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"Why humanize the teaching and learning

process in our classrooms?"
 A humanized space is a space in which less of us is hidden and more of
us are known. In humanized school classrooms, students feel valued,
known, respected, and safe.

 Getting to know more about a child as the year goes on or knowing the
child’s profile as a learner and their strengths and weaknesses, and
then bringing this knowledge into conversations and feedback are ways
that humanize school classrooms pre-COVID, and they humanize it
 Seek to know the stories of your students in an effort to help deal with
children’s trauma and stress in this difficult time.
 There are certain people, certain humans you are going to have to work
harder to build relationships with and connect with.
 Recognize that you can quickly make a child feel valued, known, or
 Who you are as a person influences how you show up in the classroom.
It’s not just about what you do with students, but about who you are. We
don’t see all students the same and this goes beyond even just
prejudice and stereotypes.
 We have to get real about when we’re connecting with other kids as
humans, we have to be willing to see them for who they are, and not
for who we think they are or who we assume they are.
 Partner your systems and instructional practices with the fact that a
child always has autonomy.
 As a warm demander, teachers should recognize that you have
something to offer your students, but also recognize that you have to
enlist them in choosing to learn and that you can’t force them.
 Combine truthful feedback with your belief in the student. Make
use of the various education technology available today to make giving
feedback easier. Audio and video feedback allows the teacher’s nuance
to shine through.

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