Grade4 LP

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Anthony’s College
San Jose de Buenavista, Antique


Subject: English Grade Level: 4

Week No. Dates Covered:

I. Learning Competencies:
At the end of the discussion, the pupils will be able to:
1. Determine the cause and effect of an event; and
2. Create cause and effects scenarios

II. Learning Competencies: Cause and Effect

References and Materials:
English Tek (3rd Edition)
Authors: Johans B. Cruz, John Paulo Sandicho, Cristina G. Saulo
Series Editor: Frances Paula L. Ibanez, M.A.
PowerPoint Presentation: Cause and Effect

III. Procedure:
Checking of Attendance
Stating the reminders before the start of class
Before we start our new lesson, let us review first our topic last meeting. What is
a degree of comparison of adjectives? Give 2 example.

Let’s play the game called “Ice breaker”. The instruction is simple
1. Read the random words that will appear on your screen.
2. Speak aloud until you guess the right words based on the given category.
3. Answer before the time up (10 seconds)
Category “PLACE”
1. No Ewe You Hork (New York)
2. Saw Tea Core Yeah (South Korea)
3. Peel Leap Hints (Philippines)
4. Rush Yeah (Russia)
5. Awes Trail Yeah (Australia)

What is an earthquake? Who among you here have experienced an earthquake? Can you
identify the possible effects of earthquake?


Tsunami Earthquake Fire

Destruction of
Statement of the learning competencies

At the end of the of the discussion, the pupils will be able to:
1. Determine the cause and effect of an event; and
2. Create cause and effects scenarios

Firm Up:
Direction: Match the pictures to each possible effect.
Cause Effect

1. What does cause of an event refer to?
Causes make things or events happen. They are introduced by signal words such
as because, for, and since. Causes answer the question “Why did it happen?”

Anna gets a high score because she studied very well last night.
2. What are the signal words for the cause of an event?
The signal words for the cause of an event are because, for, since, as a result of, as
a consequence of, and now that.

We decided to go home since the flight was cancelled.

3. What does effect of an event refer to?

Effects are the results or consequences that happen after the cause. Effects answer
the question “What happened then?”

Coco is very tired so he slept early that day.

4. What are the signal words for the effect of an event?

The signal words for the effect of an event are therefore, consequently, hence, and

A bee lands on the rose therefore the rose blooms.

5. Where can we find the cause of an event? the effect?

Either the cause or the effect can be written first in the sentence.

The child is obese because he is only eating junk food and he is
frequently doing an exercise.
A child eats only junk food and never does anything active
therefore the child is obese.
How does cause differ from effect?

A cause is something that produces an event or an action; an effect is

what results from an event or condition.

What are the signal words used for cause? effect?

The signal words used for the cause of events are because, for, since,
as a result of, as a consequence of, and now that.
The signal words used for the effect of the events are so, therefore,
this result in, consequently, hence, and accordingly.

Give example of a sentence which has a cause and an effect.

Tina is driving so fast while it’s raining heavily and this result in
extreme accident.

Engagement Activity/Application
Direction: Get your reading book in English answer page 247.

A. Direction: Write the cause and effect for each sentence.

1. Nico forgot his Math book, so he was unable to complete his homework.
Cause: ___________________________________
Effect: ___________________________________
2. Hannah was hungry because she skipped her lunch.
Cause: __________________________________
Effect: __________________________________
3. Erin’s car had a flat tire, so she called a tow truck.
Cause: __________________________________
Effect: __________________________________
4. Gina couldn’t find the cookies because Papa hid them in the cupboard.
Cause: _________________________________
Effect: _________________________________
5. Princess studied her spelling words and she got an A on the test.
Cause: _________________________________
Effect: _________________________________

B. Matching type
Direction: Match each cause on the left with its effect on the right. Write the letter of
your correct answer on the space before the number

Cause Effect

___ 1. The baby began to cry A. Therefore, he lost his money

___ 2. It was raining outside B. so they all died
___ 3. She forgot to water the plants C. so she was late for work
___ 4. Miya’s alarm clock did not ring D. This resulted in having flashflood
___ 5. Zach had a hole in his pocket E. Therefore, her mother picked her up

List three of the memorable experiences that happened to you. After that, identify
what is the effect of each experience. Do this in your English notebook.

Prepared by: Checked by:

Jovilyn D. Duran Mrs. Hazel May F. Altar

__________________________ ____________________________
Name and Signature of Teacher Name and Signature of
Cooperating Teacher

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