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Your teacher has asked you to write a story which starts with these words “It was a warm

sunny day when the journey began” Write your story (120-160 words)


Introduction (Para 1)

Set the scene (who, which, when, where, what doing, weather, feelings)

Main body (Paras 2+3)

Events in the order they happened, the main event (climax)

Conclusion (Para 4)

Ending, feelings

Useful Language

Introduction (Para 1): It was a… (day, morning, evening)

The weather was…..

Main body (Paras 2+3): After he and his brother…..

The were….
As soon as….
At that moment….

Conclusion (Para 4) They had never felt so…

They knew they would never….
It was certainly….
It was the most (frightening, happiest…)

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