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You are on page 1of 3, ‘slamiat (English) + 2- qe LESSON 7 Surah Al-Mumtahanah Section 1 Verses 1-6 Multiple Choice Questions: Infidels desire: (a) They hide themselves (b) Muslims become infidels {c) They live for long life (d) They get forgiveness Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) asked Allah for the forgiveness of his father: (a) He was permitted (b) He believed in Allah for the forgiveness (c) _ He had promised his father (d) Any other reason When Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) could not’ make the environment Islamic? (a) He left the environment (b) He was killed (c) _ He adopted the environment (d) He destroyed the environment The enemy of the Muslims are: (a) enemy of Allah (b) — their helpers (c) friends for nobody (d) make them friend The number of sections in Surah Al-Mumtahanah is: (a) 2 () 5 {co} 13 (d) 70 The verses of Surah Al-Mumtahanah are: (a) 65 (b) 13 (c) 18 (¢) 22 The literal meaning of Al-Mumtahanah is: (a) Examining (b) Providing {c) Testing (a) Botha andc The words of Surah Al-Mumtahanah are: (a) -148 (b) 248 (c) 348 — (d) 448 The meaning of 544 is: (a) you put ed (b) you got contro! ClassNotes, Inc. © 2021 ee ibe Islamiat (English) www. 10- 14- (c) you post mae (d) you hide The meaning of 93, is: (a) You waste (b) You tell (c) You hide 5, (d) You show The meaning of ps ye 31 is: (a) if they hope (b) If they hide (c) If they waste (d) If they have the upper hand ° f y ° u The meaning of !5 is: (a) exagrated (b) _ isolated (c) complicated (d) helped The meaning of 3x is: (a) He hides {b) He believes He hopes (c) He follows () Which Prophet of Allah should be followed for the treatment with infidels: (a) — Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) (c) _ Hazrat Moses (AS) (b) Hazrat Ismaeel (AS) (d) Hazrat Adam (AS) ANSWERS Q3: Ans: Q4; Ans: Qs: Ans: Q6: Short Questions & Answers: Is Surah Al-Mumtahanah Makki or Madni? {tis Madni. in wHich era Surah Al-Mumtahanah revealed? When Quresh-e-Makkah broke the Hadebia. Treaty and the Holy Prophet(i@) was preparing for Fath-e-Makkah How many sections and verses of Surah Al-Mumtahanah are there? There-are two sections and thirteen verses of Surah Al-Mumtahanah. What is the literal meaning of Al-Mumtahanah? It means examining, testing. Why Surah Al-Mumtahanah was given this name? Because in this Surah, it is instructed that the women who has migrated to Madina should be examined. What mistake was made by Hazrat Hateb Bin Abi Belta(.-)? ClassNotes, Inc, © 2021 www classnotes.x ye \slamiat (English) Ans: az: Ans: Qs: Qs: Ans: Qi0: Ans: Qi1: Q13: Ans: Q14: Ans: Q15: Ans: He tried to inform Quresh about the secrete preparation of battle of Muslims. Why mistake was made by Hazrat Hateb(.)? Hazrat Hateb(.t-) came to Makkah from Yaman. His wives and children were in Makkah. He wanted to get the favour of Quresh by informing them about the preparations of Muslim so that his wives and children could be saved. Which companions of the Holy Prophet() went to get the letter of Hazrat Hateb(e)? Hazrat Ali(), Hazrat Abu Mersed (RA) and Hazrat Zubair (RA). Why Hazrat Hateb(s) was forgiven? Because he was a companion of the Holy Prophet(#s) who took part in the Battle of Badr and he had accepted his mistake. Why infidels should not be made friends? Because they denied to accept the tight and expelled the Holy Prophet(is) and believers from their houses. What will be the attitude of infidels with Muslims in the reaction of secret friendship? If they get hold of Muslims, they will be their enemies and will stretch forth their hands and their tongues with evil. They desire that the Muslims should anyhow become disbelievers. What is said about relatives, wives and children in this Surah? It is that they will not help you and at the Day of Judgement Allah will decide only. Which prophet of Allah should be followed while treating infidels? Hazrat Ibrahim (AS). What is the condition for making the infidels friends? if they become Muslims. What did Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) said to his nation? He said, "We came quit of you and that you worship beside Allah, we deny you, and there has appeared enmity and hatred between us and you for ever.” dette

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