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Quirino Stadium, Zone V, Bantay, Ilocos Sur, ISCC Barangay Demo Farm
Philippines 2727 Campus
e-mail address:
Human Resources Office

Name of Employee: Position/

Unit: Evaluation Period:
Date and Time:
Evaluator: Position/

Standard 1: Work ethics and Professional Conduct

Criteria Does Not Meet Partially Meets Fully Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations Score
Expectations Expectations (3) (4)
(1) (2)
Maintains Confidentiality Does not maintain Usually maintains Maintains confidentiality and Serves as a role model for
confidentiality and readily confidentiality and rarely shares sensitive or maintaining
shares sensitive or important sometimes shares sensitive important information to confidentiality. Employee
information to people who or important information to people who does need to always maintains
does need to know. people who does need to know. confidentiality. Has
know. excellent judgement in in
terms of sharing sensitive
or important information to
people who need to know.
Respect for other people Total disregard for other Occasionally disregards Respects other people’s rights. Serves as a role model in
people’s rights. Acts in a other people’s rights. Acts in an appropriate and terms of respecting other
rude and unprofessional Occasionally acts in a rude professional manner that people’s rights and
manner when dealing with and unprofessional manner respects diversity when diversity in the workplace.
coworkers, students, and when dealing with dealing with coworkers, Exhibits professionalism in
other people. Has no or little coworkers, students, and students, and other people. providing customer service
respect for diversity. other people. Inconsistent and dealing with
respect for diversity. coworkers, students, and

ISCC Employee Evaluation Form Page 1 ofSignature:

Evaluator’s 13 Employee’s Last name:
Quirino Stadium, Zone V, Bantay, Ilocos Sur, ISCC Barangay Demo Farm
Philippines 2727 Campus
e-mail address:
Human Resources Office
other people.
Makes sound and ethical Immediate supervisor or HR Usually makes sound and Makes sound and ethical Excellent judgement in
decisions has received complaints ethical actions or decisions actions or decisions with evaluating situations with
regarding employee’s but requires significant minimal or without any exceptional ability to make
unethical actions. Employee assistance. “Turns a blind assistance. Reports unethical sound and ethical actions
is unable to act ethically and eye” or disregards practices. or decisions with no
is unable to make sound or unethical rather than report supervisory assistance.
ethical decisions it Reports unethical practices
Accepts and handles Rarely accepts or responds Occasionally accepts or Seeks and accepts and Seeks and accepts and
constructive feedback positively to constructive responds positively to responds to constructive responds to constructive
feedback constructive feedback feedback positively. feedback positively. Able
to identify own
weaknesses and strengths
and strives to improve
Assumes responsibility Poor decision making skills Needs significant Good decision-making skills. Excellent decision-making
and accountability and does not admit and assistance in making Admits, assumes skills. Rarely makes
assume responsibility for decisions. Seldom admits responsibility, and performs mistakes, but readily
mistakes. Does not perform or assumes responsibility corrective action for admits and assumes
appropriate corrective action for mistakes. Occasionally occasional or rare mistakes. responsibility for it.
for mistakes. performs corrective for Focuses on performing the
mistakes. appropriate corrective
actions to correct mistakes
as needed.
Standard 1: Work ethics and Professional Conduct Averag %
Average = Sum of All Scores for this standard / No. of items e
Percentage score = (Average Score/Highest possible score) * 50 + 50

Remarks: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

ISCC Employee Evaluation Form Page 2 ofSignature:

Evaluator’s 13 Employee’s Last name:
Quirino Stadium, Zone V, Bantay, Ilocos Sur, ISCC Barangay Demo Farm
Philippines 2727 Campus
e-mail address:
Human Resources Office
Standard 2: Quality of Work
Criteria Does Not Meet Partially Meets Fully Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations Score
Expectations Expectations (3) (4)
(1) (2)
Possesses the necessary Not willing to take any Often makes excuses and Assumes responsibility for job Readily accepts and
knowledge and skills to responsibility. Does not takes little responsibility. and assigned tasks and shows assumes responsibility for
perform the job and make any effort to Makes minimum effort to willingness and effort to job and assigned tasks.
assigned tasks effectively understand the job or tasks understand the job or tasks acquire knowledge and skills Shows willingness to learn
and efficiently beyond basic requirements. beyond basic requirements. beyond basic requirements to and improve performance
Does not make any effort to Shows little effort to perform the job effectively despite being highly
acquire the necessary acquire the necessary and efficiently. skilled and knowledgeable.
knowledge or skills to knowledge or skills to Performs and completes
perform the job or tasks perform the job or tasks assigned tasks effectively
effectively and efficiently effectively and efficiently and efficiently.
Demonstrates excellent Does not exhibit effective Demonstrates inconsistent Demonstrates consistent Demonstrates excellent
organizational skills and efficient organizational organizational skills that organizational skills that result organizational skills that
skills results in work that is in effective and efficient work result in highly effective
occasionally efficient and and efficient work.
effective. Reviews work and
processes periodically to
increase efficiency.
Effectiveness in Does not plan ahead, Struggles to prioritize and Identifies and organizes Possess excellent project
identifying and organizing ineffective in establishing organize job related tasks. priorities effectively. management skills, highly
job priorities and ability priorities, forgets deadlines, Rarely anticipates Performs tasks accurately and effective in establishing
to perform or complete tasks are rarely done deadlines, tasks are done usually meets deadlines with and organizing priorities.
tasks accurately and accurately, requires constant but with many errors. minimum errors requiring Anticipates deadlines and
effectively supervision Requires supervision little to no supervision. perform tasks effectively
and efficiently with rare

ISCC Employee Evaluation Form Page 3 ofSignature:

Evaluator’s 13 Employee’s Last name:
Quirino Stadium, Zone V, Bantay, Ilocos Sur, ISCC Barangay Demo Farm
Philippines 2727 Campus
e-mail address:
Human Resources Office
Deals with problems Usually takes no appropriate Rarely takes action to Able to deal with Readily recognizes and
effectively and efficiently action taken to deal with appropriately deal with appropriately with problems responds appropriately to
problems. Waits for specific problems without with minimal assistance from problems. Readily
directions from supervisor. significant assistance. supervisor. Is able to recognizes if decision is
Reluctance to make recognize and make sound necessary and is able to
decisions. Decisions are decisions and involves others make sound decisions and
not always sound and does in decision making process as recommendations to deal
not involve others in the needed. with problems. Always
decision-making process involves relevant people in
the decision-making
process as necessary.
Understands role in the Is not aware of the strategic Has awareness of strategic Understands how their work Understands how their
implementation and plan and the institutional plan and institutional supports the achievement of work contributes and
achievement of strategic VMGOs. Does not set VMGOs but fails to see a the strategic plan and the impacts the achievement
plan professional goals to improve connection between their institutional VMGOs. Sets of the strategic plan and
performance work and the strategic plan professional goals, monitors the institutional VMGOs.
and the institutional progress and corrects Has the ability to set own
VMGOs. Does not take performance in collaboration professional goals, monitor
appropriate action even with supervisor owns progress and able to
when supervisor assists in self-correct to improve
setting professional goals. performance and
communicates with
Standard 2: Quality of Work Averag %
Average = Sum of All Scores for this standard / No. of items e
Percentage score = (Average Score/Highest possible score) * 50 + 50

Remarks: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

ISCC Employee Evaluation Form Page 4 ofSignature:

Evaluator’s 13 Employee’s Last name:
Quirino Stadium, Zone V, Bantay, Ilocos Sur, ISCC Barangay Demo Farm
Philippines 2727 Campus
e-mail address:
Human Resources Office
Standard 3: Interpersonal Relations / Teamwork
Criteria Does Not Meet Partially Meets Fully Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations Score
Expectations Expectations (3) (4)
(1) (2)
Develops effective Does not possess or Occasionally demonstrates Demonstrates effective Outstanding interpersonal
working relationships and demonstrate effective effective interpersonal interpersonal skills. Works skills. Works well and
works well with others interpersonal skills. Has skills. Has difficulty well and cooperatively with cooperatively with others
difficulty working with working with others from others from diverse from diverse backgrounds.
others from diverse diverse backgrounds. backgrounds. Promotes an Promotes an atmosphere
backgrounds. Does not Inconsistent in maintaining atmosphere for respect for all for respect for all
maintain an open, positive a positive working stakeholders. Works to stakeholders. Works to
working relationship with relationship with others. maintain an open and positive maintain an open and
others. working relationship with positive working
others. relationship with others.
Inspires cooperation and
confidence even in times
of high work pressure
Shares information and Consistently unaware of Not aware of team Aware and performs role to Actively participates,
resources to improve team team activities and plans. activities and plans. Does achieve team objectives. engage, and work with
performance Does not communicate ideas not share information and Effectively communicates team members to achieve
to others effectively. resources with team ideas with others effectively. team goals and objectives.
members to improve team Shares information and Assess the need of other
effectiveness. Even when resources with team members team members and shares
instructed or directed by to improve team performance. information and resources
supervisor, is unable or to improve performance.
unwilling to communicate Communicates ideas and is
ideas effectively with able to persuade and

ISCC Employee Evaluation Form Page 5 ofSignature:

Evaluator’s 13 Employee’s Last name:
Quirino Stadium, Zone V, Bantay, Ilocos Sur, ISCC Barangay Demo Farm
Philippines 2727 Campus
e-mail address:
Human Resources Office
others. convince others.
Takes on additional work Does not possess or Possess or demonstrates Actively participates as a team Demonstrates excellent
to assist the team when demonstrate team work limited team work skills. member. Contributes team work skills. Actively
needed skills. Unable to contribute Limited and occasional significantly to group effort and greatly contributes to
to group effort and does not participation. Rarely and assists other team group effort. Readily
assist others as needed. contributes to group effort members to get the job done. assists and actively
to get the job or tasks done encourages other team
as needed. members to get the job
Manages conflict Does not know how to Tries to manage conflict Uses various strategies to Uses various strategies to
appropriately manage conflict and often but usually fails to constructively manage conflict constructively manage
escalates it. constructively manage or or diffuse difficult situations. conflict or diffuse difficult
diffuse difficult situations situations. Rarely allows
situations to become
Standard 3: Teamwork Averag %
Average = Sum of All Scores for this standard / No. of items e
Percentage score = (Average Score/Highest possible score) * 50 + 50

Remarks: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

ISCC Employee Evaluation Form Page 6 ofSignature:

Evaluator’s 13 Employee’s Last name:
Quirino Stadium, Zone V, Bantay, Ilocos Sur, ISCC Barangay Demo Farm
Philippines 2727 Campus
e-mail address:
Human Resources Office

Standard 4: Dependability/Self-management
Criteria Does Not Meet Partially Meets Fully Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations Score
Expectations Expectations (3) (4)
(1) (2)
Attendance and Attendance is poor and has Unreliable or inconsistent Attendance is reliable, Outstanding attendance
punctuality consistent and multiple attendance and tardiness. punctual and consistent in and punctuality. Has no
unexpected absences and Has several unexpected reporting for work. Has few unexpected absences and
tardiness absences and tardiness unexpected absences and tardiness.
Delivers or completes Does not complete work on Occasionally completes Delivers work on time and is Consistently anticipates,
work on time time. Cannot manage or work on time. Struggles to able to manage, balance, and delivers or completes work
balance more than one manage or balance more meet several deadlines. on time. Effectively and
deadline at a time than one deadline at a time. efficiently manages,
Shows no urgency in balances, meets several
meeting deadlines deadlines. Demonstrates
readiness for higher level
Time management Does not allocate, coordinate Requires some supervision Allocates, coordinates, and Creative and effective in
and/or organize projects and oversight on allocating organizes projects and/or time efforts to allocate,
and/or time to avoid conflicts and coordinating time to avoid conflicts, juggling coordinate, and organize
effectively, even in both short- and long-range projects and/or time to
tasks/projects that are objectives. avoid conflicts, juggling
within capabilities both short- and long-range
Meets training or Has not completed one or Has completed at least one Meets the minimum Exceeds the minimum
educational requirements more required trainings. training but failed to meet educational qualification and standards in terms of
Does not meet minimum the required number of required number of trainings. educational qualification

ISCC Employee Evaluation Form Page 7 ofSignature:

Evaluator’s 13 Employee’s Last name:
Quirino Stadium, Zone V, Bantay, Ilocos Sur, ISCC Barangay Demo Farm
Philippines 2727 Campus
e-mail address:
Human Resources Office
educational qualification or trainings. Does not Shows willingness to undergo and trainings required.
training experience. Refuses currently meet the additional trainings and enroll Demonstrates willingness
to undergo training or enroll minimum educational in education beyond what is to acquire additional
for further studies despite qualification or training required. knowledge and skills.
being encouraged by the experience but is currently
supervisor and given enrolled or undergoing
consideration in the last such education or training.
evaluation. Shows willingness to
comply with requirements.
Use of Organizational Unable to use systems or Inconsistently uses systems Regularly uses systems or Consistently demonstrates
systems or processes processes in place to or processes in place to processes in place to effective use of systems or
create/maintain informational create/maintain create/maintain informational processes in place to
files, records, projects, or informational files, files, records, projects, or create/maintain
information records, projects, or information to enhance informational files,
information productivity records, projects, or
information. Ensures that
materials and information
are prepared to maximize
Standard 4: Dependability Averag %
Average = Sum of All Scores for this standard / No. of items e
Percentage score = (Average Score/Highest possible score) * 50 + 50

Remarks: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

ISCC Employee Evaluation Form Page 8 ofSignature:

Evaluator’s 13 Employee’s Last name:
Quirino Stadium, Zone V, Bantay, Ilocos Sur, ISCC Barangay Demo Farm
Philippines 2727 Campus
e-mail address:
Human Resources Office

Standard 5: Flexibility and Adaptability

Criteria Does Not Meet Partially Meets Fully Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations Score
Expectations Expectations (3) (4)
(1) (2)
Adaptability Unable to handle change in Experiences difficulty Can effectively work through Demonstrates outstanding
plans and priorities. dealing with interruptions interruptions and is able to ability to focus on work or
Requires supervision to work at times and experiences effectively reprioritize work tasks despite interruptions
on task and experiences difficulty reprioritizing or tasks with little to no and reprioritizations. Can
difficulty focusing on work or tasks. supervision. work efficiently through
priorities. Has difficulty Occasionally needs planned and unplanned
completing tasks or work assistance to complete interruptions and can even
when interrupted and is tasks. handle several tasks at
unable to reprioritize without once.
Flexibility Unwilling to assume or Sometimes demonstrates Demonstrates willingness to Shows great flexibility in
accept new and/or different negativity and assume and accept new and/or assuming new and/or
work assignments. Unable unwillingness to assume or different work assignments. different work
or unwilling to modify work accept new and/or different Open to modifying work assignments. Readily
processes, methods, or work assignments. Shows processes, methods, or modifies or adapts work
strategies according to resistance to modify work strategies according to processes, methods, and
changing needs. processes, methods, or changing needs. strategies according to
strategies according to changing needs.
changing needs.
Change management Resistant and opposed to Employee is inconsistent Regularly supports changes in Makes regular and
change and sometimes in supporting change the processes or strategies in appropriate

ISCC Employee Evaluation Form Page 9 ofSignature:

Evaluator’s 13 Employee’s Last name:
Quirino Stadium, Zone V, Bantay, Ilocos Sur, ISCC Barangay Demo Farm
Philippines 2727 Campus
e-mail address:
Human Resources Office
challenges or refuses agreed- the unit and participates as recommendations that
upon process changes needed in the change process contribute to improvement
of processes or services.
Facilitates and participates
in the change process.
Welcomes diverse Resistant to include or Inconsistent in entertaining Usually considers a diverse Proactively demonstrates
perspectives or ideas consider a diverse point of or considering a diverse point of view. Considers and inclusivity team members
view. Disregards ideas of point of view. Sometimes includes the opinion of others and among other
others based on age, shows disregard of ideas regardless of their diverse stakeholders regardless of
experience, level of from people coming from background. background or
education, ability, position, diverse background based socioeconomic rank.
designation, or on age, experience, level of
socioeconomic rank. education, ability, position,
designation, or
socioeconomic rank.
Standard 5: Flexibility and Adaptability Averag %
Average = Sum of All Scores for this standard / No. of items e
Percentage score = (Average Score/Highest possible score) * 50 + 50

Remarks: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

ISCC Employee Evaluation Form Page 10 of

Evaluator’s 13
Signature: Employee’s Last name:
Quirino Stadium, Zone V, Bantay, Ilocos Sur, ISCC Barangay Demo Farm
Philippines 2727 Campus
e-mail address:
Human Resources Office

Standard 6: Communication Skills

Criteria Does Not Meet Partially Meets Fully Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations Score
Expectations Expectations (3) (4)
(1) (2)
Ability to make self- Frequently unable to express Sometimes unable to Shows strong ability to Shows outstanding ability
understood/ ability to ideas clearly to others in a express ideas clearly to express ideas to others in a to express ideas to others
express ideas professional and appropriate others in a professional and professional and appropriate in a professional and
manner appropriate manner manner. appropriate manner.
Adjusts information
delivery to a variety of
Verbal communication Has poor verbal Sometimes unclear in Communicates clearly with Consistently
communication skills; is verbal communication others verbally in a variety of communicates clearly with
often unclear in settings others verbally in a variety
communicating with others of settings, including those
involving challenging
ideas or complex technical
Written communication Rarely creates written Inconsistent in writing Creates written Creates excellent quality
communications or reports communications or reports communications or reports written communications or
that are appropriate for the that are appropriate for the that are appropriate for the reports that are appropriate
intended audience. Written intended audience. intended audience. Written for the intended audience.
output does not clearly Written output sometimes output clearly convey ideas, Written output clearly
convey ideas, and has several do not clearly convey and has minimal grammatical convey ideas, and rarely
grammatical errors ideas, and has some errors has grammatical errors
grammatical errors

ISCC Employee Evaluation Form Page 11 of

Evaluator’s 13
Signature: Employee’s Last name:
Quirino Stadium, Zone V, Bantay, Ilocos Sur, ISCC Barangay Demo Farm
Philippines 2727 Campus
e-mail address:
Human Resources Office
Standard 6: Communication Skills Average %
Average = Sum of All Scores for this standard / No. of items
Percentage score = (Average Score/Highest possible score) * 50 + 50
Remarks: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Name of Employee: Position/
Unit: Evaluation Period:
Date and Time:
Evaluator: Position/
-----------------------------Items below this statement should be accomplished by HR Officer -----------------------------

Standard Average Percentage Score % Weight Subtotal per

Score standard
Standard 1: Work ethics and Professional Conduct
Standard 2: Quality of Work
Standard 3: Interpersonal Relations / Teamwork
Standard 4: Dependability/Self-management
Standard 5: Flexibility and Adaptability
Standard 6: Communication Skills
Result (Refer to Description)
 To compute for the subtotal per standard (Percentage score x Weight)

ISCC Employee Evaluation Form Page 12 of

Evaluator’s 13
Signature: Employee’s Last name:
Quirino Stadium, Zone V, Bantay, Ilocos Sur, ISCC Barangay Demo Farm
Philippines 2727 Campus
e-mail address:
Human Resources Office
 The total score equals the sum of the subtotal scores per standard

Processed by: _____________________________ Validated by: ____________________________

Signature over printed name/Date Signature over printed name/Date
Interpretation of Results

*To interpret the grade of the employee being evaluated, please refer to the table below:

% Equivalent Description
98 – 100 Exemplary
95 – 97
92 – 94 Highly
89 – 91 Effective
86 – 88 Effective
83 – 85 Proficient
80 – 82 Needs
Below 79 Inefficient

ISCC Employee Evaluation Form Page 13 of

Evaluator’s 13
Signature: Employee’s Last name:

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