10 Things We Realized As We Got Older

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10 Things we realized as we got older

#1- Time is money.

Some opportunities come only once. Wasted time is lost

forever. I learned to use my time wisely, delegating the less
important tasks and focusing on the tasks that increase my
personal value and savings account. I say no to unimportant
things and say a resounding ‘yes’ to revenue-generating ones. 

#2- Learning is a continuous process.

There are many things to learn and master. I love innovating

myself, my brand, and my life. Change is constant so I don’t
settle for what is available. I follow my own path and pursue
the things I want by learning and achieving.

#3- The last mistake is always a great teacher.

There is no shortcut to success. Life has no ready book that

will teach us to overcome the bumps and curves. I made a lot
of mistakes, but instead of quitting, I regard every last mistake
as my jumping board to move forward. I use the lessons to
stand up again and stand out. 

#4- Networking is about giving first.

Life itself is networking. As the cliche goes, no man is an

island. Each of us has something to offer to someone and
something to take from them. I believe in the power of
networking and collaborating to promote my brand and learn
more about my prospects. But before people give what I want,
they want something from me. So, I make sure to fill the gap
by providing what they need.

#5- Successful entrepreneurs are made, not born.

To be effective and successful in any venture, faith in your
power to create is important. It is about being all-in, doing
whatever you need to do to achieve your goals. Before I
embarked on my journey as a digital marketer, I made a road
map. It helps me optimize my skills, resources, time, and effort.

#6- Money is a ticket to happiness.

I learned to value money, making sure to get paid for what I

worth and spend less than I earn. Adulting is a tough job. But
as I grow older, I learn to be smarter and wiser financially.
While having a lot of money is not a guarantee for a happy
life, it is a ticket that will give you better options to enjoy what
you desire.

#7- Growing old brings crystallized wisdom.

All the mistakes I’ve made give me lessons to ponder, while

my achievements bring me greater confidence to make better
decisions. My accumulated experiences through the years
instill confidence that makes me unafraid to take calculated
risks and leap up with faith. 

#8- True people embrace you for who you are.

Not all people in your life have a genuine interest or care

about you. Some friends are there for you when you are
winning, but excuse themselves when you fail. I learned to
discern and appreciate the presence of people who are with
me when I have nothing and celebrate with me when I achieve

#9- Not always being right.

When I was younger, I would do everything to prove that I was

right. Now, that I am older, I learned to slow down my pace
and allow myself to lose battles to win a bigger war. I choose
to focus on great strategies that bring grander things.
#10- Less is more.

As I get older, I understand that material things offer

temporary joy. Sometimes, we surround ourselves with things
that we believe are vital to our happiness. As I grow older, I
seek more meaning and true joy that comes from intangible
things. I only buy what I need and what is essential to my work
and well-being.

Not everyone grows old, so I make the most of each passing

day and dance with the rhythm of life.

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