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Make sure your own actions within the workplace

aim to protect the environment
Learner Name: ……………………………

Assessment Route Summary

This standard is about the responsibilities of health, safety and environment representative at work for
minimising risks to the environment as a result of work activities. It describes the competences required to:

1. Identify and assess risks to the environment

2. Ensure the company operations that pose risks to the environment are analysed and adequately

3. Take responsible action, including reporting risks, and giving advice with regard to legal compliance on
environmental protection

Make sure your own actions within the workplace
aim to protect the environment
Performance Learning outcomes – the learner will…
Make sure your own actions within the workplace aim to protect the
Assessment criteria - the learner can…
(Performance to be assessed and evidenced) Reference
1. Identify any current working practices in your organisation which could cause harm to
the environment

2. Identify environmental hazards in the workplace

3. Identify risks to the environment arising from the workplace such as:
a) Understand the nature of the environment in which you are working in
b) Identify the environmental aspects of your organisations activity. Aspects can
include working practices, tasks, use of machinery, plant or equipment, use of
substances, minimising waste, recycling and/or disposal procedures or other
activities specific to own organisation. Products could be solids, liquids or gases
c) Identify the environmental impacts associated with each individual aspect.
Identification of impacts could be by examination, use, reference to suppliers
instructions, own organisation’s procedures, specialist knowledge, own
d) Assess the level of risk of each impact against legal requirements and Best
Available Technology Not Entailing Excessive Cost (BATNEEC)
e) Reports shall be documented. Use of a documented information system (such as
ISO 9001:2015)

4. Identify any materials, products or equipment used in any part of your organisation
which could cause harm to the environment

5. Ensure you are up-to-date on environmentally-friendly working practices which are

relevant to the workplace/tasks

6. Report any differences between legal regulations and workplace instructions and the
actual use of materials or products hazardous to the environment
7. Minimise the risks to the environment arising from the workplace:
a) Research could make reference to Royal decrees and Ministerial decisions
related to the environment, job descriptions, work instructions, safe systems of
work, codes of practice, government or other guidance
b) Capability could be from past experience, training, qualification, prior knowledge,
on-line learning. Controls could be risk assessments, compliance with
regulations, best working practice, substitution, changes in working practice.
Reports and suggestion could be verbal or written
c) Application could be by safe systems of work, method statements, risk
assessment, use of PPE, recycling, disposal, own organisation’s policies and

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OMSEMHSEA3-005 – Issue1
Make sure your own actions within the workplace
aim to protect the environment
8. Promptly report to the people responsible for environmental matters those hazards
which present high risks

9. Follow the relevant legal requirements and workplace environmental procedures

10. Explain the legislation relating to environmental matters that affect the organisation:
a) Legislation might relate to pollution control, waste disposal, disposal of goods or
equipment (such as electronic equipment), water discharge and emissions.
Responsibilities could be following work instructions, following environment
license conditions, environmental monitoring and reporting to local
environmental authorities. Identifying risks and carrying out assessments
reporting hazards, recycling, monitoring waste. Hazards could relate to task,
machinery, plant, equipment, substances, other people’s activities that harm the
environment and against regulations
b) Own level of authority, experience and autonomy. Work instructions, safe
systems of work, regular or ‘one-off’ tasks
c) Own organisation’s reporting and recording systems

11. Control environmental hazards within your capability and the scope of your job

12. Promptly report risks to the environment

13. Pass on any suggestions for limiting risks to the environment to the responsible persons:

14. Follow suppliers’, manufacturers’ and workplace instructions for the safe use and storage
of materials, products and equipment

15. Ensure availability of data related to the materials available at work place, such as MSDS

16. Ensure the implementation of a waste management system considering the hierarchy of
waste management

17. Ensure the environmental emergency response plans are in place

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OMSEMHSEA3-005 – Issue1
Make sure your own actions within the workplace
aim to protect the environment
Knowledge Learning outcomes – the learner will…
Make sure your own actions within the workplace aim to protect the
Assessment criteria - the learner can…
(Knowledge to be assessed and evidenced)

1. Describe the environment in which you are working

2. Describe the compliance obligations relating to environmental matters which affect the

3. Explain your responsibilities for the environment as defined by any specific legislation covering the

4. Describe the particular risks to the environment which may be present in your workplace

5. Explain how to use resources and materials effectively and efficiently

6. Explain the importance of remaining alert to the presence of hazards to the environment in the
whole work place

7. Explain the importance of dealing with, or promptly reporting, risks to the environment

8. Describe the substances and processes categorised as hazardous to the environment

9. Explain workplace instructions, precautions and procedures relating to controlling risks to the

10. Explain responsibilities for items (materials/equipment) which can be hazardous to the

11. Identify the responsible persons to whom to report environmental matters

12. Describe the specific workplace environmental procedures covering your organisation

13. State suppliers’, manufacturers’ and workplace instructions for the use of equipment, materials and
products which can be hazardous to the environment

14. Explain working practices for your own job role to minimize the environmental impact

15. Explain good work practices to protect environment

16. Explain correct handling procedures for materials which can be hazardous to the environment

17. Explain responsibilities for controlling hazards to the environment

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Make sure your own actions within the workplace
aim to protect the environment
Documented Information: documented information can be used to communicate a message, provide
evidence of what was planned has actually been done, or knowledge sharing. ISO 9001:2015 allows individual
organisations to determine the correct amount of documented information needed in order to demonstrate
the effective planning, operation and control of its processes and the implementation and continual
improvement of the effectiveness of its Quality Management System (QMS). Documents may be in any form
or type of medium (such as paper, magnetic, electronic or computer media, photograph, master sample)

Control(s): the means by which the risks identified are eliminated or reduced to acceptable levels

Hazard: a hazard is something with the potential to cause harm (this can include articles, substances, plant or
machines, methods of work, the working environment and other aspects of work management)

Notice: includes all types of enforceable statutory document which may be drafted and served on a duty
holder, such as improvement, prohibition and deferred prohibition notices, notices of taking into possession
or to leave undisturbed, notices under the Environment Protection Act, Relevant environmental legislation
and the Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations, as well as approvals and licences, and associated
notices of withdrawal, amendment or extension

Personal presentation: this includes personal hygiene, use of personal protective equipment, clothing and
accessories suitable to the particular workplace

Procedures: a series of steps, instructions and/or decisions, a task. This includes the documentation prepared
by the employer about the procedures to be followed for health, safety and welfare matters. Instructions
covering, for example:
 the use of safe working methods and equipment
 the safe use of hazardous substances
 smoking, eating, drinking and drugs
 what to do in the event of an emergency
 personal presentation

Risk: a risk is the likelihood of potential harm from that hazard being realised. The extent of the risk depends
 the likelihood of that harm occurring;
 the potential severity of that harm, such as of any resultant injury or adverse health effect; and
 the population which might be affected by the hazard, such as the number of people who might be

Stakeholders: is any person(s) or group with an interest in an organisation, which may include, employees (at
any level), duty holders. employee representatives, contractors, customers, community

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OMSEMHSEA3-005 – Issue1
Make sure your own actions within the workplace
aim to protect the environment
Relevant Oman environmental Regulations

Oman Environmental Regulations

Type Aspects No. Title

Main RD 114/2001 Law on Conservation of the Environment and Prevention of Pollution

Laws RD 6/2003 Law on Nature Reserves and Wildlife Conservation

RD 29/2000 Law of protection of water resources

RD 115/2001 Law on protection of source of potable water from pollution

RD 34/1974 Law on the Control of Marine Pollution

RD’s Marine
RD 53/1981 Law on fishing & Protection of Marine life

RD 82/1977 Law of Usage and Handling of Explosives

Chemicals RD 46/1995 Law of Handling and Use of chemicals

RD 64/2006 Law of Pesticides

Oil & Gas RD 8/2011 Oil & Gas Law

Amendment of articles of Regulation for organizing the issuance of

MD 68/2004
environmental approvals and the final environmental permit (MD 187/2001)
Issuing the Regulation for organizing the issuance of environmental approvals
MD 187/2001
and the final environmental permit
Regulation on organizing the environmental conditions of the industrial
MD 16/2010

MD 200/2000 Crushers, Quarries and Transport of Sand from Coasts, Beaches and Wadis

Air MD 118/2004 Air pollution from stationary sources

MD 20/1990 Rules Regulating and specifying coastal setbacks

Marine MD 39/2004 Marine Environment Management Bylaws
MD 159/2005 Discharge liquid effluent in Marine Environment
MD 18/1993 Management of hazardous waste
MD 17/1993 Management of Solid non-hazardous waste
MD 248/1997 Registration of Chemical Substances and relevant Permits
MD 317/2001 Regulation for packing and labelling of hazardous chemicals

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Make sure your own actions within the workplace
aim to protect the environment
Regulating the underground storage tanks of hydrocarbons and hazardous
MD 79/2006
MD 25/2009 Regulation on Handling and Use of Chemicals

Radioactive MD 281/2003 Regulations for the control and management of radioactive materials
MD 249/97 Regulations for the control and management of radioactive materials
MD 79/1994 Noise pollution control in Public Environment
MD 80/1994 Noise Pollution control in Working Environment
MD 37/2001 Control and management of Ozone depleting substances
MD 243/2005 Regulation for the control & management of ozone depleting substances
Climate affairs MD 30/2010 Regulation on Permit issuing for CDM projects
MD 20/2016 Climate affairs Regulations
MD 107/2013 Protection of Ozone layer
Oil & Gas MD 14/2012 Issuing regulation on Well Testing and Oil/ Gas/ Condensate combustion
MD 145/1993 Regulation for waste water re-uses and discharge

MD 55/2002 Amendment on Regulation for waste water re-uses and discharge

MD 342/1997 Regulation organizing the use of desalination units on wells

Water MD 421/1998 Regulation for septic tank, soakaway pits holding tanks
MD 192/2000 Determination of the Dhahira Region Water supply wellfield Protection Zones
MD 309/2001 Determination of Muscat Region Water supply wellfield Protection Zones
MD 195/2001 Determination of the Al Wusta Region Water supply wellfield Protection

O.S 8/2006 Un-bottled drinking water

O.S Water
O.S 189/1989 Drinking Water Sampling

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