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Running head: CLUB MANAGEMENT 1

Club Management

Student’s Name

Institutional Affiliation

Case Study 1(p. 76-78)

Based on the information from the case study, Tom needs to know the importance of

leadership in steering the board meetings. It ought to have been his duty to drive the agenda to

ensure that every item that he had included is fully covered. Instead, he left the members to

repetitively discuss on matters that were not part of the meeting’s agenda. Leadership and time

management skills are important when conducting and leading board meetings (Dunne, 2005).

Tom needs to master the art of effective time management and team leadership in carrying out


Tom chose the venue in a hurry. The fact that they were under pressure to complete

before the next group comes it made it undeniably impossible for the meeting to exhaust all the

contents of the agenda. There was very little interruption from Tom when the members discussed

matters that were not part of the agenda. Tom’s interaction with the members was not actively

visible at the start of the meeting. With regards to the agenda, the meeting did not fully exhaust

all the items due to the fact that the members discussed their own issues and the meeting was

frequently disrupted.

In terms of setting, the setting, Schenkles Club general manager should advise Tom to

conduct a comprehensive assessment to ensure that meetings are not disrupted. In addition, he

should also encourage Tom to plan in advance to ensure that there are no competitions over

venue identification and location. Regarding Tom’s interaction with the board members, the

general manager should advise Tom to take charge of the discussions taking place in the

meeting. He should empower Tom to be the one controlling the items to be discussed in every

meeting. With regards to the agenda, the general manager should encourage Tom to set time

limits for every item on the agenda list. This ensures that he budgets with the available time.

Case Study 2 (p. 265-266)

The main reason the club on the south side of the city has affected membership in Fred’s

club is due to its focus on all ages, including the younger people. In addition, the developments

taking place in the south side seemingly attract more members to the club at the expense of

Fred’s club. The south side might also be flexible and supportive of change initiatives, an issue

that is still a challenge at Fred’s club which is predominantly composed of conservatives.

The outline for the market research project that should be conducted by Fred to gather

information on how to increase member use of food and beverage facilities are as summarized


1. Description of the Business- this part entails a complete description of Fred’s business.
2. Statement of Marketing Aim and Specific SMART Objectives- in this part, Fred should
identify the most important objectives to be achieved by the research.
3. Identification of the Target Market- Here, Fred needs to fully describe the demographic
characteristics of the target market. For example, he could consider age, financial
position, tastes and preferences, and location, among others.
4. Product/Service Description- It is important for Fred to explicitly describe the services
and align the same to the customers as described in the previous section.
5. Competitive Analysis- The research should also allow Fred to understand his
competitors’ strategies, especially the south side club.
6. Mode of Product Delivery- This part entails the place aspect of the marketing mix
7. Marketing/ Promotional Plan
8. Short and long-term Projections
Fred needs to consider all the marketing mix elements in developing a comprehensive

marketing plan. He also needs to vividly understand the changing consumer tastes and

preferences in order to match needs to products and services. To attract new members to the

club, Fred should invest in change management and product promotion (Bradley, 2013). By

eliminating conservative practice, he would be able to penetrate new markets.



Bradley, N. L. I. M. U. O. (2013). Marketing research: Tools and techniques.

Dunne, P. (2005). Running board meetings: How to get the most from them. London: Kogan


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