Group 3

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GROUP 3: Cordero, Quennie R.

Matchado, Ronaliza A.

Rivera, Relcy Ann I.

1. What was the cause of the disruption?

➢ The main cause of the disruption in a classroom is the unaddressed behavior of

the students. Every action has a reason behind it, and to avoid it, you must
observe and do something about things that provoke an unwanted action.

2. When do a class become disrupted (you may use the suggested video)

➢ The class becomes disrupted if the classroom starts to be chaotic. There are
instances in the video where the teacher is reviewing the previous topic with the
students, but it seems that the students are not interested, which is why there are
students throwing paper and dancing in front of the teacher. and instead of
addressing the students, the teacher waits because she doesn't know how to deal
with that behavior.

3. How would you deal with it?

➢ How can the classroom be calm if the teacher cannot handle that kind of
behavior? So as a teacher, you should know how to deal with that behavior and
learn to address the students. Your role is not just about teaching them and giving
them information; you are also there to correct and guide them. Don't let the
behavior of a child become like that and you should know how to talk to him/her
without embarrassing the students. Find out where that behavior comes from. Do
not let your students adopt that behavior until he or she grows because you knew
to yourself that your students have a problem with how they behave.
4. Think of alternative ways that a teacher can manage a class?

➢ First get the attention of the students by means of games, storytelling ,or any
activities that can activate the mind of your students.

5. Apply it to a multigrade class, do you think asking older pupils to help is a nice
alternative? Why?

➢ No, because as a teacher you should have the control inside the classroom, asking
older students to control other students is not appropriate why would you ask for
help from someone older than them if you yourself are a teacher you cannot
control your students. I think much better if you make rules to give them a break
to talk and time for you to discuss. which they have to listen to you attentively
when someone does not follow, they will not have the chance to break. Instead
asking older pupils to help you, settings rules is much appropriate.

6. How lesson prepared for a week activity can it help in managing a class?

➢ First, it should be based on the students' capabilities. the activities must get the
interest of your students because no matter how good your activities are, if they
are not interested or fit the activities to their capability, they really can't do

7. What classroom management do you think you should be considering? Consider seating
arrangement, resources, time management, and approach. (You may creative your own
➢ Classroom management is the core inside the classroom, even though you are
prepared with your lesson, it will be wasted, why?
How can you teach if your pupils are roaming around and making a disturbance
like playing and fighting? Discipline them negatively?
You must have a positive approach like giving them a warning and not
humiliating them in front of the class, that’s why in a room It is better to set rules
that is acceptable and reasonable, like; Listen to your teacher or be kind to
everyone, and with every rule, there should be a corresponding positive
consequence like if you did not listen to teacher you will write “hindi na po ako
magiingay” in a whole paper. Or when they are doing something good like they
are raising their hand, you can give them candies. In term of their sitting
arrangement, you should make a sit for you pupils according to their learning
ability and health condition like poor eyesight. To avoid late and absentees of
your pupils, you should set an example, you must be always conscious to your
time. Always remember that being a teacher comes with responsibility, you
should condition your pupils to be a better person.

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