Tema Ana

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The recent announcement by the Minister of Education that funding for schools catering to gifted

children will no longer be available has caused a stir in the education community. While the Minister
argues that priority should be given to disadvantaged children, many, including Jane Harries, Head
Teacher of one of the affected schools, feel that this decision is tragic and could have a negative
impact on the education system.

I believe that funding for gifted education should continue to be available to ensure that children with
exceptional intellectual ability have access to specialized education programs that cater to their
unique learning needs. Neglecting the education of gifted children can lead to a loss of potential and
talent for our country's future. These students are our country's future, and we cannot afford to let
them down.

It is also important to provide equal opportunities for all children, including those with exceptional
intellectual ability, rather than prioritizing disadvantaged children over them. Every child deserves to
have access to quality education, and cutting funding for gifted education is not the solution.

Furthermore, cutting funding for gifted education can have a demotivating effect on the students and
teachers who work hard to achieve academic excellence. The provision of specialized programs for
gifted children is essential to their academic success, and the elimination of such programs could
cause gifted students to lose interest in learning.

In conclusion, I believe that funding for gifted education should continue to be available. Providing
equal opportunities for all children, regardless of their background or intellectual ability, is crucial for
the growth and development of our country. Cutting funding for gifted education could have a
negative impact on our country's future, and we must not let this happen.

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