Kambas NG Lipunan Reflection Paper

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Joey Velasco's "Kambas ng Lipunan" serves as a wake-up call on his explanation and
expression of his paintings to society or the reality of living in poverty. The video is filled with
symbolism, imagery, and philosophical themes. It mostly shows how families and children live in
a less-than-ideal society, and while it is difficult to see those children maintaining a positive
attitude, I can feel the anguish in their souls. The Philippines puts pleasure over wealth, yet it
appears that they are not living up to their own standards in terms of food, education, finances,
and self-care. Joey Velasco has talent beyond just his artistic abilities. He began by painting
The Last Supper, but instead of the 12 disciples, he used 12 underprivileged children. The brief
histories of each of the 12 lives reveal that despite their young age, these children had already
experienced suffering and were still going to great lengths to survive in subpar housing while
clinging to their faith in God. The artwork he creates with God and the children gives hope to the
impoverished men to respect their own tale and comprehend the meaning of living since he is
down to earth and feels that the underprivileged side of this country bestows more blessings
and honor. Their experiences caused me to consider how fortunate, unappreciative, and self-
centered I am. These young people have very little, but they still share what they do. They worry
about whether they will have food tomorrow while I gripe about the things I desire but cannot
afford. Because we are so preoccupied with what we lack, we fail to see the blessings we do
have and fail to express gratitude. Basic needs include having a decent place to live, clean
clothes, fresh, hot meals on the table every single day, access to healthcare, education, and
other basics that we take for granted. Most of us would just stand by and do nothing, but one
man stepped up and had an impact on society through his paintings. It certainly opens the
viewers' eyes to how much we should value and appreciate our blessings. Others are starving
to death while I spend money on such frivolous stuff. I was a man who didn't consider the value
of money to others or how difficult it was to earn it, and watching the clip confirmed that. I'm
unsure of how these kids manage the stress and responsibility of being the family's primary
provider at such a young age. There is no place for a growing child to live in slums or graves.
Instead of attending school like every other kid their age should, they are working themselves to
the bone to support their family. Despite everything that has happened to them, they continue to
grin broadly and persevere despite the harsh, cruel things that have been said to them. The
thing that astounds me the most about them is their confidence in God. While most people
forget that God is the source of everything they have, they never forget to depend on Him. A
fresh perspective on how to overcome obstacles in life via faith, tenacity, hope, and a positive
approach was provided by this story.

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