2021 SOC210 Essay Grading Form

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Department of Sociology

University of Pretoria

SOC210: Industrial Sociology, 2021


(Contextualise the grading form by reading the Essay Writing Guidelines)


Content Demonstrates poor (15-19 marks Demonstrates some Demonstrates Demonstrates good Demonstrates solid
(40 marks) understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the
issues pertinent to the issues pertinent to the issues pertinent to the issues pertinent to the issues pertinent to the
question. question but does not question but does not question but does not question and is able to
elaborate and discuss always elaborate and always elaborate and elaborate and discuss
Readings and examples
them fully. discuss them fully. discuss them fully. them fully.
are not used
appropriately to discuss Readings and examples Readings and examples Uses readings and Uses readings and
question. are not always used are not always used examples appropriately examples appropriately
appropriately to discuss appropriately to discuss to discuss question. to discuss question.
Argument is not well
question. question.
placed within this Argument is placed Argument is placed
context. Argument is not well Argument is not very within this context. within this context.
placed within this well placed within this
(0-14 marks; 0-35%)) (28- 33marks; 70%- (34-40 marks; 80%-
context. context.
79%) 100%)
(20-24 marks; 50-60%) (25-27 marks; 62%-
Introduction Introduction missing. Introduction contentless. Introduction weak. Introduction attempts to Introduction sets out Introduction grabs
(5 marks) set out scope and scope and argument. readers’ attention, sets
(0 marks) (1 mark) (2 marks)
argument but doesn’t out scope and argument.
(4 marks)
manage to do both
(5 marks)
(3 marks)
Conclusion Conclusion missing. Conclusion contentless. Conclusion weak. Conclusion doesn’t quite Conclusion connected to Perfect ending.
(5 marks) Doesn’t succeed succeed in summing up major ideas and Conclusion well
(0 marks) (1 mark)
summing up main ideas the main ideas & argument. connected to major ideas
& argument. Introduces argument. and argument.
(4 marks)
new ideas.
(3 marks) (5 marks)
(2 marks)

Argument There is no discernible Argument is stated but Argument is rambling, Argument is not always Argument is presented Argument is presented
(30 marks) argument. not developed. and there are presented clearly and clearly and logically but clearly and logically.
contradictions left logically and points don’t points don’t necessarily Logical points build
(0-10 mark; 0%-33%) (11-14 marks, 37%-
unaddressed. necessarily build on each build on each other. directly upon prior
other. points.
Counter arguments may Counter arguments are
be presented, but are left Counter arguments are addressed but some are Counter-arguments are
unaddressed. addressed but many are left hanging or not well- addressed.
left hanging or not well- addressed.
(15-17 marks; 50%- (26-30 marks; 87%-
57%) (23-25 marks; 77%- 100%)
(18-22 marks; 60%- 83%)
Organisation Little discernible Organisation is unclear. Organisation is unclear. Organisation sometimes Clear organisation but Clear organisation with a
and structure organisation. Writing not Writing not fluid. Writing not fluid. unclear. Writing not writing not always fluid. natural flow.
of Essay, (See fluid. always fluid.
Major ideas not well Some transition Transition sentences to Transition sentences to
Ideas unconnected. connected. sentences to connect Some transition connect major ideas. connect major ideas.
(12 marks)
major ideas but usually sentences to connect
(0-2 marks) (3-4 marks) (8-9 marks) (10-12 marks)
not. major ideas.
(5-6 marks) (7 marks)
Referencing No in-text referencing. Poor effort to cite, Effort to cite, but Citing is mostly correct All in-text referencing is
(4 marks) scholarly ideas and they scholarly ideas are not but not in every instance. correct.
No bibliography.
are not cited correctly. cited correctly.
Bibliography present and Bibliography present and
(0 marks)
Bibliography is incorrect. Elements of the correct. correct.
bibliography are
(1 mark) (3 marks) (4 marks)
incorrect (2 mark)
Presentation Significant grammar and Several grammar or Some grammar and A few (less than five) No typos and spelling
(4 marks) spelling errors. spelling errors. spelling errors, but not grammar and spelling mistakes, good grammar
too difficult to follow the errors. with well-constructed
Poor layout and Presentation and layout
flow of language. sentences.
presentation. needs attention. Presentation and lay-out
Presentation and lay-out neat with minor Well-presented and neat,
(0 marks) (1 marks)
neat with minor problems. well laid-out and typed.
(3 marks) (4 marks)
(2 marks)

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