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To compare metric capacity units, we need to know the

metric conversion rate of litres to millilitres. 1 litre equals

1000 millilitres. It is the same thing the other way round-
1000 millilitres equal 1 litre. Now we need to know the
imperial conversion rate. 1 cup is approximately equal to 284
ml. 1 pint is approximately equal to 0.4 pints.

So, lets go through a practice question and solve it together.

What is 5 cups in millilitres? So, we know that 1 cup equals
284 millilitres. To get 5 cups, you need to time 1 cup by 5.
Therefore, we must do the same operation to the other side.
284 millilitres times by 5 is equal to 1420ml . This is the
answer to the question. 5 cups equal 1420 millilitres!

Now, lets move on to some harder questions. 20 people are

at a party, there is 10 litres of drink for everyone to share
equally, how many millilitres of drink do they get between
We can see that the question is asking for millilitres.
Therefore, we need to convert 10 litres into millilitres. 1 litre
equals 1,000 millilitres so what would 10 litres be equal to?
10 times 1,000 equals 10,000 millilitres.
Now, there is 20 people at the party, and they are sharing
the drink equally. We need to divide 10,000 by 20. To make
this easier to divide, lets split this up, to divide by 20, first lets
divide by 2 and then divide by 10.
10,000 divided by 2 is equal to 5,000. 5,000 divided by 10
equals 500. There is our answer! Each person at the party
gets 500 ml each!

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