You Are The Light of The World

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SERMON TEXT: MATTHEW 5:14-16(page 683) Here’s a little quiz that I shared with the staff several months
DATE: OCTOBER 20, 2002 ago.

When I arrived at my hotel last Saturday in OKC for the 1. Name the five wealthiest people in the world.
revival at Bethany I was presented with a bit of a dilemma. 2. Name the last five Heisman trophy winners.
You see, the cleaning lady was just leaving the room and she 3. Name the last five winners of the Miss America contest.
was a very short little hispanic lady. When I entered the room 4. Name ten people who have won the Nobel or Pulitzer
and started putting my belongings away I had some things to prize.
put on the shelf above the clothes hanger rack. It was then 5. Name the last 5 winners of the Academy Award for Best
that I noticed that there was a pair of white panty hose rolled Actor or Actress.
up and thrown into the back corner. Now, here’s the 6. Name the last 10 winners of the World Series.
dilemma. IF I throw them in the trash, that little lady is going
to come back tomorrow and assume one of TWO things. Here’s the point. None of us remember the headliners of
Either I had a woman in that room…or I was wearing the yesterday. These are no second-rate achievers. They’re the
panty hose myself. The problem was made greater by the best in their fields. But he applause dies. Awards tarnish.
fact that Jane was flying in later in the week and I sure didn’t Achievements are forgotten. Accolades are buried with their
want her to find them. ( I took my chances and threw them owners.
away). But you see, we all have a witness. We all have
“candlepower.” We think of people like Paul and Martin Luther the reformer
or George Washington the president. Important people.
When Jesus called Christians “the light of the world” it may
well have been the greatest compliment He ever paid us But as Jesus talked on the Mount, He spoke with people
whose names we do not know. They were ordinary people.
In that statement, Jesus commands us to be NOTHING Yet Jesus called THESE people, “The Light of the World.”
LESS than what He Himself claimed to be. Jesus said:
He was telling them that they were important people, that
John 9:5 (NIV) they mattered in the Kingdom of God.
While I am in the world, I am the light of the world."
And Christ says to you and me, “You are important, you are
So when Jesus asks us His followers to be the light of the the light of the world.”
world, He is asking us to be nothing less than what He was.
Notice three things about these verses.
Christ is saying that we are important. Everyone of us. We
think of important people as those who are well known or who I. THERE WAS AN EXCLAMATION!
have prominent positions.
I have a feeling that Jesus did not say it passively, “You are Jesus did not say, “In time you will bring the light” or
the light of the world.” I’m convinced that there was some “someday you will become the light.” He said, “YOU ARE
passion in his voice as he spoke from the mountain. I hear THE LIGHT.
his voice thunder across the valley and up that natural
amphiteater “YOU are the light of the world.” It’s not the things we do or say, but rather by the very person
that we are that we become the light of the world.
It’s amazing to me that Jesus would know us FOR WHAT WE
ARE and still say “You are the light of the world.” It’ reminds me of the old story about ROBERT LOUIS
STEVENSON. One evening when he was a small child he
HOW MUCH CANDLE POWER ARE YOU PROJECTING? stood at the window watching the old lamplighter at work. As
the old fellow went about his business, he would light one
It is significant that Jesus said, “You ARE the light of the lamp and then another. This was fascinating to young
world.” ROBERT. His mother interpreted his quietness to mean that
he was up to some mischief so she called out to him, “Robert,
Last Sunday at BFC I had listeners from every church that what are you doing?” His answer was a classic, “I’m watching
I’ve pastored. The little church at Del City was represented. a man poke holes in the darkness.”
Independence, Kansas was there, Tulsa, Oklahoma was
there. And yes, Denver First was there…Kyle Owen. “You are the light of the world,” When Jesus said that we are
the light of the world, what did he mean? That meaning is
I would be willing to bet that not one person from any of those made clear in verse 15.
churches could give me the names or topics or main thoughts
of 10, even 5 sermons that I preached there. I was at Del City II. AN ILLUSTRATION.
6 years. 900 speaking assignments.
In verse 15 Jesus says that a person does not put a candle
But those people could tell you about my character. They under a basket, but on a candlestick, so it can give light to all
could tell you how I responded under pressure (parking lot at in the house. He is telling us three things.
Del City). They could tell you how I responded when
frustrated or angry or happy or sad. WHY? Because of the 1. A light is to be seen. The average house in Palestine was
light that we project. very dark. Light was left burning because it was hard to
re-kindle, no matches. When they left the house they
Quite frankly, I failed those people sometimes, just as I have would cover the light with a clay “bushel” or container.
you. That’s what makes the question so painful when I ask: When they returned they put it back up on the stand. It’s
primary purpose was to be seen, not hidden. So Jesus is
HOW MUCH CANDLE POWER ARE YOU PROJECTING? saying that your faith should be perfectly visible and not
hidden. Someone should never have to ask, “is that
person a Christian?” The very life you live is a light to be
seen. HOW MUCH CANDLE POWER ARE YOU 2. It’s a pattern. “Let your light shine before men, that they
PROJECTING? MAY SEE your good works.” It is a pattern. We are to let
2. A light is to guide. As an airplane approaches a landing our light shine through GOOD WORKS.
strip, the pilot sees a line of lights that mark the path.
Christians are to be an EXAMPLE. HOW MUCH CANDLE 3. It’s a purpose. Jesus says that we are to shine before
POWER ARE YOU PROJECTING? others so they will see our good works and glorify our
3. A light is to warn. At railroad crossings, a light flashes. As Father which is in heaven. Never is our shining for the
Believers that is sometimes our duty. Not in criticism, or purpose of drawing attention to ourselves.
condemnation, or anger, but in love. And if we do, it will
be effective. HOW MUCH CANDLE POWER ARE YOU Now…let me make a shift here in thought. I’ve asked you all
PROJECTING? morning the same question. HOW MUCH CANDLE POWER
Jesus has a habit of making it perfectly clear what He
expects us to do in regard to his teachings. Such is the case I’m talking to believers. It says, “Let your light shine.” But I’m
here, where He makes a pointed application. aware that there are times in life when that seems especially
1. When we’re struggling with sin, secret sin or openly
Matthew 5:16 (NIV) sinning against God.
In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they 2. When we’re struggling physically. There comes a point
may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. when pain can rob a person of their testimony. They just
no longer have the energy to battle it.
In this simple statement, Jesus shifts our attention from the 3. When we’re struggling in a relationship. Not just marriage,
character of the Christian to his CONDUCT. but that can certainly be one of the struggles. But I’m
talking even in more general terms than that. Sometimes
1. It’s a plea. “Let your light shine before men.” we just struggle getting along with someone, they just rub
a. We are to shine naturally. A spontaneity about our us the wrong way. We don’t respect them, we don’t enjoy
radiance. their presence, we just don’t like them. It’s hard for the
b. We are to shine sacrificially. Light is always costly. As light to shine.
a candle burns it is always growing shorter. 4. When we’re struggling financially. It’s discouraging. It can
c. We are to shine openly. We can’t be ashamed of our occasionally be embarrassing. It’s hard to let our light
relationship with Jesus. shine when we think that others believe that we’ve failed
d. We are to shine right where we are. If I won’t do it in this area of life.
there, I won’t do it anywhere. 5. When we’re struggling emotionally. Depression, despair,
anxiety. All of these and dozens of other issues give us
HOW MUCH CANDLE POWER ARE YOU PROJECTING? cause to let our light grow dim.
I believe that as a church we’ve been in an interesting place
in the past year. If it’s possible, we’ve been experiencing an
anointing of God’s Spirit and at the same time a sense of
oppression by the enemy. The old enemy of the soul has
worked hard to discourage many good people in this
fellowship. For one reason or another the light in your life has
just grown dim. We need a fresh touch. We need an
outpouring of God’s wonderful, refreshing presence.

We’ve been experiencing a low grade spiritual fever. A

sickness of the soul. But God’s Word tells us that healing is

James 5:14 (NIV)

Is any one of you sick? He should call the elders of the
church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of
the Lord.
Would you like to do that this morning? We’ve done this on
occasion here and I felt that today it was time to offer it again.
I’m going to ask anyone who would like to be anointed (just
as it says in the book of James) to move to the front here in a
moment. The staff will be standing here at the front of these
three rows. If you’re coming from the side, please go around
the back and down one of these three rows. As you
approach the front, they will anoint you, then please move on
up to the front or over the sides and remain here at the front
for a closing prayer.




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