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1. Rights of Individual – Legal, constitutional and Fundamental. If

one can observe last few year papers questions on -Right to
privacy, Right to Property, executive or administrative
authority an unguided and uncontrolled discretionary power,
concentration of wealth, Fundamental Rights incorporated
against untouchability and so on. This makes this topic highly
2. Philosophy of Constitution – From what does constitutional
government means to question on Liberty, Question directly
from preamble (Twice).
3. Administrative Reform committees- N. Gopalaswamy Iyenger
Committee, First Administrative Reforms Commission ,2nd Arc,
questions have been asked on these topics repeatedly.
4. Basic polity -What is state, what is Parliamentary form of
government, Rule of Law
5. DPSP - ideal of a Welfare State, principles and provisions of the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, separation of judiciary from the
executive, concentration of wealth violates and so on.

Learning – Conceptual understanding of static sources and

interpretations of judiciary is more important than giving more time
to thousands of acts , and schemes etc.

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