EOYE Reinforcement 2022 23.

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Differentiating between biodegradable and non-biodegradable materials and explaining their impact on pollution in
water, air, and land:
1. What is the difference between biodegradable and non-biodegradable materials?
1. Give three examples of biodegradable materials.
2. Give three examples of non-biodegradable materials.
3. What happens when biodegradable materials are left in the environment?
4. What happens when non-biodegradable materials are left in the environment?

Answer Key:
1. Biodegradable materials can be broken down and decomposed by natural processes, such as bacteria and
fungi, over time. Non-biodegradable materials cannot be broken down by natural processes and can remain
in the environment for a long time.
1. Examples of biodegradable materials include food waste, paper, and plant materials.
2. Examples of non-biodegradable materials include plastics, metals, and glass.
3. When biodegradable materials are left in the environment, they are broken down by microorganisms and
decompose into natural materials, such as water and carbon dioxide.
4. When non-biodegradable materials are left in the environment, they can accumulate and persist for years,
causing environmental pollution and harming wildlife.
How solar eclipses occur:
1. What is a solar eclipse?
2. What are the two types of solar eclipses?
3. Why is it not safe to look directly at a solar eclipse?
4. How often do solar eclipses occur?
Answer Key:
1. A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth, blocking the Sun's light and
casting a shadow on the Earth's surface.
2. The two types of solar eclipses are a total solar eclipse, where the Moon completely covers the Sun, and a
partial solar eclipse, where the Moon only partially covers the Sun.
3. It is not safe to look directly at a solar eclipse because the Sun's rays can cause permanent eye damage or
4. Solar eclipses occur a few times a year, but they are not visible from all parts of the world. Total solar
eclipses are rare and occur about once every 18 months.

Describe what light poverty is and its consequences.

Explore the advantages of solar-powered lighting solutions.
What is light poverty?
A: Light poverty is a situation where people lack access to adequate and reliable lighting, particularly in their homes,
workplaces, or public spaces.
What are the consequences of light poverty?
A: The consequences of light poverty can include limited educational and economic opportunities, increased health
risks due to poor lighting and air quality, and reduced safety and security, particularly for women and children.
What are the advantages of solar-powered lighting solutions?
A: Solar-powered lighting solutions have several advantages, including:
They are cost-effective and require no electricity from the grid
They are environmentally friendly and sustainable
They are easy to install and maintain
They can improve the quality of life and safety of people in areas with light poverty
They can promote economic growth and development by providing opportunities for entrepreneurship and education.
How does solar-powered lighting work?
A: Solar-powered lighting works by harnessing the energy of the sun through solar panels, which convert the sunlight
into electricity. This electricity is stored in batteries and used to power LED lights when the sun sets.
What are some examples of solar-powered lighting solutions?
A: Examples of solar-powered lighting solutions include solar lanterns, solar street lights, and solar home systems.
These solutions are particularly useful in areas with no or unreliable electricity access.

Describe what happens when light meets an opaque object.

What is an opaque object?
A: An opaque object is an object that does not allow light to pass through it.
What happens when light meets an opaque object?
A: When light meets an opaque object, the light is either absorbed, reflected, or scattered by the surface of the object.
The amount of light absorbed, reflected, or scattered depends on the properties of the surface of the object, such as
its color, texture, and shape.
What is absorption of light?
A: Absorption of light is the process by which an object takes in some or all of the light that falls on it.
A: Reflection of light is the process by which an object bounces back some or all of the light that falls on it, without
absorbing it.
What is scattering of light?
A: Scattering of light is the process by which light is redirected in different directions as it passes through a material,

Differentiate between the properties of permanent magnets and electro-magnets and research their use in everyday
objects/ appliances.
What is an electric current?
A: An electric current is a flow of electric charge through a conductor, such as a wire.
How does an electric current produce a magnetic field?
A: An electric current produces a magnetic field around it because the moving electric charges (electrons) create a
magnetic field.
How can you use a magnetic compass to detect a magnetic field?
A: A magnetic compass aligns itself with the direction of a magnetic field, so if you place a magnetic compass near a
current-carrying wire, the compass needle will move and align itself with the magnetic field around the wire.
What is a permanent magnet?
A: A permanent magnet is a magnet that produces its own magnetic field and retains its magnetism without the need
for an external magnetic field.
What is an electromagnet?
A: An electromagnet is a magnet that produces a magnetic field when an electric current is passed through a wire
wrapped around a magnetic core.
What is the difference between permanent magnets and electromagnets?
A: Permanent magnets produce their own magnetic field without the need for an external source of electricity, while
electromagnets require an electric current to produce a magnetic field. Additionally, the strength of an electromagnet
can be controlled by varying the amount of electric current, while the strength of a permanent magnet cannot be
easily changed.
What are some everyday objects or appliances that use magnets?
A: Some examples of everyday objects or appliances that use magnets include refrigerator magnets, speakers, electric
motors, and MRI machines.

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