Charlie I protest you I don’t want a new job.
I inform you I like to clean up an’ deliver an’ help my friends, Frank and Joe.
Mrs I dismiss you Never you mind your friends.
Donner I need you I need you in the new job.
I advise you You should want to work and advance yourself.
Charlie I query you What’s advance?
Mrs I ignore you Never mind.
Donner I order you From now on you work the mixer.
I inform you That’s advance…..
I introduce you Oh, Mr Reilly, I want you should meet the new mixer.

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Flowers for Algernon Activation script Act I (2022)

Cast If this is your dialogue: Dialogue If you hear this dialogue, what is your reaction:
What is your purpose/ intent? 1. As it is being said
2. After it is said
3. What is your reaction
(face, body, emotion)?
I belittle you That was one April Fool joke that backfired.
Charlie I ask you Tell me the joke….
I qualify you The one that backfired…
Frank` I reject you Ah, go soak your head!
Charlie I question you Does this mean I’m getting smarter?
Frank I spurn you Dry up!
Scene 11 – Nemur and Alice discuss Charlie’s progress – page 29
Nemur I question you What is it?
Alice I answer you His progress report for April ninth.
I refine you It was the day I gave him the punctuation lesson,
I jest you And there’s a comma after every word.
Nemur I astound you His progress is remarkable.
I amaze you His IQ’s well over 100 already.
I hearten I really think he’ll reach 180 in a few weeks.
Alice I worry you He’s going so quickly.
I elucidate you I’ve got him reading novels….and history….and his arithmetic is almost high
school level.
I inspire you In a week or so, I think he can start a foreign language.
Nemur I question you What’s he reading?
Alice I answer you Robinson Crusoe
Nemur I quiz you And he understands?
Alice I ratify you Yes.
I tell you He was terribly upset at first that Crusoe was so lonely,
Then relived when Crusoe found Friday.
Nemur I expand you He seems to have a ….
I worry you A fixation about loneliness
Alice I supplement you He’s always been alone.
Nemur I confirm you That’s true.
I query you What will you give him next?
Alice I advise you I thought perhaps some of the modern novels.
Grapes of Wrath or Look Homeward Angel.
Nemur I approve you Excellent.
I disquiet you Our problem will start when he gets to college level.
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Flowers for Algernon Activation script Act I (2022)

Cast If this is your dialogue: Dialogue If you hear this dialogue, what is your reaction:
What is your purpose/ intent? 1. As it is being said
2. After it is said
3. What is your reaction
(face, body, emotion)?
I limit you He must not be allowed to read any psychology.
I expound you It will confuse him
And have him thinking about psychological theories
And not about his own ideas and feelings
Alice I unease you I’m afraid there’s going to be another problem when he reaches college
Nemur I react you What?
Alice I reply you Me.
I elucidate you I don’t think I can keep ahead of him.
Nemur I reject you We’ll cross that bridge when we have to.
I involve you It would be a pity, though.
He’s very attached to you.
I consecrate you You're almost … almost a mother figure to him.
Alice I snub you If I’d wanted to be a mother, Professor,
I’d have married and become a mother.
Nemur I advise you Strauss says he progresses very well in therapy.
I expand you He’s beginning to dream ….
To remember his early days in the bakery …
I worry you And even some of his childhood memories.
Alice I disquiet you They can’t be very happy.
Nemur I doubt you It's odd.
I discuss you He remembers events and he remembers his sister, Norma, but he can’t
remember his parents’ faces … or even their names.
Alice I expound you I keep wondering what kind of people they were.
I architype you Oh, I know that perfectly normal people …
I mean people of normal mentality,
Can have retarded children.
I inspire you But there’s such an essential goodness to Charlie.
… a sweetness.
I question How could they have sent him away to the Institution?
I barrier He was their child.
Nemur I explain you There are pressures.
Alice I elucidate you If it weren’t for his uncle and Mr Donner getting him out, he might have sunk

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Flowers for Algernon Activation script Act I (2022)

Cast If this is your dialogue: Dialogue If you hear this dialogue, what is your reaction:
What is your purpose/ intent? 1. As it is being said
2. After it is said
3. What is your reaction
(face, body, emotion)?
lower and lower
… become a vegetable.
I sympathise you What a terrible waste.
Charlie I greet you Miss Kinian! Miss Kinian!
I tell you I beat Algernon!
Alice I applaud you That’s wonderful!
Charlie I tell you I never even knowed I beat him till Burt Sheldon told me.
I explain you Then, the second time, I got so excited I lost,
I expand you But then, I beat him eight times in a row!
Nemur I applaud you That’s excellent news, Charlie.
Charlie I excite you I must be getting smart to beat a smart mouse like that.
Nemur I confirm you Yes, Charlie.
Charlie+ I tell you Then Burt Sheldon let me hold him.
I commiserate you I felt bad I beat him
I ask you And I wanted to make friends.
I wanted to feed him but Burt Sheldon wouldn’t let me.
Nemur I educate you Algernon is a special mouse.
I expound you When he wants to eat, he has to solve a new problem to get his food.
Charlie I deny you Would you like to pass a test every time you get hungry?
Nemur I puzzle you Me?
I rebuff you I have a Ph. D.
Alice I question you Did you finish Robinson Crusoe?
Charlie I answer you Yeah.
I illustrate you I liked it.
I question you But what happened to him after?
Alice I question you After what?
Charlie I explain you You know.
After the story?
Alice I answer you I don’t know.
I limit you That’s all there is.
Charlie I question you Why?

Alice I constrain you Because.

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Cast If this is your dialogue: Dialogue If you hear this dialogue, what is your reaction:
What is your purpose/ intent? 1. As it is being said
2. After it is said
3. What is your reaction
(face, body, emotion)?
Because it's over.
Charlie I nag you But I want to know more about him.
Alice I mother you But, Charlie
I explain you … a man writes a story and he comes to the end
… and he’s finished.
I educate you And the he
…he writes another story.
Charlie I ask you Can I read that?
Alice I query you What?
Charlie I answer you The other story
Alice I reply you There isn’t any other story.
I distract you Here.
I’ve brought you some other books.
I enquire you How is everything else going, Charlie?
Charlie I hearten you Swell.
I tell you I got an advance at the bakery.
Alice I authenticate you Yes, I know.
I read your reports
Charlie I question you You read them?
Alice I answer you Yes.
I elucidate you To help me see how you're getting on.
Charlie It's funny.
I keep writin’ them but I never thought about
--- people were readin’ them.
… or you.
Alice Does that bother you?
Charlie Well
…it like I write down everything
… all the things I think about and all.
Maybe some of the things,
I wouldn’t want you to know.
Alice You don’t have anything to be ashamed of, Charlie.
You're a fine person

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Flowers for Algernon Activation script Act I (2022)

Cast If this is your dialogue: Dialogue If you hear this dialogue, what is your reaction:
What is your purpose/ intent? 1. As it is being said
2. After it is said
3. What is your reaction
(face, body, emotion)?
And you're going to show them all one day.
Charlie Show them what?
Alice Oh…..oh,
I guess I mean,
For a person God gave so little to,
You’ve done more than a lot of people
Who have always had brains and never used them.
Don’t feel badly if you suddenly discover that everybody isn’t as smart as
you think.
Or as nice.
Charlie People are nice, Miss Kinian.
You and Professor Nemur and Doctor Strauss
… and my friends at the bajery.
They’re smart and they’re good.
They like me.
Nobody ever did anything that wasn’t nice…
Alice Try the books, Charlie.
We’ll stop for now.
Charlie Is something wrong?
Alice No … no,
I’ve just got something in my eye.
Scene 12 Charlie’s Progress Report Number 2 – page 34
Charlie April fifteenth.
Miss Kinian is a nice lady
…like my mother used to be, I think
I remember my mother told me to be good
And always be friendly,
But be careful
Because some people don’t understand
And they might think you was making trouble.
Charlie I remember Mom went to hospital to bring back a baby sister.
I still don’t know why you get them at a hospital.
Flashback 2 – Mother, Young Charlie, Little Norma, Father (acting out Charlie’s memories)

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Flowers for Algernon Activation script Act I (2022)

Cast If this is your dialogue: Dialogue If you hear this dialogue, what is your reaction:
What is your purpose/ intent? 1. As it is being said
2. After it is said
3. What is your reaction
(face, body, emotion)?
Charlie She was nice
… like doll
…only she cried all the time.

They put her in a crib in their room.

Once I heard my father say,
“Don’t worry. Charlie wouldn’t hurt her.”

One time, they was in the kitchen

And I’m in bed and she’s crying.

I only wanted to hold her and make her quiet like Mom.
Mother Don’t you ever touch her again!
You’ll hurt her!
She’s a baby!
Charlie She thought I was going to hurt the baby
I would never hurt the baby.
I’ll tell Doctor Strauss I remembered,
Tomorrow night.
No, not tomorrow.
Tomorrow, Frank is giving me a party ‘cause of my new job.
Scene 13 – The Bakery Party – page 39
Frank Hey Joe, put on the stereo so we can dance!
Joe How’s that?
Frank Beautiful…beautiful.
Havin’ a good time, Charlie boy?
Hey Ellen, you got any food?
Ellen Here.
Have some of these
Frank Hmm … mm,
Hey, that’s beautiful.
Ellen Will you have some?
You work at the bakery too, Charlie?

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Flowers for Algernon Activation script Act I (2022)

Cast If this is your dialogue: Dialogue If you hear this dialogue, what is your reaction:
What is your purpose/ intent? 1. As it is being said
2. After it is said
3. What is your reaction
(face, body, emotion)?
Frank Sure.
He’s the heart an’ soul of the place.
An’ lately the brains too.
Ellen You like your job?
Charlie Miss Kinian says, be proud of the work you do.
Ellen Who’s that?
Joe Ah, his teacher. He goes to some night school.
Frank You like her, doncha, Charlie?
Charlie She’s nice.
Frank You ever kiss her?
Charlie No!
You don’t kiss teachers!
Franks Ain’t that Charlie too much?
Here y’are, Charlie, a nice cold drink.
Charlie What is it?
Frank Coke!
Whyn’cha dance with Ellen, Charlie?
Charlie I don’t know how.
Frank Ellen’ll teach ya.
Go on, Ellen.
Ellen No.
I feel funny.
Frank Oh, go on!
Gina Cut it out, Frank.
Frank Whatsamatter?
We’re only havin’ a little fun.
Go on.
Ellen Well…
Frank Beautiful!
You're doin’ great, Charlie.
Charlie I never danced before.
Gina That’s enough, Frank.
Frank O.K.
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Flowers for Algernon Activation script Act I (2022)

Cast If this is your dialogue: Dialogue If you hear this dialogue, what is your reaction:
What is your purpose/ intent? 1. As it is being said
2. After it is said
3. What is your reaction
(face, body, emotion)?
Look, Charlie, do me a favour, will ya, kid?
Charlie Sure, Frank.
Frank Will you run down to the delicatessen around the corning and get some
You know, corn beef, turkey, maybe some potato salad.
Charlie O.K.
I’ll be right back.
I’ll get some pickles too.
Frank Look, why don’t we all take my car and go over to Luigi’s for some pizza?
Gina But you just sent Charlie for sandwiches
Frank You know I don’t eat corn beef.
Gina That’s not nice.
This was supposed to be his party.
Frank Oh, come on!
He’s a drag on the party.
We cant have any fun with Charlie around.
Come on, Joe, Ellen
… there’s always a lotta action at Luigi’s.
Scene 14 – Charlie’s third progress report – page 38
Charlie April sixteenth.
Now I know what they mean when they say,
“To pull a Charlie Gordon.”
I’m ashamed.
I never knew before that Frank and joe like to have me around to make fun
of me.
I think it's a good thing to find out.
Why do people think a dumb person is funny?
They wouldn’t laugh at a cripple.
Scene 15 – Burt tests Charlie – page 38
Burt All right, Charlie
Professor Nemur wants a Rorschach.
You’ve seen these cards before, remember?
Charlie Of course I remember.

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Flowers for Algernon Activation script Act I (2022)

Cast If this is your dialogue: Dialogue If you hear this dialogue, what is your reaction:
What is your purpose/ intent? 1. As it is being said
2. After it is said
3. What is your reaction
(face, body, emotion)?
Burt Anything wrong, Charlie?
Charlie No.
Nothing’s wrong.
Those ink blots upset me.
Burt Nothing to be upset about.
It's a standard personality test.
Now, look at this card
What might this be?
What do you see on this card?
People see all sorts of things in these ink blots.
Tell me what it might be for you.
What it makes you think of.
Charlie You mean there a no pictures hidden in those ink blots?
Burt What?
Charlie Pictures!
Hidden in the ink blots!
last time you told me that everyone could see them
And you wanted me to find them, too.
Burt No, Charlie.
I couldn’t have said that.
Charlie What do you mean?
That’s what you said to me!
Just because you're smart enough to go to college doesn’t mean you have to
make fun of me.
I’m sick and tired of everybody laughing at me!
Burt Charlie, wait a minute!
Nemur What’s this all about?
Charlie I don’t want to be made fun of!
Maybe, before, I didn’t know any better,
But now I do,
And I don’t like it!
Nemur Nobody’s making fun of you.
Charlie What about the ink blots?

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Flowers for Algernon Activation script Act I (2022)

Cast If this is your dialogue: Dialogue If you hear this dialogue, what is your reaction:
What is your purpose/ intent? 1. As it is being said
2. After it is said
3. What is your reaction
(face, body, emotion)?
Last time Burt told me there were pictures in the ink,
That everyone could see and I …
Nemur Set up the tape of the first meet, Burt.
Look, Charlie, do you want to hear the exact words Burt used.?
Burt The same words I used today.
The procedures have to be the same each time you give the test.
Charlie I’ll believe that when I hear it.
Burt’s Recorded Look at this, Charlie.
voice What might this be?
What do you see on this card?
People see all sorts of things in these ink blots.
Tell me what it makes you think of?
Charlie’s Stumbling Somebody spilleded ink on a white card.
Charlie Was that really me?
Scene 16 – Charlie having therapy with Doctor Strauss – page 40
Charlie I figured out a new way to set up the mixing machines.
It speeds up the production.
Mrs Donner was very pleased.
She gave me fifty dollars as a bonus
… and a ten-dollar raise
… but …
Why don’t I enjoy working there anymore, Doctor?
Strauss Why?
You tell me.
Charlie I don’t know.
They ignore me …
No, it's more.
Joe, Frank, they’re … hostile to me.
I thought they’d be happy for me.
They’re supposed to be my friends.
It takes the pleasure out of all this.

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Flowers for Algernon Activation script Act I (2022)

Cast If this is your dialogue: Dialogue If you hear this dialogue, what is your reaction:
What is your purpose/ intent? 1. As it is being said
2. After it is said
3. What is your reaction
(face, body, emotion)?
Strauss The more intelligent you become,
The more problems you’ll have.
Charlie Why didn’t you tell me that before the operation?
Strauss Would you have understood?
Your intellectual growth is going to outstrip your emotional growth, so,
there will be problems.
That’s why I’m here.
Charlie I guess I need you.
Strauss And how are your studies going?
Charlie Fine.
The French is very easy, the German a little more difficult.
I’d like to try Russian.
Strauss Why?
Charlie I wondered what War and Peace is like in the original.
Strauss You liked it in English?
Charlie Yes.
I stayed up all night to finish it.
Strauss You read War and Peace in one night?
Charlie Uh, huh.
Strauss Then you hardly have time for dreams.
Charlie But I do.
I don’t think there’s a moment of sleep when I don’t dream.
Strauss About what?
Flashback 3 – Mother, Young Charlie, Little Norma, Father (acting out Charlie’s memories)
Charlie Last night it was Charlie.
He’s around six.
… before Norma was born.
He’s playing with his spinner, bright-coloured beads threaded on a string.
He turns it so it flashes.
Strauss Is he alone?
Charlie No.
I see Mom.
Her hair is up in a bun, but
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Cast If this is your dialogue: Dialogue If you hear this dialogue, what is your reaction:
What is your purpose/ intent? 1. As it is being said
2. After it is said
3. What is your reaction
(face, body, emotion)?
… as always, I can’t see her face.
My father is coming in
… I recognise his form…his shape … but I don’t know his face,
It's blurred.
He’s got a letter in his hand.
Father The specialist sent his report.
Another twenty-five dollars.
Mother Don’t tell me about the money.
What did he say?
Father The same as all the others said.
And the principal.
He says maybe he’d be happier…
Mother I’m not sending him away.
He’s mine!
There’s nothing wrong with him.
Father Rose, it's no good pretending nothing’s wrong.
Mother He’s not a dummy.
He’s normal!
He’s just like anybody else.
Put that thing away!
Go play with your alphabet blocks!
Father Stop yelling, Rose.
You're scaring him!
Mother I’m scaring him?
He’s my son, I can make him …
Are you gonna be sick to your stomach?
Go in the bathroom, Charlie!
Father For God’s sake, leave him alone.
You always do this to the poor kid …
Mother Then why don’t you help me, Matt?
I have to do it all by myself.

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Flowers for Algernon Activation script Act I (2022)

Cast If this is your dialogue: Dialogue If you hear this dialogue, what is your reaction:
What is your purpose/ intent? 1. As it is being said
2. After it is said
3. What is your reaction
(face, body, emotion)?
Every day I try to teach him
… to help him catch up with the others
… he’s just slow, that’s all.
But he can learn just like everyone else.
Father You're fooling yourself.
It's not fair to us or to him.
Pretending he’s normal
… driving him like he’s an animal that could learn to do tricks.
Why don’t you leave him alone?
Mother Because I want him to be like everyone else.
Charlie Look at him!
(from Look at Charlie!
Strauss’ He’s going to be sick!
Mother Next September he’s going back to PS 13 and do the term’s work over again.
Father Why can’t you let yourself see the truth>
The principal --- even the teacher --- says he’s not capable of doing the work
in a regular class.
Mother That teacher!
That’s a retarded one!
Let me start with me again,
I’ll do more than write the Board of Education,
I’ll …
Charlie Sick….sick
office –
Mother Inside!
Go inside!
Father Take him!

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Cast If this is your dialogue: Dialogue If you hear this dialogue, what is your reaction:
What is your purpose/ intent? 1. As it is being said
2. After it is said
3. What is your reaction
(face, body, emotion)?
He’s frightened.
Mother Keep out of this!
He’s got to learn to take care of himself.
You're a big boy, now.
You’ll be punished.
I’m not cleaning up …
Mother Charlie!
You're bad, bad, bad!
Strauss I think that’s all for today, Charlie.
Charlie Doctor!
I remember their names.
She was Rose … Rose.
And he was Matt.
I remember their names.
Scene 17 – Progress report Number 4 – page 47
Voice of Henry Tudor united the Lancastrian and Yorkist claims to the throne…
teaching (continues)
machine … He was succeeded by his son Henry the Eighth, in 1509.
All three of Henry’s children Edward the Sixth, Mary the First and Elizabeth
the First were rules of England.
Charlie May fifth.
I haven’t written a report in two weeks and Professor Nemur is angry.
(to the machine)
You’re too loud.
You work just as well when you're subliminal.
I think what was bothering me was that Miss Kinian was reading them.
Now Nemur says he will hold back anything that’ too personal.
I want to ask Miss Kinian for a date ….
I want to ask Alice for a date.
Why am I afraid to?
I asked Doctor Strauss whether I should.
He said that’s a decision I have to make for myself.
I decided.
I want to.
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Cast If this is your dialogue: Dialogue If you hear this dialogue, what is your reaction:
What is your purpose/ intent? 1. As it is being said
2. After it is said
3. What is your reaction
(face, body, emotion)?
Why don’t I?
The Russian is going well, and the calculus.
There’s so much to do I hardly sleep anymore
… and my sleep is fitful.
There are so many dreams.
I can see my parents’ faces now.
Flashback 4 – Mother, Young Charlie, Little Norma, Father (acting out Charlie’s memories) page 45
Norma Now, can I have a dog?
I got an A on my history test.
You said I could if I got an A.
I’m going to call him Napoleon.
I answered the question on him best.
Mother Go and play with Charlie, now.
He’s been waiting for you.
Norma I don’t have to.
He’s like a baby.
He can’t even play Monopoly or checkers or anything.
I won’t play with him any more.
Father Then go to your room
Norma Can I have a dog now, Momma?
You said …
Father There’ll be no dog as long as you take this attitude to your brother.
Mother I promised her if she did well in school …
Father You told Charlie we didn’t have room for a dog.
Are you going back on what you said to him?
Norma But I can take care of my own dog.
Feed him and wash him and take him out.
Teen-Age I help you …
Norma No!
No, it's going to be my dog!
Father You see?
Mother But we have to

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Flowers for Algernon Activation script Act I (2022)

Cast If this is your dialogue: Dialogue If you hear this dialogue, what is your reaction:
What is your purpose/ intent? 1. As it is being said
2. After it is said
3. What is your reaction
(face, body, emotion)?
… share things, dear.
Charlie can help you take care of it.
Norma No!
It's got to be mine!
I’m the one who got an A in history.
If I can’t have it for myself, I don’t want it!
Father That settles it.
No dog.
Normal I hate you!
I hate you!
Mother Norma!
Stop that at once!
Norma And I hate school!
I’ll stop studying and I’ll forget everything
And I’ll be a dummy just like him.
It's happening now!
I’m forgetting.
I don’t remember anything any more.
Mother What do I do?
What do I do?
Call Doctor Portman and let him tell me to put Charlie in the Warren home?
Father Rose, don’t be hasty ,,,
Mother Hasty?
It feels like a hundred years I’ve lived with this.
What do we do now?
Maybe it has a bad effect on a child to grow up with
… someone like him in the house.
Father He tries
…the boy tries …
Mother I know he tries.
But he can’t.
Think of her life.
She’s growing up.

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Flowers for Algernon Activation script Act I (2022)

Cast If this is your dialogue: Dialogue If you hear this dialogue, what is your reaction:
What is your purpose/ intent? 1. As it is being said
2. After it is said
3. What is your reaction
(face, body, emotion)?
Who will she meet?
Who can she brin to the house with a brother like that?
Father Now you’ve got her, you decided you don’t want him any more?
Mother Do you think that it's easy?
Half of them say to put him away.
Half of them say do anything to keep him.
And what do you say?
Express an opinion, for once.
Father I don’t know.
He’s my son, too.
I give you the money for the doctors
… the specialists
… all that money
… I could have had my own shop, by now.
Mother Is money all you can think of?
Father I think of her.
I try to think of him.
And I think about us, Rose.
What is this doing to us?
Mother Matt, I cannot stand much more.
Scene 18 – Progress report Number 5 – page 47
Charlie May fifteenth.
I like the tape machine, Professor Nemur.
It takes me less time and there’s so much to do.
The University has put me in a private room in the library because it only
takes me a second to absorb a printed page and curious students gather
around me as I flip through the books.
Now I’m doing etymologies of ancient languages,
The newer works on the calculus of variations and Hindu history.
I’m taking Alice to the Philharmonic Concert in Central Park tonight.
Why am I so tense?
Norma’s Momma! Momma!

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Flowers for Algernon Activation script Act I (2022)

Cast If this is your dialogue: Dialogue If you hear this dialogue, what is your reaction:
What is your purpose/ intent? 1. As it is being said
2. After it is said
3. What is your reaction
(face, body, emotion)?
voice Charlie’s bothering Peggy and me.
Make him go away!
Charlie Alice is an attractive woman
… she’s not married
…there’s nothing wrong …
Mother’s You keep away from your sister’s friends!
Children’s Singing Three blind mice.
voices See, how they run!
Mother’s You hear me, Charlie?
voice You got to keep away from girls!
You go near a girl, I’ll put you in a cage
--- For the rest of your life!
You hear me?
Charlie, do you hear me?
Charlie I hear you!
Children’s Singing They all run after the farmer’s wife,
voices She cut off their tail with a carving knife.
Scene 19 –Charlie and Alice on a date – page 49
Alice This’ll be fine.
Charlie Shouldn’t we be up closer/?
Alice No reason to be right on top of the orchestra.
Charlie What about over there?
Alice This is fine, Charlie.
Why are you so edgy?
Charlie I’m sorry …. I ..
What’s that they’re playing?
Alice Debussy’s La Mer.
He was a French composer who lived
Charlie Please.
School lets out at three o’clock.
Alice I’m sorry.
I’m just
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Flowers for Algernon Activation script Act I (2022)

Cast If this is your dialogue: Dialogue If you hear this dialogue, what is your reaction:
What is your purpose/ intent? 1. As it is being said
2. After it is said
3. What is your reaction
(face, body, emotion)?
… I’m so proud of you.
You're accomplishing a lifetime of learning in weeks.
I just hope to God that you don’t get hurt.
Charlie Why should I?
I can't be any worse off than I was before.
Even Algernon is still smart and as long as he’s up there,
I’m in good shape
… at least intellectually.
Alice What do you mean by that?
Charlie Nothing.
Nemur says he's positive nothing can go wrong.
Alice I hope so.
I feel responsible.
Charlie I never would have done it but for you.
Alice Did I do the right thing?
Charlie Of course, Alice
… Alice … I … I like you very much.
Alice I like you too, Charlie
Charlie Alice
… Alice, why can't I put into words the way I feel?
Alice Don’t, Charlie. Not yet.
Charlie Why can't I trust myself to say I …I …
Alice I shouldn’t have come here.
I have no right to put this on a personal
… emotional level.
You’ve obligations, Charlie.
Not only to Doctor Strauss and Professor Nemur,
But to the millions who may follow after you.
Charlie But I’m no something in a test tube.
I'm a man.
Thirty-two years old
… and I must be able to

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Flowers for Algernon Activation script Act I (2022)

Cast If this is your dialogue: Dialogue If you hear this dialogue, what is your reaction:
What is your purpose/ intent? 1. As it is being said
2. After it is said
3. What is your reaction
(face, body, emotion)?
Alice Wait, Charlie.
Finish your studies.
You're changing too fast.
Charlie My feelings for you won't change because I'm becoming more intelligent.
Alice You're changing emotionally, too.
Up to now, I’ve been your teacher.
You're bound to think you're in love with me.
Charlie You're saying little boys always fall in love with their teachers and
emotionally I'm still a little boy.
Alice That’s not what I said.
Charlie Then why?
Alice Charlie, don’t push me.
Every week you're a different person.
When you mature intellectually, we may not even be able to communicate.
When you mature emotionally, you may not even want me.
I've got to think of myself, too, Charlie.
Charlie Alice!
Look at me.
Are you pretending I'm not here?
Alice No.
I'm trying to pretend that I don’t care that you are here.
But I do!
Flashback 4 – Young Charlie appears – see script
Charlie Stop that!
Stop staring at us!
Come back!
Alice What’s the matter?
Charlie Didn’t you see him?
Alice No.
I didn’t see anyone
Charlie Standing right here.
Watching us.

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Flowers for Algernon Activation script Act I (2022)

Cast If this is your dialogue: Dialogue If you hear this dialogue, what is your reaction:
What is your purpose/ intent? 1. As it is being said
2. After it is said
3. What is your reaction
(face, body, emotion)?
Close enough to touch.
Alice Are you all right?
Charlie I’m fine.
Alice, the truth!
Didn’t you see him?
Alice No.
It was too dark.
But I'm sure …
Charlie I'm sorry
… I better take you home.
Scene 20 Charlie is fired from the bakery
Charlie I've tried my best to do a good job.
I've worked hard
Mrs Nobody’s saying your work, Charlie,
Donner But something’s happened to you and I don’t understand.
And not only me.
This whole place is inside out.
Nobody can keep their mind on their work.
Charlie But …
Mrs I had last night another delegation from the staff.
Donner Charlie, I gotta hold my business together.
I gotta let you go.
Charlie Where?
Where will I go?
Mr You know as well as me, you don’t need to work here any more.
Charlie I never worked anywhere else.
Mrs Let’s face it,
Donner You're not the Charlie who came to my Sam seventeen years ago.
You're not the three-months ago, Charlie.
You haven’t told me, I don’t ask.
It's your businesss.

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Flowers for Algernon Activation script Act I (2022)

Cast If this is your dialogue: Dialogue If you hear this dialogue, what is your reaction:
What is your purpose/ intent? 1. As it is being said
2. After it is said
3. What is your reaction
(face, body, emotion)?
Maybe a miracle, who knows?
But you’ve changed into a very smart young man.
And operating the dough mixer is no work for a smart young man.
Charlie You said id have a job here as long as I needed it.
I still need it, Mrs Donner.
Mrs You don’t, Charlie.
Donner If you did, I’d stick up for you against all of them and their petitions.
But they’re scared to death of you, Charlie.
Maybe scared, maybe jealous, but they won't work with you.
Charlie, all I got is my business.
Come and say hello sometimes, Charlie.
Scene 21 – Charlie progress report number 6 – page 53
Charlie May twenty-fourth.
If they put Algernon back in the big cage with the other mice, what would
happen to him?
Scene 22 – Nemur and Strauss arguing – page 53
Nemur He will!
He will!
I've already informed the convention committee that we will present the
paper at Chicago.
Strauss You're wrong, Harold.
June fifteenth is two weeks from now!
It's too soon.
He's still changing.
Nemur We’ve predicted the pattern correctly so far.
We’re justified in making an interim report.
There’s nothing to be afraid of, Jay.
We’ve succeeded.
It's all positive.
Strauss It's too important to all of us to bring it out prematurely, in front of the top
men in the field.
Nemur But if we don’t do it now, it’ll be another year before we can present.
Strauss You're not the only one with a reputation to consider.

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Flowers for Algernon Activation script Act I (2022)

Cast If this is your dialogue: Dialogue If you hear this dialogue, what is your reaction:
What is your purpose/ intent? 1. As it is being said
2. After it is said
3. What is your reaction
(face, body, emotion)?
If we claim too much now,
And anything goes wrong, we’ll be laughing-stocks.
Nemur I'm not afraid of regression any more.
I've checked and re-checked everything.
Nothing can go wrong.
Strauss It's too fast!
It's too fast!
You're not thinking of the project,
You're thinking about the Chair of Psychology at Hallston.
That’s what you want out of this!
Nemur And you are riding on the coattails of my psychological research.
Strauss It is my techniques in psychosurgery and enzyme injection patterns that are
the important factor.
Nemur But you’d never have found them if it weren’t for my original theory.
Strauss Wait!
What’s the rush?
You're like a child that can't wait to open the Christmas package.
Nemur I am not a child!
I am a senior member of the project
And I say we take Charlie and Algernon to Chicago!
Scene 23 – Charlie progress report number 7
Charlie June seventeenth.
I hate the nights
… after the University library closes.
Since I left the bakery,
I have nightmares constantly.
Last night I just walked
… all over the city
… so I wouldn’t have to come home and sleep.
… Alice has left messages for me all over
I can't call her.
I want so much to see her,
But I’m afraid I’ll see Charlie, too.

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Flowers for Algernon Activation script Act I (2022)

Cast If this is your dialogue: Dialogue If you hear this dialogue, what is your reaction:
What is your purpose/ intent? 1. As it is being said
2. After it is said
3. What is your reaction
(face, body, emotion)?
She’d be at the school now.
I’ve got to talk to someone.
You're a nice machine.
I like talking to you more than I like talking to Dr Strauss.
He doesn’t have an erase button.
Scene 24 – Charlie goes to Alice’s school – page 55
Bernice G’night, Miss Kinian
Alice (off Good night.
Connie Look, Bernice, it's Charlie.
Bernice Where ya been, Charlie?
That’s a nice suit.
Charlie Hello, Bernice …
Charlie Alice!
Miss Kinian …
Connie What ain't Charlie been comin’ to school?
(to Alice)
Bernice You comin’ back, Charlie?
Charlie No.
No, this is just a
… little visit
… to stir old memories.
Connie Gee, you talk like a big shot, now, Charlie.
Alice Good night, girls.
I’ll see you tomorrow at six.
Bernice Night, Charlie.
Charlie Good night.
Alice Slumming?
Charlie I had to see you.
Alice Now?
After all this time?
At this place?
I know those girls are only poor retarded creatures who don’t matter,
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Flowers for Algernon Activation script Act I (2022)

Cast If this is your dialogue: Dialogue If you hear this dialogue, what is your reaction:
What is your purpose/ intent? 1. As it is being said
2. After it is said
3. What is your reaction
(face, body, emotion)?
But your coming here could upset them.
Could set back the work I do with them.
Charlie It wouldn’t affect them that much.
You're over-reacting.
Alice You’ve changed, Charlie.
With all you’ve gained
You’ve lost something you had before.
A kindness
… an openness
… you had a smile.
Charlie An empty, stupid grin.
Alice No.
A warm, real smile because you wanted people to like you.
Now, with all your intelligence…
Charlie All right,
I’ve changed.
What did you expect?
I don’t have to take the kind of treatment I’ve had all my life.
Alice People have not been bad to you.
Charlie What do you know about it?
The best of them have been smug and patronising.
Alice You put me in that category, too, I suppose?
Charlie Don’t be stupid!
Alice I guess I must seem rather dull-witted.
Charlie What do you mean?
Alice You are destroying my self-confidence!
I phoned you
… after the concert
… not once, a dozen times.
I never phoned a man before.
And you didn’t even answer.
All right, Charlie Gordon,
I'm not as smart as you are.

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Flowers for Algernon Activation script Act I (2022)

Cast If this is your dialogue: Dialogue If you hear this dialogue, what is your reaction:
What is your purpose/ intent? 1. As it is being said
2. After it is said
3. What is your reaction
(face, body, emotion)?
I try to pretend I understand what you're talking about,
But I don’t know about cultural variants and neo=Boulean mathematics.
You make me feel slow and dense.
I have to remind myself I'm not losing my intelligence.
You're going forward so quickly,
It just looks like I'm slipping backward.
Charlie Must we talk here?
Can I take you home?
Alice No!
Charlie Alice, I need someone to talk to.
Alice When I needed someone,
Where were you?
Charlie It wasn’t you
… it's me
… the way I feel

Alice What about the way I feel?
I don’t care if your IQ is 185
… or has it gone up since I saw you?
You don’t understand me
… how I feel or what I feel or why I feel.
I just don’t want to see you or talk to you, now, Charlie.
I'm sorry.
I shouldn’t upset you.
You’ve got to go to the convention.
You’ll be under a strain.
Charlie But you’ll have to see me there, at the convention.
Alice I'm not going.
I called Professor Nemur and told him today
I wouldn’t want to spoil it for you, Charlie.
There’ll be interesting intelligent people you can really talk to
… and you’ll be in the spotlight.
Charlie You’ve got to come.

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Flowers for Algernon Activation script Act I (2022)

Cast If this is your dialogue: Dialogue If you hear this dialogue, what is your reaction:
What is your purpose/ intent? 1. As it is being said
2. After it is said
3. What is your reaction
(face, body, emotion)?
Whatever I've achieved, you’ve had a big part in it.
Alice No.
I’ll be in the way.
No matter what you say, I know that’s how I’ll feel.
Charlie But…
Alice No more, Charlie.
We both need time and distance to think out whatever this i.
So, if you don’t mind,
I’ll stay home and hang on to my splintering ego.
Have a good time.
There’s my bus.
Scene 25 – Charlie hears Norma’s voice – page 57
Norma He’s not my real brother.
(off My momma told me.
stage?) He's just a boy we took in because we felt sorry for him.
How silly!
Charlie doesn’t really belong here.
Scene 26 – The convention – page 58
Chairlady/ The next presentation really needs no introduction.
man We’ve all heard about the startling experimental work being done at
Beekman University, sponsored by the Wellberg Foundation and under the
direction of Professor Harold Nemur and Doctor Jay Strauss.
This is the report we’ve all been anxious to hear, so let me turn the meeting
over to Dr Strauss.
Strauss Ladies and gentlemen,
This is a great moment in my life,
Because ….(continues to speak)
Charlie That Chairlady, why didn’t she just say,
(to Burt) “Step right up and see the sideshow”?
Burt Shh!
Charlie See the white mouse and the performing moron changed to geniuses before
your very eyes,
And the price is only a thin trauma,

pg. 47
Flowers for Algernon Activation script Act I (2022)

Cast If this is your dialogue: Dialogue If you hear this dialogue, what is your reaction:
What is your purpose/ intent? 1. As it is being said
2. After it is said
3. What is your reaction
(face, body, emotion)?
A tenth part of a neuroses…
Burt Stop it, Charlie.
This is the big moment.
Charlie For whom?
Why are they laughing?
Burt There are movies, Charlie.
Charlie You never told me I was filmed!
Why are they laughing?
That was a man in torment.
Nemur Quiet!
Strauss When Charlie came to us, he was outside society,
Without friends or relatives,
Without the mental equipment to live a normal life.
No past, no contact with the present, no hope for the future.
It might be said, Charlie Gordon did not really exist before this experiment.
And now, may I present Professor Harold Nemur.
Charlie How dare you?
I am a human being
… a person
… and I was before you wheeled me into that operating room.
Voice But has the mouse retained his new mental capacity with no variable?
from the
Nemur Well, not exactly.
At the peak of his intelligence so far,
Algernon occasionally varies.
He sometimes refuses t work.
Other times he’ll solve the problem but instead of taking his reward,
He’ll hurl himself against the wall of the maze …
Charlie Why wasn’t I told that?
(to It's very important.
Nemur But while we believe this behaviour is unique to Algernon as it has never

pg. 48
Flowers for Algernon Activation script Act I (2022)

Cast If this is your dialogue: Dialogue If you hear this dialogue, what is your reaction:
What is your purpose/ intent? 1. As it is being said
2. After it is said
3. What is your reaction
(face, body, emotion)?
occurred in any other mice.
Charlie The other mice never achieved his level of intelligence or held it as long.
Strauss Not now, Charlie.
Nemur So we have every reason to believe that Algernon’s cure and Charlie’s will be
Voice But how have you determined that, Professor?
from the
Nemur By statistical evaluations based on earlier experiments.
Normally dull mice, made normally intelligent, retained that condition for
their life span.
The only difference is that with Algernon we were vastly more successful,
And Charlie’s intelligence has increased to a genius level.
Charlie That doesn’t prove anything.
(to Your conclusions are premature.
Strauss What do you mean?
Charlie It's one thing to hold a minor increase for a lifespan, but in a case where
(to intelligence has been enormously increased, the waiting period must be
Strauss) extended.
We’ve gone up faster, so we may go down faster.
‘Way before the end of lifespan
Nemur Now, in place of a feeble-minded shell,
A burden on the society that must fear his irresponsible behaviour,
We have a man of dignity and sensitivity,
Ready to take his place as a contributing member of society.
Charlie You don’t really know if Algernon’s intelligence and mine are permanent, do
(to you?
Strauss I'm not sure.
We may have presented too soon.

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Flowers for Algernon Activation script Act I (2022)

Cast If this is your dialogue: Dialogue If you hear this dialogue, what is your reaction:
What is your purpose/ intent? 1. As it is being said
2. After it is said
3. What is your reaction
(face, body, emotion)?
What you say
… you may have spotted a mistake.
Charlie Sorry, Doctor,
It's just my superior intelligence.
Nemur I should like you all to hear a few words from
Charlie Gordon.
Voices Watch out!
from the What happened?
audience What are you doing?
Charlie Algernon’s loose!
Nemur Get him!
Get him!
Charlie Behind that curtain!
Burt Close those doors!
Strauss Hurry!
Nemur Go ahead, laugh!
(to But if we don’t find him,
Charlie) The whole experiment is in danger!
Charlie You know something?
You may have made a mistake.
It may not matter at all.
Nemur Have you got him
Charlie Well, I thought we’d just go off together
… you and me
.. a couple of man-made geniuses.
You won't have to solve any problems to be fed, Algernon.
I always resented that.

pg. 50
Flowers for Algernon Activation script Act I (2022)

Cast If this is your dialogue: Dialogue If you hear this dialogue, what is your reaction:
What is your purpose/ intent? 1. As it is being said
2. After it is said
3. What is your reaction
(face, body, emotion)?
We’ll go right back to New York,
I’ve got to see my parents as soon as I can.
We may not have all the time we thought we had.

pg. 51

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