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Theory of Culture.

Name: Φωτεινή Μανιάτη

ΙD number: 1563201600108

“Darkness at the heart of Europe: the imperialistic aspects”

Joseph Conrad’s ‘Heart of Darkness’ narrates Marlow’s expedition into the African
jungle in order to find an ivory trader, named Kurtz. Through Marlow’s narration,
Conrad provides an insight of European colonial exploitation inflicted upon African
natives . The novel engages with imperialism and its history , a state policy of
exerting influence over an other native through military, economic and political means,
Even through the use of language and literatura. “Heart of Darkness is about
Europe’s strategy to colonize the ‘dark’ world Africa. Marlow, the main character
in the novel, reflects Conrad’s own experiences and critisizes the immoral
acts of the colonizers. Many critics have entered into a debate concerning Conrad’s
‘Heart of Darkness’. Chinua Achebe in his famous ‘An Image of Africa’ takes a
strong stand against Conrad declaring him as racist. In response to Achebe’s
critisism, Edward Said in ‘Two Visions of Heart of Darkness’ defends Conrad.

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