Loa Notes 25898-1

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Why the LOA Can Seem Like Magic - Part One Many people make a decision to make

money. This is a common desire. Then they start to see things that can potentially make
them some money. Advertisements on TV. Flyers coming in the mail. They maybe even find
a dollar on the sidewalk one morning. Is this magic? Is this proof that the LOA really does
work? Let's consider a few assumptions about human nature, and reality, to see if this is
even possible. First of all, let's consider two aspects of human nature. Free will vs.
determinism. Basically, free will means we get to choose our actions. We get to choose
whether we want a ham or tuna sandwich. We get to choose whether we go to college or
trade school. On the other hand, determinism means we don't really have a choice, even if
we think we do. All of our choices are really predetermined, based on what happened
before, and we only THINK we are choosing them. That means no matter what we do, no
matter how we act, we are simply living out our predetermined lives according to a
predetermined plan. Which do you believe? Second, let's consider the nature of reality. It
either follows a set of laws, understood by us or not, or it doesn't. If it doesn't follow any set
of laws, then it's completely random. If it's completely random, then we can't really plan
anything. The sun would only sometimes rise in the East. If we threw out car keys up in the
air, they would only sometimes fall back to Earth. If we measured the mass and other
characteristics of the nucleus of a hydrogen atom, they would always be different. If we got
on an airplane to Hawaii, sometimes we'd get there, sometimes we'd end up in a different
time, a different place, and a different reality. Which do you believe? It's safe to say we live
lives made up of our free will. It's also safe to say that we live in a reality that is governed by
some kind of laws. We understand some of them, and some of them we are still trying to
figure out, but they are laws nonetheless. What does this mean when we speak about the
LOA? Consider if our thoughts actually created things out there in space, on their own.
Imagine if we were to think of something strong enough, and then "poof" it into existence.
For example, imagine if you were capable of thinking a thought strongly enough, and
correctly enough to make gold suddenly appear before you, through no work of your own.
This would only be possible under two scenarios. One is that the gold has to exist before you
thought about it, and you simply moved it from where it was, to where it is before you. If this
is the case, and the gold you "manifested" was in a brick form, meaning it was made by
human hands, requiring work and effort, which means that there's somebody out there who
had their gold suddenly disappear. This is very similar to the case of found money, where
every penny you find means that somebody out there lost a penny. The other case is that
the gold didn't exist before, and now it does. If this is the case, where did the gold come
from? If it came from other matter, was it from the pre-existing amount of gold in the Earth
now? Or was it transformed from other pre-existing matter?

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