Classift Triangles

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To classify triangles, we need to learn the three types of triangles,

Equilateral, isosceles and scalene. Now let us look at each type of

triangle and the features of it.

An equilateral triangle contains 3 equal sides. All 3 angles are 60

degrees. Let us move on to an isosceles triangle, this contains two
equal sides and two equal angles! Finally, a scalene triangle has no
equal sides and angles.

Now let us have a go at an example question. A triangle has 3 equal

angles what type of triangle is it. To solve it we need to remember
what type of triangle has 3 equal angles. The answer is an equilateral
triangle. A way to remember this is that the word equilateral
contains the word ‘equal’.

Finally let us finish with one more example. A triangle contains

angles of 55,55 and 75 degrees. From this, we can see that there are
two equal angles. What is the angle that contains two equal sides?
The answer is isocoles!

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