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You Can create drop capt in:

a) Review b)view c) page layout d) home e) insert

2.filling a range by series:

a) view b) page layout c) insert d) home e) non above. can Insert date and time to:

a) insert b) ctrl+: c)a & b d) page layout e) home can add page border in:

a) home b)page layout c) a & b d) insert

e) non above. can save as at

a) F12 b) ctrl+s c)ctrl+c d) ctrl+s e)

non above

Section B:Write True And False The Following Concepts:

1. To calculate Grade =if(d2>90”a”) (False)
2. Inserting pictures to your decoment click page layout (False)
3. You can create columns in page layout (True)
Section C:Answer 2 Questions Only:

1. How can you ascending and descending your data?

2. How can you open a new file?
3. How many way you can save your decoment?
4. Write product formula?
5. How many way you can add date and time in excel book?
Answer Sheet
1. --In Microsoft Word you can ascending at Home tab
---In Microsoft Excel you can ascending at Data Tab Then choose sort by
2. –ctrl+o Or --- click Office botton then choose Open.
3. ---crtl+s Or ---click Office Botton Then choose save. And others.
4. =product(b2,c2)
5. Ctrl+: Or ---Click formula tab then choose date and time .

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