December Checkpoints Grade6

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Beaconhouse School System

BMTL Girls Branch

Academic Session 2019-20

Name: _______________ Subject: Science

Class VI Sec: _______ Total Marks: 25
Time: 40 minutes
Objective Type /10
Q1. a. Choose the most suitable answer and encircle it: /5
a. _________________________ is the largest group of invertebrates.

1. annelids 2. molluscs 3. arthropods

b. A lobster belongs to the following group of invertebrates

1. crustaceans 2. arachinds 3. insects

c. In _____ usually soft bodies are enclosed in hard shells.

1. Molluscans 2. Arthropodans 3. Reptiles

d. Why are cooking vessels not made up of plastic materials for cooking food on gas flame?

1. Plastic burns and melts when kept on flame of a gas burner.

2. Plastic gives out foul smell when used as cooking vessels on flame.
3. Plastic is rare and costly material.

e. If a metal is ___________ it can be drawn into a wire.

1. Conductive 2. Magnetic 3. Ductile

f. People belong to which Class of Animals? (choose the correct answer)

1. Reptiles 2. Amphibians 3. Mammals

g. Scientist group living organisms into different kinds, called.

1. family 2. species 3. race

h. The offspring of two plants or animals of different species or varieties are called the

1. hybrids 2. organisms 3. breed

i. Mammals are covered with ____________

1. hair 2. water 3. sand

j. The plant group and the animal group are called the _______________.

1. kingdoms 2. plants and animals 3. organisms

Q1. b. Fill in the blanks: /5

a. All the organisms that have green leaves and can photosynthesize are called the _____________
b. Gold is used for jewelry because it is ___________________.
c. Mosses produce ________________ for the reproduction of a new plant.
d. Metals are _________________, which means they can be beaten into shape.
e. ________________________ are arthropods with many pairs of joined legs.

Section II /15
Short- answer questions

Q1. Some of the properties of copper are shown in the table.

good conductor of electricity
good conductor of heat
high boiling point
high melting point
(a) Why is copper used to make electrical wires? /2

Choose the best two reasons from the table.

. copper wires


(b) Why is copper used to make cooking pots and pans? /2

Choose the best two reasons from the table.

copper pot
Q2. The drawings show four plants. For each plant, say which of these groups it belongs to: /4
(1 mark for each correct ans)
mosses ferns conifers flowering plants

Describe the features of the plant that helped you to decide which group it belongs to.

Group ............................................................... Group ...............................................................

Features ............................................................ Features ............................................................

........................................................................... ..........................................................................

........................................................................... ..........................................................................

Group ............................................................... Group ...............................................................

Features ............................................................ Features ............................................................

........................................................................... ..........................................................................

........................................................................... ..........................................................................
Q3. The drawings show some vertebrates. /4
Decide which of these classes each of these vertebrates belongs to:

fish amphibians reptiles birds mammals


Polar bear

frog crocodile

snake monkey fish

Q4. The properties of materials determine the use you can make of them. /3
For each of the material given below, list the properties and suggest a use for the material.

materials properties and their uses

window glass

ceramics _______________________________________

fabrics _______________________________________

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