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Reading Response Notebook

Flegenheimer, M. & Barbaro, M. (2016). Donald Trump is Elected President in Stunning

Repudiation of the Establishment. New York: New York Times.
The article fits into the grey area under the category of fact reporting. The main idea in the article

is to report the presidential win by Donald Trump in 2016. The article is Skews Liberal but still

manages to present the facts as they occurred in the latest US Presidential elections.

The authors discuss the surprising win of Mr. Trump in the US elections. The Americans seemed

to have taken a unique turn, choosing a president with no prior political experience. In a nutshell,

the article presents facts about the 2016 US General Elections.

The coverage by the article is effective given that it entails no biases against the election results

being reported. Despite the surprise win by the US President, the authors perfectly covered the

news event. The language use is also simple and concise.

How to make Yourself Poorer. Published in the Economist on November 29, 2018.
The article has been produced from the grey area under the intersection of the critical analysis

section and the mainstream part. The article present factual information on what Britain should

expect from the Brexit deal. It has no biases in its presentation.

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The point of focus in the article is how the Brexit deal will leave most Britons poorer in 15

years’ time. More particularly, the author is interested in how the GDP will be slashed per

individual. While the idea might have its good aspects, the Brexit deal leaves most Britons worse


A hard question that the article poses is whether the hardliners should accept that the Brexit

decision will make Britons poorer. While this might seem to be a partisan approach, the paper

presents factual statistics to support its stand on the matter.

Newsmax (2019). Promising New Alzheimer’s Treatment Developed.
The information presented in this article fits under the inaccurate or fabricated information that is

hyper-partisan. The facts presented are not supported by any evidence.

The article informs its audience of a newly developed treatment for Alzheimer’s disease.

However, there writing is too brief and applies extreme anonymity of the institutions involved.

The disease, being a public health issue should be handled as such.

The article in Newsmax does not provide full information on the newly developed medication. It

is inaccurate for the author to talk about an invention and yet not substantiate such issues with

realistic information. The paper lacks sufficient evidence.

Rosenbaum, M. (2014). What will fix the obesity crisis? CNN.
This is an opinion article that presents minimal partisan biases. The article discusses a sensitive

health issue and vividly relies on published statistics to authenticate opinions.

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The author gives a detailed analysis of the obesity challenge in the United States. Through facts

and figures, the article recommends approaches to managing the problem, among them proper

diet and lifestyle changes. Mass awareness on obesity is also included.

The opinion shared in this article is perfectly presented. The article is effective in its tone and

language use. It meets the expectations of most of its audiences.

Vagianos, A. (2018). Serena Williams wants to know why she’s drug-tested more than other
athletes. Huffington Post.
The article fits into the blue area under selective/incomplete stories which are liberal in nature.

Drug testing on athletes is an important issue, but the focus on a single athlete seems to be quite


The main idea presented in the article is the claim by the athlete that she undergoes more

rigorous anti-doping tests compared to other athletes. In addition, the author also presents

information about how frequent athletes should be tested. There is an indication that Serena

Williams undergoes more severe tests.

The main question that is raised in this article is why anti-doping tests vary from one athlete to

another. There is the need to know why such an incident takes place in athletics.
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Works Cited

Flegenheimer, M. & Barbaro, M. (2016). Donald Trump is Elected President in Stunning

Repudiation of the Establishment. New York: New York Times.


How to make Yourself Poorer. Published in the Economist on November 29, 2018.

Newsmax (2019). Promising New Alzheimer’s Treatment Developed.


Rosenbaum, M. (2014). What will fix the obesity crisis? CNN.

Vagianos, A. (2018). Serena Williams wants to know why she’s drug-tested more than other

athletes. Huffington Post.


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