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Insert USB into EXPORT USB port into

the maint terminal.

2. Select Export Box from the OIS Maint


3. Select View Reports Available for

Export at the lower right hand corner.
Key in the Report name to export.
1. QAR
2. SAR0072 <= Hard Landing Report SAR0014
3. SAR0071 <= Overspeed Report SAR0007
4. CMS <= CMS dump*

Click on Search to display the results.

Select the files required.

Click on Export to USB.

Click on View Export Queue

to return to Export Box.

*Note: CMS dump is generated at engine start, therefore data

dumped contains events that happened before the engine start.

For example, aircraft operated SQ956 followed by SQ957.

CMS auto-dump for SQ957 will contain data for SQ956.
To collect data for the flight that just ended, manual CMS dump
is required <= See next slides.
Select the files to export to USB.

Click on Copy to USB.

When it has successfully copied to

USB, it will show Copied on USB.
To perform CMS manual dump for the flight that just ended…

Select CMS Memory Download from

the drop down menu as shown.

Click on Launch Dump generate the

CMS file.

Then click on CLOSE once it shows

To perform CMS manual dump for the flight that just ended…

Return to the Export Box to find


These are the manual dump files.

Note that CMS dump always comes

in set of 3 files.

Select the 3 files and Copy to USB.

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