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Cepeda, Keziah R.

BSCE 3-3

What are the principal forms of government…

I. As to the number of persons exercising sovereign powers:
The principal forms of government based on the number of persons exercising sovereign powers
are monarchy, aristocracy, and democracy.
1. Monarchy. Monarchy is a form of government where the power is vested in a single person
who is known as the monarch. The monarch can hold the position of a king, queen, emperor,
or empress. Monarchy can be further classified into two types:
a. Absolute Monarchy: In an absolute monarchy, the monarch has complete and
unrestricted power over the government and the people. The monarch is not bound by any
laws or constitutions, and their decisions cannot be challenged. The monarch is
considered the sole source of power in the country, and their authority is inherited by
their descendants.
b. Limited Monarchy: In a limited monarchy, the monarch's powers are restricted by a
constitution or a set of laws. The monarch acts as a ceremonial head of state, and the real
power lies with the elected representatives and the government. The monarch's role is
mostly symbolic.
2. Aristocracy. Aristocracy is a form of government where the power is held by a small group
of people who are born into wealthy and influential families. The members of the aristocracy
are considered to be the ruling class, and their power is inherited from their ancestors. The
aristocrats hold all the important positions in the government and the society, and the
common people do not have any say in the decision-making process.
3. Democracy. Democracy is a form of government where the power is vested in the hands of
the people. The people elect their representatives who make decisions on their behalf.
Democracy can be further classified into two types:
a. Direct or Pure Democracy: In a direct or pure democracy, the people directly participate
in the decision-making process. The people gather in a meeting to discuss and vote on the
issues that affect them. Direct democracy is mostly found in small communities and is not
suitable for large countries.
b. Indirect, Representative or Republican Democracy: In an indirect, representative, or
republican democracy, the people elect their representatives who make decisions on their
behalf. The representatives are chosen through a free and fair election process. The
elected representatives are responsible for making laws, managing the government, and
representing the interests of the people.

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