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Reskilling Revolution Champions

Charter of membership

August 2022

Article 1: Mission of the World Economic Forum • Advising on the narrative development of the Reskilling
Revolution agenda and propose new organizational,
The World Economic Forum, committed to improving the national or multinational efforts, alongside the founding
state of the world, is the International Organization for initiatives
Public-Private Cooperation. The Forum engages the • Exchanging best practices and lessons learned from
foremost political, business and other leaders of society to Forum-led initiatives or bilateral engagements
shape global, regional and industry agendas. • Thinking about systemic challenges and opportunities,
beyond the immediate offerings of their organizations
Article 2: Purpose and objectives of the Community
Article 3: Community Membership
The Reskilling Revolution Consortium aims to provide one
billion people with better education, skills and economic Champions are CEOs, heads of International and
opportunity by 2030. The Consortium is hosted by the Supranational Oganizations, and Civil Society leaders who
World Economic Forum’s Centre for the New Economy are committed to the Reskilling Revolution. They represent
and Society. Through collaboration, stakeholders deepen a wide variety of industries, geographies, experiences and
their understanding of complex issues, shape new models intellectual perspectives.
and standards and drive scalable, collaborative action for
systemic change. Minister-level government leaders are regularly invited to
join convenings of the Champions as Special Guests.
The Reskilling Revolution Champions group is the key
leadership and advisory body of the Consortium, advising Membership of the Reskilling Revolution Champions is by
the Forum on its efforts in the area of Education, Skills and invitation only and may not be transferred or delegated.
A list of existing Champions may be found on Toplink here.
The group provides strategic guidance on the
conceptualization and execution of the Reskilling Articles 4: Selection Criteria
Revolution roadmap. The community is tasked with:
Champions will be invited to join the Reskilling Revolution
• Aligning on priorities for the Reskilling Revolution Champions community based on demonstrable
Consortium, agree on milestones, and commit to both commitments they are making to the Reskilling Revolution
collective and individual next steps to improve Consortium and the relevance of their position for driving
education, skills and economic opportunity systems change on the global Education, Skills and
Learning agenda.
In an effort to ensure that the community benefits from the Unannounced absence for two or more consecutive
most relevant and impactful voices, the World Economic meetings will lead to a review of membership.
Forum will regularly scan the horizon for additional leaders
to be invited to the community. Existing Champions will Article 9: Values
have the opportunity to make additional membership
recommendations as well. Community members commit to conducting their
deliberations and activities in alignment with the Forum’s
There is no formal Chair for the Champions group, but mission.
members may be invited to chair specific meetings or
informally represent the group on specific occasions. Article 10: Compliance and Ethics

Membership does not grant or imply the World Economic The Forum’s independence and intellectual integrity are of
Forum’s endorsement or sponsorship of the members’ utmost importance to the preservation of its status as an
goods or services, or otherwise express any preferences international organization and its close relationship with its
for, or promotion of, the members’ activities or their constituents. The Forum adheres to the principles of
organization’s goods or services. human dignity, non-discrimination, fair treatment, ethical
business, business integrity, anti-corruption, social
Article 5: Term of Membership responsibility, economic sustainability, fair competition,
good governance, fair labour practice, health and safety,
Community membership is individual. Upon accepting the environment protection, animal welfare and the rule of law.
invitation to become a Reskilling Revolution Champion,
individuals are expected to adhere to the terms and Members shall safeguard those principles and avoid any
conditions of this Charter. action (or inaction) that could conflict with these principles,
as well as to refrain from any initiative or activity linked to
The term of membership is not fixed, and is renewable at the Community that would conflict with those in respect to
the discretion of the World Economic Forum. The Forum the mission of the Forum and its Code of Conduct.
reserves the right to review membership after the
completion of the first year of membership. Members are encouraged to take a broad approach to
addressing the issues raised by the community, not limited
Changes in professional status or organizational affiliation to the immediate products and solutions provided by their
will lead to the review of the membership and where organizations.
relevant, may transfer to his or her successor, unless
notified otherwise by the successor. All Champion Article 11: Confidentiality
transitions are subject to review and validation by the
World Economic Forum. To encourage the free and frank exchange of views and
information sharing, Community meetings are considered
Article 6: Meetings private and confidential.

Champion gatherings are typically held on a quarterly Any sharing of deliberations or related written or recorded
basis, with the possibility of additional touchpoints materials outside Forum communities by Community
depending on the yearly calendar of events. While most members is not permitted without the prior express
meetings will be virtual, at least one touchpoint will be held consent of the Community members as well as the Forum.
in person during the Annual Meeting of the World
Economic Forum in Davos. Article 12: Data protection

Article 7: Membership Benefits The World Economic Forum is committed to protecting the
personal data of the members of the Community and to
Champions have the opportunity to be part of a high-level, handling such data in compliance with applicable data
committed group of individuals spearheading systems protection laws, including the EU General Data Protection
change and shapring global discourse and action on the Regulation (GDPR).
Reskilling Revolution.
The Forum will collect, use and otherwise process the
Membership grants access to Forum’s online platforms, personal data of the Community members as described in
including TopLink, and products such as Transformation the TopLink Privacy Notice
Maps, as well as project meetings and workshops. It does ( and in this
not, however, grant automatic access to Forum events. Charter.

Article 8: Commitments If you have any questions concerning the way the Forum
processes your personal data, please contact:
Members commit to attending the quarterly meetings,
whenever possible, and contributing their ideas and
As a member of the Community, you may also have
experience to the group. Should a Champion be unable to
access to and process personal data of other Community
join, she or he will be afforded the opportunity to share
members. Such processing activities may be different from
input and comments by phone or in writing.
the ones that are described in the TopLink Privacy Notice
or in this Charter. In such case, you understand that you
will act as an independent data controller and you bear the
sole responsibility for processing of the said personal data development, testing, refinement and scaling-up of policy
in full compliance with all applicable data protection laws, frameworks and governance protocols. Community
including GDPR. In particular, you undertake to: members may volunteer to pilot these new approaches
themselves and/or assist in the identification and
− Always check that you are processing personal data
engagement of implementing partners.
lawfully and for a specific and legitimate purpose.
− Where you intend to process the personal data for a Community members are also encouraged to identify and
purpose other than the one for which the personal share examples of leading policy and governance
data were initially collected, check first whether such experiments, either conducted by their own organizations or
processing is compatible with the initial purpose(s) for elsewhere.
which the personal data were collected, or make
sure you obtain the individual's prior consent before Article 16: Intellectual property rights
undertaking such processing.
− Make sure you give prior notice to the other The intellectual property of content and contributions made
members whose personal data you intend to process in the context of the community shall remain the property of
(e.g. by providing a copy of your privacy notice). each contributing member. Upon acceptance of an
individual’s nomination, each member grants to the Forum a
− Where appropriate, obtain consent from the other
non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, transferable, non-
members whose personal data you wish to process
revocable, perpetual licence to reproduce, print, publish,
prior to conducting such processing. This may in
distribute, broadcast, make available to the public, copy and
particular be necessary if you intend to use the
store this content and contributions in any medium, in
members' personal data for direct marketing
particular on the Forum’s virtual platform or in any other
means that it deems necessary to publicize the community.
− Treat personal data as strictly confidential and ensure
that you implement appropriate measures to Each member of the community shall make fair use of
safeguard the security of personal data. knowledge and insight gained in the course of community
¨ − Respond to requests from data subjects and national activities. Champions are responsible for the content they
data protection authorities diligently and in share and must ensure their contributions do not infringe
accordance with the legal timeframes. third-party intellectual property rights.
− Do not share or disclose any personal data to any
third parties, unless they have a legitimate business Projects, initiatives, publications, meetings and any other
need to know. outcomes of the work of the community are not
automatically endorsed by the Forum and cannot be
− Make sure that you have adopted appropriate branded as such without the Forum’s written permission.
measures prior to transferring personal data outside
the European Economic Area. The Forum may not be held liable for any third-party claims
regarding the unauthorized use of content submitted by a
Article 13: Diversity group member. Champions agree to indemnify and hold
unaccountable the Forum, their officers, directors,
The Community includes leaders from around the world, employees and agents against any and all claims, suits,
representative of all sectors of society, including start-ups, actions, costs, legal fees, expenses, damages, losses,
small and medium-sized enterprises, multinational liabilities, judgments and decrees in this regard.
corporations, local and federal government, academia,
international organizations and civil society. Community The use of the Forum’s intellectual property (including, but
activities and discussions should reflect the not limited to, trademarks and logos), whether printed or in
multistakeholder nature and global diversity of the electronic format, is not permitted unless expressly
Community. authorized by the Forum.

Article 14: Compliance with Anti-Trust/Competition Laws Article 17: Governing Law and Jurisdiction

Community members are reminded that the anti- This charter – and all questions, claims or disputes arising
trust/competition laws of various jurisdictions limit from the charter – shall be governed by Swiss law and the
coordination of commercial activities, exchanges of exclusive place of jurisdiction shall be Geneva, Switzerland.
competitively-sensitive information and other behaviour
that may distort market competition. Community The Forum may update this Charter from time to time in
members must, therefore, avoid any discussions or response to changing legal or business developments.
activities that may violate such laws. When this Charter is updated, appropriate measures will be
taken to inform the Community members, consistent with
Members acknowledge the Forum Guidelines on the significance of the changes made. These changes will
Competition Law, available on become automatically applicable to the Community members.

Article 15: Commitment to Driving Impact

Forum Communities rely on the collaborative spirit of their

members to help guide, support and accelerate the

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